- Opera для Linux
- Инструкция
- Случай №1: ДЕБ-файл
- Случай №2: Терминал
- How To Install Opera on Fedora & CentOS
- Installing Opera in Fedora/CentOS
- Method 1 – Installing Opera with RPM
- Method 2 – Installing Opera with Snap Pacakge
- Launch Opera Browser
- Conclusion
- How to Install Latest Opera Web Browser in Linux
- If You Appreciate What We Do Here On TecMint, You Should Consider:
- Related Posts
- 10 thoughts on “How to Install Latest Opera Web Browser in Linux”
- Opera скачать бесплатно для Linux
- Функционал приложения
Opera для Linux
Линукс – довольно удобная операционная система с низкой нагрузкой на ПК, но не слишком распространенная из-за своей специфики. Но все же крупные разработчики софта адаптируют свои программы и под нее. Яркий пример – интернет-обозреватель Опера для Линукс, который доступен для бесплатной загрузки и совместим практически со всеми сборками. Рассмотрим процедуру его инсталляции на примере всеми любимого Ubuntu.
В данном случае актуальными будут два метода установки браузера:
- С помощью отдельного пакета с расширением .deb.
- Через терминал (Командная строка).
Разумеется, в данной статье мы поочередно ознакомимся с каждым из них.
Случай №1: ДЕБ-файл
Тут все весьма просто:
- Откройте в любом интернет-обозревателе страницу https://www.opera.com/ru/.
- Кликните на опцию загрузки и выберите ДЕБ-файл.
- Откройте его и выполните установку через встроенный распаковщик пакетов.
Случай №2: Терминал
А теперь перейдем к альтернативе, как установить Opera на Linux. Вызвать консоль разработчика можно либо из меню приложений, либо с помощью комбинации Ctrl + Alt + T.
wget -qO- https://deb.opera.com/archive.key | sudo apt-key add —
С ее помощью идет подключения ключа от нужного репозитория.
sudo add-apt-repository «deb [arch=i386,amd64] https://deb.opera.com/opera-stable/ stable non-free»
Теперь идет непосредственно добавление ранее указанного репозитория.
sudo apt install opera-stable
Скорее всего, вас потребуют подтвердить операцию. Чтобы это сделать, впечатайте английскую букву y и нажмите Enter.
С этим запросом все предельно просто – он отвечает за запуск инсталляции стабильной версии браузера. Запустить ее выйдет через окно всех приложений для ОС.
How To Install Opera on Fedora & CentOS
Opera is a popular web browser with a large number of users. It’s is a secure, fast web browser available for mobile as well as desktop systems. This browser provides an inbuild VPN for secure browsing for its users.
You can directly download the Opera web browser RPM packages from its official website. Also, it can be installed using the Snap packages. This tutorial will help you to install Opera in CentOS, RedHat (RHEL), and Fedora systems.
Installing Opera in Fedora/CentOS
Choose one of the below methods for installing Opera Web browser on a Linux system.
Method 1 – Installing Opera with RPM
First of all, we need to download opera packages based on your system architecture and operating system version.
After downloading the required opera package as per your operating system, let’s install it using the system package manager as per the following commands. This will also install any required dependencies for Opera installation.
This will successfully install the Opera browser on your desktop system.
Method 2 – Installing Opera with Snap Pacakge
Make sure the Snapd daemon is running on your desktop system. Generally, the latest Linux systems have it installed by default.
Use the following command to install the latest stable version of the Opera browser.
To install the latest (edge) version, execute the following command.
Launch Opera Browser
At this stage, you have successfully installed the opera web browser in your system. Let’s launch the opera browser by using the below command or use x-windows menus.
In this tutorial, you have learned to install Opera Web Browser on Fedora and CentOS Linux desktop systems.
How to Install Latest Opera Web Browser in Linux
Opera is a secure and fast internet web browser for major operating system platforms, including for major Linux distributions. It comes with pre-build .rpm and .deb binary packages for RHEL and Debian based Linux distributions.
The latest version of the Opera 69 release has a powerful built-in ad blocker, free VPN function, speed dial, sync functions, and battery saver. Also, popular applications, such as WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger,, and browser screen snapshots are already integrated into the browser, facilitating the need for online communication among users.
In this article, we’ll learn how to install the latest version of Opera Web Browser in CentOS and RHEL based Linux distributions as well as on Debian and Ubuntu derived Linux distros.
In order to install Opera 69, first, visit the Opera official page and use the download link to grab the latest version of the binary package specific to your installed Linux distribution.
You can also use a Linux command line download utility, such as wget or curl to download Opera binaries by visiting the following download link.
After the download completes, go to the directory where the binary package has been downloaded or use the path to the download directory and issue the below command to start installing Opera 69 in your Linux desktop.
For Debian based Linux distros, make sure you select yes in the prompt in order to add Opera repositories in your system and automatically update the browser with the system.
Run the below command in order to force the installation of some required Opera dependencies.
After the installation process completes, go to Applications -> Internet and open Opera 69 browser.
Running Opera Web Browser in Ubuntu
That’s all! Enjoy fast and secure internet navigation with Opera’s latest browser released version.
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10 thoughts on “How to Install Latest Opera Web Browser in Linux”
I am new to the Linux world. I have just got a little notebook, a Lenovo Ideapad 10e which, by reason of the Intel Atom CPU, is definitely 32 bit only. I installed Zorin 15 Lite 32 bit and it now runs OK. The default Firefox browser is quite slow. Would like some advice about attempting to load and run Opera if possible.
When I installing the opera. we are getting some error. how to resolve this anyone tell me, please.
]# yum install opera-stable_51.0.2830.34_amd64.rpm
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, refresh-packagekit, security
Setting up Install Process
Examining opera-stable_51.0.2830.34_amd64.rpm: opera-stable-51.0.2830.34-0.x86_64
Marking opera-stable_51.0.2830.34_amd64.rpm to be installed
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
* base: centos.excellmedia.net
* epel: mirror.hoster.kz
* extras: centos.excellmedia.net
* linuxtech-release: pkgrepo.linuxtech.net
* nux-dextop: mirror.li.nux.ro
* remi-safe: mirror.sjc02.svwh.net
* rpmfusion-free-updates: www.fedora.is
* updates: centos.excellmedia.net
* webtatic: uk.repo.webtatic.com
Resolving Dependencies
There are unfinished transactions remaining. You might consider running yum-complete-transaction first to finish them.
—> Running transaction check
—> Package opera-stable.x86_64 0:51.0.2830.34-0 will be installed
—> Processing Dependency: libatk-bridge-2.0.so.0()(64bit) for package: opera-stable-51.0.2830.34-0.x86_64
—> Processing Dependency: libgdk-3.so.0()(64bit) for package: opera-stable-51.0.2830.34-0.x86_64
—> Processing Dependency: libgtk-3.so.0()(64bit) for package: opera-stable-51.0.2830.34-0.x86_64
—> Processing Dependency: libnotify.so.4()(64bit) for package: opera-stable-51.0.2830.34-0.x86_64
—> Finished Dependency Resolution
Error: Package: opera-stable-51.0.2830.34-0.x86_64 (/opera-stable_51.0.2830.34_amd64)
Requires: libgtk-3.so.0()(64bit)
Error: Package: opera-stable-51.0.2830.34-0.x86_64 (/opera-stable_51.0.2830.34_amd64)
Requires: libatk-bridge-2.0.so.0()(64bit)
Error: Package: opera-stable-51.0.2830.34-0.x86_64 (/opera-stable_51.0.2830.34_amd64)
Requires: libgdk-3.so.0()(64bit)
Error: Package: opera-stable-51.0.2830.34-0.x86_64 (/opera-stable_51.0.2830.34_amd64)
Requires: libnotify.so.4()(64bit)
After the download completes, go to the directory where the binary package has been downloaded or use the path to the download directory and issue the below command to start installing Opera 51 in your Linux desktop.”
This has absolutely no application at all, anywhere. I have the latest Ubuntu, and everything is a complicated nightmare, nothing works, other than what you get installed in the first place. Tons of all kinds of everything, and when you do get to what is actually applicable, that changes nothing at all.
I downloaded and try to install it, get below errors..
Opera скачать бесплатно для Linux
Версия | Платформа | Язык | Размер | Формат | Загрузка |
| Linux | Русский | 56.9MB | .zip | |
| Linux | 54.1MB | .zip | Opera (Опера), адаптированная для работы в среде Linux, является быстрым и удобным веб-обозревателем с широким функционалом и большим количеством настроек. Браузер обеспечивает комфортную и безопасную работу в сети, подходит для пользователей с любым уровнем подготовки. Функционал приложенияБраузер проверяет сайты на надежность и предупреждает о возможном риске при посещении подозрительного сайта. При попытке загрузить инфицированный файл, пользователь получает соответствующее уведомление. Основные возможности браузера:
Браузер подходит для установки на любую разновидность Линукса, существуют версии для 64-х и 32-битных операционных систем. Источник |