Pale moon linux flash player

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  2. Adobe Flash PPAPI for x86-64 Linux and Palemoon? Topic is solved
  3. Adobe Flash PPAPI for x86-64 Linux and Palemoon?
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  7. Re: Adobe Flash PPAPI for x86-64 Linux and Palemoon?
  8. Re: Adobe Flash PPAPI for x86-64 Linux and Palemoon?
  9. Re: Adobe Flash PPAPI for x86-64 Linux and Palemoon?
  10. Pale Moon forum
  11. Npapi — Adobe Flash Player — Linux — Help needed!
  12. Npapi — Adobe Flash Player — Linux — Help needed!
  13. Re: Npapi — Adobe Flash Player — Linux — Help needed!
  14. Re: Npapi — Adobe Flash Player — Linux — Help needed!
  15. Re: Npapi — Adobe Flash Player — Linux — Help needed!
  16. Re: Npapi — Adobe Flash Player — Linux — Help needed!
  17. Re: Npapi — Adobe Flash Player — Linux — Help needed!
  18. Re: Npapi — Adobe Flash Player — Linux — Help needed!
  19. Re: Npapi — Adobe Flash Player — Linux — Help needed!
  20. Re: Npapi — Adobe Flash Player — Linux — Help needed!
  21. Re: Npapi — Adobe Flash Player — Linux — Help needed!
  22. Re: Npapi — Adobe Flash Player — Linux — Help needed!
  23. Re: Npapi — Adobe Flash Player — Linux — Help needed!
  24. Re: Npapi — Adobe Flash Player — Linux — Help needed!
  25. Re: Npapi — Adobe Flash Player — Linux — Help needed!
  26. Re: Npapi — Adobe Flash Player — Linux — Help needed!
  27. Re: Npapi — Adobe Flash Player — Linux — Help needed!
  28. Re: Npapi — Adobe Flash Player — Linux — Help needed!
  29. Re: Npapi — Adobe Flash Player — Linux — Help needed!
  30. Re: Npapi — Adobe Flash Player — Linux — Help needed!

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Adobe Flash PPAPI for x86-64 Linux and Palemoon? Topic is solved

Moderator: trava90

Adobe Flash PPAPI for x86-64 Linux and Palemoon?

Unread post by Raava » 2016-09-25, 01:35

I just now saw that Adobe now offers the «newer/higher» 23.0.x version of the Flash Player (instead of 11.2.x), but only the PPAPI one. Does that work with the most recent x86-64 version of Palemoon?

I tried searching the answer in the forum but to no prevail.

Re: Adobe Flash PPAPI for x86-64 Linux and Palemoon?

Unread post by Harkonnen » 2016-09-25, 03:52

First, you have a misconception — PPAPI flash of the latest version was always available, the new Adobe announcement is about NPAPI one. Its still considered beta so download only available via labs site not via main one.

Also Palmenoon doesn’t support PPAPI, but PPAPI-NPAPI wrapper is available for a long time. The debian package is called browser-plugin-freshplayer-pepperflash, idk about other distros, search for pepperflash.

Re: Adobe Flash PPAPI for x86-64 Linux and Palemoon?

Unread post by Raava » 2016-09-25, 07:28

@Harkonnen. weird. Adobe itself gives me this:

Also, when downloading it gave me the extra option of downloading just the PPAPI 23.0.x, hence the thread title, I also looked up NPAPI and PPAPI on wikipedia:

On 12 August 2009, a page on Google Code[20] introduced a new project, Pepper, with the associated Pepper Plugin API (PPAPI);[21] PPAPI is a derivative of NPAPI aimed to make plugins more portable and more secure.[22] This extension is designed specifically to ease the implementation of out-of-process plugin execution.

PPAPI was initially only supported by Google Chrome and Chromium. Later, other browsers such as Opera and Vivaldi, also added PPAPI plugin support.

Re: Adobe Flash PPAPI for x86-64 Linux and Palemoon?

Unread post by Moonchild » 2016-09-25, 10:18

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Re: Adobe Flash PPAPI for x86-64 Linux and Palemoon?

Unread post by Raava » 2016-09-25, 15:02

I read up to that part, but since this is not my question, I not quoted it, since it is not about my question,. I already bundled the most recent PM with the most recent NPAPI Adobe Flash player (like I did for years), but since now the download also offers me PPAPI outside of Chrome, hence my question:
If Adobe Flash PPAPI for x86-64 Linux and Palemoon work together.

Also, you not mentioned the issue what Harkonnen said, him and me disagreeing on what PPAPI and NPAPI is.

Re: Adobe Flash PPAPI for x86-64 Linux and Palemoon?

Unread post by stevepusser » 2016-09-25, 18:42

I read up to that part, but since this is not my question, I not quoted it, since it is not about my question,. I already bundled the most recent PM with the most recent NPAPI Adobe Flash player (like I did for years), but since now the download also offers me PPAPI outside of Chrome, hence my question:
If Adobe Flash PPAPI for x86-64 Linux and Palemoon work together.

Also, you not mentioned the issue what Harkonnen said, him and me disagreeing on what PPAPI and NPAPI is.

Re: Adobe Flash PPAPI for x86-64 Linux and Palemoon?

Unread post by Raava » 2016-09-26, 04:28

I read that but cannot figure it out what is to be done to get it working. Forum search for «PPAPI-NPAPI wrapper» gives me 2 results: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=11529&p=82662&hilit . per#p82662 viewtopic.php?f=4&t=9112&p=61379&hilit= . per#p61379
In the 2nd hit it is even said «linux users have a method of using PPAPI Flash, don’t they?» but I found no info what is to be done exactly in Linux to fix that.

Other research gave me the info that I somehow need «pepperflash», but I still have to find out how exactly it is to be done. Also, even when I am no longer interested in using the most recent version of flash using the PPAPI-NPAPI wrapper, I still want to offer a walk-through HOWTO here for other interested users to have.


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Npapi — Adobe Flash Player — Linux — Help needed!

Npapi — Adobe Flash Player — Linux — Help needed!

Unread post by Lins31 » 2021-01-23, 15:18

Npapi — Adobe Flash Player — Linux — Help needed!

How do I install Npapi — Adobe Flash Player —
It keeps getting blocked by Firefox
Im on Linux Mint 19.3

issue:- our game uses Flash — and action script 3
(approx 2000 users of .com and 4x 1000 users of .de)
We have quite a mature set of members — Ive been playing since 2013
How do we create a easy to follow install guide for all our Linux, Mac + others ? (with npapi flashplayer and maybe link to Miramagia)

Palemoon is very easy to set up

( Brazil — may be our users found a solution)

Re: Npapi — Adobe Flash Player — Linux — Help needed!

Unread post by Moonchild » 2021-01-23, 15:38

Re: Npapi — Adobe Flash Player — Linux — Help needed!

Unread post by Moonraker » 2021-01-23, 20:14

Xenial puppy linux 32-bit.

Re: Npapi — Adobe Flash Player — Linux — Help needed!

Unread post by ron_1 » 2021-01-23, 20:36

Re: Npapi — Adobe Flash Player — Linux — Help needed!

Unread post by Lins31 » 2021-01-23, 21:40

Thank you for such a quick response

Re where to find the folder — for me its in

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I pasted my and flash is back again

After much internet searching .
I note Mozilla is stopping the import of all versions less than V32.0.0.443
This doesn’t exist. The only versions after this are .445 .453 and .465

to quote
Oct 19, 2020: Flash Player Plugin on Linux and older (click-to-play)
Oct 19, 2020: Flash Player Plugin and older (click-to-play)

However Adobe has installed a kill switch in all the newer versions
Latest version without a kill switch is V32.0.0.363

Hope this helps too

Re: Npapi — Adobe Flash Player — Linux — Help needed!

Unread post by Moonraker » 2021-01-23, 22:24

For me on puplinux as has been said in above is in usr/lib/mozilla/plugins. of course you can create the folder yourself.
i am using flash version and have had no problems with the flash sites which remain.

I have downloaded approximately 30,000 flash swf game files and palemoon can play these just fine as it is the «only» browser which allows the always activate function with the plugin.

Xenial puppy linux 32-bit.

Re: Npapi — Adobe Flash Player — Linux — Help needed!

Unread post by Cassiopeya » 2021-01-25, 15:52

Hi, I’m also an user of Miramagia game, but differently from lins my plugins do not see the shockwave flash plugin to run the game.
I have linux mint 20 and I’m absolutely not expert.

what should I do?

Re: Npapi — Adobe Flash Player — Linux — Help needed!

Unread post by Pentium4User » 2021-01-25, 19:15

Powerline adapters (dLAN) hardly interfere shortwave radio, so stop using them.

Yes, I still use a 64 bit capable Pentium 4 670 processor with Pale Moon.

Re: Npapi — Adobe Flash Player — Linux — Help needed!

Unread post by Cassiopeya » 2021-01-25, 19:38

I downloaded an old version of flashplayer , version
I copied the into the firefox-addons directory
I also copied the /usr directory in the respective directories in file system, one by ne, because there is no automatic installation file

but firefox does not detect any flash plugin

Re: Npapi — Adobe Flash Player — Linux — Help needed!

Unread post by Moonraker » 2021-01-25, 20:42

I downloaded an old version of flashplayer , version
I copied the into the firefox-addons directory
I also copied the /usr directory in the respective directories in file system, one by ne, because there is no automatic installation file

but firefox does not detect any flash plugin

Xenial puppy linux 32-bit.

Re: Npapi — Adobe Flash Player — Linux — Help needed!

Unread post by Cassiopeya » 2021-01-25, 20:48

Re: Npapi — Adobe Flash Player — Linux — Help needed!

Unread post by Lins31 » 2021-01-25, 20:57

Hi Cassi
Your previous installation of Fresh wrapper Ppepi (Ubuntu) — causes problems re flashplugin
When you removed it — wants to install 4 new plugins
At least one gives mouse scroll (Zoom in Zoom out) Npapi never managed that.

However this uninstall update — is waiting to run
It needs root to be dismounted to run — Fsck

Re: Npapi — Adobe Flash Player — Linux — Help needed!

Unread post by Kruppt » 2021-01-25, 21:29

On most Debian related distros the flashplayer plug-in resides along
below path, it works on my version of Pale Moon 28.17.0

Re: Npapi — Adobe Flash Player — Linux — Help needed!

Unread post by Cassiopeya » 2021-01-25, 21:54

Re: Npapi — Adobe Flash Player — Linux — Help needed!

Unread post by Kruppt » 2021-01-25, 22:07

Re: Npapi — Adobe Flash Player — Linux — Help needed!

Unread post by Cassiopeya » 2021-01-25, 22:19

I have created a /mozilla/plugin folder and copied the there
now the game finds flashplayer, but it gives me an error: 2032

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same error also in palemoon

any idea of what it can be?

Re: Npapi — Adobe Flash Player — Linux — Help needed!

Unread post by Moonraker » 2021-01-25, 22:51

I have created a /mozilla/plugin folder and copied the there
now the game finds flashplayer, but it gives me an error: 2032

same error also in palemoon

any idea of what it can be?

Xenial puppy linux 32-bit.

Re: Npapi — Adobe Flash Player — Linux — Help needed!

Unread post by Cassiopeya » 2021-01-25, 22:55

Re: Npapi — Adobe Flash Player — Linux — Help needed!

Unread post by Night Wing » 2021-01-26, 05:06

I know you are using Mint 20, but you never stated what DE (desktop environment) you are using. Mint comes in four DE’s basically which are: LMDE which are for power users, Cinnamon, MATE and Xfce. They are slightly different and I know because I used Cinnamon and MATE and I didn’t care for either one. But Xfce was my cup of tea so to speak. Very easy to learn and highly customizable so I run 64 bit linux Mint 20.1 (Ulyssa) Xfce.

Your big mistake was going to the Adobe site and downloading Flash from there. You should never have done that because now, you’ve messed up Flash where it won’t work in linux Pale Moon. I suspect the damage is done and you’ll need the commands to use in the Terminal to repair the damage you made. And I don’t deal with the linux Terminal so I can’t help you. The best thing is to go to the Linux Mint Forum, become a member and tell them what you’ve done.

The instructions below are for Xfce. But they should be similar for Cinnamon or MATE.

The Flash plugin to use for linux Pale Moon is in the Mint repository. All you had to do was left click on your Whisker Menu and find System. Then hover over System with your cursor and the menu will change. Find the Synaptic Package Manager in that menu. You should have left clicked on the Synaptic Package Manager and immediately you would have gotten the Authentication window to show up which asks for your Password.

You put in your password and then it takes you to the Synaptic Package Manager. Then look for Search in the far right side near the the top in the SPM. Left click on that and you come to the Search box. In the Search box you should have typed:

Then left click on Search at the bottom of the window and «flashplugin-installer» would have been listed and to the immediate left is an empty square box telling you the flash plugin is not installed. Then you «right click» on the that and another window opens up where you would have «left clicked» on the words, «Mark for installation». Then after that, there is a check mark or an «X» in the box which tells you it is ready to be installed. Then left click (near top upper left side) the word, Apply.

Now if there are any other packages to be installed with Flash, another window will open up listing more packages and you will left click on the word Apply in that window which is near the bottom of that window. If not, the first Apply will install the Flash plugin automatically for you.

But the above probably won’t work now because you went to Adobe and downloaded a version you should not have and again, you’ve inadvertently messed up your Mint to work with Flash in linux Pale Moon.


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