Mac os monterey icons

  1. Как сделать все иконки в macOS Big Sur ровными и аккуратными за 5 минут
  2. Где искать иконки в стиле macOS Big Sur
  3. Как поменять иконки в macOS Big Sur
  4. Илья Сидоров
  5. Результаты премии за смешные фото с животными. Победила черепаха, которая показывает ?
  6. Процессор Apple M1 обогнал видеокарты GeForce и Radeon в игровых тестах
  7. 👀 Читайте также . Всё по теме
  8. На Mac с M1 теперь можно запускать приложения для Windows
  9. 20 полезных приложений, которые поддерживают macOS 11 Big Sur. Нужно пробовать
  10. Вышла macOS Big Sur 11.1 beta 1 для разработчиков
  11. Как установить Windows 10 на macOS 11 Big Sur. Пошаговая инструкция
  12. Владельцы старых MacBook Pro жалуются на чёрный экран после установки macOS Big Sur
  13. Обзор Marshall Mode II. Первые внутриканальные наушники от культового музыкального бренда не подвели
  14. Обзор iPhone 13 mini. Предел возможностей маленьких смартфонов
  15. Обзор народного iPhone 13, с которым будут ходить все. Плюсы есть, минусов мало
  16. 🙈 Комментарии 26
  17. macOS Monterey
  18. New experiences. True connections.
  19. FaceTime
  20. Introducing SharePlay
  21. Watch together
  22. Listen together
  23. Share your screen
  24. Spatial audio
  25. Mic modes
  26. Mic modes
  27. Grid view
  28. Portrait mode
  29. FaceTime links
  30. FaceTime links
  31. Invite anyone to FaceTime
  32. Messages
  33. Shared with You
  34. Photo collections
  35. Designed to help your work flow.
  36. Safari
  37. Streamlined tab bar
  38. Tab groups
  39. Access tab groups anywhere
  40. Focus
  41. Choose a Focus
  42. Signal your status
  43. Across all your devices
  44. Quick Note and Notes
  45. Introducing Quick Note
  46. Put anything in a Quick Note
  47. Finding your Quick Note is easy
  48. Activity view and mentions
  49. Organize with tags
  50. Even better together. In even more ways.
  51. Universal Control
  52. One way to work across your devices
  53. No setup required
  54. Multidevice support
  55. AirPlay to Mac
  56. Put it all on display
  57. AirPlay speaker
  58. Superpowers for getting things done.
  59. Live Text
  60. Live Text in photos
  61. Visual Look Up
  62. Shortcuts on Mac
  63. Shortcuts app
  64. Shortcuts app
  65. Find the perfect shortcut
  66. Make your own
  67. Share with a click
  68. Your next adventure starts here.
  69. All-new city experience
  70. New transit features
  71. Interactive globe
  72. Privacy
  73. Recording indicator
  74. Mail Privacy Protection
  75. Mail Privacy Protection
  76. iCloud+
  77. Introducing iCloud+
  78. iCloud Private Relay
  79. iCloud Private Relay
  80. Hide My Email
  81. And so much more.
  82. AirPods audio updates.
  83. Low Power Mode.
  84. System-wide translation.
  85. Apple ID.
  86. See a full list of what’s new in macOS Monterey.
  87. See if your Mac can run macOS Monterey.

Как сделать все иконки в macOS Big Sur ровными и аккуратными за 5 минут

Одним из самых заметных изменений в macOS Big Sur являются новые иконки, которые теперь выполнены в едином стиле.

К сожалению, не все разработчики успели обновить приложения и добавить новые иконки.

Для тех, кто не хочет дожидаться апдейтов, сейчас расскажем, где найти и как поменять значки приложений в macOS Big Sur.

Где искать иконки в стиле macOS Big Sur

На сайте Macosicons собрано более 1500 иконок для самых разных приложений, и все в стиле macOS Big Sur.

В поисковой строке сайта напишите название нужной программы, а затем нажмите на неё, чтобы скачать.

Если хотите установить свою иконку, убедитесь, что она в формате .icns.

Как поменять иконки в macOS Big Sur

1. Откройте Finder -> Программы
2. Найдите нужное приложение, нажмите на него правой кнопкой мыши и выберите Свойства
3. Перетащите скаченную иконку на место значка рядом с названием приложения

Вот и все. Теперь все иконки в macOS Big Sur в едином стиле.

Илья Сидоров

Редактор новостей и автор статей на

Результаты премии за смешные фото с животными. Победила черепаха, которая показывает ?

Процессор Apple M1 обогнал видеокарты GeForce и Radeon в игровых тестах

👀 Читайте также . Всё по теме

На Mac с M1 теперь можно запускать приложения для Windows

20 полезных приложений, которые поддерживают macOS 11 Big Sur. Нужно пробовать

Вышла macOS Big Sur 11.1 beta 1 для разработчиков

Как установить Windows 10 на macOS 11 Big Sur. Пошаговая инструкция

Владельцы старых MacBook Pro жалуются на чёрный экран после установки macOS Big Sur

Обзор Marshall Mode II. Первые внутриканальные наушники от культового музыкального бренда не подвели

Обзор iPhone 13 mini. Предел возможностей маленьких смартфонов

Обзор народного iPhone 13, с которым будут ходить все. Плюсы есть, минусов мало

🙈 Комментарии 26

А программ стандартных можно как-то менять на другие?

@easyproger, не, с программами от Apple не канает.

@rustemk , про алиасы слышал?

@russianvoodoo , нет, что это?

@durdin , по сути линуксовые ярлыки. Это значит, что с помощью них можно заменить иконки даже на системных иконках вынесенных в док.

судя по всему обновляться еще рано )

@nevidimka , На Хакинтоше идеально летает

Один вопрос – а нахера все это?) Меня и так иконки устраивают полностью)

Обновился на Big Sur, полет нормальный, багов нет.
MacBook Pro (13-inch, 2018, Four Thunderbolt 3 Ports)

@ReZZZaK , для тех кто любит, чтобы все были в едином стиле.

Иконки не по стилю… мне бы Ваши заботы)))

Вы бы лучше озаботились об иконке на вкладке вашего сайте, вот уж точно там позорище.

Спасибо за статью! Мой внутренний перфекционист теперь ликует!

@diligenceair , не долго ликовать будет.. при запуске программы в доке все равно старая иконка

@anfedoro , Transmission c заменённой иконкой нормально висит в Доке

@Sirius961 , да..если стартовать из ланчпада.. если просто из папки App.. то почему то в доке старая иконка

@anfedoro , удалил из Dock’a иконку Transmission; запустил программу из папки Программы – новая иконка осталась. У Вас какой-то странный глюк в системе, может что-то с правами…

@Sirius961 , не..сисиема поставлена в чистую. А вообще – хрен с ним ?

пишет что нет необходимых прав, хотя сижу под админским

кстати, о “перфекционизме”: Apple в macOS Big Sur привела иконки к одному форм-фактору. Все кроме одной. Корзину они не тронули)

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@Sirius961 , так это самая главная. Туда надо все тащить!

@meowmeow , значит Вы никогда не ошибались в написании команды “sudo rm -rf

/.Trash” в Терминале. И затем не сидели, и не смотрели завороженно как из папки “Программы” постепенно, один за другим, исчезают значки установленных приложений )))

Они все в пинге… А я – неумеха. Помогите.

@Сергей ,
– открываете png во встроенном Просмотрщике, нажимаете cmd+A (чтобы выбралась вся картинка, при этом вокруг картинки появится сетка выделения);
– нажимаете cmd+C (чтоб скопировать картинку в буфер);
– нажимаете на иконке приложения в окне свойств программы (ту к которой тянется красная стрелка на скриншоте в статье)левой кнопкой мышки, при этом эта иконка обводится синей обводкой;
– нажимаете cmd+V (чтобы вставить новый рисунок из буфера обмена вместо старой иконки); если понадобится, система при этом запросит пароль от учетной записи (ну или подтверждение с apple watch, если они привязаны к системе).

vlс зараза! Отказывается менять иконку!

Когда-то мир иконок был настольных ОС был разнообразен, различные формы иконок радовали глаз, а потом они начали становиться круглыми, а теперь вообще квадратными


macOS Monterey

Connect, share, and create like never before. Say hello to exciting new FaceTime updates. Explore a redesigned and streamlined Safari. Discover and invent powerful new ways to work using Universal Control and Shortcuts. Stay in the moment with Focus. And so much more.

Coming this fall

New experiences.
True connections.

Staying in touch is more essential than ever. With SharePlay, you can watch together, listen together, and share your screen right inside FaceTime. 1 FaceTime calls also sound and feel more natural. And Messages makes it even easier to find and enjoy the great content shared from friends and family.


Introducing SharePlay

Keep FaceTime conversations going as you watch TV shows and movies, listen to music, or share your screen with SharePlay. It’s an entirely new way to have experiences with family and friends no matter the distance.

Watch together

Stream movies and TV shows while on a FaceTime call with friends. With synced playback and controls, you’ll see everyone laugh, jump, and react to the same moments at the same time. And the volume automatically adjusts, so you can keep talking while you watch.

Listen together

Get together and listen to an album with friends. The whole group can see what’s next and add songs to a shared queue with synced playback and easy‑to‑use controls.

Share your screen

Keep your FaceTime calls going while simultaneously sharing your whole screen or just a specific app. Collaborate with coworkers, have a game night with friends, or plan your next vacation as a group.

Spatial audio

Individual voices sound like they’re coming from the direction in which each person is positioned on your screen, helping conversations flow more naturally. 2

Mic modes

Voice Isolation minimizes background noise and puts your voice front and center. When the music or sounds around you are as important as what you have to say, Wide Spectrum leaves the ambient sound unfiltered.

More about Mic modes

Mic modes

With Voice Isolation, your mic uses machine learning to distinguish each sound it picks up, blocking ambient and distracting noises (like dogs barking or a TV in the next room) to make sure your voice comes through loud and clear.

Wide Spectrum lets your friends on FaceTime hear any and every sound happening where you are. It’s ideal for taking music lessons or for when you want someone to listen to what’s going on around you.

Grid view

Grid view shows people on your FaceTime call in the same‑size tiles, so you can have better conversations with a large group. The speaker is automatically highlighted so you always know who’s talking.

Portrait mode

Inspired by Portrait mode on iPhone and powered by the M1 chip, this new video effect puts the focus on you — not what’s behind you. 3

Schedule and share FaceTime calls with a unique web link.

More about FaceTime links

Make a unique FaceTime web link to easily set up a call for later or share the link with a group. Share it with your friends in Messages, Mail, or third‑party apps like WhatsApp. You can also generate a link for an event in Calendar, so everyone will know exactly where and when to meet.

Invite anyone to FaceTime

Now you can send friends and family a link to connect on FaceTime — even if they’re using Windows or Android. 1 And it’s still end‑to‑end encrypted, so your call is as private and secure as any other FaceTime call.


Shared with You

Now the links, images, and other content shared with you in Messages are featured in a new Shared with You section in the corresponding app. In Photos, Safari, Apple News, Apple Podcasts, and the Apple TV app, you can easily find shared content, see who recommended it, and reply right from the app you’re enjoying it in — without going back to Messages.

Photo collections

Multiple photos in Messages now appear as a collage or an elegant stack of images that you can flip through. Easily view them all as a grid, reply with a quick Tapback, or save them to your library.

Designed to help your work flow.

The world’s fastest browser has a completely reimagined design, making Safari more immersive and customizable than ever. And with Quick Note and Focus, you’ve got new tools for keeping track of what’s important — and for clearing some headspace when you need it most.

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Streamlined tab bar

The new tab bar design takes up less space on the page and takes on the color of the site you’re on, extending the web page to the edge of the window. Redesigned, floating tabs have been combined with the Smart Search field, with buttons streamlined into the More menu, giving you access to powerful Safari features with the click of a tab.

Tab groups

Save and organize your tabs in the way that works best for you. Name your tab groups, edit them, and switch between them as you go from one interest to the next. You can even drag your groups into an email and the links effortlessly appear as an easy‑to‑share list.

Access tab groups anywhere

Tab groups seamlessly sync across your Apple devices, so you can easily pick back up whenever and wherever you want.


Choose a Focus

Focus helps you stay in the moment when you need to concentrate or step away. Choose a Focus that only allows the notifications you want — you can get work done while you’re in the zone, or enjoy a distraction-free dinner. Pick from a list of suggested Focus options or create your own.

Signal your status

Stepping away is easier if others know you’re busy. So when you’re using Focus, your status will be automatically displayed in Messages. And for truly urgent messages, there’s still a way for people to notify you.

Across all your devices

Enable Focus on one of your devices and it’s automatically set across all of them.

Quick Note and Notes

Introducing Quick Note

Notes is your go‑to app to capture any thought — and with the new Quick Note feature, you can jot down ideas no matter where you are or what you’re doing on your Mac. It’s like writing a note directly on whatever app you’re working in.

Put anything in a Quick Note

Add links, Safari highlights, tags, and mentions to a Quick Note, so you can get to important names, numbers, and ideas easily.

Finding your Quick Note is easy

In supported apps, you can add links to a Quick Note and a thumbnail of your note will always show up there when you go back. Quick Notes also appear together in the Notes app — whether you’re on your Mac, iPad, or iPhone.

Activity view and mentions

An all-new Activity view lets you see what others have added to your shared note. And you can notify members in shared notes with mentions. Just type someone’s name in a note to send them a notification.

Organize with tags

Tag a note using the # symbol and a keyword you can search, then find it later in the Tag Browser.

Even better together.
In even more ways.

Use your Mac and iPad together to unlock faster, easier, and amazingly creative ways to get things done — like never before. Universal Control makes connecting with your iPad instant and fluid. And now you can use AirPlay to add new dimensions of sharing and listening with Mac.

Universal Control

One way to work across your devices

A single keyboard and mouse or trackpad now work seamlessly between your Mac and iPad — they’ll even connect to more than one Mac or iPad. Move your cursor from your Mac to your iPad, type on your Mac and watch the words show up on your iPad, or even drag and drop content from one Mac to another. 4

No setup required

Just put your devices next to each other and move your cursor seamlessly between them.

Multidevice support

Multiple devices
and combinations.

Get things done
your way.

AirPlay to Mac

Put it all on display

The power of AirPlay comes to Mac. 5 Share, play, or present content from another Apple device to the big, beautiful screen of your Mac. You can also mirror or extend your display to pump up your productivity.

AirPlay speaker

Mac now works as an AirPlay speaker, so you can enjoy high-fidelity sound when you play music or podcasts from another device. It can even function as a secondary speaker to create multiroom audio.

Superpowers for getting things done.

Introducing magical new ways to use your Mac. Bring all the information in your photos to life with Live Text and Visual Look Up. And use Shortcuts to streamline lengthy steps in workflows and everyday tasks.

Live Text

Live Text in photos

Your Mac now lets you interact with text in any image. Click an address and it opens in Maps. Call, message, or save any phone number you see. You can copy and paste just as you would with any other text. And personal details and information from images never leave your device. 3

Visual Look Up

Quickly learn more about landmarks, works of art, dog breeds, and more with only a photo or an image you saw online.

Shortcuts on Mac

Shortcuts app

Automate the things you do most often. Save time by turning something that would take multiple steps into just one, or connecting your go-to apps and services together with the Shortcuts editor. You can run them from your Dock, menu bar, the Finder, Spotlight, or even with Siri.

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More about Shortcuts app

Shortcuts app

The future of Mac isn’t just bright — it’s intelligent. Shortcuts build on the capabilities of the Automator app. Now you can modernize and convert your existing Automator workflows into shortcuts.

Find the perfect shortcut

Browse through prebuilt shortcuts in the Shortcuts Gallery to find anything from making your own GIFs on the fly to cleaning up your Downloads folder.

Organize Downloads Folder

Creates subfolders within your Downloads folder, separating them into images, audio, and other file types.

Send Image to Group Chat

Drag and drop an image into this shortcut to immediately send to your favorite group thread.

Make Meme

Pick an image, add your text, and you’ve got your own personalized meme.

Split Screen 2 Apps

Apps you frequently use together open side by side with a single click.

Make your own

Building a shortcut is a cinch with the editor. Just click and drag actions into the order you want them, and the editor suggests what action you should add next.

Share with a click

Sharing shortcuts with friends or online communities is as easy as sending a link. And after you receive one, simple prompts help you set permissions that keep you in control of which data is shared when you run it.

Your next adventure starts here.

Exploration has never looked better. Maps delivers incredible new details that go beyond simply taking you from point A to point B. And Safari offers even more ways for you to explore online.

All-new city experience

Explore cities with unprecedented detail for roads, neighborhoods, trees, buildings, and more. Visit amazing 3D landmarks like the Golden Gate Bridge in both the day and dark mode maps. 3

New transit features

Public transit integration shows nearby stations and transit times and lets you pin favorite routes to the top.

Interactive globe

Discover the natural beauty of Earth with a rich and interactive globe. Explore new enhanced details for mountain ranges, deserts, rain forests, oceans, and more. 3


It’s more important than ever to know how your privacy is being protected. Get greater visibility into how and when apps access your mic. And keep senders from learning about your activity in Mail.

Recording indicator

Control Center lets you find out which apps have access to your mic. And you’ll see the new indicator on your screen whenever an app is accessing your microphone.

Mail Privacy Protection

Catch up on email with more peace of mind.

More about Mail Privacy Protection

Mail Privacy Protection

Mail Privacy Protection hides your IP address, so senders can’t link it to your other online activity or determine your location. And it prevents senders from seeing if and when you’ve opened their email.


iCloud has always kept your important information — like photos, documents, and notes — safe, up to date, and accessible across all your devices. Now iCloud+ takes that experience a step further, with an all-new subscription that will replace today’s storage plans. 6

Introducing iCloud+

Get everything you already love about iCloud — and new features including iCloud Private Relay, Hide My Email, and expanded HomeKit Secure Video support.

iCloud Private Relay

Browse the web with more privacy.

More about iCloud Private Relay

iCloud Private Relay

iCloud Private Relay is a service that lets you connect to virtually any network and browse with Safari in an even more secure and private way. It ensures that the traffic leaving your device is encrypted and uses two separate internet relays so no one can use your IP address, location, and browsing activity to create a detailed profile about you.

Hide My Email

Instantly generate unique, random email addresses that forward to your personal inbox — so you don’t have to share your real email address when filling out a form on the web or signing up for a newsletter. Hide My Email is built into Mail, Safari, and iCloud Preferences. *

And so much more.

AirPods audio updates.

Spatial audio and dynamic head tracking help AirPods deliver theater-like sound to macOS. Spatial audio creates a surround sound experience when you connect AirPods Pro or AirPods Max to Mac models with the M1 chip. And with dynamic head tracking, sound stays fixed to the device even as you move your head. If you’re watching a movie, you’ll hear the engine roar right from the car, or hear dialogue straight from the actors’ mouths.

Low Power Mode.

Extend your MacBook battery life with Low Power Mode, which manages energy-intensive apps and processing. It directs power where you need it to get the most out of your battery. 7

System-wide translation.

Translate text anywhere, even in many third-party apps. Just highlight text, right‑click, and select Translate to immediately see the translation. Directly replace text you’ve typed with the translation in one click. And with Live Text, you can even translate text in photos.

Apple ID.

Account Recovery Contacts make resetting your password and maintaining access to your account easier than ever. And a new Digital Legacy program lets you designate people as Legacy Contacts so they can access your account in the event of your death.

See a full list of what’s new in macOS Monterey.

See if your Mac can run macOS Monterey.

Mac Pro Late 2013 and later

  • iMac Pro 2017 and later
  • Mac mini Late 2014 and later


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