- PhotoScape X Pro
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- PhotoScape X — Photo Editor 4+
- Mooii Tech
- Screenshots
- Description
- PhotoScape X — Photo Editor 4+
- Mooii Tech
- Screenshots
- Description
- PhotoScape X — Photo Editor 4+
- Mooii Tech
- Снимки экрана
- Описание
- PhotoScape X — Photo Editor 4+
- Mooii Tech
- Screenshots
- Description
- What’s New
- Ratings and Reviews
- All I Use
- The best free photo editor in the App Store.. Period
- So user friendly and helpful
- App Privacy
- No Details Provided
- Information
PhotoScape X Pro
Просмотр: Фото | Видео | Аудио браузер, просмотр лупы, полноэкранный режим, флаг, рейтинг по звездам, поворот без потерь, совместное использование, просмотр метаданных (Exif, IPTC, GPS).
Редактор: более 1000 фильтров и эффектов, рамки, объекты, кисти и инструменты, вращение, выпрямление, переворачивание, изменение размера, обрезка, круговая обрезка, перспективная обрезка, маска (локальные настройки).
Вырезать: удалить фон с изображения. (Волшебный ластик, лассо, кисть)
Коллаж: объедините несколько фотографий в рамку коллажа, чтобы создать одно окончательное фото.
Объединить: прикрепить несколько фотографий по вертикали или горизонтали, чтобы создать одну окончательную фотографию.
GIF Creator: создание анимированных GIF.
Печать: печать фотографий.
Снимок экрана: сделайте снимок экрана и сохраните его.
Color Picker: увеличивайте изображения, ищите и выбирайте цвет.
Разделить: разделить фотографию на несколько частей.
Пакетное изменение формата: конвертировать несколько изображений в другой формат одновременно.
Пакетное изменение размера: изменение размера нескольких изображений одновременно.
Пакетное переименование: изменение имен файлов фотографий в пакетном режиме.
Слияние фотографий: фокусировка, слияние с HDR
Фильтры и эффекты: волшебный цвет, миниатюра, цветение, HDR, размытие, тени / блики, точечный цвет, баланс белого, виньетка, 80+ пленок, 100+ утечек света, 120+ наложений, 20+ бликов объектива и многое другое.
Рамки: 290+ Рамки, 240+ Формы, Границы
Объекты: более 1000 стикеров, более 240 фигур, изображение, текст, деформация текста, лупа, стрелка, линия, прямоугольник, скругленный прямоугольник, круг, трансформация объекта, маска объекта
Кисти и инструменты: рисовать | Scatter | Кисть для рисования, Ведро с краской, Мозаичная кисть, Fix Red Eye, Кисть-миксер, Восстанавливающая кисть, Liquify, Clone Stamp
Снимки экрана
Что нового
New Text Effects: Long Shadow, Overlays & Masks, Background
New Object Effects: Long Shadow, Overlays & Masks
New Filters: Gradient Opacity, Radial Speed Lines, Lines, Concentric, Geometric Collage
New Filter Objects: Mosaic #2, #3, #4, Frosted Glass
New Text Warp: Gradient Upper, Gradient Upper 2, Gradient Lower, Gradient Lower 2
New Features: Copy and Paste multiple objects, Add Empty Cell (Print tab), Flip Horizontal/Vertical (Text object)
Improved Enhance Document
Improved Object Transform
Improved Spot Healing Brushes
Improved Gradient options
Improved Raw Engine
Added 119 Film Looks
Added 104 Film Extras
Added 150 Nature
Added 108 Comic Stickers
Added 4 more Draw Brushes (Stipple)
Added 1 more Text Outline Type
Added 6 Object Transform Skew Types
Added 8 Canvas Grid Types
Support Нидерландский, Польский (Английский, Испанский, Português, Немецкий, Французский, Итальянский, Нидерландский, Польский, Корейский, Японский, Китайский (упр.), Китайский (трад.)
Improved UI
Fixed bugs
Инструкция по установке
Смонтируйте образ и запустите Open Gatekeeper friendly.
Нажмите Enter для обхода Gatekeeper в окне Терминал.
Перетащите приложение в папку Программы (Applications).
Приложение готово к использованию.
PhotoScape X — Photo Editor 4+
Mooii Tech
- 4.7 • 153 Ratings
- Free
- Offers In-App Purchases
All-in-One: Photo Editor, Batch Editor, Photo Viewer, Cut Out, Collage Maker, Animated GIF Creator, Combine, Print, Screen Capture, Color Picker, RAW image and More.
PhotoScape X is a fun and easy photo editor that enables you to fix and enhance photos.
— Editor: Rotate, Straighten, Resize, Crop, Border, Color Adjustment, Color Temperature, Tint, Film Effect, Light Leaks, Lens Flares, Old Photos, Overlays, Textures, Dirt & Scratches, Auto Level, Auto Contrast, Backlight Correction, Bloom, HDR, Dehaze, Vignetting, Sharpen, Blur, White Balance, Curves, Levels, Color Balance, Hue/Saturation, Sepia, Grayscale, Black & White, Negative, 3D Effect, Text Object, Text Warp, Image Object, Magnifier Object, Paint Brush, Paint Bucket, Effect Brushes, Mosaic Brush, Spot Healing Brush, Mixer Brush, Red Eye Correction, Liquify, Clone Stamp.
— Cut Out: Remove the background from an image. (Magic Eraser, Lasso tool, Brush tool)
— Batch: Batch edit multiple photos.
— Viewer: Photo Browser, Loupe View, Full Screen, Flag, Star Rating, Batch Rename, Batch Resize, Batch Format Change, Lossless Rotate, Share, Exif Viewer.
— Collage: Merge multiple photos on the collage frame to create one final photo.
— Combine: Attach multiple photos vertically or horizontally to create one final photo.
— GIF Creator: Create Animated GIF.
— Print: Print photos.
— Screen Capture: Capture your screenshot and save it.
— Color Picker: Zoom in on images, search and pick a color.
— Rename: Change photo file names in batch mode.
— Split: Slice a photo into several pieces.
— Photo Merge: Focus Stacking, Merge to HDR
— Macro: Record your multiple actions and then play them back all at once
— Languages: English, Español, Português, Deutsch, Français, Italiano, Nederlands, Polski, 한국어, 日本語, 简体中文, 繁體中文
PhotoScape X — Photo Editor 4+
Mooii Tech
- 4.7 • 57 Ratings
- Free
- Offers In-App Purchases
All-in-One: Photo Editor, Batch Editor, Photo Viewer, Cut Out, Collage Maker, Animated GIF Creator, Combine, Print, Screen Capture, Color Picker, RAW image and More.
PhotoScape X is a fun and easy photo editor that enables you to fix and enhance photos.
— Editor: Rotate, Straighten, Resize, Crop, Border, Color Adjustment, Color Temperature, Tint, Film Effect, Light Leaks, Lens Flares, Old Photos, Overlays, Textures, Dirt & Scratches, Auto Level, Auto Contrast, Backlight Correction, Bloom, HDR, Dehaze, Vignetting, Sharpen, Blur, White Balance, Curves, Levels, Color Balance, Hue/Saturation, Sepia, Grayscale, Black & White, Negative, 3D Effect, Text Object, Text Warp, Image Object, Magnifier Object, Paint Brush, Paint Bucket, Effect Brushes, Mosaic Brush, Spot Healing Brush, Mixer Brush, Red Eye Correction, Liquify, Clone Stamp.
— Cut Out: Remove the background from an image. (Magic Eraser, Lasso tool, Brush tool)
— Batch: Batch edit multiple photos.
— Viewer: Photo Browser, Loupe View, Full Screen, Flag, Star Rating, Batch Rename, Batch Resize, Batch Format Change, Lossless Rotate, Share, Exif Viewer.
— Collage: Merge multiple photos on the collage frame to create one final photo.
— Combine: Attach multiple photos vertically or horizontally to create one final photo.
— GIF Creator: Create Animated GIF.
— Print: Print photos.
— Screen Capture: Capture your screenshot and save it.
— Color Picker: Zoom in on images, search and pick a color.
— Rename: Change photo file names in batch mode.
— Split: Slice a photo into several pieces.
— Photo Merge: Focus Stacking, Merge to HDR
— Macro: Record your multiple actions and then play them back all at once
— Languages: English, Español, Português, Deutsch, Français, Italiano, Nederlands, Polski, 한국어, 日本語, 简体中文, 繁體中文
PhotoScape X — Photo Editor 4+
Mooii Tech
- 4,7 • Оценок: 57
- Бесплатно
- Включает встроенные покупки
Снимки экрана
All-in-One: Photo Editor, Batch Editor, Photo Viewer, Cut Out, Collage Maker, Animated GIF Creator, Combine, Print, Screen Capture, Color Picker, RAW image and More.
PhotoScape X is a fun and easy photo editor that enables you to fix and enhance photos.
— Editor: Rotate, Straighten, Resize, Crop, Border, Color Adjustment, Color Temperature, Tint, Film Effect, Light Leaks, Lens Flares, Old Photos, Overlays, Textures, Dirt & Scratches, Auto Level, Auto Contrast, Backlight Correction, Bloom, HDR, Dehaze, Vignetting, Sharpen, Blur, White Balance, Curves, Levels, Color Balance, Hue/Saturation, Sepia, Grayscale, Black & White, Negative, 3D Effect, Text Object, Text Warp, Image Object, Magnifier Object, Paint Brush, Paint Bucket, Effect Brushes, Mosaic Brush, Spot Healing Brush, Mixer Brush, Red Eye Correction, Liquify, Clone Stamp.
— Cut Out: Remove the background from an image. (Magic Eraser, Lasso tool, Brush tool)
— Batch: Batch edit multiple photos.
— Viewer: Photo Browser, Loupe View, Full Screen, Flag, Star Rating, Batch Rename, Batch Resize, Batch Format Change, Lossless Rotate, Share, Exif Viewer.
— Collage: Merge multiple photos on the collage frame to create one final photo.
— Combine: Attach multiple photos vertically or horizontally to create one final photo.
— GIF Creator: Create Animated GIF.
— Print: Print photos.
— Screen Capture: Capture your screenshot and save it.
— Color Picker: Zoom in on images, search and pick a color.
— Rename: Change photo file names in batch mode.
— Split: Slice a photo into several pieces.
— Photo Merge: Focus Stacking, Merge to HDR
— Macro: Record your multiple actions and then play them back all at once
— Languages: English, Español, Português, Deutsch, Français, Italiano, Nederlands, Polski, 한국어, 日本語, 简体中文, 繁體中文
PhotoScape X — Photo Editor 4+
Mooii Tech
- 4.6 • 1.5K Ratings
- Free
- Offers In-App Purchases
All-in-One: Photo Editor, Batch Editor, Photo Viewer, Cut Out, Collage Maker, Animated GIF Creator, Combine, Print, Screen Capture, Color Picker, RAW image and More.
PhotoScape X is a fun and easy photo editor that enables you to fix and enhance photos.
— Editor: Rotate, Straighten, Resize, Crop, Border, Color Adjustment, Color Temperature, Tint, Film Effect, Light Leaks, Lens Flares, Old Photos, Overlays, Textures, Dirt & Scratches, Auto Level, Auto Contrast, Backlight Correction, Bloom, HDR, Dehaze, Vignetting, Sharpen, Blur, White Balance, Curves, Levels, Color Balance, Hue/Saturation, Sepia, Grayscale, Black & White, Negative, 3D Effect, Text Object, Text Warp, Image Object, Magnifier Object, Paint Brush, Paint Bucket, Effect Brushes, Mosaic Brush, Spot Healing Brush, Mixer Brush, Red Eye Correction, Liquify, Clone Stamp.
— Cut Out: Remove the background from an image. (Magic Eraser, Lasso tool, Brush tool)
— Batch: Batch edit multiple photos.
— Viewer: Photo Browser, Loupe View, Full Screen, Flag, Star Rating, Batch Rename, Batch Resize, Batch Format Change, Lossless Rotate, Share, Exif Viewer.
— Collage: Merge multiple photos on the collage frame to create one final photo.
— Combine: Attach multiple photos vertically or horizontally to create one final photo.
— GIF Creator: Create Animated GIF.
— Print: Print photos.
— Screen Capture: Capture your screenshot and save it.
— Color Picker: Zoom in on images, search and pick a color.
— Rename: Change photo file names in batch mode.
— Split: Slice a photo into several pieces.
— Photo Merge: Focus Stacking, Merge to HDR
— Macro: Record your multiple actions and then play them back all at once
— Languages: English, Español, Português, Deutsch, Français, Italiano, Nederlands, Polski, 한국어, 日本語, 简体中文, 繁體中文
What’s New
New Text Effects: Long Shadow, Overlays & Masks, Background
New Object Effects: Long Shadow, Overlays & Masks
New Filters: Gradient Opacity, Radial Speed Lines, Lines, Concentric, Geometric Collage
New Filter Objects: Mosaic #2, #3, #4, Frosted Glass
New Text Warp: Gradient Upper, Gradient Upper 2, Gradient Lower, Gradient Lower 2
New Features: Copy and Paste multiple objects, Add Empty Cell (Print tab), Flip Horizontal/Vertical (Text object)
Improved Enhance Document
Improved Object Transform
Improved Spot Healing Brushes
Improved Gradient options
Improved Raw Engine
Added 119 Film Looks
Added 104 Film Extras
Added 150 Nature
Added 108 Comic Stickers
Added 4 more Draw Brushes (Stipple)
Added 1 more Text Outline Type
Added 6 Object Transform Skew Types
Added 8 Canvas Grid Types
Support Nederlands, Polski (English, Español, Português, Deutsch, Français, Italiano, Nederlands, Polski, 한국어, 日本語, 简体中文, 繁體中文)
Improved UI
Fixed bugs
Ratings and Reviews
All I Use
This product is absolutely amazing. I love how much you can do and so easily. I didn’t have to but the full thing, although I will because I love the product and the amount of extra features you have just doubles. This application is easy to learn how to do without researching or looking it up. Just playing around to figure it out, is all I have done and the possibilities are endless. It is my favorite and my absolute go-to app for photo editing, graphic creating/altering, collage making and tons more. I made my engagement announcements through this basically graphics from google images and my photographs and basically did a simple collage. Like I said, I am not a pro, but the Save the Date Announcement looks amazing and so professional. It doesn’t look like anything I would have done myself. I’m so thrilled with this app, I just had to share how wonderful it is and the layout is so simple.
I highly reccomend this app to anybody who does any kind of editing of any sort. It is AWESOME!
The best free photo editor in the App Store.. Period
I want to say a BIG thank you, to the developers for listening, and adding the «Compare» Spacebar shortcut — THANK YOU for listening, this makes our workflow convenient, much better and faster!
Been using it for at least a year. since then, I added a couple more editors, from the App Store, and PhotoScape X, is still my favorite editor.
To give you an idea, I’m doing 90% of all edits, with it, then sometimes use features from the others, for final touches. I start most of edits with it, rarely with others.
The free version, has many features that cover 99% of features needed, to edit, correct, and customize, to get really beautiful photos.
You’ll hardly need any another app, for these purposes.
Feature that’s really missing, and quite annoying, that many other apps have, is a keyboard shortcut for the «Compare» option.
It’s actually very surprising, that it doesn’t have it already and no option is available to add it, considering it’s probably the most pushed button in the app for comparing before and after edits.
It’s really, VERY counterproductive, to use the mouse, to look for that small button, every time you need to compare your edits.
It is so essential, I would easily asign the SPACEBAR for it, that way, we won’t need to take our eyes off the screen, to search for it on the keyboard.
I Hope the developers, read this, and add it!
So user friendly and helpful
I’m an art teacher and I am also in charge of yearbook. I’m one of those people that technology just hates so I never got into graphic design or anything and Photoshop just goes over my head. I like to work with my hands and I dread anything that has to do with technology (art wise). I needed something free but user friendly for photo editing. Something I could navigate easily and teach my students how to use to clean up their images for the yearbook. This has been the perfect tool and allows exactly what we need. The students often figure out how to do more than I ever did. I truly appreciate something so uncomplicated that lets me get my work done quickly and efficiently. I’ve even started using it for my art images to help change color or enhance images so I can draw them or for my students to draw.
App Privacy
The developer, Mooii Tech , has not provided details about its privacy practices and handling of data to Apple. For more information, see the developer’s privacy policy.
No Details Provided
The developer will be required to provide privacy details when they submit their next app update.
English, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, Traditional Chinese