Openttd ��� mac os

Openttd ��� mac os

Some industries just can get enough of producing cargo.

Recent News

New Multiplayer Experience

2021-09-26 Posted by TrueBrain

With 12.0 in feature-freeze, it is time to talk about what is in 12.0, and why we release early.

In summary: 12.0 makes setting up multiplayer games painless. You no longer need to configure anything in your home network. Playing together are now just four simple steps: 1) You just start a server. 2) You set the server to invite-only or public. 3) You share your invite-code with your friend. 4) Your friend joins your server based on the invite-code.

There is no need to setup port-forwarding, or anything like that. The above will just work, for everyone, as long as you have a working Internet connection.

Depending on your connection, there are some extra infrastructure costs to us, but we hope to cover that increase with donations. Thanks to many of you, we see regular donations. This currently covers our infastructure cost, and we currently foresee no issues going forward. If this changes, we will let you know, and run some kind of fundraiser. Well, I guess in a sense this post is also a fundraiser 😉

As you might understand, this changes the multiplayer experience drastically, and we felt that waiting 6 more months to deliver that to you is not fair. As a result: we are releasing 12.0 early!

In this post, I want to explain in a bit more details how we got here and how it works.

OpenTTD 12.0-RC1

2021-09-25 Posted by LordAro

Rejoice, for we are now in feature freeze for the 12.0 release series!

One last flurry of features, including properly displaying when a vehicle is lost, and some new buttons for macOS TouchBar, if you have one. A fair few fixes for the new networking setup, and a few other things besides.

Testing is more important than ever, so please keep it up (multiplayer especially), and report any issues as normal!

OpenTTD 12.0-beta2

2021-08-19 Posted by TrueBrain

Thanks to your awesome testing, we found one critical bug in 12.0-beta1. To quickly address this, we release our second beta of the 12.X release series.

There are only a few fixes in this release, mostly related to network servers. Most notably:

  • Connecting with the same client name thrice hangs the server.
  • Reusing of invite-codes was reported poorly.

See the changelog for the full list.

To sweeten the deal, we also sneaked in a feature for cargodist that will make it take travel time more into account when routing passengers, mail and other express cargoes.

As the first issue is critical, and if you are using 12.0-beta1, we urge you to upgrade to 12.0-beta2 as soon as possible.

Please keep up the testing, and report any issues as normal!

OpenTTD 12.0-beta1

2021-08-15 Posted by TrueBrain

Are you dreaming? No, you are not!

Today I have the pleasure to announce to you that we just released the first beta of our 12.X release series!

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With our release on Steam not even six months ago we got some excellent feedback from the community on what to improve next. One of the things that stood out: playing together is not easy for many players.

So, in 12.0 we address this problem. Playing together is as easy as one of you starting a server, marking it either “Public” or “Invite-Only”, and sharing the newly introduced invite-code with your friends. They can join your server, just like that. No setup needed on your side, no port-forwarding, nothing.

Sadly, to set expectations, no integration with Steam itself has been added. Integrating with Steam as GPL-licensed software has challenges, which we haven’t resolved yet. But we hope you agree that this new multiplayer experience is the next best thing.

Next to this excellent new feature, a few other new things we introduced are:

  • Brand new “Online Players” window to easier see who is in what company, etc.
  • Maximum number of NewGRFs you can use in one game has been raised to 255.
  • Our official Windows builds are now signed.
  • Default vehicles are now compatible with almost all industry NewGRFs.
  • Configurable subsidy duration, up to 5000 years.
  • Press Ctrl to build diagonal rivers in Scenario Editor.
  • Many bug-fixes (over 50 of them), tweaks, changes, and other additions.

(As ever, see the changelog for further details).

And, the much more invisible change, mostly Rubidium has been very busy reworking our codebase to be a bit more modern C++. This hopefully makes a lot of things easier in the future, and make the code more inviting to new developers!

The usual titlegame competition will be announced on the forum shortly. The theme for this version will be “winter”, something to prepare for.

What’s up with the 12.0 you ask? We got tired having the discussion: 2.0 when? So here we are .. 1.11.1 is followed up by 12.0 🙂 And no, this is not an April Fool’s joke.

OpenTTD now available on

2021-06-10 Posted by TrueBrain

While we are slowly working towards 1.12, we have an in-between-versions surprise for you guys:



Since version 1.0.0 OpenTTD, installation is simplified enough, the game is completely (play and graphics) open source; everything is included in the installer. To download the latest version of OpenTTD click here.

Installation can be a little complicated, as the Base graphics are not distributed with the game. So beside downloading the game, you need to obtain a set of base graphics as well.

Currently, there are two sets of base graphics that OpenTTD can use:

  • OpenGFX, the official open source graphics set made by the OpenTTD team.
  • The original base graphics from the Transport Tycoon Deluxe (TTD) CD. As opposed to OpenTTD, TTD is not free software.


(If you have access to the TTD base graphics and can’t decide what base graphics to use, install the game using the TTD base graphics. OpenGFX can easily be installed afterwards. However, the easiest way is to install the game with all files from the start: TTD base graphics, OpenGFX, OpenMSX and OpenSFX files.)

Installation on Windows

Using TTD base graphics

1. Get Transport Tycoon Deluxe for Windows. If you don’t have your CD, see Google. Note: The original graphics are copyrighted, it may be illegal (in some countries) to download them.

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2. Download the Windows installer for OpenTTD from the downloads page.

The Windows installer for OpenTTD

3. Install OpenTTD. Chose the components OpenTTD and Copy data from TTD CD-ROM.

4. Tell OpenTTD where to find your TTD files; it should find them automatically if you used the TTD Windows installer, if not point it to the TTD CD in the drive.

5. Chose the folder in which to install OpenTTD.

Chose Install Location

6. Select the Start Menu folder in which you would like to create the program’s shortcuts.

Chose Start Menu Folder

7. Select Run OpenTTD and click Finish

OpenTTD has been installed!

Using OpenGFX base graphics

1. Download the Windows installer for OpenTTD from the OpenTTD website.

The Windows installer for OpenTTD

2. Install OpenTTD.

3. Skip the step where the installer asks for the TTD files. Do this by unchecking «Copy Game Graphics» in the «Choose Components» menu.

Installer setup for users without TTD files

4. Editing the config file

4.1. Locate Openttd.cfg. It is located in:

4.2. Open Openttd.cfg using your favourite plain text editor.

4.3. Locate the [misc] section and add the following (or edit the existing) line to the end of that section:

The name of the base graphics set is listed in it’s obg-file and may or may not be identical to the obg’s file name.

4.4. Save the changes you made and run OpenTTD.

Installation on macOS

1 Get the macOS download for OpenTTD from the downloads page. The .dmg disk image is the recommended choice. A .zip archive may also be available.

2 Open the .dmg disk image or .zip archive from the download

3 Create an OpenTTD folder on your computer, and copy the files to it from the disk image or zip archive.

4 OpenTTD requires some additional graphics file, for which there are two choices: original TTD base graphics, or OpenGFX.

Using original TTD base graphics

  1. Get Transport Tycoon Deluxe for Windows or DOS. If you don’t have your CD, see Google. Note: The original graphics are copyrighted, it may be illegal (in some countries) to download them.
    1. see below for what files need to go where.

Using OpenGFX base graphics

  1. Consult the OpenGFX Readme for further instructions.

Installation on Linux

  1. Within Software Center of your distribution (or Package Manager), pick OpenTTD
  2. Click install

You can now choose either OpenGFX graphics, or use original TTD graphics if you have a copy of original game around. OpenGFX is faster and prefered.

Choosing OpenGFX for base graphics

  1. Start the game
  2. In game main menu go to Check Online Options
  3. Check OpenGFX, OpenMSX, OpenSFX; press download, close window
  4. In game main menu, select Settings and make sure you are using three packs above
  5. Play

Choosing TTD for base graphics

  1. Get Transport Tycoon Deluxe for Windows or DOS.
  • If you don’t have your CD, see Google.
  • Note: The original graphics are copyrighted, it may be illegal (in USA and some countries) to download them.
  1. Create an

    /.openttd/ directory and put them there.

Manual Installation from source on Linux

Files from TTD

If you’re installing OpenTTD with the TTD base graphics, OpenTTD requires several original game files from your Transport Tycoon Deluxe installation CD.

The following files are mandatory. You need to copy them to the /baseset directory, which is in your personal OpenTTD directory. These files contain the graphics and the sound effects:

Additionally, you may want to copy the original game music. To accomplish that, you need to copy the /gm/ folder from the TTD CD to your personal OpenTTD directory.

There are a few ways to get these files:

  • Copy the folder and files from the TTD game CD to your OpenTTD /data folder.
  • Unzip a TTD installation zip file, and copy the folders.
  • Install TTD for Windows in another directory and then copy the folders.

Installing sound and music

Chances are, your OpenTTD installation already has sound and music. If it doesn’t, we recommend to install OpenSFX and OpenMSX from the in-game content downloader. You need an Internet connection for this. After the download, go to “Game Settings” and select these base sets for sounds and music.

For music to work, your system needs to have MIDI playback support. Most systems should support it out of the box, but if not, consult the manual of your operating system to learn how to get MIDI support.

You can control music and sound playback in-game with the Sound/Music menu. Click the “Play” button to start music playback.

Installing AI

AI is neccessary in order to get competing companies in singleplayer. Without AI, the computer won’t launch any competing companies, and your company will be alone.

In the main menu, click on the “AI” button, and then on “Download extensions”. Again, you need an Internet connection for this to work. There are a lot of AIs to choose from. We recommend SimpleAI for a start, as it is the most stable one. In the AI menu, you can choose how many computer players there will be in your game.


OpenTTD для Mac OS



Mac OS


Обновлено: 2019-07-08 13:02:24

Разрядность: 64 бит

Совместимость: Mac OS X

Язык: Русский, Английский, Немецкий, Французский


OpenTTD Компьютерная игра, порт известной игры Transport Tycoon Deluxe. OpenTTD является бесплатной и свободной программой, для работы можно использовать файлы данных от платной оригинальной Transport Tycoon Deluxe.

Суть игры в создании и успешном развитии транспортного предприятия, которым руководит игрок. Развитие происходит благодаря извлечению прибыли, которая получается от перевозок грузов и пассажиров разнообразным транспортом (железнодорожным, авто, авиа и водным). Игрок начинает игру в начале XX века с паровозами и самолётами типа «Кукурузник» или Юнкерс, продолжает играть с дизелями и «Боингами» и заканчивает играть в конце XXI века с маглевами, монорельсами и «Конкордами». Названия оригинальных транспортных средств сделаны вымышленными, в то время как в Transport Tycoon Deluxe используются реальные названия.

Фактически, OpenTTD является дальнейшим развитием Transport Tycoon Deluxe и превзошла своего предшественника по функциональности и стабильности. Улучшения появляются и проходят тестирование ежедневно в «ночных сборках». Помимо прочих улучшений и нововведений следует отметить в 64 раза больший максимальный размер карт, возможность строительства рек, каналов и акведуков, полноценную поддержку Юникода, перевод на 40 языков мира включая русский, возможность игры по локальной сети и через интернет, улучшенный и развивающийся искусственный интеллект. Для игры можно использовать файлы (графика, звуки и музыка) от оригинального TTD, но есть пакеты основной графики (OpenGFX), звуков (OpenSFX) и музыки (OpenMSX), которые являются полностью открытыми и созданы в рамках лицензии GNU GPL 2.0. Также в игре существует мультиплеер до 15 игроков, который поддерживает IPv6.


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