Resolume arena ��� mac os

Resolume Arena for Mac

Resolume Arena 7.5.0 rev 77960 LATEST

macOS 10.12 Sierra or later

Resolume Arena for Mac 2021 full offline installer setup for Mac

Resolume Arena for Mac has everything Avenue has, plus advanced options for projection mapping and blending projectors. Control it from a lighting desk and sync to the DJ via SMPTE timecode.

Features and Highlights

Live Video Mixing
Resolume puts you in charge. You can play your videos when you want, how you want. Forwards, backwards, scratch and adjust tempo to the beat. Mix and match your visuals quickly and easily and play Resolume like an instrument.

Intuitive Interface
Whatever your style is, Resolume offers you an easy interface to rock it. Use as little or as many videos and effects as you like. The only limit is your computer’s raw power and imagination.

From Your Local Club to Main Stage
You can play on any amount of screens. From a simple screen behind the DJ in your local club to the main stage at Ultra. As long as your computer can recognize it as an output, Resolume will let you use it.

Audio Visual Playback
Resolume plays both audio and video files. Animate pixels and drop beats, combine any video file with any audio file.

Audio Visual Effects
Resolume has both audio effects and video effects. Use them separately or combine them to create exciting new audiovisual effects.

Audio Analysis
Make clips and effects dance to the beat. Resolume can analyze the audio to make any parameter bounce to the music.

Mapping with Arena
Project video on any type of surface. Complex geometrical structures or whole buildings. Resolume does all the hard work, so you can concentrate on the important part: being creative.

Blend Projectors with Arena
With edge blending, you can seamlessly project one beautiful widescreen image with two or more projectors. It can even wrap around for a full 360-degree experience.

Project on Cars, Buildings or Pumpkins
With Arena for macOS, you can take on any size mapping project. From projecting on DJ booths to cars, buildings and LED mappings on giant stages like Ultra.

LED There Be Light
Think outside the screen and colour the lights too! With Resolume Arena for Mac you can send out colours to DMX fixtures and the lights will be in sync with your visuals.

Live Composite & Effects
Adjust the scale and position of your clips to suit your needs. Apply effects to drastically change the look of your video. Everything runs on the video card so you get the fastest performance and best image quality possible.

Real-Time Rendering
Apply effects, blend, mix, cut and edit, everything happens on the spot.

Audio & Visual Plugins
All visual effects in Resolume are plugins and you can easily add more effects by download 3rd party plugins. You can even program your own using OpenGL. On the audio side, you can use VST plugins to play your favourite effects.

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Control from a Lighting Desk
You can control Arena from a lighting desk using DMX. So you can operate the lights and video with the touch of a fader.

Note: Watermark on output video in demo version.


Live Video Mixing

Resolume puts you in charge. You can play your videos when you want, how you want. Forwards, backwards, scratch and adjust tempo to the beat. Mix and match your visuals quickly and easily and play Resolume like an instrument.

Intuitive Interface

Whatever your style is, Resolume offers you an easy interface to rock it. Use as little or as many videos and effects as you like. The only limit is your computer’s raw power and your imagination.

From Your Local Club to Main Stage

You can play on any amount of screens. From a simple screen behind the DJ in your local club to main stage at Ultra. As long as your computer can recognise it as an output, Resolume will let you use it.

Audio Visual Playback

Resolume plays both audio and video files. Animate pixels and drop beats, combine any video file with any audio file.

Audio Visual Effects

Resolume has both audio effects and video effects. Use them separately or combine them to create exciting new audio visual effects.

Audio Analysis

Make clips and effects dance to the beat. Resolume can analyse audio to make any parameter bounce to the music.

Projection Mapping with Arena

Project video on any type of surface. Complex geometrical structures or whole buildings. Resolume does all the hard work, so you can concentrate on the important part: being creative.

Blend Projectors with Arena

With edge blending you can seamlessly project one beautiful widescreen image with two or more projectors. It can even wrap around for a full 360 degree experience.

Project on Cars, Buildings or Pumpkins

With Arena you can take on any size mapping project. From projecting on DJ booths to cars, buildings and LED mappings on giant stages like Ultra.

LED There Be Light

Think outside the screen and colour the lights too! With Arena you can send out colours to DMX fixtures and the lights will be in sync with your visuals.

Live Composite & Effects

Adjust the scale and position of your clips to suit your needs. Apply effects to drastically change the look of your video. Everything runs on the video card so you get the fastest performance and best image quality possible.

Real Time Rendering

Apply effects, blend, mix, cut and edit, everything happens on the spot.

Audio & Visual Plugins

All visual effects in Resolume are plugins and you can easily add more effects by download 3rd party plugins. You can even program your own using OpenGL. On the audio side you can use VST plugins to play your favourite effects.

Integrate With Other Apps

With Syphon on the Mac and Spout on Windows you can share visuals in real-time between Resolume and other apps running on the same computer. You can even program your own apps that integrate with Resolume.

All Hands on Deck

Liberate yourself from the mouse. Use your favourite MIDI controller or get physical with your iPhone via OSC.

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Control from a Lighting Desk

You can control Arena from a lighting desk using DMX. So you can operate the lights and video with the touch of a fader.

Capture Devices

With native support for Blackmagic, AJA and Datapath capture cards you can input and output almost any video source.

Video over Network

With NewTek NDI ® you can send and receive video between computers on the same network. Use any resolution you like, with an alpha channel, in high quality and low latency.


Resolume Arena 4.2.1 for Mac

Resolume Arena для Mac OS — видеомикшер и мощный инструмент для живого визуального аудио-исполнения в режиме реального времени превращает один из самых популярных видеомикшеров для PC и Mac в медиасервер. В Resolume Arena присутствуют все функции Avenue, но ко всему этому добавились возможности медиа-сервера: мягкое сглаживание, калибровка экрана, прием DMX сигнала и SMPTE-таймкода. Это самое мощное программное решение от Resolume на сегодняшний день.

Принцип работы программы очень прост. Используя клавиатуру, вы запускаете и микшируете видео, а так же добавляете к нему различные эффекты, что позволяет в реальном времени импровизировать с видео-рядом. Главное окно интерфейса содержит палитру из 20 ячеек (каналов), в которые вы можете загружать медиа файлы. Активизируя любой из каналов — вы начинаете воспроизводить видео, содержащееся в нём, в активном слое. Файлы в каналы загружаются простым перетаскиванием из браузера Resolume в палитру каналов. Каждый канал активизируется либо нажатием на него мышкой, либо нажатием на соответствующую ему горячую клавишу, которая отображается в левом верхнем углу каждой ячейки.

Другие новые функции в Resolume 4

  • You configure every layer to automatically start the first clip when the composition has loaded. This is very handy for installations where Resolume needs to start playing clips automatically in combination with the Auto Pilot.
  • Ignore Column Trigger, prevents clip from being triggered when the column triggers are used.
  • Scale to Fit button for clip now cycles through 4 modes, first it will scale taking into account ratio and fill to the hight or the width, then it will just match the composition size and the fourth time it’s back to default, this also works when multiple clips are selected.
  • Recent compositions menu for quick access to last opened compositions.
  • New version of DXV Codec (2.2) compresses files faster by utilizing multiple processors.
  • Invert checkbox for mouse mapped controls.
  • Type ahead selection in File,Effect and Composition browser.
  • Position of windowed output is remembered.
  • Windowed output position can be changed with the arrow keys.
  • Show Display Info (option in the menu to identify the different displays).
  • Global Clip Start offset to compensate for clip trigger latency via MIDI or OSC.
  • Tailored MIDI support for Akai APC Midi controller.
  • Invert option for masks.
  • Value editor popup for parameters.
  • Ease in-out for all parameters.
  • Drop effect directly on layer thumbnail.
  • Drag file on video or audio track zone in clip properties panel to replace video or audio track without resetting parameters.
  • Property panel sizes and layout is remembered.

Улучшения Resolume 4

  • Smaller composition files for quicker loading of decks.
  • Great reduction of memory usage.
  • Effect presets are stored in separate files, this makes it easier to import and share user presets.
  • Improved recording performance.
  • Preview panel checkerboard backdrop for better transparency viewing.
  • Faster OSC input.
  • Flash text field transparency fix on Windows.
  • Better FFGL Syphon support.
  • Much faster thumbnailing and analysis of audio clips.
  • ArtNet DMX fixes.
  • Improved rendering of odd sized files.
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Снимки экрана


Resolume Arena

Resolume Arena Media Server: Arena has everything Avenue has also advanced projection projectors projection and fusion options. Controlled from a lighting desk and synchronize with the DJ via SMPTE time code.

Live video mixing
Resolume puts you in charge. You can play your videos whenever you want and how you want. Forward, back, scratch set the tempo to the beat. Mix and match your images quickly and easily and plays Resolume as an instrument.
Intuitive interface
Whatever your style, Resolume offers a user – friendly interface. Use as few or as many videos and effects as you want. The only limit is the raw power of your computer and your imagination.
Your local club to the main stage
You can play on any number of screens. From a simple screen behind the DJ at your local club to the main stage at Ultra. Whenever your computer can recognize it as a result, Resolume will allow you to use it.
Map projection with Arena
Project video on any type of surface. Complex geometric structures or complete buildings. Resolume does all the hard work so you can concentrate on the important part: be creative.
Mix projectors Arena
With the mix of edges, you can project a beautiful image perfectly widescreen with two or more projectors. You can even wrap completely
360 – degree experience.
With Arena you can perform any mapping project of any size. From project in DJ booths to cars, buildings and giant LED mapping scenarios like Ultra.
LED Light There
Think outside the screen and color lights too! With Arena 5 you can send colors to DMX fixtures and lights will be synchronized with your images.
Live Composite & Effects
Adjust the scale and position of your clips to fit your needs. Apply effects to dramatically change the look of your video. Everything runs on the video card to get the fastest performance and the best possible image quality.
Real – time rendering
Apply effects, mixing, mix, and edit short, everything happens at once.
Audio and visual add – ons
All visual effects are complements Resolume can easily add more effects downloading third – party add- ons. You can even program your own using OpenGL. On the audio side, you can use VST plug – ins to play your favorite effects.
Integrate with other applications
With Siphon on the Mac and Windows Spout, you can share images in real time between Resolume and other applications running on the same computer. You can even program their own applications that integrate with Resolume.
Live Cam
Connect a plug & play webcam or capture a high – end camera and bring to the mix the images of the crowd, the DJ or band on stage.
Capture devices
With native support for Blackmagic capture cards, AJA and datapath, you can enter and send almost any video source.
NewTek Video over IP with NDI
With NewTek NDI can send and receive video files from computers on the same network. Use any resolution you want, with an alpha channel, high quality and low latency.
Audiovisual playback
Resolume plays audio files and video. Anima pixels and eliminates rhythms, combining any video file with any audio file.


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