- macOS Catalina SkinPack
- macOS SkinPack Collections
- fffsa
- Anthony Paul Graffeo
- skinpack
- skinpack
- djmoh8
- Jacob
- skinpack
- i can go
- Aamir
- Aamir
- skinpack
- Akshya
- Park Ye-ji
- skinpack
- jumaabraham
- skinpack
- Stoleriu Andrei
- Skin LOVER
- Diwakar
- skinpack
- Mac OS X Yosemite Skin Pack 2.0
- 4 Free Beautiful macOS Theme And Skin Pack For Microsoft Windows 10
- ↓ 01 – macOS Sierra for all Windows OS
- ↓ 02 – macOS Transformation Pack
- ↓ 03 – Yosemite UX Pack
- ↓ 04 – macOS Sierra SkinPack
- macOS Big Sur Dynamic SkinPack
macOS Catalina SkinPack
Transform Windows 7/8.1/10 to macOS Catalina
Best work on 100% scale and layout size, you need to set it from display setting, also for enable windows theme first install uxtheme patcher from here.
Malware/virus warning? Read the FAQ.
Windows 7/8.1/10 21H1 [X86_X64]
Windows XP users can download this SkinPack from here
Note: Please unistall old or other version of skin packs before install new one. if your theme not changed or its like classic windows you need to install uxtheme patcher from here and after restart select new theme from personalization.
Use it at your own risk!
You’re advised to Create a System Restore Point before installing skinpack. If you have problem with install or uninstall skinpack, please check our help page.
macOS SkinPack Collections
macOS Monterey SkinPack Win7/8/10/11
Anthony Paul Graffeo
what is the difference between the mac osx big sur and mac osx big sur dynamic pac
its have dynamic wallpaper
i bought the mac dock but asks me for a pasword… niusinferno@gmail.com is my email
Hello! How to get the MACOS buttons, close, max and min for Windows 10
can u create a 10.5 tiger skinpack?
i can go
Can you please release Windows skin packs for Mac OS X?
how do I make windows 10 macOS
how do i make apple on windows 10
Last Few months ago I bought a theme but unfortunately your email was deleted. Is there any way to get that if I provide you my transaction no? Unfortunately the store login not working for me.
This skin is awesome. I have tried almost 10 skins from your sites. And all are working fine, thanks for sharing these themes and skins.
Park Ye-ji
it work is windows 10 1709 falls creator?
Hey, I’ve been installing skinpacks for a while now. But recently whenever i try installing the mac OS skins, I dont get the mac navigation buttons (3 buttons(Red Green Yellow) for navigation) its really annoying. Like Really.
you need to install uxtheme patcher first
Stoleriu Andrei
Is the uxtheme patcher in the instalation kit or I gave to take it from somewhere else? Thx.
I have the same thing. Did you solve it?
hey this skin is not working in windows 10. It just all white after installation .
please tell me something to solve this .
Hello, I was trying to install the skin pack and I cant because it says Product configuration is missing! how do you fix this?
run it as admin or you can find pakage here: C:\mac_skinpack\pakages
so when you go on google crome and you want exit it it dote look like mac it look like windows still
Mac OS X Yosemite Skin Pack 2.0
Пользователи Windows могут сделать первый шаг на пути приобщения к миру Mac. И для этого даже не придется идти в ближайший Apple Store, достаточно загрузить новый графический пакет от WindowsxLive. Специальная тема оформления превращает настольные платформы Microsoft в операционную систему OS X Yosemite, по крайней мере, на уровне визуального оформления.
Интерфейс в новой версии Apple-ОС получил более удобные, понятные и интеллектуальные элементы управления. Панели управления стали проще, при этом полностью сохранив функциональность. Полупрозрачные элементы обеспечивают дополнительную обзорность в окне приложения, показывая скрытый за ним контент и вид Рабочего стола. Значки приложений выполнены в едином минималистическом дизайне, а шрифты стали легче для чтения.
Общедоступная версия OS X Yosemite должна выйти через три месяца после начала тестирования – осенью этого года. Однако пользователям PC ничего не стоит прямо сейчас установить специальный графический пакет и преобразовать пользовательский интерфейс Windows 8/8.1/7 в стиле Yosemite.
Установка специальных сборок проходит очень быстро и не требует дополнительных настроек. Все, что требуется – запустить инсталлятор и проследовать инструкции на экране. Разработчик предусмотрел разные варианты установки, например, вы можете выбрать только хранитель экрана, а обои оставить прежние.
Перед использованием WindowsxLive необходимо отключить контроль учетных записей UAC, а также сделать точку восстановления, поскольку удалить тему из системы достаточно сложно.
- RocketDock 1.3.5 by Punk Labs
- Xwidget 1.5 & XLaunchPad 1.0.7 by Xwidgetsoft
- MetroSidebar 1.0 by Amine Dries
ОС: Windows 8/8.1/7/SP1 [X86_X64] – [All Language] – [All Version]
Скачать программу Mac OS X Yosemite Skin Pack 2.0 (35.26 MB):
4 Free Beautiful macOS Theme And Skin Pack For Microsoft Windows 10
Before you proceed with downloading and installing these skin transformation themes for Microsoft Windows, do note that there are risks involved such as the possibility of making your system unbootable or crash frequently.
Always create a new restore point in the event things go bad. As for system requirements, there is a possibility these skins might significantly slow down your computer, I highly recommend you not to use these skins unless you know what you are doing. Test it out on a dummy PC.
↓ 01 – macOS Sierra for all Windows OS
Fully working finderbar. Each button which is highlighted blue is functional. Of course only if the matching stuff is available on your computer. In example: You can only use the button “Apple software update, if there is any Apple software installed on your computer. Or you can only use the flying windows if you are on Vista or Windows7.
- Notification center
- Lockscreen
- System properties
- Launchpad
- Search directly from desktop
- Silicio mediaplayer in notification center
- Cindori Media Center-clone. Only swf. files can be displayed
- Picture-in-picture movie player for different aspect ratios and in different sizes. You can drag it around to any place you want. Will return to default position after the next start of the viewer. Some pictures of it here
- Siri clone
↓ 02 – macOS Transformation Pack
macOS Transformation Pack 4.0 will transform your Windows 10/8/7/Vista/XP user interface to macOS, including Login Screen, Themes, Wallpapers, Cursors, Fonts, Sounds, Icons, Dock, Finderbar, Dashboard, Spaces, Launchpad and more.
- Seamless installation and uninstallation giving users safe transformation
- Easily configurable in single click with intelligence Metro UI design
- Designed for all editions of Windows XP/Vista/7/8/8.1 including Server Editions
- Genuine OS X Yosemite/iOS 8 system resources
- Smart system files updating with auto-repair and Windows Update friendly
- UxStyle memory patching
- Lion Frame UI including Aero/Mac features for XP and non-Aero system
- OS X Yosemite/iOS 8 themes, wallpapers, user pictures and logon screen
- OS X Dock emulation with pre-configured docklets optimized for stability/performance
- Dashboard and Spaces with shortcut keys configured
- Launchpad access from desktop corner and Dock configured
↓ 03 – Yosemite UX Pack
Yosemite UX Pack will give you all new OS X Yosemite user experiences combined with iOS 8 graphics such as theme, wallpapers, and new OS X features combined altogether in single package working on Windows 7/8/8.1/10 without touching system files at all so it won’t have such risk to harm your system at all. In this package, you’ll have the best user experiences that greatly resembles real OS X Yosemite from the Windows side without modifying system files.
- Instantly dress up Windows 7/8/8.1/10 to OS X Yosemite in one minute
- Seamless installation and uninstallation giving user’s confidence and security in system
- Easily configurable in single click with intelligence Metro UI design
- UxStyle memory patching
- OS X Yosemite/iOS 8 themes, wallpapers, user pictures and logon screen
- Start Orb matching OS X Yosemite themes without actually modifying system files
- OS X Dock emulation with pre-configured docklets optimized for stability/performance
- Dashboard and Spaces with shortcut keys configured
- Launchpad access from desktop corner and Dock configured
↓ 04 – macOS Sierra SkinPack
If you are bored with the default Microsoft Windows XP, Vista, 7 and 8 theme layout design, why not skin your Windows to look like Apple’s macOS Sierra? macOS Sierra SkinPack will transform your Windows 8.1/8/7/Vista/XP user interface to macOS Sierra, including macOS’s Boot Screen, Login Screen, Themes, Icons, Wallpapers, Sounds, Fonts, Dock, Dashboard, Spaces, Launchpad and more.
macOS Big Sur Dynamic SkinPack
Transform Windows 7/8.1/10 to macOS Big Sur Dynamic
Best work on 100% scale and layout size, you need to set it from display setting, also for enable windows theme first install uxtheme patcher from here.
Malware/virus warning? Read the FAQ.
Windows 7/8.1/10 21H1 [X86_X64]
Note: Please unistall old or other version of skin packs before install new one. if your theme not changed or its like classic windows you need to install uxtheme patcher from here and after restart select new theme from personalization.
Use it at your own risk!
You’re advised to Create a System Restore Point before installing skinpack. If you have problem with install or uninstall skinpack, please check our help page.