Product key windows sku

Find your Windows product key

A Windows product key is a 25-character code used to activate Windows. It looks like this:


Locate your product key for Windows 10

Depending on how you got your copy of Windows 10, you’ll need either a 25-character product key or a digital license to activate it. A digital license (called a digital entitlement in Windows 10, Version 1511) is a method of activation in Windows 10 that doesn’t require you to enter a product key. Without one of these, you won’t be able to activate your device.

Where to find your product key depends on how you got your copy of Windows.

Select any of the following to see more information:

The product key is preinstalled on your PC, included with the packaging the PC came in, or included on the Certificate of Authenticity (COA) attached to the PC. For more info, contact your hardware manufacturer, and for pictures of authentic product keys and COA labels, see How to tell your hardware is genuine.

The product key is on a label or card inside the box that Windows came in. For more info, contact the retailer that sold you Windows 10. How to tell your software is genuine.

Find your product key in the confirmation email you received after buying Windows 10 or in a digital locker accessible through the retailer’s website.

The product key is in the confirmation email you received after buying your digital copy of Windows. Microsoft only keeps a record of product keys if you purchased from the Microsoft online store. You can find out if you purchased from Microsoft in your Microsoft account Order history.

If you upgraded to Windows 10 for free from Windows 7 or Windows 8.1, you should have a digital license instead of a product key.

If you bought Windows 10 Home, Professional, or Upgrade to Pro in the Windows 10 Store app, you’ll receive a digital license instead of a product key. You can use the digital license for activation.

If your product key is scratched, blurred, or otherwise unusable, contact the retailer who sold you the product. If you aren’t able to get help from your retailer or have already tried and couldn’t get a working key, call Microsoft Support.

For more information about digital licenses and product keys in Windows 10, see the “Methods of Activation” section in Activate Windows 10.

Locate your product key for Windows 7 or Windows 8.1

A product key is usually required when uninstalling or reinstalling Windows 7 or Windows 8.1. Generally, if you bought a physical copy of Windows, the product key should be on a label or card inside the box that Windows came in. If Windows came preinstalled on your PC, the product key should appear on a sticker on your device. If you’ve lost or can’t find the product key, contact the manufacturer. To ensure your product key is genuine, see How to tell your software is genuine and How to tell your hardware is genuine.

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For info about how to tell if your copy of Windows is genuine Microsoft software, see the How to tell page.

For more Windows 10 download info, see Download Windows 10.

If you need installation media to install or reinstall Windows, see Create installation media for Windows to learn how to create your own installation media using either a USB flash drive or a DVD.

If you need more help with activation, see Activate Windows 10.

If you’re getting an activation error, see Get help with Windows activation errors.

If you’re reinstalling Windows 10, you might not need a Windows product key. See Activation in Windows 10 for more info.

If you’re reinstalling Windows 10 due to a motherboard problem or some other hardware issue, see Reactivating Windows 10 after a hardware change.

If you’re looking for product keys for Office, apps, games, and more, see Find your Microsoft downloads and product keys

Windows 7 Product Key to Activate

Do you want licensing Windows 7? But still, do not have a Product key? Ahan! Your problem is not different from others. Getting licensed and genuine copy of Windows is not easy because it is expensive and not everyone can afford to buy it. Especially when it comes to students, they prefer to go for long-term reliable products and demand for Windows 7 product keys is at peak. After a good installation, it is important to activate Microsoft Windows with original key. So let go of all fake cracks, keys or activator and use 100% genuine serial key mentioned below.

Ultimate List of Windows 7 Product Keys

Yes, definitely you can get Windows 7 for free by using the working product key. We have gathered all of the working keys for our readers. by any chance, if you are having a problem with Windows 7 or wants to repair it, just enter a genuine serial key. Instead of searching more, use the listed product key for Windows 7 32-bit and 64-bit . The latest working keys will surely be helpful for all users. The mentioned keys completely activate windows and your OS system will start working in an optimal condition.

  • 342DG-6YJR8-X92GV-V8R4V-P6K27
  • 2VCGQ-BRVJ4-2HGJ2-K36X9-J66JG
  • BHGRJ-VC4PK-7JJ4H-6X476-MJ28B
  • 9D7WR-JB2Q4-9G6W9-B9327-28H4R
  • FJHWT-KDGHY-K2384-93CT7-323RC
  • GGH2V-X4V32-G7G7Q-KC7H6-3T228
  • BJH3H-B776D-P26TW-J3K3F-FF24Y
  • GQ3P9-26XW6-YP398-9DHT2-8BHR2
  • 342DG-6YJR8-X92GV-V7DCV-P4K27
  • V3Y2W-CMF9W-PGT9C-777KD-32W74
  • 83K3W-QH8JT-T7KBY-9FQB6-V9R8H
  • C23T3-9F2T2-FPWBM-XYMW2-272J9
  • 3743C-T6892-B4PHM-JHFKY-4BB7W
  • 8YDX9-B7MMG-82XD9-V88G9-MR92T
  • XH7KY-9YP9X-G9M34-JJH66-HXK9C
  • 4HDB9-DQHDQ-6D82P-PRPPK-67T78

Windows 7 Product keys for 32-bit version

  • PQL19-DN4BD-G6HIZ7-XM358-W9SKZ
  • 56452-EWDSX-ZCAFQ-R1436-RYVHG
  • I9UA2-3S4D5-FG67H-8J9KM-N876V

Windows 7 product keys for 64-bit version

  • M9N8B-7V6C5-X4Z32-SDA4D-EF5GH
  • 49PB6-6BJ6Y-KHGCQ-7DDY6-TF7C3E
  • 342DG-6YJR8-X92GV-V7DCV-P4K27

Windows 7 license key for ultimate version

  • 22TJD-F8XRD6-YG69F-9M66D-PMJSM
  • 342DG-6YJR8-X92GV-V8R4V-P6K27
  • EHY4Q-VB55H-XK8VD-5Y68P-RFQ43

Windows 7 starter license key

  • 22P26-HD8YH-RD96C-28R8J-DCT28
  • 2V3W2-JXTTR-28RD8-R228D-KR69C
  • 272P4-GQ8V6-97YYM-9YTHF-DC2VP

Professional Windows 7 product key


Product keys for Windows 7 home basic version


Windows 7 home premium license keys

  • 38JTJ-VBPFW-XFQDR-PJ794-8447M
  • 4FG99-BC3HD-73CQT-WMF7J-3Q6C9
  • 4G3GR-J6JDJ-D96PV-T9B9D-M8X2Q
  • 2V36J-4RK8B-GW27Q-4DXPG-RQP78
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Activate Windows 7 without Product Keys

Here is the simple and most effective mehtod to activate windows 7 without using any paid product keys.

Step 1: Visit and download code (Code is Here).

Step 2: Copy paste this code into a text Doc.

Step 3: Time to save this TEXT file as 1click.cmd ( see below image ).

Step 4: Now RUN this file as Administrator.

Congratulations!! Activated:

Find working Windows 7 product key

To utilize all of the Windows 7 features, 25 characters based license key for Windows is a must. Without the product key, a user won’t be able to activate the device and it cannot be substituted with anything. A product key is also referred as a digital license. However, the answer to a question to find working Windows 7 product key is just right here. Below we have mentioned all the latest keys which are surely working. Somehow, activate windows by using a key which is a simple yet intuitive way but we have also mentioned a process to activate windows 7 by using a command prompt.

Is Product Key and Product ID are same?

No, the product key and Product ID are not the same. Product key consists of at least 25 characters to activate windows while Product ID identifies the Windows version. Microsoft does tell the Windows version in its settings but does not provide any key with DVD or online. If somehow Windows 7 key is lost, get a new one for free.

How to use windows 7 product keys?

The Windows 7 product keys are mentioned above. All of the keys will surely activate the windows but they might not work if Windows update feature on your PC is turned on. Make sure to turn it off otherwise the license key will be detected and activation may fail.

Activate Windows 7 by using a command prompt

  • The process is easy to make sure to follow it step by step.
  • Open a command prompt by typing CMD as administrator into Windows search.
  • Now type slmgr-rearm in the command prompt.
  • Press Enter to continue.
  • Just restart your PC and you will receive a prompt to update windows without entering a product key.
  • Open the command prompt again and type slmgr-ato.
  • Press enter again. You will receive a prompt that windows 7 is activated.

Point to ponder

Being an expert, users are advised to activate the windows by using a serial key. If by chance, any serial key does not work, go for trial expiry and try out entering a virus-free product key. All of the keys are genuine and will surely work 100% without causing any harm to the PCs.


As Windows 7 is an old version, Microsoft has discontinued its support or community help. Microsoft does not provide its update version or any technical support. Microsoft has discontinued its support regarding Windows 7 but the complete and easy to use solution is mentioned in this article that is activating Windows by using Windows 7 product keys.

If you want some more methods to activate windows for free, please share our website.

Find your Windows product key

A Windows product key is a 25-character code used to activate Windows. It looks like this:


Locate your product key for Windows 10

Depending on how you got your copy of Windows 10, you’ll need either a 25-character product key or a digital license to activate it. A digital license (called a digital entitlement in Windows 10, Version 1511) is a method of activation in Windows 10 that doesn’t require you to enter a product key. Without one of these, you won’t be able to activate your device.

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Where to find your product key depends on how you got your copy of Windows.

Select any of the following to see more information:

The product key is preinstalled on your PC, included with the packaging the PC came in, or included on the Certificate of Authenticity (COA) attached to the PC. For more info, contact your hardware manufacturer, and for pictures of authentic product keys and COA labels, see How to tell your hardware is genuine.

The product key is on a label or card inside the box that Windows came in. For more info, contact the retailer that sold you Windows 10. How to tell your software is genuine.

Find your product key in the confirmation email you received after buying Windows 10 or in a digital locker accessible through the retailer’s website.

The product key is in the confirmation email you received after buying your digital copy of Windows. Microsoft only keeps a record of product keys if you purchased from the Microsoft online store. You can find out if you purchased from Microsoft in your Microsoft account Order history.

If you upgraded to Windows 10 for free from Windows 7 or Windows 8.1, you should have a digital license instead of a product key.

If you bought Windows 10 Home, Professional, or Upgrade to Pro in the Windows 10 Store app, you’ll receive a digital license instead of a product key. You can use the digital license for activation.

If your product key is scratched, blurred, or otherwise unusable, contact the retailer who sold you the product. If you aren’t able to get help from your retailer or have already tried and couldn’t get a working key, call Microsoft Support.

For more information about digital licenses and product keys in Windows 10, see the “Methods of Activation” section in Activate Windows 10.

Locate your product key for Windows 7 or Windows 8.1

A product key is usually required when uninstalling or reinstalling Windows 7 or Windows 8.1. Generally, if you bought a physical copy of Windows, the product key should be on a label or card inside the box that Windows came in. If Windows came preinstalled on your PC, the product key should appear on a sticker on your device. If you’ve lost or can’t find the product key, contact the manufacturer. To ensure your product key is genuine, see How to tell your software is genuine and How to tell your hardware is genuine.

For info about how to tell if your copy of Windows is genuine Microsoft software, see the How to tell page.

For more Windows 10 download info, see Download Windows 10.

If you need installation media to install or reinstall Windows, see Create installation media for Windows to learn how to create your own installation media using either a USB flash drive or a DVD.

If you need more help with activation, see Activate Windows 10.

If you’re getting an activation error, see Get help with Windows activation errors.

If you’re reinstalling Windows 10, you might not need a Windows product key. See Activation in Windows 10 for more info.

If you’re reinstalling Windows 10 due to a motherboard problem or some other hardware issue, see Reactivating Windows 10 after a hardware change.

If you’re looking for product keys for Office, apps, games, and more, see Find your Microsoft downloads and product keys

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