- Устанавливаем в системе Linux время, дату и часовой пояс из командной строки или из Gnome | Используем ntp
- Set Time/Date/Timezone in Ubuntu Linux
- Check Current Time
- Using the date command
- Using timedatectl command
- Changing Time
- using date command
- Change Date
- Create custom date format
- List/Change time zone
- Set the Local-rtc
- Check/Change CMOS Time
- Conclusion
- Set Time, Date Timezone in Linux from Command Line or Gnome | Use ntp
- Linux Set Date and Time From a Command Prompt
- Linux Display Current Date and Time
- Linux Display The Hardware Clock (RTC)
- Linux Set Date Command Example
- Linux Set Time Examples
- How do I set the Hardware Clock to the current System Time?
- A note about systemd based Linux system
- timedatectl: Display the current date and time
- How do I change the current date using the timedatectl command?
- How do I set the current time only?
- How do I set the time zone using timedatectl command?
- How do I synchronizing the system clock with a remote server using NTP?
Устанавливаем в системе Linux время, дату и часовой пояс из командной строки или из Gnome | Используем ntp
В системе Linux очень важно иметь правильное время и дату, поскольку от этого зависит многое. Причем неважно, используете ли вы систему Linux на своем персональном компьютере или у вас Linux-сервер. Серверные и системные часы должны указывать правильное время.
Аппаратные часы — это те часы, которые работают на вашем компьютере даже тогда, как питание компьютера отключено. Это возможно благодаря наличию в современных компьютерах литиевой батареи или батареи другого типа в более старых компьютерах.
Мы можем увидеть различие между аппаратными и системными часами
Вы увидите что-то вроде следующего:
Теперь проверьте системные часы
Вы увидите что-то вроде следующего:
Давайте установим аппаратные часы по местному времени:
Если вы хотите установить их на использование времени по Гринвичу (UTC):
Установка часового пояса
Чтобы в ваших системных часах установить часовой пояс, выполните следующее:
Правильно укажите ваш часовой пояс.
Автоматическая регулировка часов
Для того, чтобы ваша система могла автоматический регулировать время, вам нужно установить программу ntp . Получите ее из репозитария. После того, как она будет установлена, вы можете настроить ее следующим образом:
Отредактируйте файл /etc/ntpd.conf . Он будет выглядеть следующим образом:
Удостоверьтесь, что вы запустили демон, и сделайте так, чтобы он автоматически запускался при загрузке системы.
Для Arch Linux это: /etc/rc.d/ntpd start ; для Debian и производных систем: /etc/init.d/ntpd start
Обновление из командной строки времени по значению, получаемому с сервера времени
Вы можете обновлять время вручную без использования демона ntpdate
Вы получите что-то вроде следующего:
Бонус: Установка времени и даты в Gnome
Если вы используете Gnome, щелкните правой кнопкой мыши по изображению часов и выберите пункт настройки adjust, или в меню выберите пункт System > Administration > Time and Date (Система > Администрирование > Время и дата). Вам, возможно, будет предложено ввести пароль.
Set Time/Date/Timezone in Ubuntu Linux
Time is an important aspect in Linux systems especially in critical services such as cron jobs. Having the correct time on the server ensures that the server operates in a healthy environment that consists of distributed systems and maintains accuracy in the workplace.
In this tutorial, we will focus on how to set time/date/time zone and to synchronize the server clock with your Ubuntu Linux machine.
Check Current Time
You can verify the current time and date using the date and the timedatectl commands. These linux commands can be executed straight from the terminal as a regular user or as a superuser. The commands are handy usefulness of the two commands is seen when you want to correct a wrong time from the command line.
Using the date command
Log in as a root user and use the command as follows
You can also use the same command to check a date 2 days ago
Using timedatectl command
Checking on the status of the time on your system as well as the present time settings, use the command timedatectl as shown
Changing Time
We use the timedatectl to change system time using the format HH:MM: SS. HH stands for the hour in 24-hour format, MM stands for minutes and SS for seconds.
Setting the time to 09:08:07 use the command as follows (using the timedatectl)
using date command
Changing time means all the system processes are running on the same clock putting the desktop and server at the same time. From the command line, use date command as follows
• 10: Hour (hh)
• 13: Minute (mm)
• 13: Second (ss)
To change the locale to either AM or PM use the %p in the following format.
Change Date
Generally, you want your system date and time is set automatically. If for some reason you have to change it manually using date command, we can use this command :
It will set your current date and time of your system into ‘January 25, 2014′ and ’09:17:00 AM’. Please note, that you must have root privilege to do this.
You can use timedatectl to set the time and the date respectively. The accepted format is ‘YYYY-MM-DD’, ‘YYYY’ represents the year, ‘MM’ the month in two digits and ‘DD’ for the day in two digits.
Changing the date to ’15 January 2019′, you should use the following command:
Create custom date format
To create custom date format, use a plus sign (+)
%D format follows Year/Month/Day format.
You can also put the day name if you want. Here are some examples :
List/Change time zone
Changing the time zone is crucial when you want to ensure that everything synchronizes with the Network Time Protocol. The first thing to do is to list all the region’s time zones using the list-time zones option or grep to make the command easy to understand
The above command will present a scrollable format.
Recommended timezone for servers is UTC as it doesn’t have daylight savings. If you know, the specific time zones set it using the name using the following command
To display timezone execute
Set the Local-rtc
The Real-time clock (RTC) which is also referred to as the hardware clock is independent of the operating system and continues to run even when the server is shut down.
Use the following command
In addition, the following command for the local time
Check/Change CMOS Time
The computer CMOS battery will automatically synchronize time with system clock as long as the CMOS is working correctly.
Use the hwclock command to check the CMOS date as follows
To synchronize the CMOS date with system date use the following format
To have the correct time for your Linux environment is critical because many operations depend on it. Such operations include logging events and cron jobs as well.
If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to leave a comment.
Set Time, Date Timezone in Linux from Command Line or Gnome | Use ntp
Written by Guillermo Garron
Date: 2012-04-19 15:55:00 00:00
To have the correct time and date in Linux is very important, a lot of things depends on it. It does not matter if you are using Linux to power your personal computer or you have a Linux server. The server and system clock needs to be on time.
Set date from the command line
Set time from the command line
Set time and date from the command line
Linux check date from command line
Will show you something like this:
Set hardware clock
The hardware clock is the clock that runs in you PC hardware even if you disconnect it from the main power supply. This is because it has a lithium battery in the modern computers and another type of battery in the old ones.
We’ll see differences between hardware clock and system clock
Will output something like this:
Now check the system clock
Will output something like this:
Let’s set the hardware clock to local time:
If you want to set it to UTC time use:
Set the timezone
To set the timezone of your system clock do the following:
Choose the right timezone for you.
Automatically adjust your computer clock
To have your system to automatically adjust time we need to install ntp . Get it from your repository. Once installed you can configure it this way:
Edit the file /etc/ntpd.conf . It will look like this:
Be sure to start the daemon, and to make it start automatically when the system boots.
On Arch Linux is: /etc/rc.d/ntpd start on Debian and derivatives /etc/init.d/ntpd start
Update from the command line against a time server
You can update the clock manually, without the need of the daemon with ntpdate
You will get something like this:
Bonus: Set the time and Date on Gnome
If you are using Gnome right click on the clock and select adjust, or go to: System > Administration > Time and Date (You may be asked for root password)
You will see a window similar to this one:
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Linux Set Date and Time From a Command Prompt
H ow can I set the system date and time from the command prompt (bash shell)? I don’t have GUI installed and I am login over ssh session. How can I set date under Linux operating systems?
Use the date command to display the current date and time or set the system date / time over ssh session. You can also run the date command from X terminal as root user.
Tutorial details | |
Difficulty level | Easy |
Root privileges | Yes |
Requirements | None |
Est. reading time | 2m |
This is useful if the Linux server time and/or date is wrong, and you need to set it to new values from the shell prompt.
You must login as root user to use date command.
Linux Display Current Date and Time
Just type the date command:
$ date
Sample outputs:
Linux Display The Hardware Clock (RTC)
Type the following hwclock command to read the Hardware Clock and display the time on screen:
# hwclock -r
# hwclock —show
$ sudo hwclock —show —verbose
OR show it in Coordinated Universal time (UTC):
# hwclock —show —utc
Sample outputs:
Linux Set Date Command Example
Use the following syntax to set new data and time:
date —set=»STRING»
For example, set new data to 2 Oct 2006 18:00:00, type the following command as root user:
# date -s «2 OCT 2006 18:00:00»
# date —set=»2 OCT 2006 18:00:00″
You can also simplify format using following syntax:
# date +%Y%m%d -s «20081128»
Linux Set Time Examples
To set time use the following syntax:
# date +%T -s «10:13:13»
Use %p locale’s equivalent of either AM or PM, enter:
# date +%T%p -s «6:10:30AM»
# date +%T%p -s «12:10:30PM»
How do I set the Hardware Clock to the current System Time?
Use the following syntax:
# hwclock —systohc
# hwclock -w
A note about systemd based Linux system
With systemd based system you need to use the timedatectl command to set or view the current date and time. Most modern distro such as RHEL/CentOS v.7.x+, Fedora Linux, Debian, Ubuntu, Arch Linux and other systemd based system need to the timedatectl utility. Please note that the above command should work on modern system too.
timedatectl: Display the current date and time
Type the following command:
$ timedatectl
Fig.01: Systemd Linux timedatecetl command to display the current date and time
How do I change the current date using the timedatectl command?
To change the current date, type the following command as root user:
# timedatectl set-time YYYY-MM-DD
$ sudo timedatectl set-time YYYY-MM-DD
For example set the current date to 2015-12-01 (1st, Dec, 2015):
# timedatectl set-time ‘2015-12-01’
# timedatectl
Sample outputs:
To change both the date and time, use the following syntax:
# timedatectl set-time YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
- HH : An hour.
- MM : A minute.
- SS : A second, all typed in two-digit form.
- YYYY: A four-digit year.
- MM : A two-digit month.
- DD: A two-digit day of the month.
For example, set the date ’23rd Nov 2015′ and time to ‘8:10:40 am’, enter:
# timedatectl set-time ‘2015-11-23 08:10:40’
# date
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How do I set the current time only?
The syntax is:
# timedatectl set-time HH:MM:SS
# timedatectl set-time ’10:42:43′
# date
Sample outputs:
How do I set the time zone using timedatectl command?
To see list all available time zones, enter:
$ timedatectl list-timezones
$ timedatectl list-timezones | more
$ timedatectl list-timezones | grep -i asia
$ timedatectl list-timezones | grep America/New
To set the time zone to ‘Asia/Kolkata’, enter:
# timedatectl set-timezone ‘Asia/Kolkata’
Verify it:
# timedatectl
How do I synchronizing the system clock with a remote server using NTP?
Simply type the following command:
# timedatectl set-ntp yes
Verify it:
$ timedatectl
Sample outputs:
Linux users can use date command to print or set the system date and time. Systemd based Linux users can use timedatectl to control the system time and date.
- You can also set new timzone using this mini-howto.
- Man pages – timedatectl(8)
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