- RIDDLE! There is a man stuck in a room with no exits. no doors or windows.
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- What room has no windows, ceilings, or doors?
- 20 Answers
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- A man was in a room with no windows or doors. It contained only a mirror and a table. How did he get out?
- 16 Answers
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- A man was in a room with no windows or doors. It contained only a mirror and a table. How did he get out?
- 11 Answers
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- RIDDLE! There is a man stuck in a room with no exits. no doors or windows.
- 18 Answers
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RIDDLE! There is a man stuck in a room with no exits. no doors or windows.
all there is is a half of a table on one side of the room and the other half on the other side. how does he get out?
18 Answers
He puts the two halves together to make a whole, puts the hole against the wall and climbs through.
the man get the two halfs of the table and puts them both together to make one hole he then puts the hole on the wall and walks out through it
This is random suggested but perhaps. the room has no roof, he stacks the tables on top of each other and climbs out. I don’t know but it’s a possiblity- hope it helps a bit.
put the 2 halfs of the table together to make a hole, then climb out the hole
You didn’t mention anything about a ceiling so I’ll go with that. Push the table pieces together and jump out. Or there are no walls too.
you hit the table hard with ur hand until you make it saw. you saw the table in half and use the two halves to make a hole. climb though the hole. shout for a horse. get on the horse and ride away.
Well it looks like there is 2 broken pieces in that room so that’s how he got out then so I figure.
in my opinion, nobody can enter a room without doors, windows or anything of that sort. then why get out.
maybe he will climb out of the room through the open hole above him.
maybe there was a secret passage under one of the halves of the table..
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What room has no windows, ceilings, or doors?
I got asked this riddle and want to know what type of room it is. the answers are much appreciated. Thanks!
20 Answers
Room With No Windows
Seems everyone knows the answer
a mushroom of course!
Well it has to be this room,yahoo answerer’s or a chat room as neither has any of the above
A mushroom,I think,based on the other many answers.
A room in a house that is not yet finished being built!
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U got a lot of mushrooms there now here is a dfrnt answer — CHATROOM
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A man was in a room with no windows or doors. It contained only a mirror and a table. How did he get out?
See my blog at my 360 for the answer.
16 Answers
The man looked in the mirror and see what he saw. he took the saw out of the mirror and sawed the table in half with the saw. Then he put the table halves together. half+half=a (w)hole. He got outside with the hole. Well. he went through the hole. OR the man screamed until he was ho(a)rse.Then he rode the horse out of there using its mega-kick to smash the wall.
I would say he broke the mirror with the table and then scratched his way through the walls.
The guy said its a room. Is there a room without walls?
he just walked out because there were no walls, only a table and a mirror
Stand on the table and jump over the wall which was not there.
he used the table to brake the mirror so he could kill himself afterwards with the pieces of the mirror.
he dug a hole in which he lied in and buried himself b/c he didn’t know that there were no walls being he was blind and since he already had this disadvantage he thought he might as well dig his grave now before he starts to eat his own tongue.
ps. cheap ploy to get people to view your 360. for shame.
ayy homie he got on the table and he climbed over the wall no maigc mirror or anything
he went on top of the table, and then went through the magic mirror lol
The same way he got in the room I guess
How did he get in there in the first place?
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A man was in a room with no windows or doors. It contained only a mirror and a table. How did he get out?
11 Answers
Look in the mirror and see what you see. When you saw what you saw, you take the saw and saw the table in half. Put the two halves together, and since two halves make a whole, you get out through the hole.
The man looked in the mirror and see what he saw. he took the saw out of the mirror and sawed the table in half with the saw. Then he put the table halves together. half+half=a (w)hole. He got outside with the hole. Well. he went through the hole. OR the man screamed until he was ho(a)rse.Then he rode the horse out of there using its mega-kick to smash the wall.
someone once asked me that it was my ex boyfriend David cunningham.Im jenna or gina .I forgot the answer.but I think you should look through the mirror and crawl out the other side.or make a door with the table and open the door and leave.
broke the mirror, but yeah how did he get in in the first place
oo ooo oo he a ghost rite. n he can escape or come in through the mirror.. OH SNAPS! IM RITE!
he’s a ghost and he can pass through the mirror
how did he get in in the first place?
He was outside. You didn’t mention if there were any walls.
He’s casper, get it?
there is no roof
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RIDDLE! There is a man stuck in a room with no exits. no doors or windows.
all there is is a half of a table on one side of the room and the other half on the other side. how does he get out?
18 Answers
He puts the two halves together to make a whole, puts the hole against the wall and climbs through.
the man get the two halfs of the table and puts them both together to make one hole he then puts the hole on the wall and walks out through it
This is random suggested but perhaps. the room has no roof, he stacks the tables on top of each other and climbs out. I don’t know but it’s a possiblity- hope it helps a bit.
put the 2 halfs of the table together to make a hole, then climb out the hole
You didn’t mention anything about a ceiling so I’ll go with that. Push the table pieces together and jump out. Or there are no walls too.
you hit the table hard with ur hand until you make it saw. you saw the table in half and use the two halves to make a hole. climb though the hole. shout for a horse. get on the horse and ride away.
Well it looks like there is 2 broken pieces in that room so that’s how he got out then so I figure.
in my opinion, nobody can enter a room without doors, windows or anything of that sort. then why get out.
maybe he will climb out of the room through the open hole above him.
maybe there was a secret passage under one of the halves of the table..
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