Party chat windows 10

Как настроить групповой чат Xbox Live на Windows 10

Windows 10 предлагает вам ряд встроенных функций Xbox, как например, возможность настроить групповой чат между ПК и Xbox One с помощью Xbox Live.

Лучшие кроссплатформенные игры, такие как Killer Instinct и Fable Legends выиграют от возможности создать групповой чат между ПК и Xbox в Windows 10, и если вы – фанат кроссплатформенных игр, то теперь вы сможете запустить онлайн-чат с друзьями без необходимости использовать Skype.

Ниже описан способ создать групповой чат Xbox Live между ПК и Xbox One с помощью Windows 10:

  • Если вы используете встроенный микрофон – убедитесь, что он настроен правильно, а если гарнитуру – проверьте, что она подключена к устройству.
  • Настройки микрофона можно изменить в настройках звука, щелкнув правой кнопкой мыши на значке звука в панели задач и выбрав «Записывающие устройства».
  • В меню выберите свой микрофон и сделайте его устройством по умолчанию, щелкнув соответствующую кнопку. Однако, настройка микрофона в приложении Xbox на данный момент не доступна.
  • Как только закончите настраивать микрофон, зайдите в приложение Xbox для Windows 10 с помощью значка в меню Пуск.
  • Нажмите «Начать групповой чат (бета)» в правом верхнем углу окна.
  • После создания чата просто нажмите на значок «+», чтобы добавить друзей. Затем нажмите на значок звука, чтобы отключить звук и на значок замка, чтобы к группе нельзя было присоединиться без приглашения.

Примечание: на данный момент невозможно свернуть или закрыть окно приложения Xbox, поскольку это приведет к выходу из группового чата.

Cant use party chat on windows 10 Xbox app. Error code:[0x80072EFF]

So for about 3 months now i have been struggling with not being able to talk on party chat in the Xbox app for windows 10 . Every time i’d like to join a friend or invite him it says :» We can’t connect you to Xbox Live right now- the service might be down [0x80072EFF]»

I’ve searched around and seen a few explanations for the problem and how to solve them like going into Network&Internet>Proxy>Internet options>Advanced setting>Restore advanced settings . I’ve also tried resetting the Xbox app going , installing Xbox App Beta and signing into different accounts to invite friends but nothing works .

If anyone has any clue how to fix this please help me. This has been bothering me alot and

I really cannot handle this anymore.

Replies (5) 

1. Install all Windows updates in Settings > Updates.

2. Please try to update the xbox app by going to Start > Microsoft Store > click the 3 dots icon at the top right > My Library > see if there is an arrow beside the xbox app. If you don’t see the xbox app click «Show all» on the right to see them all.

3. Please click Start, type «Apps & features» select that, Find «Xbox» and click it, Click «Advanced Options», Click «Reset» you see there. Restart the app and try to sign in again. (but you’ve already done this, but it wouldn’t hurt to try again).

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4. Please click Start > type Troubleshoot and click it > go to the bottom and click Troubleshoot Windows Store Apps > see if it fixes any problems for the xbox app or shows an error that wasn’t fixed.

5. Go to the Windows Store and find Xbox (beta) and download that and see if you still have the issue.

6. Please press the Win+R keys to open the Run dialog. Type WSReset.exe and click on OK. The Store and a command prompt will now open without any message. The command prompt will automatically close when the store cache has been reset. Try the app after that.

7. The next steps would be to use some commands in windows powershell, as an admin. Start > type powershell > right click and Run as Admin.

Enter this command:

Get-AppXPackage -AllUsers | Foreach

That resets the Xbox app.

8. Check the Settings > Network part of the xbox app if you can get it running, to see if it says something about no NAT or something about Teredo problem.

9. Do a clean boot on windows 10:

  1. Press the «Windows + R» key to open a Run box.
  2. Type msconfig and click OK.
  3. On the General tab, click Selective startup.
  4. Clear the Load startup items check box.
  5. Click the Services tab.
  6. Select the Hide all Microsoft services check box (at the bottom).
  7. Click Disable all.

Make sure to undo this after you boot up — change it back to normal startup.

Party chat not working for Xbox App on Windows 10

I’ve been having an a problem with Xbox’s party chat on Windows 10. Every time I join a party chat on the app, it shows this message «your network settings are blocking party chat. [0X89231806]».

My computer is connected to the internet through Ethernet cable and yet I get this message. I’ve tried resetting the app, the router, and computer but still get the same message. I have a decent internet connection as well. I’ve tried everything and there isn’t much information online on how to fix such a problem.

Replies (12) 

* Please try a lower page number.

* Please enter only numbers.

* Please try a lower page number.

* Please enter only numbers.

Thank you for posting your query in Microsoft Community.

As the issue is related to XBOX I would suggest you to follow the link below to post your query in the XBOX support they will be happy to help you.

Hope this helps.
Thank you

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Good news. I found a way to make it work. I found this youtube video that has you type in codes to comand prompt. There are two methods shown in this video and the second one is the one that worked for me. Hopefully it works for everyone else.

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Thank you for posting your query in Microsoft Community.

As the issue is related to XBOX I would suggest you to follow the link below to post your query in the XBOX support they will be happy to help you.

Hope this helps.
Thank you

None of the suggestions or YouTube’s including this one have worked and I have tried everything!

This is not an Xbox issue its a Windows10 Xbox App issue, so shouldn’t it be here in the Windows10 forum?

This is not a wireless issue either It happens exactly the same when I am wired.

It happens at multiple locations i.e. different service, modem.

Microsoft should come out with an official solution or patch or something. It is crazy to see the number of people on here that are having the same problem. And its been going on a long time as far as I can tell!

Windows 10 party chat echo

Replies (3) 

Hey Neo. I’m Greg, an installation specialist and 8 year Windows MVP, here to help you.

Please run the Sound Playback troubleshooter at Settings>Update & Security>Troubleshoot.

Try rolling back the sound driver in Device Manager reached by right clicking the Start Menu. Choose Sound controller device, then Driver tab, then Roll back if available.

Update the Sound driver from the PC’s Support Downloads web page.

If no newer driver then uninstall the one presently installed in Device Manager, reached by right clicking the Start Button. Restart PC to reinstall.

When did this behavior begin? If you have an idea you might be able to System Restore back to a point before it began:

It’s possible this was caused by a Windows Update so if nothing above works, go to Settings>Update & Security>Windows Update, check the Installed Updates list for Updates that might have been just installed, try uninstalling them using the Uninstall button present there. Then hide the Updates using the Hide Updates tool downloaded from here:

If no Updates listed this could also be the latest Windows 10 Version 1709 Update which you can check at Settings>System>About and if necessary roll back at Settings>Update & Security>Recovery, then hide with the tool given above to wait for it to mature.

Or you can try the most stable method to update to the latest version (which you need anyway) by installing Media Creation Tool and then choosing to Upgrade Now:

I hope this helps. Feel free to ask back any questions and let us know how it goes. I will keep working with you until it’s resolved.

Over 100,000 helped in forums for 11 years. I don’t quit for those who are polite and cooperative.

Party Chat not working between Xbox and Windows 10

Ответы (10) 

sorry to hear but please can you help us to help you: «Can you tell us the error Code» So we can understand better what is going on.

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Step 1: Run the troubleshooter for Windows apps using the link below. This can help remove problems with an app from Microsoft Store.

Step 2: Check for updates for apps and games from Windows Store. Kindly click the link below to proceed:

Step 3: Reset Xbox app from Settings.

  1. Click Start and click Settings.
  2. Select System.
  3. Select Apps & features.
  4. Find the Xbox app and click Advanced options.
  5. Click Reset. Restart your device so that the changes can take effect. Launch the Xbox app.

For additional troubleshooting steps, I suggest that you perform all the troubleshooting steps provided on the links below:

If you have attempted all of the fixes then you will need to reach out to your ISP as the issue with lie with their equipment.

Hope this helps

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Everything is up to date. I ended up getting it to work but each time I have to do a couple steps to get it working.

For some reason teredo is always disabled when I start my computer. Even if I input the line code in command prompt to enable it and set it to default when I go to show state after entering those codes it still says disabled.

So it seems i always have to go to the xbox live settings and hit fix then check again and that seems to enable the teredo service.

But the server connection also would not connect and that ended up being because of me having the windows firewall disabled. Once I enabled that and reenabled the ipv6 tunnel services it seems to work.

Now I just need to try and figure out why teredo is always disabled when I start up my computer and why entering the line code in command prompt doesnt enable it or keep it enabled when I restart. I dont know what program would be disabling it.

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