Movist mac os �����

Movist Pro

Media player for macOS

new Ready for Apple Silicon Macs!

You can use many features that were not available in the App Store version.
If you have already purchased from the App Store,
you can upgrade at a discounted price.

Beautiful and Convenient User Interface

The controllers are practical and convenient, as well as appearing only when the mouse pointer is approaching. Transparent title-bar and controllers allow you to focus more on your watching experience.

The main menu displays various states in real time, and the control panel gives you quick access to all the functions you need.
Move the mouse over the seek-slider to see the thumbnails.

In addition to all these conveniences, we have added beauty.
It supports modern style of macOS including light and dark themes.

Improved performance

Movist supports hardware accelerated decoding of H.265/HEVC codec.
You can enjoy 4K UHD images comfortably.

Also, it is optimized to consume minimum energy.
CPU Usage has been cut in half.

Internet video (Pro version only)

You can watch the videos included in the web page with Movist.
Just click the button on the Safari toolbar. (Safari extension is provided.)
You can of course enter the internet address manually or drag the internet link.

You can choose the quality, see the subtitles, and use all Movist functions.
You can add it to your playlist, and you can open it again from recently opened list.

Now, you just have to look at the Internet video conveniently.

When you open a media

There are many default preferences to apply when you open a media.

You can specify the default track language.
For example, video and audio in Korean, subtitles in English, or
you can set not to display subtitles if there’s an English audio track.

You can specify your preferred video quality, filters, equalizer, etc.
You can also restore the last time you played it to watch from there.

Multiple tracks simultaneously

You can view subtitles in multiple languages at the same time.
You can also set the different location and style for each languages.

You can also select multiple tracks simultaneously for video and audio.
For example, if the front and rear videos of the car black box are contained in one file, you can see the front and back videos at the same time.

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Using Letterbox

Movist will display subtitles in the letterbox space if possible.
The subtitles not only mask the video but also improve visibility.

Movist will adjust the height of the letterbox automatically
so that the subtitles are laid out in line units.
You can also set the number of lines to be displayed in the letterbox.

Please, do not waste letterbox space.

Listening subtitles

Movist can read the subtitles aloud.
If you have trouble seeing the subtitles, listen now.

Subtitles can be just spoken without screen display, and you can control the speaking speed.
You can also adjust the play/pause automatically according to the speaking speed.
It would be great to use it for language study.

Complex settings are not necessary.
Just press the «Speech» button.

Convenient playlists

When you open a file, Movist creates a playlist and
finds and fills the series and subtitle files in the same folder.
You can also manually add and remove files.

You can save the playlist and recall it later.
You do not need to manage the playlist files.
Movist manages all of them.
Just give the playlist a name.

Network Server (Pro version only)

You can play videos right away without downloading from Network Servers.
Supports SMB, SFTP, FTP, WebDAV (including HTTPS).
Because Movist Pro handles buffering automatically,
Even if the network is unstable,
You can watch videos without buffering.

HDR Tone Mapping

Are colors of HDR videos taken with the new camera
look weak and washed out on your monitor?
Now play it with Movist.
Movist try to reproduce the HDR color
as much as possible on non-HDR monitors.

In addition.

  • Since 2016, the MacBook (Pro) no longer has an audio optical output jack. And most cheap USB audio devices do not support digital output on macOS. However, Movist supports digital output by itself in those devices, allowing the output of ac3, dts data as is. Please continue to use the existing optical output speakers.
  • You can play music files. Enjoy with the album arts.
  • More accurate colors including 10-bit color support.
  • You can zoom, rotate, and flip the video.
  • You can apply various CoreImage filters to the video.
  • Supports audio equalizer.
  • You can set the number of channels, delay, and digital output for each audio output device and set the default audio output device.
  • Subtitles come out in 3D when viewing 3D movies.
  • You can customize shortcut keys.
  • Supports MacBook Pro’s TouchBar.
  • You can choose FFmpeg/QuickTime decoder.
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Movist для macOS

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5.00 /5 голосов — 1

Версия:0.6.8 для Mac | Сообщить о новой версии
ОС:macOS 10.x
Интерфейс:Английский, Русский
Загрузок (сегодня/всего):0 / 2 739 | Статистика
Размер:5,89 Мб

Movist — бесплатный и простой видеоплеер для Mac OS X. Поддерживает все популярные видео форматы. Функциональный и мощный плеер, удобный в управлении и настройке. Для декодера можно выбрать системный QuickTime или FFmpeg.

Особенности Movist:

  • Удобный плейлист.
  • Поддержка субтитров.
  • Поддержка Apple Remote Control.
  • H.264 декодирование видео.
  • Цифровой аудиовыход (S / PDIF).
  • Поддержка полноэкранного режима.
  • Регулировка яркости, насыщенности, контраста, скорости воспроизведения и т.д.
  • Поддержка горячих клавиш.
  • Закрытие приложения при закрытии видеоокна.

VLC media player — универсальный медиаплеер для Mac OS с открытым исходным кодом для.

DivX — самый популярный на данный момент видео-кодек, теперь доступен для пользователей Apple.

Plex — отличный плеер видеофайлов форматов HD и FullHD (к примеру, QuickTime не может воспроизводить файлы указанных форматов) для Mac OS X.

Медиаплеер, позволяющий насладиться просмотром любимого видео и прослушиванием песен.

RealPlayer — один из самых популярных плееров аудио и видео файлов на данный момент. Помимо.

Elmedia Player — бесплатный плеер для Mac OS X, который поддерживает воспроизведение практически.

Отзывы о программе Movist


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Movist 4+

Chul Joo



Movist is an easy-to-use and powerful movie player. You can choose either the QuickTime or FFmpeg decoder for each video codec and reopen with other decoders instantly. Movist supports many useful features to enjoy movies including H.264, H.265/HEVC hardware video decoder acceleration, digital audio out (S/PDIF), high-quality subtitles, a convenient & beautiful user interface and more.

Just Enjoy Movies with Movist.

• Ready for Apple Silicon

• Single Window Mode or Multiple Document Mode.
• App Sandbox supported.
• Retina Display supported.
• HDR Tone Mapping

• Various File Formats supported.
• Various Video & Audio Codecs supported.
• H.264, H.265/HEVC Video Decoder Acceleration.
• Various Core Image Filters supported.
• Video Rotation & Flip.
• Deinterlacing

• Digital Audio Out (S/PDIF)
• Audio Equalizer supported
• A/V Sync Adjustment.

• High-Quality Subtitles.
• Various Subtitle Formats supported.
• Embedded Subtitles supported.
• Compressed Subtitles in .zip & .rar supported.
• 3D Subtitles supported.
• Subtitle Displayed in Letter Box.
• Unlimited concurrent subtitle display.
• Fully Customizable Subtitle Display.
• Subtitle Text Encoding auto-detection.
• Subtitle Sync Adjustment.

• Auto-Filling Playlist (searching series & subtitle files)
• Playlist Shuffle & Repeat Mode.
• Playlist Load & Save.
• Playback Speed Adjustment.
• Screenshot Capture.


Movist 4+

Chul Joo



Movist is an easy-to-use and powerful movie player. You can choose either the QuickTime or FFmpeg decoder for each video codec and reopen with other decoders instantly. Movist supports many useful features to enjoy movies including H.264, H.265/HEVC hardware video decoder acceleration, digital audio out (S/PDIF), high-quality subtitles, a convenient & beautiful user interface and more.

Just Enjoy Movies with Movist.

• Ready for Apple Silicon

• Single Window Mode or Multiple Document Mode.
• App Sandbox supported.
• Retina Display supported.
• HDR Tone Mapping

• Various File Formats supported.
• Various Video & Audio Codecs supported.
• H.264, H.265/HEVC Video Decoder Acceleration.
• Various Core Image Filters supported.
• Video Rotation & Flip.
• Deinterlacing

• Digital Audio Out (S/PDIF)
• Audio Equalizer supported
• A/V Sync Adjustment.

• High-Quality Subtitles.
• Various Subtitle Formats supported.
• Embedded Subtitles supported.
• Compressed Subtitles in .zip & .rar supported.
• 3D Subtitles supported.
• Subtitle Displayed in Letter Box.
• Unlimited concurrent subtitle display.
• Fully Customizable Subtitle Display.
• Subtitle Text Encoding auto-detection.
• Subtitle Sync Adjustment.

• Auto-Filling Playlist (searching series & subtitle files)
• Playlist Shuffle & Repeat Mode.
• Playlist Load & Save.
• Playback Speed Adjustment.
• Screenshot Capture.


Movist Pro 2.6.7

Movist 2 является простым в использовании и мощным проигрывателем видео, который поддерживает множество полезных функций для просмотра фильмов включая: H.264 декодирование видео, цифровой аудиовыход (S / PDIF), высокое качество субтитров, полноэкранный режим, удобный и красивый пользовательский интерфейс.

Из полезных функций можно также отметить удобный полноэкранный просмотр, функцию «Следующий Видеофайл» (переключение на следующую серию сериала). Но самой интересной является функция «установить воспроизведение как фон рабочего стола». Все остальное – стандартно: перемотка, пауза, покадровое воспроизведение, регулирование громкости.

  • Поддержка FFmpeg
  • Настраиваемый высокой заголовок качества
  • Поддерживает SMI, SRT формат подписи
  • Поддержка воспроизведения
  • Media управления воспроизведением
  • Полноэкранная панель управления
  • Простой пользовательский интерфейс
  • Universal Binary

The main features of Pro version are as follows.

  • Safari, Chrome Browser Extension
  • Supports Web Meida such as YouTube, Ted and so on
  • Picture in Picture
  • Open URL
  • Default Application Settings
  • No Access Folder Permissions Required
  • Supports Networm Server such as FTP, SFTP, WebDAV and SMB (to be added)
  • Supports Media Keys (to be added)
  • Supports AirPlay (to be added)

Version 2.6.7:

  • Release notes were unavailable when this listing was updated.


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