- Настройка сети в CentOS
- Базовая настройка сети
- Основные опции
- Дополнительные опции (не обязательны для работы сети)
- Настройка сети из консоли (командами)
- Команда ifconfig
- Настройка WiFi
- Несколько IP на одном сетевом адаптере
- Создание псевдонимов (более ранние версии CentOS 7 и ниже)
- Настройка конфигурационного файла (поздние версии CentOS 7 и выше)
- Переопределение DNS с помощью dhclient.conf
- Переопределение DNS в NetworkManager (альтернативный способ)
- Читайте также
- NetworkManager
- Contents
- Installation
- Enable NetworkManager
- Additional interfaces
- Mobile broadband support
- PPPoE / DSL support
- VPN support
- Usage
- nmcli examples
- Edit a connection
- Front-ends
- KDE Plasma
- nm-applet
- Appindicator
- networkmanager-dmenu
- Configuration
- NetworkManager-wait-online
- Set up PolicyKit permissions
- Proxy settings
- Checking connectivity
- Captive portals
- DHCP client
- DNS management
- DNS caching and conditional forwarding
- Custom DNS servers
- /etc/resolv.conf
- Firewall
- Network services with NetworkManager dispatcher
- Avoiding the dispatcher timeout
- Dispatcher examples
- Mount remote folder with sshfs
- Mounting of SMB shares
- Mounting of NFS shares
- Use dispatcher to automatically toggle wireless depending on LAN cable being plugged in
- Use dispatcher to connect to a VPN after a network connection is established
- Use dispatcher to disable IPv6 on VPN provider connections
- OpenNTPD
- Testing
- Tips and tricks
- Encrypted Wi-Fi passwords
- Using GNOME Keyring
- Using KDE Wallet
- Sharing internet connection over Wi-Fi
- Sharing internet connection over Ethernet
- Checking if networking is up inside a cron job or script
- Connect to network with secret on boot
- OpenConnect with password in KWallet
- Ignore specific devices
- Configuring MAC address randomization
- Enable IPv6 Privacy Extensions
- Working with wired connections
- Using iwd as the Wi-Fi backend
- Running in a network namespace
- Automatically connect to VPN
- Troubleshooting
- No prompt for password of secured Wi-Fi networks
- Network management disabled
- Problems with internal DHCP client
- DHCP problems with dhclient
- 3G modem not detected
- Switching off WLAN on laptops
- Static IP address settings revert to DHCP
- Cannot edit connections as normal user
- Forget hidden wireless network
- VPN not working in GNOME
- Unable to connect to visible European wireless networks
- Automatic connect to VPN on boot is not working
- Systemd Bottleneck
- Regular network disconnects, latency and lost packets (WiFi)
- Unable to turn on wi-fi with Lenovo laptop (IdeaPad, Legion, etc.)
- Turn off hostname sending
- nm-applet disappears in i3wm
- nm-applet tray icons display wrongly
- Unit dbus-org.freedesktop.resolve1.service not found
- Secrets were required, but not provided
- WPA Enterprise connection with NetworkManager
- Failed to request VPN secrets
Настройка сети в CentOS
Инструкция применима к CentOS версий 7 и 8, CentOS mini (минимальная сборка), Fedora.
Базовая настройка сети
Смотрим все установленные сетевые адаптеры в системе:
В результате получаем что-то подобное:
1: lo: mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN
link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
inet scope host lo
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
2: ens32:
mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast state UP qlen 1000
link/ether 00:50:56:81:28:3c brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
inet brd scope global ens32
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
3: ens34:
mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast state UP qlen 1000
link/ether 00:50:56:81:3f:22 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
inet brd scope global ens34
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
* Из примера видно, что в моем CentOS есть 3 сетевых карты — lo (локальная петля), ens32 и ens34 — сетевые Ethernet адаптеры.
Если нужно настроить сеть для адаптера ens32, открываем на редактирование следующий конфигурационный файл:
И приводим его к следующему виду:
. а также для CentOS 8 добавим:
Основные опции
Опция | Описание | Возможные значения |
DEVICE | Имя сетевого адаптера | Должно совпадать с именем в системе. В данном примере ens32 |
BOOTPROTO | способ назначения IP-адреса | static: ручное назначение IP, dhcp: автоматическое получение IP |
IPADDR | IP-адрес | адрес, соответствующий вашей сети |
NETMASK | Сетевая маска | должна соответствовать вашей сети |
GATEWAY | Шлюз по умолчанию | IP-адрес сетевого шлюза |
DNS1 | Основной DNS-сервер | IP-адрес сервера имен |
DNS2 | Альтернативный DNS-сервер | IP-адрес сервера имен |
ONBOOT | Способ запуска сетевого интерфейса | yes: автоматически при старте сервера, no: запускать вручную командой |
NM_CONTROLLED | Указываем, должен ли интерфейс управляться с помощью NetworkManager | yes: управляется NetworkManager, no: не может управляться NetworkManager |
Чтобы настройки применились, перезапускаем сетевую службу.
systemctl restart network
б) для CentOS 8 вводим 2 команды:
systemctl restart NetworkManager
nmcli networking off; nmcli networking on
* в большей степени, это основное отличие версий 7 и 8. Чтобы команды смогли поменять настройки, для интерфейсов необходима настройка NM_CONTROLLED=yes.
Дополнительные опции (не обязательны для работы сети)
Опция | Описание | Возможные значения |
DOMAIN | Указываем домен, который необходимо добавлять к имени хостов, если он не указан в запросе явно. | Строковое значение, соответствующее имени домена. |
IPV4_FAILURE_FATAL | Отключение сетевого интерфейса, если IP-адрес (v4) имеет неверную конфигурацию | yes: отключать, no: не отключать |
IPV6_FAILURE_FATAL | Отключение сетевого интерфейса, если IP-адрес (v6) имеет неверную конфигурацию | yes: отключать, no: не отключать |
IPV6_AUTOCONF | Разрешает или запрещает автоконфигурирование IPv6 с помощью протокола Neighbor Discovery | yes: разрешить автоконфигурирование, no: запретить |
IPV6INIT | Говорит о возможности использовать сетевой интерфейс для адресации IPv6 | yes: адресация может использоваться, no: не используется |
PEERROUTES | Задает приоритет настройки шлюза по умолчанию, полученного от DHCP | yes: маршрут от DHCP важнее, чем назначенный вручную, no: важнее маршрут, заданный вручную |
IPV6_PEERROUTES | Задает приоритет настройки шлюза по умолчанию, полученного от DHCP (для IPv6) | |
UUID | Уникальный идентификатор сетевого интерфейса. Его можно сгенерировать самостоятельно командой uuidgen | Строка из 32-х символов в формате 8-4-4-4-12. Например: fca8cc84-6f21-4bac-9ccb-36f281321ba4 |
Настройка сети из консоли (командами)
Настройка из консоли будет работать только до перезагрузки системы. Ее удобно применять для временного конфигурирования или проведения тестов.
Назначение IP-адреса или добавление дополнительного к имеющемуся:
ip a add dev ens32
* в данном примере к сетевому интерфейсу ens32 будет добавлен IP
Изменение IP-адреса:
ip a change dev ens32
* однако, по факту, команда отработает также, как add.
Удаление адреса:
ip a del dev ens32
Добавление маршрута по умолчанию:
ip r add default via
Добавление статического маршрута:
ip r add via
Удаление маршрутов:
ip r del default via
ip r del via
Команда ifconfig
В новых версиях CentOS утилита ifconfig не установлена и при вводе одноименной команды можно увидеть ошибку «Команда не найдена». Необходимо либо воспользоваться командой ip (ip address), либо установить утилиту ifconfig.
yum install ifconfig
yum install net-tools
Настройка WiFi
Принцип настройки беспроводной сети на CentOS не сильно отличается от проводной.
Создаем конфигурационный файл со следующим содержимым:
* где dmoskwifi — название WiFi сети (SSID).
Несколько IP на одном сетевом адаптере
В зависимости от версии операционной системы, дополнительные адреса добавляются посредством:
- Псевдонимов — создание нового виртуального интерфейса с названием : .
- Добавлением IPADDRx и NETMASKx в конфигурационном файле.
Рассмотрим оба варианта подробнее.
Создание псевдонимов (более ранние версии CentOS 7 и ниже)
Создаем новый конфигурационный файл для сетевого интерфейса:
* где ens32 — имя физического интерфейса, :1 — виртуальный номер.
Перезапускаем сетевые службы.
Настройка конфигурационного файла (поздние версии CentOS 7 и выше)
Открываем конфигурационный файл для сетевого интерфейса, например:
* где ens32 — имя физического интерфейса, дополнительные адреса задаются с помощью опций IPADDR1, IPADDR2, NETMASK1, NETMASK2.
Перезапускаем сетевые службы.
Для автоматического получения IP-адреса от сервера DHCP мы должны задать следующее значение для опции BOOTPROTO в конфигурационном файле:
* в наших примерах выше данный параметр имеет значение static.
Переопределение DNS с помощью dhclient.conf
Также мы можем переопределять настройки для DHCP с помощью конфигурационного файла. Например, если мы хотим, чтобы адреса DNS были заданы определенные, а не полученны от DHCP, открываем конфиг:
interface «enp0s3»
supersede domain-name-servers,;
* где enp0s3 — имя сетевого интерфейса, который будет получать адрес от сервера DHCP., — адреса, которые будут настоены на интерфейсе, независимо от того, какие предложит сервер DHCP.
Или мы можем использовать адреса от DHCP, но сделать приоритетными свои:
interface «enp0s3»
prepend domain-name-servers;
* в данном примере, мы зададим в качестве основного сервера DNS —
Чтобы данный метод сработал в CentOS 8, необходимо открыть файл:
В раздел [main] добавить:
Переопределение DNS в NetworkManager (альтернативный способ)
Метод, описанный выше по переопределению DNS не подходит для NetworkManager без изменения настройки dhcp, так как адреса будут получены и обработаны с помощью встроенных методов. Выше, предоставлено решение в виде настройки dhcp=dhclient, однако мы рассмотрим альтернативный способ, на случай, если кому-то это пригодится.
sleep 1
rm -f /etc/resolv.conf
echo ‘# Generated by dispatcher’ > /etc/resolv.conf
echo ‘nameserver’ >> /etc/resolv.conf
echo » >> /etc/resolv.conf
cat /var/run/NetworkManager/resolv.conf >> /etc/resolv.conf
* в данном примере мы создали скрипт, который сначала добавит нужную нам запись в файл /etc/resolv.conf, а после добавит туда значения, полученные от DHCP. Обратите внимание, что в конкретном примере:
- адрес задается в качестве приоритетного сервера DNS.
- остальные настройки получаем от DHCP, которые NetworkManager помещает в файл /var/run/NetworkManager/resolv.conf.
Разрешаем запуск скрипта:
chmod +x /etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d/99-resolv.conf.dhclient
systemctl restart NetworkManager
Через 2 секунды проверяем:
Читайте также
Другие статьи на тему сетевых настроен CentOS:
NetworkManager is a program for providing detection and configuration for systems to automatically connect to networks. NetworkManager’s functionality can be useful for both wireless and wired networks. For wireless networks, NetworkManager prefers known wireless networks and has the ability to switch to the most reliable network. NetworkManager-aware applications can switch from online and offline mode. NetworkManager also prefers wired connections over wireless ones, has support for modem connections and certain types of VPN. NetworkManager was originally developed by Red Hat and now is hosted by the GNOME project.
This article or section needs expansion.
NetworkManager can be installed with the package networkmanager , which contains a daemon, a command line interface ( nmcli ) and a curses‐based interface ( nmtui ).
Enable NetworkManager
After installation, you should start/enable NetworkManager.service . Once the NetworkManager daemon is started, it will automatically connect to any available «system connections» that have already been configured. Any «user connections» or unconfigured connections will need nmcli or an applet to configure and connect.
Additional interfaces
- nm-connection-editor for a graphical user interface,
- network-manager-applet for a system tray applet ( nm-applet ).
Mobile broadband support
NetworkManager uses ModemManager for mobile broadband connection support.
It may necessary to restart NetworkManager.service for it to detect ModemManager. After you restart it, re-plug the modem again and it should be recognized.
Add connections from a front-end (e.g. nm-connection-editor ) and select mobile broadband as the connection type. After selecting your ISP and billing plan, APN and other settings should be filled in automatically using information from mobile-broadband-provider-info .
PPPoE / DSL support
Install rp-pppoe package for PPPoE / DSL connection support. To actually add PPPoE connection, use nm-connection-editor and add new DSL/PPPoE connection.
VPN support
NetworkManager since version 1.16 has native support for WireGuard, all it needs is the wireguard kernel module. Read the WireGuard in NetworkManager blog post for details.
Support for other VPN types is based on a plug-in system. They are provided in the following packages:
NetworkManager comes with nmcli(1) and nmtui(1) .
nmcli examples
List nearby Wi-Fi networks:
Connect to a Wi-Fi network:
Connect to a hidden Wi-Fi network:
Connect to a Wi-Fi on the wlan1 interface:
Disconnect an interface:
Get a list of connections with their names, UUIDs, types and backing devices:
Activate a connection (i.e. connect to a network with an existing profile):
Delete a connection:
See a list of network devices and their state:
Edit a connection
For a comprehensive list of settings, see nm-settings(5) .
Firstly you need to get list of connections:
Here you can use the first column as connection-id used later. In this example we pick Wired connection 2 as a connection-id.
You have three methods to configure a connection Wired connection 2 after it has been created:
nmcli interactive editor nmcli connection edit ‘Wired connection 2’ .
Usage is well documented from the editor. nmcli command line interface nmcli connection modify ‘Wired connection 2’ setting.property value . See nmcli(1) for usage. For example you can change its IPv4 route metric to 200 using nmcli connection modify ‘Wired connection 2’ ipv4.route-metric 200 command.
To remove a setting pass an empty field («») to it like this:
nmcli connection modify ‘Wired connection 2’ setting.property «» Connection file In /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/ , modify the corresponding Wired connection 2.nmconnection file .
Do not forget to reload the configuration file with nmcli connection reload .
To configure and have easy access to NetworkManager, most users will want to install an applet. This GUI front-end usually resides in the system tray (or notification area) and allows network selection and configuration of NetworkManager. Various desktop environments have their own applet. Otherwise you can use #nm-applet.
GNOME has a built-in tool, accessible from the Network settings.
KDE Plasma
Install the plasma-nm package. After that, add it to the KDE taskbar via the Panel options > Add widgets > Networks menu.
network-manager-applet is a GTK 3 front-end which works under Xorg environments with a systray.
To store connection secrets install and configure GNOME/Keyring.
Be aware that after enabling the tick-box option Make available to other users for a connection, NetworkManager stores the password in plain-text, though the respective file is accessible only to root (or other users via nm-applet ). See #Encrypted Wi-Fi passwords.
In order to run nm-applet without a systray, you can use trayer or stalonetray . For example, you can add a script like this one in your path:
When you close the stalonetray window, it closes nm-applet too, so no extra memory is used once you are done with network settings.
The applet can show notifications for events such as connecting to or disconnecting from a WiFi network. For these notifications to display, ensure that you have a notification server installed — see Desktop notifications. If you use the applet without a notification server, you might see some messages in stdout/stderr, and the app might hang. See [1].
In order to run nm-applet with such notifications disabled, start the applet with the following command:
As of version 1.18.0 Appindicator support is available in the official network-manager-applet package. To use nm-applet in an Appindicator environment start the applet with the following command:
Alternatively there is networkmanager-dmenu-git AUR which is a small script to manage NetworkManager connections with dmenu or rofi instead of nm-applet . It provides all essential features such as connection to existing NetworkManager wifi or wired connections, connect to new wifi connections, requests passphrase if required, connect to existing VPN connections, enable/disable networking, launch nm-connection-editor GUI, connect to Bluetooth networks.
NetworkManager will require some additional steps to be able run properly. Make sure you have configured /etc/hosts as described in Network configuration#Set the hostname section.
NetworkManager has a global configuration file at /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf . Additional configuration files can be placed in /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/ . Usually no configuration needs to be done to the global defaults.
After editing a configuration file, the changes can be applied by running:
Enabling NetworkManager.service also enables NetworkManager-wait-online.service , which is a oneshot system service that waits for the network to be configured. The latter has WantedBy=network-online.target , so it will finish only when network-online.target itself is enabled or pulled in by some other unit. See also systemd#Running services after the network is up.
By default, NetworkManager-wait-online.service waits for NetworkManager startup to complete, rather than waiting for network connectivity specifically (see nm-online(1) ). If NetworkManager-wait-online.service finishes before the network is really up, resulting in failed services on boot, extend the unit to remove the -s from the ExecStart line:
Be aware that this can cause other issues.
In some cases, the service will still fail to start successfully on boot due to the timeout setting being too short. Edit the service to change NM_ONLINE_TIMEOUT from 60 to a higher value.
Set up PolicyKit permissions
With a working session, you have several options for granting the necessary privileges to NetworkManager:
- Option 1. Run a Polkit authentication agent when you log in, such as /usr/lib/polkit-gnome/polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1 (part of polkit-gnome ). You will be prompted for your password whenever you add or remove a network connection.
- Option 2.Add yourself to the wheel group. You will not have to enter your password, but your user account may be granted other permissions as well, such as the ability to use sudo without entering the root password.
- Option 3.Add yourself to the network group and create the following file:
All users in the network group will be able to add and remove networks without a password. This will not work under systemd if you do not have an active session with systemd-logind.
Proxy settings
NetworkManager does not directly handle proxy settings, but if you are using GNOME or KDE, you could use proxydriver which handles proxy settings using NetworkManager’s information. proxydriver is found in the package proxydriver AUR .
In order for proxydriver to be able to change the proxy settings, you would need to execute this command, as part of the GNOME startup process (see GNOME#Autostart).
Checking connectivity
NetworkManager can try to reach a webserver after connecting to a network in order to determine if it is e.g behind a captive portal. The default host (configured in /usr/lib/NetworkManager/conf.d/20-connectivity.conf ) is ping.archlinux.org. To use a different webserver or to disable connectivity checking, create /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/20-connectivity.conf , see NetworkManager.conf(5) § CONNECTIVITY SECTION . Below is an example of using GNOME servers (it does not require the use of GNOME):
To disable NetworkManager’s connectivity check, use the following configuration. This can be useful when connected to a VPN that blocks connectivity checks.
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Captive portals
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For those behind a captive portal, the desktop manager may automatically open a window asking for credentials. If your desktop does not, you can use capnet-assist package (however, it currently it has a broken NetworkManager dispatcher script). Alternatively, you can create a NetworkManager dispatcher script with the following content:
You will need to restart NetworkManager.service or reboot for this to start working. Once you do, the dispatcher script should open a login window once it detects you are behind a captive portal.
Another solution is captive-browser-git AUR based on Google Chrome.
DHCP client
By default NetworkManager uses its internal DHCP client. The internal DHCPv4 plugin is based on the nettools’ n-dhcp4 library, while the internal DHCPv6 plugin is made from code based on systemd-networkd.
To use a different DHCP client install one of the alternatives:
To change the DHCP client backend, set the option main.dhcp=dhcp_client_name with a configuration file in /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/ . E.g.:
DNS management
NetworkManager’s DNS management is described in the GNOME project’s wiki page—Projects/NetworkManager/DNS.
DNS caching and conditional forwarding
NetworkManager has a plugin to enable DNS caching and conditional forwarding (previously called «split DNS» in NetworkManager’s documentation) using dnsmasq or systemd-resolved. The advantages of this setup is that DNS lookups will be cached, shortening resolve times, and DNS lookups of VPN hosts will be routed to the relevant VPN’s DNS servers. This is especially useful if you are connected to more than one VPN.
Make sure dnsmasq has been installed. Then set main.dns=dnsmasq with a configuration file in /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/ :
Now run nmcli general reload as root. NetworkManager will automatically start dnsmasq and add to /etc/resolv.conf . The original DNS servers can be found in /run/NetworkManager/no-stub-resolv.conf . You can verify dnsmasq is being used by doing the same DNS lookup twice with drill example.com and verifying the server and query times.
Custom dnsmasq configuration
Custom configurations can be created for dnsmasq by creating configuration files in /etc/NetworkManager/dnsmasq.d/ . For example, to change the size of the DNS cache (which is stored in RAM):
You can check the configuration file syntax with:
See dnsmasq(8) for all available options.
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Enabling dnsmasq in NetworkManager may break IPv6-only DNS lookups (i.e. drill -6 [hostname] ) which would otherwise work. In order to resolve this, creating the following file will configure dnsmasq to also listen to the IPv6 loopback:
In addition, dnsmasq also does not prioritize upstream IPv6 DNS. Unfortunately NetworkManager does not do this (Ubuntu Bug). A workaround would be to disable IPv4 DNS in the NetworkManager config, assuming one exists.
The dnsmasq instance started by NetworkManager by default will not validate DNSSEC since it is started with the —proxy-dnssec option. It will trust whatever DNSSEC information it gets from the upstream DNS server.
For dnsmasq to properly validate DNSSEC, thus breaking DNS resolution with name servers that do not support it, create the following configuration file:
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NetworkManager can use systemd-resolved as a DNS resolver and cache. Make sure that systemd-resolved is properly configured and that systemd-resolved.service is started before using it.
systemd-resolved will be used automatically if /etc/resolv.conf is a symlink to /run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolv.conf , /run/systemd/resolve/resolv.conf or /usr/lib/systemd/resolv.conf .
You can enable it explicitly by setting main.dns=systemd-resolved with a configuration file in /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/ :
DNS resolver with an openresolv subscriber
If openresolv has a subscriber for your local DNS resolver, set up the subscriber and configure NetworkManager to use openresolv.
Because NetworkManager advertises a single «interface» to resolvconf, it is not possible to implement conditional forwarding between two NetworkManager connections. See NetworkManager issue 153.
This can be partially mitigated if you set private_interfaces=»*» in /etc/resolvconf.conf [4]. Any queries for domains that are not in search domain list will not get forwarded. They will be handled according to the local resolver’s configuration, for example, forwarded to another DNS server or resolved recursively from the DNS root.
Custom DNS servers
Setting custom global DNS servers
To set DNS servers for all connections, specify them in NetworkManager.conf(5) using the syntax servers=serveripaddress1,serveripaddress2,serveripaddress3 in a section named [global-dns-domain-*] . For example:
Setting custom DNS servers in a connection
Setting custom DNS servers in a connection (GUI)
Setup will depend on the type of front-end used; the process usually involves right-clicking on the applet, editing (or creating) a profile, and then choosing DHCP type as Automatic (specify addresses). The DNS addresses will need to be entered and are usually in this form:, DNS-server-one, . .
Setting custom DNS servers in a connection (nmcli / connection file)
To setup DNS Servers per connection, you can use the dns field (and the associated dns-search and dns-options ) in the connection settings.
If method is set to auto (when you use DHCP), you need to set ignore-auto-dns to yes .
NetworkManager’s /etc/resolv.conf management mode is configured with the main.rc-manager setting. networkmanager sets it to symlink as apposed to the upstream default auto . The setting and its values are documented in the NetworkManager.conf(5) man page.
NetworkManager also offers hooks via so called dispatcher scripts that can be used to alter the /etc/resolv.conf after network changes. See #Network services with NetworkManager dispatcher and NetworkManager(8) for more information.
Unmanaged /etc/resolv.conf
To stop NetworkManager from touching /etc/resolv.conf , set main.dns=none with a configuration file in /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/ :
After that /etc/resolv.conf might be a broken symlink that you will need to remove. Then, just create a new /etc/resolv.conf file.
Use openresolv
To configure NetworkManager to use openresolv, set main.rc-manager=resolvconf with a configuration file in /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/ :
You can assign a firewalld zone based on your current connection. For example a restrictive firewall when at work, and a less restrictive one when at home.
Network services with NetworkManager dispatcher
There are quite a few network services that you will not want running until NetworkManager brings up an interface. NetworkManager has the ability to start services when you connect to a network and stop them when you disconnect (e.g. when using NFS, SMB and NTPd).
To activate the feature you need to enable and start the NetworkManager-dispatcher.service .
Once the service is active, scripts can be added to the /etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d directory.
Scripts must be owned by root, otherwise the dispatcher will not execute them. For added security, set group ownership to root as well:
Make sure the file has correct permissions:
The scripts will be run in alphabetical order at connection time, and in reverse alphabetical order at disconnect time. To ensure what order they come up in, it is common to use numerical characters prior to the name of the script (e.g. 10-portmap or 30-netfs (which ensures that the portmapper is up before NFS mounts are attempted).
Scripts will receive the following arguments:
Avoiding the dispatcher timeout
If the above is working, then this section is not relevant. However, there is a general problem related to running dispatcher scripts which take longer to be executed. Initially an internal timeout of three seconds only was used. If the called script did not complete in time, it was killed. Later the timeout was extended to about 20 seconds (see the Bugtracker for more information). If the timeout still creates the problem, a work around may be to modify the dispatcher service file /usr/lib/systemd/system/NetworkManager-dispatcher.service to remain active after exit:
Now start and enable the modified NetworkManager-dispatcher service.
Dispatcher examples
Mount remote folder with sshfs
As the script is run in a very restrictive environment, you have to export SSH_AUTH_SOCK in order to connect to your SSH agent. There are different ways to accomplish this, see this message for more information. The example below works with GNOME Keyring, and will ask you for the password if not unlocked already. In case NetworkManager connects automatically on login, it is likely gnome-keyring has not yet started and the export will fail (hence the sleep). The UUID to match can be found with the command nmcli connection status or nmcli connection list .
Mounting of SMB shares
Some SMB shares are only available on certain networks or locations (e.g. at home). You can use the dispatcher to only mount SMB shares that are present at your current location.
The following script will check if we connected to a specific network and mount shares accordingly:
The following script will unmount all SMB shares before a software initiated disconnect from a specific network:
The following script will attempt to unmount all SMB shares following an unexpected disconnect from a specific network:
An alternative is to use the script as seen in NFS#Using a NetworkManager dispatcher:
Create a symlink inside /etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d/pre-down/ to catch the pre-down events:
Mounting of NFS shares
Use dispatcher to automatically toggle wireless depending on LAN cable being plugged in
The idea is to only turn Wi-Fi on when the LAN cable is unplugged (for example when detaching from a laptop dock), and for Wi-Fi to be automatically disabled, once a LAN cable is plugged in again.
Create the following dispatcher script[5], replacing LAN_interface with yours.
Note that there is a fail-safe for the case when the LAN interface was connected when the computer was last on, and then disconnected while the computer was off. That would mean the radio would still be off when the computer is turned back on, and with a disconnected LAN interface, you would have no network.
Use dispatcher to connect to a VPN after a network connection is established
In this example we want to connect automatically to a previously defined VPN connection after connecting to a specific Wi-Fi network. First thing to do is to create the dispatcher script that defines what to do after we are connected to the network.
If you would like to attempt to automatically connect to VPN for all Wi-Fi networks, you can use the following definition of the ESSID: ESSID=$(iwgetid -r) . Remember to set the script’s permissions accordingly.
Trying to connect with the above script may still fail with NetworkManager-dispatcher.service complaining about ‘no valid VPN secrets’, because of the way VPN secrets are stored. Fortunately, there are different options to give the above script access to your VPN password.
1: One of them requires editing the VPN connection configuration file to make NetworkManager store the secrets by itself rather than inside a keyring that will be inaccessible for root: open up /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/name of your VPN connection and change the password-flags and secret-flags from 1 to 0 .
If that alone does not work, you may have to create a passwd-file in a safe location with the same permissions and ownership as the dispatcher script, containing the following:
The script must be changed accordingly, so that it gets the password from the file:
2: Alternatively, change the password-flags and put the password directly in the configuration file adding the section vpn-secrets :
Use dispatcher to disable IPv6 on VPN provider connections
Many commercial VPN providers support only IPv4. That means all IPv6 traffic bypasses the VPN and renders it virtually useless. To avoid this, dispatcher can be used to disable all IPv6 traffic for the time a VPN connection is up.
NetworkManager applets are designed to load upon login so no further configuration should be necessary for most users. If you have already disabled your previous network settings and disconnected from your network, you can now test if NetworkManager will work. The first step is to start NetworkManager.service .
Some applets will provide you with a .desktop file so that the NetworkManager applet can be loaded through the application menu. If it does not, you are going to either have to discover the command to use or logout and login again to start the applet. Once the applet is started, it will likely begin polling network connections with for auto-configuration with a DHCP server.
To start the GNOME applet in non-xdg-compliant window managers like awesome:
For static IP addresses, you will have to configure NetworkManager to understand them. The process usually involves right-clicking the applet and selecting something like ‘Edit Connections’.
Tips and tricks
Encrypted Wi-Fi passwords
By default, NetworkManager stores passwords in clear text in the connection files at /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/ . To print the stored passwords, use the following command:
The passwords are accessible to the root user in the filesystem and to users with access to settings via the GUI (e.g. nm-applet ).
It is preferable to save the passwords in encrypted form in a keyring instead of clear text. The downside of using a keyring is that the connections have to be set up for each user.
Using GNOME Keyring
The keyring daemon has to be started and the keyring needs to be unlocked for the following to work.
Furthermore, NetworkManager needs to be configured not to store the password for all users. Using GNOME nm-applet , run nm-connection-editor from a terminal, select a network connection, click Edit , select the Wifi-Security tab and click on the right icon of password and check Store the password only for this user .
Using KDE Wallet
Using KDE’s plasma-nm , click the applet, click on the top right Settings icon, click on a network connection, in the General settings tab, untick all users may connect to this network . If the option is ticked, the passwords will still be stored in clear text, even if a keyring daemon is running.
If the option was selected previously and you un-tick it, you may have to use the reset option first to make the password disappear from the file. Alternatively, delete the connection first and set it up again.
Sharing internet connection over Wi-Fi
You can share your internet connection (e.g. 3G or wired) with a few clicks. Please note that a firewall may interfere with internet sharing.
You will need a Wi-Fi card which supports AP mode, see Software access point#Wi-Fi device must support AP mode for details.
Install the dnsmasq package to be able to actually share the connection. Note that NetworkManager starts its own instance of dnsmasq, independent of dnsmasq.service , as a DHCP server. See #dnsmasq for the caveats.
Create the shared connection:
- Click on applet and choose Create new wireless network.
- Follow wizard (choose WPA2 or higher, be sure to use at least 8 character long password, lower lengths will fail).
- Choose either Hotspot or Ad-hoc as Wi-Fi mode.
The connection will be saved and remain stored for the next time you need it.
Sharing internet connection over Ethernet
Scenario: your device has internet connection over wi-fi and you want to share the internet connection to other devices over ethernet.
- Install the dnsmasq package to be able to actually share the connection. Note that NetworkManager starts its own instance of dnsmasq, independent of dnsmasq.service , as a DHCP server. See #dnsmasq for the caveats.
- Your internet connected device and the other devices are connected over a suitable ethernet cable (this usually means a cross over cable or a switch in between).
- Internet sharing is not blocked by a firewall.
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- Run nm-connection-editor from terminal.
- Add a new ethernet connection.
- Give it some sensible name. For example «Shared Internet»
- Go to «IPv4 Settings».
- For «Method:» select «Shared to other computers».
- Save
Now you should have a new option «Shared Internet» under the Wired connections in NetworkManager.
Checking if networking is up inside a cron job or script
This article or section is out of date.
Some cron jobs require networking to be up to succeed. You may wish to avoid running these jobs when the network is down. To accomplish this, add an if test for networking that queries NetworkManager’s nm-tool and checks the state of networking. The test shown here succeeds if any interface is up, and fails if they are all down. This is convenient for laptops that might be hardwired, might be on wireless, or might be off the network.
This useful for a cron.hourly script that runs fpupdate for the F-Prot virus scanner signature update, as an example. Another way it might be useful, with a little modification, is to differentiate between networks using various parts of the output from nm-tool; for example, since the active wireless network is denoted with an asterisk, you could grep for the network name and then grep for a literal asterisk.
Connect to network with secret on boot
By default, NetworkManager will not connect to networks requiring a secret automatically on boot. This is because it locks such connections to the user who makes it by default, only connecting after they have logged in. To change this, do the following:
- Right click on the nm-applet icon in your panel and select Edit Connections and open the Wireless tab
- Select the connection you want to work with and click the Edit button
- Check the boxes “Connect Automatically” and “Available to all users”
- Additionally, ensure that under «Wi-Fi Security», «Store password for all users (not encrypted)» is selected
Log out and log back in to complete.
OpenConnect with password in KWallet
While you may type both values at connection time, plasma-nm and above are capable of retrieving OpenConnect username and password directly from KWallet.
Open «KDE Wallet Manager» and look up your OpenConnect VPN connection under «Network Management|Maps». Click «Show values» and enter your credentials in key «VpnSecrets» in this form (replace username and password accordingly):
Next time you connect, username and password should appear in the «VPN secrets» dialog box.
Ignore specific devices
Sometimes it may be desired that NetworkManager ignores specific devices and does not try to configure addresses and routes for them. You can quickly and easily ignore devices by MAC or interface-name by using the following in /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/unmanaged.conf :
After editing the file, run nmcli general reload as root. Afterwards you should be able to configure interfaces without NetworkManager altering what you have set.
Configuring MAC address randomization
MAC randomization can be used for increased privacy by not disclosing your real MAC address to the network.
NetworkManager supports two types MAC Address Randomization: randomization during scanning, and for network connections. Both modes can be configured by modifying /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf or by creating a separate configuration file in /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/ which is recommended since the aforementioned config file may be overwritten by NetworkManager.
Randomization during Wi-Fi scanning is enabled by default, but it may be disabled by adding the following lines to /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf or a dedicated configuration file under /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d :
MAC randomization for network connections can be set to different modes for both wireless and ethernet interfaces. See the GNOME blog post for more details on the different modes.
In terms of MAC randomization the most important modes are stable and random . stable generates a random MAC address when you connect to a new network and associates the two permanently. This means that you will use the same MAC address every time you connect to that network. In contrast, random will generate a new MAC address every time you connect to a network, new or previously known. You can configure the MAC randomization by adding the desired configuration under /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d :
See the following GNOME blog post for more details.
Enable IPv6 Privacy Extensions
Working with wired connections
By default, NetworkManager generates a connection profile for each wired ethernet connection it finds. At the point when generating the connection, it does not know whether there will be more ethernet adapters available. Hence, it calls the first wired connection «Wired connection 1». You can avoid generating this connection, by configuring no-auto-default (see NetworkManager.conf(5) ), or by simply deleting it. Then NetworkManager will remember not to generate a connection for this interface again.
You can also edit the connection (and persist it to disk) or delete it. NetworkManager will not re-generate a new connection. Then you can change the name to whatever you want. You can use something like nm-connection-editor for this task.
Using iwd as the Wi-Fi backend
Enable the experimental iwd backend creating the following configuration file:
Alternatively, you can install networkmanager-iwd AUR , a modified package configured to build NetworkManager working exclusively with iwd, with the main difference being that iwd is required and wpa_supplicant can be uninstalled after building.
Running in a network namespace
If you would like to run NetworkManager inside a network namespace (e.g., to manage a specific device which should be use by selected applications), bring the device down before moving it to the namespace:
otherwise NetworkManager will later fail to establish the connection with a device is strictly unmanaged error.
Automatically connect to VPN
NetworkManager can be set to automatically connect to a VPN when connecting to the internet, on a per network basis. The VPN connection itself can be added in GNOME’s NetworkManager front-end, but to make it automatically use the VPN nmcli must be used. Other front-ends might not have this limitation.
First, make sure to make the VPN connection available to all users. In the GNOME this is a matter of checking a box under the details tab. Under the Identity tab, in the password field, click the icon on the right side in the field, and set it to Store the password for all users .
Then find the UUID of the VPN connection, and add that to connection.secondaries of the Internet connection:
Now when NetworkManager is restarted and you connect to the Internet connection you have configured, you should automatically get connected to the VPN.
No prompt for password of secured Wi-Fi networks
When trying to connect to a secured Wi-Fi network, no prompt for a password is shown and no connection is established. This happens when no keyring package is installed. An easy solution is to install gnome-keyring . If you want the passwords to be stored in encrypted form, follow GNOME Keyring to set up the gnome-keyring-daemon.
Network management disabled
When NetworkManager shuts down but the pid (state) file is not removed, you will see a Network management disabled message. If this happens, remove the file manually:
Problems with internal DHCP client
If you have problems with getting an IP address using the internal DHCP client, consider using another DHCP client, see #DHCP client for instructions. This workaround might solve problems in big wireless networks like eduroam.
DHCP problems with dhclient
If you have problems with getting an IP address via DHCP, try to add the following to your /etc/dhclient.conf :
Where aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff is the MAC address of this NIC. The MAC address can be found using the ip link show interface command from the iproute2 package.
3G modem not detected
Switching off WLAN on laptops
Sometimes NetworkManager will not work when you disable your Wi-Fi adapter with a switch on your laptop and try to enable it again afterwards. This is often a problem with rfkill. To check if the driver notifies rfkill about the wireless adapter’s status, use:
If one identifier stays blocked after you switch on the adapter you could try to manually unblock it with (where X is the number of the identifier provided by the above output):
Static IP address settings revert to DHCP
Due to an unresolved bug, when changing default connections to a static IP address, nm-applet may not properly store the configuration change, and will revert to automatic DHCP.
To work around this issue you have to edit the default connection (e.g. «Auto eth0») in nm-applet , change the connection name (e.g. «my eth0»), uncheck the «Available to all users» checkbox, change your static IP address settings as desired, and click Apply. This will save a new connection with the given name.
Next, you will want to make the default connection not connect automatically. To do so, run nm-connection-editor (not as root). In the connection editor, edit the default connection (e.g. «Auto eth0») and uncheck «Connect automatically». Click Apply and close the connection editor.
Cannot edit connections as normal user
Forget hidden wireless network
Since hidden networks are not displayed in the selection list of the Wireless view, they cannot be forgotten (removed) with the GUI. You can delete one with the following command:
This also works for any other connection.
VPN not working in GNOME
When setting up OpenConnect or vpnc connections in NetworkManager while using GNOME, you will sometimes never see the dialog box pop up and the following error appears in /var/log/errors.log :
This is caused by the GNOME NM Applet expecting dialog scripts to be at /usr/lib/gnome-shell , when NetworkManager’s packages put them in /usr/lib/networkmanager . As a «temporary» fix (this bug has been around for a while now), make the following symlink(s):
- For OpenConnect: ln -s /usr/lib/networkmanager/nm-openconnect-auth-dialog /usr/lib/gnome-shell/
- For VPNC (i.e. Cisco VPN): ln -s /usr/lib/networkmanager/nm-vpnc-auth-dialog /usr/lib/gnome-shell/
This may need to be done for any other NM VPN plugins as well, but these are the two most common.
Unable to connect to visible European wireless networks
WLAN chips are shipped with a default regulatory domain. If your access point does not operate within these limitations, you will not be able to connect to the network. Fixing this is easy:
- Installcrda
- Uncomment the correct Country Code in /etc/conf.d/wireless-regdom
- Reboot the system, because the setting is only read on boot
Automatic connect to VPN on boot is not working
The problem occurs when the system (i.e. NetworkManager running as the root user) tries to establish a VPN connection, but the password is not accessible because it is stored in the GNOME keyring of a particular user.
A solution is to keep the password to your VPN in plaintext, as described in step (2.) of #Use dispatcher to connect to a VPN after a network connection is established.
You do not need to use the dispatcher described in step (1.) to auto-connect anymore, if you use the new «auto-connect VPN» option from the nm-applet GUI.
Systemd Bottleneck
Over time the log files ( /var/log/journal ) can become very large. This can have a big impact on boot performance when using NetworkManager, see: Systemd#Boot time increasing over time.
Regular network disconnects, latency and lost packets (WiFi)
NetworkManager does a scan every 2 minutes.
Some WiFi drivers have issues when scanning for base stations whilst connected/associated. Symptoms include VPN disconnects/reconnects and lost packets, web pages failing to load and then refresh fine.
Running journalctl -f as root will indicate that this is taking place, messages like the following will be contained in the logs at regular intervals.
There is a patched version of NetworkManager which should prevent this type of scanning: networkmanager-noscan AUR .
Alternatively, if roaming is not important, the periodic scanning behavior can be disabled by locking the BSSID of the access point in the WiFi connection profile.
Unable to turn on wi-fi with Lenovo laptop (IdeaPad, Legion, etc.)
There is an issue with the ideapad_laptop module on some Lenovo models due to the wi-fi driver incorrectly reporting a soft block. The card can still be manipulated with netctl , but managers like NetworkManager break. You can verify that this is the problem by checking the output of rfkill list after toggling your hardware switch and seeing that the soft block persists.
The factual accuracy of this article or section is disputed.
Unloading the ideapad_laptop module should fix this. (warning: this may disable the laptop keyboard and touchpad also!).
Turn off hostname sending
NetworkManager by default sends the hostname to the DHCP server. Hostname sending can only be disabled per connection not globally (Issue #584).
To disable sending your hostname to the DHCP server for a specific connection, add the following to your network connection file:
nm-applet disappears in i3wm
If you use the xfce4-notifyd.service for notifications you must edit the unit and add the following:
After reloading the daemons restart xfce4-notifyd.service . Exit i3 and start it back up again and the applet should show on the tray.
nm-applet tray icons display wrongly
Currently the tray icons of nm-applet are drawn on top of one another, i.e. the icon displaying wireless strength might show on top of the icon indicating no wired connection. This is apparently a GTK3 bug/problem: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gtk/issues/1280 .
A patched version of GTK3 exists in AUR, which apparently fixes the tray icon bug: gtk3-classic AUR .
Unit dbus-org.freedesktop.resolve1.service not found
If systemd-resolved.service is not started, NetworkManager will try to start it using D-Bus and fail:
This is because NetworkManager will try to send DNS information to systemd-resolved regardless of the main.dns= setting in NetworkManager.conf(5) .[8]
This can be disabled with a configuration file in /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/ :
Secrets were required, but not provided
If you attempt to connect to a network using nmcli device wifi connect SSID password password and received the following error:
The error can be resolved by deleting the connection profile and creating a new one:
You can also try disabling MAC address randomization:
WPA Enterprise connection with NetworkManager
If you try to connect to an WPA Enterprise network like ‘eduroam’ with NetworkManager with the iwd backend then you will get the following error from NetworkManager:
This is because NetworkManager can not configure a WPA Enterprise network. Therefore you have to configure it using an iwd config file /var/lib/iwd/essid.8021x like described in iwd#WPA Enterprise.
Failed to request VPN secrets
If you get this error:
It is either because the password is empty or you have to set up PolicyKit permissions.