Resize pictures windows 10

how to resize a picture on windows 10 ?

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As per the description, I understand that you would like to know about resizing a picture using Windows 10. I will certainly help you with the issue.

Right click the image you want to resize

Select Edit (Image will open in Paint)

Select Resize option on the top and manually select the size as per your requirement.

Ankit Rajput

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thank you ankit,

the thing is in the past it was easy to do it on the built in picture gallery/ viewer , this option is not there any more

i have many pictures and doing it manually one by one is crazy.

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Thank you for the update on the issue.

I would suggest you to repair Windows photo gallery as its corruption might be the cause of your issue. We recommend that you try repairing Windows photo gallery to check if it fixes the issue. Before you repair Windows photo gallery, you can backup your files to make sure that you do not lose any of them. You can click on this link for steps on how to backup your files.

Once your files have been backed up, you can then follow the steps below to repair Windows photo gallery.

  1. Press Windows key + X, select Control Panel from the list.
  2. Click on Programs, then Uninstall a program.
  3. Look for Windows Essentials.
  4. Right click on Windows Essentials and click on Uninstall/Change.
    A window will pop up asking to either remove or repair Windows Essentials.
  5. Choose Repair all Windows Essentials program.

If repairing does not work, then we advise that you uninstall and reinstall Windows photo gallery . You can follow the same steps above but choose Remove instead of repair. You can then visit this link where you can download a fresh copy of Windows photo gallery .

Hope the information provided is helpful. Do let us know if you have any more concern related to Windows. We will be more than happy to assist you.

Image Resizer utility

Image Resizer is a Windows shell extension for bulk image-resizing. After installing PowerToys, right-click on one or more selected image files in File Explorer, and then select Resize pictures from the menu.

Drag and Drop

Image Resizer also allows you to resize images by dragging and dropping your selected files with the right mouse button. This allows you to quickly save your resized pictures in another folder.


Inside the PowerToys Image Resizer tab, you can configure the following settings.


Add new preset sizes. Each size can be configured as Fill, Fit or Stretch. The dimension to be used for resizing can also be configured as Centimeters, Inches, Percent and Pixels.

Fill vs Fit vs Stretch

  • Fill: Fills the entire specified size with the image. Scales the image proportionally. Crops the image as needed.
  • Fit: Fits the entire image into the specified size. Scales the image proportionally. Does not crop the image.
  • Stretch: Fills the entire specified size with the image. Stretches the image disproportionally as needed. Does not crop the image

The width and height of the specified size may be swapped to match the orientation (portrait/landscape) of the current image. To always use the width and height as specified, un-check: Ignore the orientation of pictures.

Fallback encoding

The fallback encoder is used when the file cannot be saved in it’s original format. For example, the Windows Metafile (.wmf) image format has a decoder to read the image, but no encoder to write a new image. In this case, the image cannot be saved in it’s original format. Image Resizer enables you to specify what format the fallback encoder will use: PNG, JPEG, TIFF, BMP, GIF, or WMPhoto settings. This is not a file type conversion tool, but only works as a fallback for unsupported file formats.

The file name of the resized image can be modified with the following parameters:

  • %1 : Original filename
  • %2 : Size name (as configured in the PowerToys Image Resizer settings)
  • %3 : Selected width
  • %4 : Selected height
  • %5 : Actual height
  • %6 : Actual width
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For example, setting the filename format to: %1 (%2) on the file example.png and selecting the Small file size setting, would result in the file name example (Small).png .

Setting the format to %1_%4 on the file example.jpg and selecting the size setting Medium 1366 x 768px would result in the file name: example_768.jpg .

You can also choose to retain the original last modified date on the resized image.

Auto width/height

You can leave the height or width empty. This will honor the specified dimension and «lock» the other dimension to a value proportional to the original image aspect ratio.

How to Use the Windows 10 Photos App to Resize Images

If you need to resize an image and are running Windows 10, you have a few options. If you’re a long time Windows user, you’ll be happy to know that the classic Paint desktop program is still available – unlike other removed or deprecated features. Or, you could go for a familiar third-party app such as SnagIt. But if you want to start embracing the UWP apps that are already included in Windows 10, check out the Photos app.

Resize Images Windows 10 Photos App

To resize an image, open the Photos app and choose the picture from your library that you want to resize. Or, you can open File Explorer and right-click the image you want and choose Photos from the “Open with” option. Once the image is displayed in Photos, click the . . . option on the Top-Right of the screen — aka See More, and then choose the Resize option form the menu.

Next, another menu will open with three different options for resizing your picture. The sizing options include Small (0.25 MP) for profile pics and thumbnails, Medium (2MP) for emails, and Large (4 MP) for viewing. You will also see the original MP size of the image, so you have a reference point. Choose the size you want and then where you want the resized image saved.

It’s also worth noting that the resizing options will vary depending on the original size of the image. For example, if you have a photo that is already large, some of the resizing options will be grayed out. And if you have an image that’s too small, the resize option won’t even be available.

How to quickly resize images using Windows 10 Photos App

The Photos app comes pre-installed on Windows 10. The utility of this app in viewing images and performing basic editing tasks is well known. For instance, in addition to editing images, splitting videos or merging them together, the Photos app comes with the Resize option which allows changing the image dimensions and reduces the file size as desired.

The app comes equipped with 3 preset options –

  1. S – Small 0.25 MP (Suitable for profile pictures and thumbnails)
  2. M – Medium 2MP (For email attachments and messages)
  3. L – Large 4 MP images (Good for viewing)

Resize images using Photos App

For adjusting image size with Photos App in Windows 10, open the image you want to re-size in the Photos app.

When opened, click ‘See More’ option visible as 3 dots on the toolbar, and choose Resize.

Instantly, 3 preset options will appear:

  • S (small)
  • M (medium)
  • L (large)

These will allow you to resize the image.

Choose the desired option and the app will show you the corresponding reduced size after resizing the image.

Select the desired location to save the resized image, enter a suitable name you want for the image, and hit the Save button.

When done, exit the Photos app.

No matter which digital camera you use, the images captured by it produces quite large files when seen on a computer and other mobile devices. To save space on a computer’s hard drive or to share such images with others via email, you have to resize them to a suitable limit. With Windows 10 Photos App this can be achieved in a few simple steps.

Date: August 15, 2019 Tags: Photo

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A post-graduate in Biotechnology, Hemant switched gears to writing about Microsoft technologies and has been a contributor to TheWindowsClub since then. When he is not working, you can usually find him out traveling to different places or indulging himself in binge-watching.

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How do you resize photos in windows 10?

I cannot for the life of me figure out how to resize photos in Windows 10. Photo Viewer does not have the function, photos app does not have the function either. The windows 7 method of right clicking and changing either single or batch photos is no longer there, and microsofts own support page for image resizing applies to windows 7, not windows 10.

Resizing photos is 40% of my work, am really in a bind not being able to do so. Hoping someone can help.

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We appreciate you for being part of Windows 10.

You can resize the photo to the desired size through Photo Gallery app. Follow the below steps to resize the photos.

Open the Start menu, type Photo gallery in the search box and click on Photo Gallery (Desktop app).

Accept the agreement to install Window essentials 2012 if prompted (Enter the admin credentials if needed).

Now you may open the photo location from the left navigation pane on the photo Gallery app.

Select the photo and right click and select Resize.

I hope the above information helps. Kindly let us know if you need any further assistance with Windows. We are glad to assist you.

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I think Photos app in Windows 10 definitely needs a «resize» function.

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I would suggest you to post your feedback on feedback app.

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This does not help. When I type in Photo Gallery. it takes me to my photo gallery. Nothing comes up asking about installing anything. I am trying to print a photo after resizing it and there is no way t resize. I went into paint and reduced from 100% to 25% to trying to make a smaller picture and all it did was make it blurry.

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This does not help. When I type in Photo Gallery. it takes me to my photo gallery. Nothing comes up asking about installing anything. I am trying to print a photo after resizing it and there is no way t resize. I went into paint and reduced from 100% to 25% to trying to make a smaller picture and all it did was make it blurry.

Hi — NataliePapandrea
I have ABSOLUTELY no affiliation to Microsoft (nor do I want to be one of their advisors) ..

I am just a user of their old XP systems, who discovered a lot more about «how» to use paint, that most people will ever know..

Simply opening a picture in paint and «immediately» shrinking it down to 25 %(which by the way — is an amazingly SMALL size — even if you had an A1 size to begin with — which I doubt.
As that simply doesn’t work.
All that does is «miniaturize» the overall look .. to create a fuzzy avatar result.

What you need to do .. is open it in paint.. and «save as» a modified name —
ie: picture to resize (in full tone — 256 colour bitmap)

Then — select all and open the «resize option» .. and TEST shrinking .. the saved-as version .. to see to what extent you CAN resize down into?
Then save THAT as a slightly different file name — such as shrink one.png ?

Then print it off .. to see if it LOOKS as good =as it should.. because the «shrunken preview» you get in Paint.. isn’t always the actual PRINTED AS «result»..

I myself would NEVER consider shrinking below 50% as that’s equivalent to 1/4 the size of the original — at which tiny size .. yes you WILL start to get a fuzzy shrunken grape look.

Try and test.. and re-test, then test some more..
Never just do and wonder why it looks wrong.

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Not helpful. I get the same problems as the other user. When I type in Photo Gallery, I just get my photos sans any property editing tab. I do not get any prompt on downloading a desktop app. Please help!!

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Same thing here — this is a ridiculous problem

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Try something else then.

Surely in your «printer preferences» (the settings of your printer «functionality» itself) there will be a settings option for «re-sizing» ANY document (notepad, written document, scanned thing, &/or picture etc.,) BEFORE printing anything.

All one needs to do .. is «start» the print function, and then select PRINTER PREFERENCES

Opening that — should reveal a whole heap of quirky things to do:

Such as.
BORDERLESS (full size one picture no border)
Landscape (sideways on — horizontal)
Foolscap (normal vertical page look)B&W, or various «colour rendering» options.

You «should» even have the OPTION, of «printing multiple pictures, ONE ONE PAGE ..

Which by the way — is the absolute easiest (quick) way to resize anything, by pprinting TWO pictures on the one A4 paper, you automatically get TYWO «half size pictures, just cut the paper in half & toss the other picture in the rubbish bin..
Bingo ..

Or.. try other «multiple picture options on a single A4 printout.

That’s possibly the easiest, worry free way — to downsize ANY picture ..
Or.. you canb «struggle’ with whatever hard to find «photo gallery options there are, to re-size (in viewing mode only I am guessing) pictures for viewing ON YOUR SCREEN, which will most likely never print at a reduced size later, OR.
Try something else..

Such as..
In PRE-VIEW PRINT (even if you HAVE forgotten to «select & SAVE» printer preferences)

There is a wee cog along the upper left taskbar, which SHOULD allow you to «alter» such weird things as

Which (funnily enough) ..
IF YOU MAKE THE MARGINS LARGE (the resultant «printed picture» IS FORCED to only «fit» between the margins, thus rendering the «printed output..
Works for me — when I have to «select print» (with no printer options) and ONLY get the «ready to print’ page, as the MARGINS OPTIONS, is still available

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Your original question on August 11th (2015)
With respect to the inability to get (yet another useless MS program) «Photo Viewer» &/or the app (of same name) to work for you, with respect to «resizing anything.

I cannot for the life of me figure out how to resize photos in Windows 10. Photo Viewer does not have the function, photos app does not have the function either. The windows 7 method of right clicking and changing either single or batch photos is no longer there, and microsofts own support page for image resizing applies to windows 7, not windows 10.

Resizing photos is 40% of my work, am really in a bind not being able to do so. Hoping someone can help.

Are you ONLY attempting to «resize» the photo’s & pictures, for «saving them as smaller file sizes» (without losing too much quality), or are you trying to «resize» for printing purposes (to get a smaller actual printer size output), or are you trying to resize for another reason.?

I am «just an old XP paint user, who is also being «forced» to try to work with (what now appear to be very) useless win 8.1/ win 10 «programs» .. who is «remembering’ various self-discovered «options & tricks» that I used, back in the days, before I actually FOUND the «in-program» resizing functions.

I found upon «printing» that I could «easily» make small (just as clear) resizings of pictures, by «pre-viewing the printer preferences, for «printing-out, not just borderless pictures at «one per page» — (or heavens forbid .. «NEEDING» FOUR OR SIX >>> A4 PAGES — «per single POSTER size picture», as I blindly found one day — when «playing with the printer’s own settings»).

So — maybe forget about trying to «find» a way to print-out anything in a pre-shrunk (reduced) size, from the program itself, and simply «make the printer decide, how many «smaller pictures» it will print, on a single A4 page, and then «toss away» (by guillotining off) the unused extra prints, saving just the single SMALL PRINTED PICTURE, obtained fro a single A4 print-out.
If you «select» say ?
Then all 10 pictures (on that single sheet of A4) will be one TENTH of their single A4 print size.

If however, you ONLY want to shrink a file, into a much smaller file «size» for saving purposes.

Surely there are other save-as options, possibly in a different format, or maybe even just by «opening the file», in a different program could help, (& yes I use PAINT mostly), as there may also be a «photo editing program», that is available (for free) somewhere on the internet, which will allow you to «resize» ALL of your pictures & photos, completely OUTSIDE of your (obviously useless) MS photo gallery program, that will thus then allow you to resize the picture/photo before re-placing it back = into the (useless) photo gallery program (as it would then be in a smaller «edited» size).

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