Программирование pascal mac os

free pascal

Open source compiler for Pascal and Object Pascal




Free Pascal on the Macintosh

Welcome to the FreePascal on the Macintosh page. Here is information especially for you who want to write a program for the Macintosh.

The download statistics indicate that the snapshots below are still downloaded a lot. Note that all fixes from those snapshots are also in the official release of FPC 2.2.2 (and will be also in later versions, when they become available), which was released in August 2008. Since FPC 2.2.2 also contains many additional fixes, we recommend you to use that version. It is available from the regular download pages.

There are some errors in the new linker shipped with Xcode 3.0/Mac OS X 10.5. A detailed overview was posted to the fpc-pascal mailing list. We have worked around most of those issues and created (stable) development snapshots for both PowerPC and Intel. These are intended to be installed on top of the 2.2.0 release version. Future releases will have these fixes incorporated.

One linker bug cannot be completely worked around in the compiler, which is related to the Stabs debugging format. For this reason, we recommend to switch to the Dwarf debugging format on Mac OS X 10.5. On the command line, you can do this by using -gw instead of -g to generate debugging information. In the Xcode projects, add -gw at the end of the FPC_SPECIFIC_OPTIONS project setting for the Debug configuration.

Regular snapshots of FPC 2.1.1 (both for PowerPC and for Intel — the latter denoted as i386) are now generated by and available from the Lazarus team.

If you only need the compiler (to either use it from the command line or from Xcode), you only have to download and install the «fpc» package.

Version 2.0.2 that was released a few weeks ago has all fixes and improvements of the 2.1.1 snapshot that was here (like Mac Pascal style objects and creation of dynamic libraries). Additionally, it doesn’t suffer from the installation problems the 2.1.1 snapshot installer had. Get the release here.

The 2.1.1 snapshot that was here is no longer available.

If you really need to be up to date with FPC, please consider using Subversion, and build the compiler by your self.

Some changes:

  • No more «_main» symbol in the system unit (so can link with C main programs)
  • Shared library creation support under Mac OS X
  • Several bugfixes related to overflow checking on PPC


There is now a wiki page covering porting issues, from traditional mac pascals to FPC.

A FPC 2.1.1 snapshot is available here (10.8 MB, does not include the PDF documentation). It includes:

  • Support for Macintosh Object Pascal in Macpas mode (includes support for mixing in Delphi-style OOP programming in Macpas mode, except that you have to use «object» instead of «class» everywhere — all occurrences of «class» are simply internally replaced by the _OBJECT compiler token)
  • Fixed bug which caused stack corruption in procedures receiving floating point parameters and parameters on the stack (only if the caller side was compiled by FPC)
  • Fixed bug in overflow checking of integer operations (some calculations were buggy if overflow checking is turned on, which is the case in the default development building style of Xcode if you use the integration kit)
  • Fixed bug in division of unsigned numbers > $7fffffff by a power of 2
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Should you desire to do so, you can switch back to 2.0 by simply installing the 2.0 package again.

At last . Free Pascal 2.0 is released for Mac OS X and classic Mac OS, as well as for other targets.

This means Free Pascal for the mac is not considered beta anymore. Get it on one of the mirror download sites.


Free Pascal Mac

Скачайте Free Pascal бесплатно и разрабатывайте приложения на языке Паскаль. Компилируйте, исправляйте ошибки и запускайте приложения с Free Pascal

Паскаль – это язык с длинной историей, истоки которого восходят к концу шестидесятых годов XX века. Хотя его использование постепенно сокращается в пользу других языков программирования, до сих пор можно найти среды разработки, ориентированные на него. Например, Free Pascal.

Для программистов прошлого и настоящего

Free Pascal – это компилятор языка Паскаль, предназначенный для всех программистов, которые до сих пор используют этот язык. Он может служить для разработки приложений, а также исправления ошибок в коде благодаря эффективному инструменту debugger.


  • Среда разработки для Паскаля.
  • Возможность компилировать и запускать ваши собственные программы.
  • Отладчик кода.
  • Калькулятор и доступ к таблицеASCII.
  • Поиск в коде.

Free Pascal для Мас будет полезен всем, кто разрабатывает приложения на этом языке программирования, как для работы, так и по ностальгическим причинам.


Mac Installation FAQ

This article applies to macOS only.

This page lists solutions to the most frequent problems that may arise during (and after) installation of Lazarus and Free Pascal on macOS. Please read Installing Lazarus on macOS first and pay special attention to the sections that apply to your versions of macOS, Xcode, Lazarus and Free Pascal.


Lazarus doesn’t run project

After moving to macOS or after upgrading to a new version of macOS Lazarus is unable to compile and run a project.

Solution: Most likely, this behaviour results from missing command line tools. In newer versions of Xcode they are no longer installed by default. You can install them by running

from the terminal. See also Installing Lazarus on macOS for more details.

Compilation aborts with weird messages

I have correctly installed Lazarus and FPC, but compiling a simple demo program stops with the Free Pascal exit code 256 and the message «Lazarus Panic /bin/sh: clang: command not found».

Solution: This behaviour may arise from a too old Xcode version installed. Generally, you should use the newest Xcode version that is available for your operating system. Lazarus 1.6 requires, e.g., Xcode 3.2.6, or newer. With Xcode 4.3 or newer, you should also install the Xcode command line tools as described above or in the article Installing Lazarus on macOS.

ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture i386

I am trying to compile a blank project on Catalina immediately after installing FPC and Lazarus but I get this error «ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture i386».

Solution: Go to Lazarus > Tools > Options, if your compiler may be set to ppc386 (32 bit), then change it to ppcx64 (64 bit) or fpc (a wrapper that should choose the correct compiler). There is no 32 bit support in Catalina. In the trunk version of Lazarus, the Lazarus > Tools > Options menu has been moved to the Lazarus > Preferences menu

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Debugger not found

I have installed the latest version of Lazarus on a new Mac. My program is built fine, but when I try to run it I get a message that the debugger /usr/bin/gdb doesn’t exist or isn’t runnable.

Solution: Since version 5, Xcode does not include the GDB debugger but the LLDB debugger. For recent versions of macOS, go to the Tools > Options | Debugger menu and choose «LLDB debugger (with fpDebug) (Beta)» and set the executable to /usr/bin/lldb.

Solution (legacy): Xcode v5 no longer includes the GDB debugger. See GDB on OS X Mavericks or newer and Xcode 5 or newer for possible solutions unless you are running a recent version of macOS (in which case, see above).

Form not shown after moving to Mac

My application works well on Windows and Linux, but after changing to Mac my forms are invisible. I tried to re-scan the FPC source directory, and I clicked «Create Bundle», but this didn’t solve the problem. Unlike my app, a very simple demo application works well.

Solution: This may result from a wrong position setting of your form(s). Your Windows machine may have a multi-monitor setup, so that the forms are outside the visible area of a single-monitor environment, i.e. if your Mac has only one monitor. You should check and correct the top and left properties of your forms in the object inspector. (Of course, this also applies in the other direction, i.e. if you have a multi-monitor Mac and a single-monitor Windows or Linux machine).

Form not responding to mouse clicks

After starting the program the form is visible, but not responding to interaction via the user interface.

Solution: Programs for macOS-based systems are more complex than programs for Windows or Linux. They require the existence of an application bundle, a special opaque directory structure, which determines the modalities of interaction with the operating system and the GUI. You may create an application bundle in the project settings or alternatively via shell commands. Make sure that the option Use Application Bundle for running and debugging (for Darwin) is checked.

fpcsrc not present

After installing and first running Lazarus, the welcome window complains that the directory «/usr/local/share/fpcsrc» is not found.

Solution: You have to install fpcsrc. This is a Lazarus-specific installer package that comes with your distribution of Lazarus. If you have downloaded Lazarus from SourceForge you find fpcsrc in the same server directory as the Lazarus package.

Multiple error messages after upgrading Lazarus and/or FPC

After upgrading Lazarus and/or Free Pascal to a new major version, trying to compile my code results in multiple error messages.

Solution: This behaviour may have multiple reasons. After every major upgrade you should rescan the FPC source directory. If this doesn’t help it may be useful to delete the file fpcdefines.xml (it is within the

/.lazarus folder). Additionally, you should check your code for incompatibilities that may result from changes in the compiler (although this is quite rare with code that is not too unusual). See Category:FPC User Changes by release for intentional changes to the compiler that may break existing code.

Unit XY not found

I have freshly installed a new version of Lazarus on my machine. Trying to compile an application results in the error message «Error: unit not found: XY». (XY is a place holder for any unit name.)

Solution: Try to re-scan your FPC source directory via the Tools. menu of the IDE.

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Fatal: Cannot find [. ] used by [. ], incompatible ppu=[filename], package [package name]

When the compiler gives the message «Cannot find A used by B», Lazarus checks what pas/pp/ppu files are in the search path, and if there is a ppu file it inserts «incompatible ppu=filename, package».

Explanation: FPC cannot use this ppu for one of these reasons:

  • it was compiled with another FPC version;
  • it was compiled with (depends on) some other ppu files that are not in the search path;
  • you misconfigured some search path(s).

Solutions: (1) Check that you have the current Xcode (optional — see here) and Xcode command line tools package (mandatory) installed; (2) Lazarus > Menu > Tools > Configure Build Lazarus — Find and check «Clean all» and then Build. If that doesn’t work, I’d be tempted to delete both FPC + Lazarus and start again. See Uninstalling Lazarus and Free Pascal.

Error: User defined: only cpu i386 is supported

When compiling Lazarus on macOS I receive this error: carbonbars.pp(16,2) Error: User defined: only cpu i386 is supported

Error: ld: framework not found Cocoa

When compiling Lazarus on macOS I receive this error: Error: ld: framework not found Cocoa

Solution: You forgot to install the Xcode command line tools or they’ve since been deleted. See Installing Xcode Command Line Tools to resolve. You may also need to re-install FPC _after_ installing the Xcode command line tools so that it can find the macOS frameworks.

Error ppc1 not found

When compiling the Free Pascal Compiler on macOS I receive this error:

Solution: GNU Make does not handle directory names with spaces in them. Rename «fpc trunk» to «fpc_trunk» or similar and it should work without this error.

Error: library (X11 or Truetype) not found

If you are compiling X11 applications (typically using fpGui) FPC needs to know where to find the libX11.dylib and libfreetype.dylib libraries. If FPC cannot find these libraries, you will receive a library not found error during linking.

Solution: Depending on your version of macOS or XQuartz these may be found in /usr/X11/lib or /opt/X11/lib with a symlink from /usr. The best solution to this is probably to edit /etc/fpc.cfg and add the line «-Fu/usr/X11/lib«

Application does not accept keyboard input

After compiling my application, I cannot enter anything in the edit boxes and the application will not accept any keyboard input.

Solution: You forgot to create an application bundle. Lazarus > Project > Project Options > Application — Create Application Bundle.

Warning arm64 function not 4-byte aligned

When compiling on an Apple Silicon M1 processor, I get a «warning arm64 function not 4-byte aligned» for every function.

Solution: That’s probably a consequence of using -Os. That setting unconditionally sets procalign (jump align) to 1. That’s definitely wrong for AArch64 and a bunch of other architectures. There is no «minimum required alignment» for these settings defined yet anywhere in the compiler, so that will need to be added. In the meantime, do not use -Os to optimize size.

Resource compiler «fpcres» not found

When compiling an application after installing or compiling a new Lazarus version, it fails with the error «Error (9021) Resource compiler «fpcres» not found, switching to external mode«

Solution: Create a file called .fpc.cfg (note the leading dot in the filename) in your home directory and add the lines:

If the file already exists it should contain the first of the lines above, so just add the second line.

Other questions

I didn’t find my issue here.

Solution: You might find a possible solution at the Lazarus and Free Pascal Forum. Otherwise, you might ask your question there.


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