Realtek semiconductor co ltd device c821 linux debian

Проблемы с WIFI адаптерами RTL8821CE в Linux

Добрый день всем, кто оказался на данном сайте. В последнее время можно сталкнуться с тем, что нет драйвера на WIFI адаптер RTL8821CE. К примеру, я сталкнулся с этой проблемой когда приобрел новый ноутбук. Хотя например в Ubuntu 19.10 этот драйвер есть в репозиториях. Но, например в Debian и MX Linux его нет. Решается это довольно просто. Установкой его с gihub. И так, приступ. Для начала установим git:

Теперь можно приступать к скачиванию исходного пакета с gihub:

После чего переходим в папку с нашим исходником и приступаем к установке. Для начала скомпилируем исходник командой “make” и потом установим при помощи команды “install”

После успешной установки, нужно перезагрузить систему. После чего WIFI устройство обнаружиться системой и будет работать. А на этом сегоня все. Надеюсь данная статья будет вам полезна.

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18 комментариев к « Проблемы с WIFI адаптерами RTL8821CE в Linux »

не сработало, у меня elementary os

введи команду inxi -F и скинь мне на мыло скрин, или на форуме можно посмотреть решение проблемы может кто и сталкивался

У меня elementary os и всё сработало ноутбук HP 255 G7

HP, Elementary – нет wifi, Linux Mint – тоже нет. Просмотрел, перечитал кучу информации -ничего. Случайно наткнулся на ваш сайт – 10 минут и проблема решена. Благодарю Вас за краткость и доступность.

Спасибо, все понятно.

Сработало на Ubuntu 20.04.1! Спасибо!

как скачать, если нет интернета?

Можно подключиться по витой паре – по проводу, скачать и установить. А вообще, щас в ядро Linux уже добавили данный драйвер, его только в настройках активировать и все работает

Я подключил телефон через USB кабель.

автор, спасибо. супер статья и , главное, что без ошибок. множество статей на эту тему в сети, но ,видимо, авторы не сильно понимали, о чем пишут.. поэтому в статьях ошибки. у тебя все в порядке. спасибо. помогло решить задачу и не скатиться к использованию винды )))

Блаеодарю! думал уже на другую OS переходить
Все сработало на отлично, я снова с WIFI
ядро 5.10.6-desktop-1.mga7
ноут ASUS 2019 г.
карточка RTL8821ce
OS Mageia 7

Спасибо автору. Всё чётко и разумно. Для первичного подключения к сети использовал телефон через USB кабель.

Супер! Все получилось. Спасибо огромное.

Чуть было не забыл! Первым шагом отключаем Secure Boot в Биосе!


Как установить драйвер Wi-Fi для Realtek RTL8821CE в Ubuntu 18.04?

Я пытаюсь установить драйверы для моего Wi-Fi на моем рабочем столе HP All-in-one. Мне сказали показать вывод команды «sudo lshw -C network», вот она:

Вывод из «lspci -nnk | grep -A2 0280»:

2 ответа

(Этот вопрос является дубликатом Wi-Fi, который не работает на Lenovo ThinkPad E570 (Realtek RTL8821CE), но я был рад, что в итоге мы нашли решение, поэтому напишу, что сработало для Haz.)

Насколько я могу судить, на момент написания этой статьи в официальных репозиториях Ubuntu еще не было Wifi Driver для Realtek RTL8821CE.

На github есть репозиторий с драйвером RTL8821CE, предназначенный для ядер 4.14 и выше и специально для Arch Linux, без поддержки других дистрибутивов Linux:

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(Незначительное замечание: по состоянию на февраль 2019 года tomaspinho, к сожалению, больше не может поддерживать драйвер, поскольку у него больше нет доступа к компьютеру с этим чипсетом, и поэтому может потребоваться новый сопровождающий, но драйвер по-прежнему работает с Ubuntu 18.04 по состоянию на то время.)

Однако, как сообщается, он прекрасно работает с Ubuntu 18.04.

Решение взято непосредственно из поста № 4 Praseodym: и установит несколько пакетов для сборки модуля драйвера wifi (git, dkms, build-essential & linux). -headers) и клонировать репозиторий git из tomaspinho.

DKMS используется потому, что это «система, которая автоматически перекомпилирует и устанавливает модуль ядра при установке или обновлении нового ядра».

Откройте терминал и введите следующие строки (Вы можете вырезать и вставить, если хотите):

После того, как это успешно завершено, вы должны перезагрузиться и обнаружить, что ваш Wi-Fi работает.

Вы также хотите убедиться, что SecureBoot отключен в настройках BIOS, иначе он не позволит вам загрузить неподписанный модуль самодостаточного ядра.


Realtek semiconductor co ltd device c821 linux debian

Realtek RTL8821CE Driver

This repository hosts the code for the ArchLinux AUR Package. It’s targetting Linux > 4.14 and is being developed for ArchLinux and Ubuntu 18.10. No support will be provided for other Linux distributions or Linux Kernel versions outside of that range.

The maintainers of this repository are not Realtek employees and are maintaining this repository for their own usage. Further feature development (such as proper power saving, etc.) will not be pursued here, but will be gladly integrated if newer driver sources are provided by Realtek. Use at your own risk.

This driver can be installed using DKMS. This is a system which will automatically recompile and install a kernel module when a new kernel gets installed or updated. To make use of DKMS, install the dkms package.

Installation of Driver

Make sure you have a proper build environment and dkms installed.

Generally speaking, Arch Linux already comes with a compiler toolchain installed. If you have a weird installation, just make sure you have the base-devel package group installed before you proceed.

Installing from AUR

Depencies for manual installation on Arch Linux

If you are running a non-vanilla kernel then install the headers to match the kernel package. Proceed to the section below.

Manual installation of driver

In order to install the driver open a terminal in the directory with the source code and execute the following command:

Removal of Driver

Open a terminal window and git clone the repository to your local disk

Then run the installation script:

PCIe Activate State Power Management

Your distribution may come with PCIe Active State Power Management enabled by default. That may conflict with this driver. To disable:

Add pci=noaer at the end of GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT. Line should look like this:

Then update your GRUB configuration:

Lenovo Yoga laptops

Some new Yoga laptops (like the Yoga 530) come with rtl8821ce as the Wi-Fi/Bluetooth chip. But the ideapad-laptop module, which may come included in your distribution, may conflict with this driver. To disable:


Realtek semiconductor co ltd device c821 linux debian

Realtek RTL8821CE Driver

This repository hosts the code for the Arch Linux AUR Package. It’s targeting Linux > 4.14 and is being developed for Arch Linux and Ubuntu 18.10. No support will be provided for other Linux distributions or Linux Kernel versions outside of that range.

The maintainers of this repository are not Realtek employees and are maintaining this repository for their own usage. Further feature development (such as proper power saving, etc.) will not be pursued here, but will be gladly integrated if newer driver sources are provided by Realtek. Use at your own risk.

This driver can be installed using DKMS. This is a system which will automatically recompile and install a kernel module when a new kernel gets installed or updated. To make use of DKMS, install the dkms package.

Installation of Driver

Make sure you have a proper build environment and dkms installed.

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The following steps are required prior to building the driver on Ubuntu/Debian:

Ubuntu users may also install the prebuilt rtl8821ce-dkms package, an older version of the driver maintained by the Ubuntu MOTU Developers group for bionic, eoan and focal. It has been known to work in cases where the newer driver available here does not. Bugs and issues with that package should be reported at Launchpad rather than here.

Make sure you have the base-devel package group installed before you proceed for the necessary compilation tools.

Installing from AUR

Dependencies for manual installation on Arch Linux

If you are running a non-vanilla kernel then install the headers to match the kernel package. Proceed to the section below.

An unofficial Gentoo package is available, using this repository as upstream. It is available from the trolltoo overlay. Gentoo does not use or require dkms for packaged drivers.

Manual installation of driver

In order to install the driver open a terminal in the directory with the source code and execute the following command:

Removal of Driver

Open a terminal window and git clone the repository to your local disk

Then run the installation script:

Remove the driver:

Make sure you have your local copy of this repository fully updated:

Clean any stale binaries:

When reporting issues, please make sure that debugging is enabled. To enable debugging either set MAKEFLAGS=»CONFIG_RTW_DEBUG = y» before compilation or edit Makefile:

This will enable verbose debug logging, helpful to developers.

PCIe Activate State Power Management

Your distribution may come with PCIe Active State Power Management enabled by default. That may conflict with this driver. To disable:

Add pci=noaer at the end of GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT. Line should look like this:

Then update your GRUB configuration:

Lenovo Yoga laptops

Some new Yoga laptops (like the Yoga 530) come with rtl8821ce as the Wi-Fi/Bluetooth chip. But the ideapad-laptop module, which may come included in your distribution, may conflict with this driver. To disable:

BlueTooth is not working

This may be due to the Kernel loading up the wrong firmware file for this card. Please take a look at @wahsot’s tutorial at to see if that helps you out.

If your system uses Secure Boot, disable it via BIOS settings, otherwise the kernel will not accept user-supplied modules.

Unstable connection — slowdowns or dropouts

The problem may be due to the periodic scanning of access points by the network applet.

This fix worked helpful on Pop! _OS/Ubuntu 20.10 and Fedora 33. Both with GNOME and NetworkManager. #179

Set the BSSID from your network applet. In GNOME this can be done in WiFi Settings > Your profile > Identity > BSSID .

We are going to disable the Connectivity Check option in NetworkManager. This by editing the file in /var/lib/NetworkManager/NetworkManager-intern.conf and adding the following instructions at the end:

Then, just reboot or restart the NetworkManager unit to fix the problem.

Wi-Fi not working for kernel >= 5.9

The Linux Kernel 5.9 version comes with a broken rtw88 module developed by Realtek that has poor compatibility with most revision of the 8821ce chip.

You must disable it by adding the following to your module blacklists ( /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf ):

Then, make sure you have the rtl8821ce module correctly installed.

Turn off your computer, wait a few seconds (to force firmware reload) and then turn it on again.

Wi-Fi and Bluetooth don’t work after suspend

This is a bug that won’t be fixed until/if Realtek implements proper power management themselves. Given they are now only working in rtw88 , this driver will most likely never be fixed in this regard. Please avoid opening issues about this.

Monitor (promiscuous) mode doesn’t work

This driver doesn’t support it and never will. Please avoid opening issues about this.


Ethical hacking and penetration testing

InfoSec, IT, Kali Linux, BlackArch

How to install the Realtek RTL8821CE driver

Usually, when we install a Linux distribution on a laptop, often Wi-Fi support is present in whole or in part for most models. The drivers are integrated into the Linux kernel and as a result, everything “just works” out of the box. But problems start if there is no driver for your Wi-Fi. You need to find it and install it manually.

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For example, the owner of HP CM-0078AU notebooks may encounter such a problem.

If you have a Wi-Fi adapter based on the Realtek RTL8821CE chipset, then Linux does not have a driver for it by default. As a result, the OS does not see the device, and there is no Wi-Fi icon at all in the panel next to the clock.

To fix this problem, just install the required driver.

This driver works on Linux kernels > 4.14 (all modern distributions meet this requirement). This driver has been tested on Debian, Ubuntu, Linux Mint, Arch Linux, Gentoo and should work on all derivative distributions.

This driver can be installed using DKMS. This is a system that automatically recompiles and installs kernel modules when a new kernel is installed as a result of an upgrade. To use DKMS, install the dkms package.

To check which integrated Wi-Fi adapter you have, run the command:

If your output contains the line RTL8821CE, then this instruction will help you:

Offline installation of Realtek RTL8821CE

If the computer on which you want to install the driver does not have an Internet connection, then you can download the installation file from the Ubuntu repositories, transfer it to a USB flash drive to a computer without the Internet, and try to install it manually. This method may not work for the reason that the driver installation requires dependencies (for example, kernel headers) that could be installed if the computer had an Internet connection, but if the computer is offline, then you have to hope that all the necessary files are present by default.

Download the driver installation file:

If the link to the driver stopped working, then go to the page to find the actual link:

Transfer the downloaded file to the computer where you want to install it, go to the directory with the driver and start the installation with the following command:

How to install Realtek RTL8821CE Driver on Ubuntu 21.04 and Later

The driver has been placed in the standard repository, so you just need to run the command:

How to install Realtek RTL8821CE Driver on Ubuntu 20.04

Starting with Ubuntu 20.04, this driver is available in Additional Drivers (Software & Updates). Open the additional software settings and check the box “Using DKMS source for the Realtek 8821C…” (use DKMS source for the Realtek 8821C) and then reboot. After a reboot, everything will work.

How to install Realtek RTL8821CE driver on Debian, Ubuntu, Kali Linux, Linux Mint and their derivatives

Run the following commands:

Then restart your computer and everything should work.

How to install Realtek RTL8821CE driver on Arch Linux, BlackArch and their derivatives

Install pikaur as shown in the “Automatic installation and update of AUR packages” article, then simply run the command:

Reboot your computer.

How to Install Realtek RTL8821CE Driver in Gentoo

Run the commands as root:

Removing the driver

Open a terminal and use git clone to clone the repository to your local drive:

Then run the uninstall script:

Driver update

Remove the driver:

Make sure you have the latest version of the repository on disk:

Remove any stale binaries:

Possible problems

Secure Boot

If your system uses secure boot, disable it in the BIOS settings, otherwise the kernel will not accept custom modules.

PCIe Activate State Power Management

Your distribution may ship with PCIe Activate State Power Management enabled by default. It may conflict with this driver. To disable:

Add pci=noaer to the end of GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT. The line should look something like this:

Then update your GRUB config:

Lenovo Yoga Laptops

Some newer Yoga laptops (like the Yoga 530) come with rtl8821ce as a Wi-Fi/Bluetooth chip. But the ideapad-laptop module that may be included with your distribution may conflict with this driver. To turn it off:


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