Running root on windows

Root-права и Rooting

Рутинг — процесс получения прав суперпользователя root на устройствах под управлением операционной системы Android. Имея доступ к этому профилю, появляется целый ряд возможностей, не доступных в обычном режиме работы.

SuperSU 2.82

SuperSU – менеджер root прав для мобильных устройств на Андроид. Программа совместима с версиями системы от 2.3 и выше. Начиная с Android Oreo (8.1) Супер СУ устанавливается не на всех смартфонах. С платформой Pie (9.0) софт уже не совместим. Программа имеет . >

бесплатно/платно Русский язык 6 Мб.

Kingo ROOT 2.8.1

Kingo Root – утилита для получения рут-прав. Приложения выпускается в двух версиях: для мобильных устройств на платформе Андроид – apk файл и Windows релиз – стандартный exe-установщик. Интерфейс софта реализован на 5 языках, где русская версия дополнена английским, испанским, французским и . >

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KingRoot 5.4.0

KingRoot – утилита для получения прав суперпользователя на Андроид устройствах. Приложение выпускается в двух изданиях: apk файл для смартфонов, планшетов и exe-установщик на ПК. Русская версия интерфейса доступна только для мобильных аппаратов. Краткая инструкция по установке Инсталляция на телефон, планшет производится после разблокировки . >

бесплатно Русский язык 62 Мб.

Framaroot 1.9.3

Framaroot – приложение для разблокировки режима суперпользователя на телефоне. Программа совместима с версиями Android 2.0 – 4.2. Данная программа временно недоступна из-за проблем с безопасностью файла установки. Разработка софта прекращена в 2014 году. Как результат, на современных Андроид устройствах утилита бесполезна. Под . >

бесплатно Русский язык 1.3 Мб.

Baidu Root 2.8.6

Baidu Root – утилита для получения прав суперпользователя на мобильных Андроид устройствах. Приложение совместимо с версиями операционной системы от 2.2 и старше. Русскоязычная версия софта реализована усилиями независимых программистов. Перевод интерфейса частичный. Важное дополнение владельцам телефонов Samsung На смартфонах указанного производителя . >

бесплатно Русский язык 21 Мб.

360 Root

360 Root – приложение для получения прав администратора на Андроид устройствах. Софт создан китайскими разработчиками (Qihoo), специализирующимися на выпуске систем защиты от вредоносного ПО. Отдельно реализована версия программы для ПК под ОС Windows (только для китайских ОС). Интерфейс программного продукта исполнен . >

Installing CERN ROOT under Windows 10 with Subsystem for Linux

Oct 27, 2016 · 4 min read

I am not a coding expert by any means, just a physicist that needs to code some stuff sometimes. Hopefully this helps someone else.

I need to use Windows and GNU/Linux for my work and haven’t been able to pic k just one so I am normally running a virtual machine with Ubuntu on my Windows10 host. I’ve avoided a dual boot system since I don’t like partitioning my hard-drive when I don’t have to. Plus, I can share folders across the systems as well as the clipboard, and save my virtual machine state and reload it. However, it’s currently taking up 60 GB of my hard drive, mostly to run CERN ROOT for data analysis and a few other useful Linux tools, and consumes a large fraction of my RAM and CPU resources, such that I can’t run some other large pieces of software in parallel. I’ve not actually tested if Linux for Windows (Beta) is faster or lighter yet.

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Update: The speeds seem to be comparable.

Update 10.08.2018: It seems some people have actually read this, and added helpful information in the comments. Thanks, everyone! I’ve added some notes inline as well. I am repeating the installation on a new laptop and will add updates to mirror the changes I found. Current Windows version is 1803.

I also noticed that there is now a preview version compiled under Win32, but this failed to run on my new pc. (preview Windows Visual Studio 2017 (dbg) root_v6.14.02.win32.vc15.debug.exe 167MB)

So let’s try compiling on the linux subsystem.

Install the Windows Subsystem for Linux

You will require Update for Windows 10 Version 1607 or newer for x64-based Systems.

  1. To get Linux on Windows10 running: under Settings → Updates & Security → For Developers → enable Developer Mode
  2. open Control Panel → Programs → Turn Windows features on or off → enable Windows Subsystem for Linux .
  3. Windows will install some files and restart.
  4. You will need to install and run an X-windows server on Windows: Xming official site: or vcXsrv: . Either will run in the background in your taskbar. Be sure to add the additional fonts:
  5. To run Linux for Windows, from the search window, search for and run “bash.exe”. This will open a terminal window (bash shell) and install Ubuntu for Windows from the Windows Store. Enter a user account name and password when prompted. It shows up in the Start menu later “Bash on Ubuntu on Windows” later. I pinned it to the start menu for quick access.
    Update 10.08.2018: It seems you can now install many Linux flavours that you like from the Microsoft Store first without executing bash.exe. I chose Ubuntu 18.04 this time for continuity.
  6. Update your distribution. It’s probably a little out of date. It also helped with missing packages.

7. Everything works like Ubuntu 14.04/18.04 now. Execute the following to append the correct display to the .bashrc file. It will allow you to open programs with GUIs. Hint: Ctrl-C to copy and right mouse button to paste.

Skip to to helpful hints at the bottom for additional tips.

Compile ROOT Locally

8. To begin the install of CERN ROOT, first install the basic prerequisites for Ubuntu as shown in . In the additional packages, libcfitsio-dev doesn’t seem to work, so I’ve not included it. Execute the following:

to build ROOT 5.34.36 under Ubuntu 14.04

to build ROOT 6.14.02 under Ubuntu 18.04

9. The previous step will take awhile to finish building ROOT. Once it finishes, execute the following:

Pre-compiled ROOT

A precompiled release for Ubuntu 14.04/18.04 works. You should make sure you have the prerequisites listed above installed though. Otherwise you will see some errors.

7a. Just unzip the file and source root/bin/

You should now see the ROOT splash screen and the CINT command line.

Create a user account and password for your new Linux distribution

Once you have enabled WSL and installed a Linux distribution from the Microsoft Store, the first step you will be asked to complete when opening your newly installed Linux distribution is to create an account, including a User Name and Password.

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This User Name and Password is specific to each separate Linux distribution that you install and has no bearing on your Windows user name.

Once you create a User Name and Password, the account will be your default user for the distribution and automatically sign-in on launch.

This account will be considered the Linux administrator, with the ability to run sudo (Super User Do) administrative commands.

Each Linux distribution running on the Windows Subsystem for Linux has its own Linux user accounts and passwords. You will have to configure a Linux user account every time you add a distribution, reinstall, or reset.

Update and upgrade packages

Most distributions ship with an empty or minimal package catalog. We strongly recommend regularly updating your package catalog and upgrading your installed packages using your distribution’s preferred package manager. For Debian/Ubuntu, use apt:

Windows does not automatically update or upgrade your Linux distribution(s). This is a task that most Linux users prefer to control themselves.

Reset your Linux password

To change your password, open your Linux distribution (Ubuntu for example) and enter the command: passwd

You will be asked to enter your current password, then asked to enter your new password, and then to confirm your new password.

Forgot your password

If you forgot the password for your Linux distribution:

Open PowerShell and enter the root of your default WSL distribution using the command: wsl -u root

If you need to update the forgotten password on a distribution that is not your default, use the command: wsl -d Debian -u root , replacing Debian with the name of your targeted distribution.

Once your WSL distribution has been opened at the root level inside PowerShell, you can use this command to update your password: passwd where is the username of the account in the DISTRO whose password you’ve forgotten.

You will be prompted to enter a new UNIX password and then confirm that password. Once you’re told that the password has updated successfully, close WSL inside of PowerShell using the command: exit

If you are running an early version of Windows operating system, like 1703 (Creators Update) or 1709 (Fall Creators Update), see the archived version of this user account update doc.

Ethical hacking and penetration testing

InfoSec, IT, Kali Linux, BlackArch

How to reset MySQL or MariaDB root password on Windows

The root password is set during the installation of the DBMS. If the installation was done manually, that is, without an installer, as described, for example, in this article, then the password may not be set at all.

If you use any ready-made assemblies that include MySQL/MariaDB, then ask for the password on the official sites of these assemblies. Also try these credentials:

  • User: root
  • Password: root

If you really forgot the MySQL/MariaDB password and you need to reset the root password in MySQL on Windows, then this article will tell you how to do it.

Step 1 – Determine the version of the database management system

Find in which folder your mysqld.exe file is located. When installed according to this turorial, this file is located in the C:\Server\bin\mysql-8.0\bin\ folder.

Open a command prompt. We need administrator rights, so we do the following: click Win+x and select Windows PowerShell (administrator) there:

Now go to the directory with the mysqld.exe file on the command line, for this, use a command of the form:

For example, I have this in the C:\Server\bin\mysql-8.0\bin\ folder, then the command is:

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You need to determine the version of MySQL/MariaDB, to do this, run the command:

Step 2 – Stop the Database Server

To change the root password, you must stop the database server in advance. For MySQL and MariaDB, you can do this with the command:

After the server is stopped, you will start it manually to reset the root password.

Step 3 – Restarting the database server without checking permissions

If you start MySQL and MariaDB without loading user privilege information, it will allow you to access the database command line with root privileges without entering a password. This will allow you to access the database without knowing the passphrase. To do this, you need to prevent the database from loading privilege tables that contain user privilege information. Since this carries a security risk, you should also avoid network activity in order to prevent other clients from connecting.

Run the DBMS without loading privilege tables and without network access:

The program should NOT shut down, that is, now nothing can be entered into this command line window.

Step 4 – Change the root password

Now you can connect to the database as a root user who will not be asked for a password.

Open a new command prompt window, without administrator privileges.

Again, go to the desired folder

And connect to the MySQL/MariaDB server

You will immediately see a database shell prompt. MySQL command line prompt:

Now that you have root access, you can change the root password.

An easy way to change the root password for modern versions of MySQL is to use the ALTER USER query. However, this command will not work right now because privilege tables are not loaded. Let’s tell the database server to reload the privilege tables by typing:

Now, indeed, we can change the root password.

For MySQL 5.7.6 and later, and also for MariaDB 10.1.20 and later, use the following command:

For MySQL 5.7.5 and older, as well as for MariaDB 10.1.20 and older, use:

Remember to change the new_password to your new password.

Note: if the ALTER USER command does not work, then this is usually a sign of a more serious problem. However, instead of this, you can try UPDATE … SET to reset the root password:

After that, do not forget to reload the privilege tables:

In any case, you should see confirmation that the command completed successfully. Output:

Exit the session:

The password has been changed, you can stop the manually started instance of the database server and restart it as it was before.

Step 5 – Regular restart of the database server

To begin, stop the database server instance that you manually started in Step 3. To do this, go to the window with mysqld running and press Ctrl+c.

Then restart the service as usual:

Now you can confirm that the new password works, run:

This command should prompt you to enter a new password. Enter it, you should access the database command line interface, as is usually the case.


You have now restored administrative access to the MySQL or MariaDB server. Make sure that the new root password that you selected is safe and keep it in a safe place.

The error “—shared-memory, or —named-pipe should be configured on NT OS”

If you encounter the following error when starting mysqld:

then you need to add the —shared-memory flag to the mysqld start command.

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