Openvpn there are no tap windows adapter

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OpenVPN Error: All TAP-Windows adapters on this system are currently in use

Ошибка при попытке подключения к OpenVPN серверу.

Ошибка “All TAP-Windows adapters on this system are currently in use” означает что в системе проблемы с виртуальным Tun/Tap сетевым адаптером, который использует OpenVPN в Windows.

В моем случае он просто не появлялся в системе Windows7.

Для исправления проблемы нужно переустановить драйвер виртуального адаптера.

Полностью удаляем драйвер. Открываем папку C:\Program Files\TAP-Windows
Нажимаем правой кнопкой на файл Uninstall.exe и выбираем Запустить от имени администратора.

Качаем Tap драйвер с OpenVPN репозитория и устанавливаем его с правами админа (правый клик на файле > Запустить от имени администратора )

После всего обязательно заходим в Панель управления\Сеть и Интернет\Сетевые подключения и проверяем там наличие TAP-Windows Adapter.

OpenVPN Error: All TAP-Windows adapters on this system are currently in use : 21 комментарий

спасибо. только это и помогло. вместе с удалением поделки касперского.

Списибо тебе, о Человек! Я пол часа ипался с сервером, думал что косяк в конфигах. Оказалось, что у меня не корректно установился клиент, без TAP-а. Почему люди не пишут, в своих статьях, что после установки клиента должен появиться туннельный адаптер.

Благодарствую тебе, о великий гуру!
Пол дня колупания в интернете и поиска дров для этого адаптера, а в условиях удаленки это прям оч важнецки!
Ещё раз спасибо!

Скинул на печеньку. Спасибо добрый ты человек!

Спасибо за ссылку на драйвер. У меня win7 и при установке vpnmonster ставятся драйвера без цифровой подписи под семёрку, в результате программа не работала. Установка данных драйверов помогла.

Блин, спасибо! У меня техподдержка на работе на эту проблему выдала, что винду надо переустановить, иначе не заработает.

Спасибо тебе добрый человек. Только этот рецепт и помог. Странно, что в дистрибутив OpenVPN включили неподписанный драйвер (пробовал версии и 2.4.9-I601-Win7).

Спасибо большое! Меня тоже убедили, что переустановка Винды решит проблему, А нет:((

Спасибо огромное, тебе, добрый человек! Две минуты и все работает, а то сисадмин компании кинул на произвол судьбы, сказав, что не помнит как решить данную проблему!

Боже, присоединяюсь к людям в коммах, ты очень помог, брат, другие сайты не помогли

Спасибо! Все заработало. Два часа мучений и паники с переустановкой vpn в разных вариантах… Вы спасли.

О СПАСИТЕЛЬ. КО МНЕ УЖЕ ТУТ ХАКЕРЫ ПРИХОДИЛИ И ВСЕ КАК ОДИН ТВЕРДИЛИ, ТОЛЬКО СИСТЕМУ ПЕРЕУСТАНАВЛИВАТЬ ПРОБОВАТЬ! Спасибо большое, парень, ты реально спас. Отдельный тебе респект и почтенная благодарность, за прямую ссылку на скачивания драйвера, который я искал с хакерами целый день и ни хрена не нашел даже платно! РЕСПЕКТ ИЗ РЕСПЕКТОВ.

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Добрый вечер. Пытаюсь подключиться к впн, пишет ошибку WARNING: normally if you use –mssfix and/or –fragment, you should also set –tun-mtu 1500 (currently it is 1400)
Че делать подскажите плиззз

There are no TAP-Windows adapters on this system. You should be able to create a TAP-Windows adapter by going to Start -> All Programs -> TAP-Windows -> Utilities -> Add a new TAP-Windows virtual ethernet adapter. #163


yixuan0719 commented Nov 25, 2019

I have execute the tapctl.exe file, i can see the tap adapter on my computer, please check the attachment.
I can’t see the «TAP-Windows » program, so can’t create a tap-windows adapters manually, what i should do now?

The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:

chipitsine commented Nov 25, 2019

what is OAS ? is it Access Server ?

yixuan0719 commented Nov 25, 2019

I don’t know, maybe it is created by the other programs.

chipitsine commented Nov 25, 2019

can you try installing community openvpn ? I guess similar adapter (without OAS) should appear

chipitsine commented Nov 25, 2019

btw, do you mean tapctl from AS package ?

yixuan0719 commented Nov 25, 2019

Just guess, can you tell me what the tapctl.exe is used to ?

yixuan0719 commented Nov 25, 2019

I tried to run tapctl.exe, but I didn’t see any execution details.

yixuan0719 commented Nov 25, 2019 •

The build.bat file in the «openvpn-build\msvc» directory, only copy the header file of TAP, neither compile the source files, nor install process, is this correct?

chipitsine commented Nov 25, 2019

Just guess, can you tell me what the tapctl.exe is used to ?

it is an utility for creation TAP interfaces

I tried to run tapctl.exe, but I didn’t see any execution details.

that’s a way it is designed. if you are not happy about it, you can send pull request

The build.bat file in the «openvpn-build\msvc» directory, only copy the header file of TAP, neither compile the source files, nor install process, is this correct?

no, it is not correct

yixuan0719 commented Nov 26, 2019

That’s all for the TAP in the build.bat, is it enough?
echo TAP

copy build.tmp\tap-windows6-%TAP_VERSION%\src\tap-windows.h «%TARGET%\include»
if errorlevel 1 goto error

if «%MODE%» == «DEPS» goto end

chipitsine commented Nov 26, 2019

Yes, that is enough

yixuan0719 commented Nov 26, 2019

OK,can you tell me what the openvpnserv.exe is used to ?

yixuan0719 commented Nov 26, 2019

This project does not include the openvpn GUI, what i should do if i want to build the openvpn GUI in this project? any wiki page or doc?

Openvpn there are no tap windows adapter


openvpn is unable to find the (existing) TAP network device after an upgrade from build 10041. uninstalling and reinstalling openvpn and/or the tap device does not help.

Tue Mar 31 09:49:36 2015 OpenVPN 2.3.6 i686-w64-mingw32 [SSL (OpenSSL)] [LZO] [PKCS11] [IPv6] built on Mar 19 2015
Tue Mar 31 09:49:36 2015 library versions: OpenSSL 1.0.1m 19 Mar 2015, LZO 2.08
Enter Management Password:
Tue Mar 31 09:49:37 2015 Control Channel Authentication: using ‘redacted-tls.key’ as a OpenVPN static key file
Tue Mar 31 09:49:37 2015 UDPv4 link local (bound): [undef]
Tue Mar 31 09:49:37 2015 UDPv4 link remote: [AF_INET]
Tue Mar 31 09:49:38 2015 [] Peer Connection Initiated with [AF_INET]
Tue Mar 31 09:49:40 2015 There are no TAP-Windows adapters on this system. You should be able to create a TAP-Windows adapter by going to Start -> All Programs -> TAP-Windows -> Utilities -> Add a new TAP-Windows virtual ethernet adapter.
Tue Mar 31 09:49:40 2015 Exiting due to fatal error

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the TAP adapter does indeed exist.

had no problem using openvpn in any of the previous builds. the problem also exists in other (openvpn) clients that make use of the TAP driver, for example securepoint’s client.


I have the same problem but did some checking and I found out that there is a registry entry missing on my computer

Open entry as follows:

  • I dont know if the guid is always the same but the last id can be diffrent for sure
  • You can open atleast the class key and the just use find data: TAP-Windows Adapter V9

if you have more than one tap adapters then you have to add this for all of them

In this key add the REG_SZ entry:

This worked for me

All replies

openvpn is unable to find the (existing) TAP network device after an upgrade from build 10041. uninstalling and reinstalling openvpn and/or the tap device does not help.

Tue Mar 31 09:49:36 2015 OpenVPN 2.3.6 i686-w64-mingw32 [SSL (OpenSSL)] [LZO] [PKCS11] [IPv6] built on Mar 19 2015
Tue Mar 31 09:49:36 2015 library versions: OpenSSL 1.0.1m 19 Mar 2015, LZO 2.08
Enter Management Password:
Tue Mar 31 09:49:37 2015 Control Channel Authentication: using ‘redacted-tls.key’ as a OpenVPN static key file
Tue Mar 31 09:49:37 2015 UDPv4 link local (bound): [undef]
Tue Mar 31 09:49:37 2015 UDPv4 link remote: [AF_INET]
Tue Mar 31 09:49:38 2015 [] Peer Connection Initiated with [AF_INET]
Tue Mar 31 09:49:40 2015 There are no TAP-Windows adapters on this system. You should be able to create a TAP-Windows adapter by going to Start -> All Programs -> TAP-Windows -> Utilities -> Add a new TAP-Windows virtual ethernet adapter.
Tue Mar 31 09:49:40 2015 Exiting due to fatal error

the TAP adapter does indeed exist.

had no problem using openvpn in any of the previous builds. the problem also exists in other (openvpn) clients that make use of the TAP driver, for example securepoint’s client.

Tue Mar 31 19:54:53 2015 us=540591 [server] Peer Connection Initiated with [AF_INET]
Tue Mar 31 19:54:54 2015 us=661779 MANAGEMENT: >STATE:1427802894,GET_CONFIG.
Tue Mar 31 19:54:55 2015 us=782936 SENT CONTROL [server]: ‘PUSH_REQUEST’ (status=1)
Tue Mar 31 19:54:55 2015 us=878151 PUSH: Received control message: ‘PUSH_REPLY,route,route,route,route,route,route,ping 10,ping-restart 120,ifconfig’
Tue Mar 31 19:54:55 2015 us=878151 OPTIONS IMPORT: timers and/or timeouts modified
Tue Mar 31 19:54:55 2015 us=878151 OPTIONS IMPORT: —ifconfig/up options modified
Tue Mar 31 19:54:55 2015 us=878151 OPTIONS IMPORT: route options modified
Tue Mar 31 19:54:55 2015 us=886156 MANAGEMENT: Client disconnected
Tue Mar 31 19:54:55 2015 us=886156 There are no TAP-Windows adapters on this system. You should be able to create a TAP-Windows adapter by going to Start -> All Programs -> TAP-Windows -> Utilities -> Add a new TAP-Windows virtual ethernet adapter.
Tue Mar 31 19:54:55 2015 us=886156 Exiting due to fatal error

i have th same problem with openvpn in 10049 builds.

Openvpn there are no tap windows adapter


openvpn is unable to find the (existing) TAP network device after an upgrade from build 10041. uninstalling and reinstalling openvpn and/or the tap device does not help.

Tue Mar 31 09:49:36 2015 OpenVPN 2.3.6 i686-w64-mingw32 [SSL (OpenSSL)] [LZO] [PKCS11] [IPv6] built on Mar 19 2015
Tue Mar 31 09:49:36 2015 library versions: OpenSSL 1.0.1m 19 Mar 2015, LZO 2.08
Enter Management Password:
Tue Mar 31 09:49:37 2015 Control Channel Authentication: using ‘redacted-tls.key’ as a OpenVPN static key file
Tue Mar 31 09:49:37 2015 UDPv4 link local (bound): [undef]
Tue Mar 31 09:49:37 2015 UDPv4 link remote: [AF_INET]
Tue Mar 31 09:49:38 2015 [] Peer Connection Initiated with [AF_INET]
Tue Mar 31 09:49:40 2015 There are no TAP-Windows adapters on this system. You should be able to create a TAP-Windows adapter by going to Start -> All Programs -> TAP-Windows -> Utilities -> Add a new TAP-Windows virtual ethernet adapter.
Tue Mar 31 09:49:40 2015 Exiting due to fatal error

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the TAP adapter does indeed exist.

had no problem using openvpn in any of the previous builds. the problem also exists in other (openvpn) clients that make use of the TAP driver, for example securepoint’s client.


I have the same problem but did some checking and I found out that there is a registry entry missing on my computer

Open entry as follows:

  • I dont know if the guid is always the same but the last id can be diffrent for sure
  • You can open atleast the class key and the just use find data: TAP-Windows Adapter V9

if you have more than one tap adapters then you have to add this for all of them

In this key add the REG_SZ entry:

This worked for me

Все ответы

openvpn is unable to find the (existing) TAP network device after an upgrade from build 10041. uninstalling and reinstalling openvpn and/or the tap device does not help.

Tue Mar 31 09:49:36 2015 OpenVPN 2.3.6 i686-w64-mingw32 [SSL (OpenSSL)] [LZO] [PKCS11] [IPv6] built on Mar 19 2015
Tue Mar 31 09:49:36 2015 library versions: OpenSSL 1.0.1m 19 Mar 2015, LZO 2.08
Enter Management Password:
Tue Mar 31 09:49:37 2015 Control Channel Authentication: using ‘redacted-tls.key’ as a OpenVPN static key file
Tue Mar 31 09:49:37 2015 UDPv4 link local (bound): [undef]
Tue Mar 31 09:49:37 2015 UDPv4 link remote: [AF_INET]
Tue Mar 31 09:49:38 2015 [] Peer Connection Initiated with [AF_INET]
Tue Mar 31 09:49:40 2015 There are no TAP-Windows adapters on this system. You should be able to create a TAP-Windows adapter by going to Start -> All Programs -> TAP-Windows -> Utilities -> Add a new TAP-Windows virtual ethernet adapter.
Tue Mar 31 09:49:40 2015 Exiting due to fatal error

the TAP adapter does indeed exist.

had no problem using openvpn in any of the previous builds. the problem also exists in other (openvpn) clients that make use of the TAP driver, for example securepoint’s client.

Tue Mar 31 19:54:53 2015 us=540591 [server] Peer Connection Initiated with [AF_INET]
Tue Mar 31 19:54:54 2015 us=661779 MANAGEMENT: >STATE:1427802894,GET_CONFIG.
Tue Mar 31 19:54:55 2015 us=782936 SENT CONTROL [server]: ‘PUSH_REQUEST’ (status=1)
Tue Mar 31 19:54:55 2015 us=878151 PUSH: Received control message: ‘PUSH_REPLY,route,route,route,route,route,route,ping 10,ping-restart 120,ifconfig’
Tue Mar 31 19:54:55 2015 us=878151 OPTIONS IMPORT: timers and/or timeouts modified
Tue Mar 31 19:54:55 2015 us=878151 OPTIONS IMPORT: —ifconfig/up options modified
Tue Mar 31 19:54:55 2015 us=878151 OPTIONS IMPORT: route options modified
Tue Mar 31 19:54:55 2015 us=886156 MANAGEMENT: Client disconnected
Tue Mar 31 19:54:55 2015 us=886156 There are no TAP-Windows adapters on this system. You should be able to create a TAP-Windows adapter by going to Start -> All Programs -> TAP-Windows -> Utilities -> Add a new TAP-Windows virtual ethernet adapter.
Tue Mar 31 19:54:55 2015 us=886156 Exiting due to fatal error

i have th same problem with openvpn in 10049 builds.

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