Simplify 10 Dark Blue
Если попробовать определить в каком стиле выполнена тема для windows 10 — Simplify 10 Dark Blue — то подсознательно напрашивается сравнение с интерфейсом Linux поскольку пастельно синие с серым цвета в сочетании с компактными элементами управления окон вызывают именно такие ассоциации. Традиционным маркером качества можно считать тот факт, что тема укомплектована набором курсоров для windows 10, стилизованными скинами для PotPlayer и браузера Firefox, обои для рабочего стола тоже есть в комплекте но если возникнет желание сделать анимированный рабочий стол на windows 10 то рекомендуем заглянуть в соответствующий раздел и подобрать себе анимированные обои на windows 10
Тема адаптирована для версии Windows 10: Creators Update (1703), Fall Creators Update (1709), April 2018 Update (1803)
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- 10 147 просмотров
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Перед установкой темы Windows 10 «Simplify 10 Dark Blue» для рабочего стола убедитесь, что она соответствует версии Вашей операционной системы, для этого нажмите комбинацию кнопок WIN+R, затем в открывшимся окне наберите «winver» без кавычек и нажмите OK.
Для неопытных пользователей перед установкой тем оформления windows 10, настоятельно рекомендуем подробно читать инструкцию и создать ТОЧКУ ВОССТАНОВЛЕНИЯ, для этого нажатие клавиш Win+R, и введение «systempropertiesprotection» — (без кавычек разумеется) — нажмите кнопку Enter
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Simplify 10 Macish — Windows 10 Themes
Get the entire Simplify 10 Colorful — Windows 10 Theme Pack
Yes, this is a paid theme because themes aren’t magically created out of nothing; they take a lot of time and effort and I would really appreciate your support
Anyway, you get an awesome pack of Windows Themes for only $2.99 here which is less than a slice of pizza; or you can ask for a free download link in the comments section.
Thank you for your understanding!
After many requests, I’ve finally created a Mac-ish version of my Simplify themes series. Inside the package, you’ll find a Blue and a Gray color accent variation, and also Windows default caption buttons variations to have a visual continuity with the Windows Modern (UWP) apps/UI, like you see in the preview above. So I really hope you like it just as much as my other themes! Enjoy 😊
• Windows 10 v.20H2 (October 2020 Update)
• Windows 10 v.2004 (May 2020 Update)
• Windows 10 v.1909 (November 2019 Update)
• Windows 10 v.1903 (May 2019 Update)
• 4 awesome Windows themes • HiDPi ready up to 250% scaling • free updates • unlimited support!
• detailed instructions including my email address in case you need any help with the installation process.
• Wallpapers • Firefox Theme • PotPlayer Skin • Windows Cursors • Curtains Styles
• please follow the HOW-TO GUIDE so you can enjoy the full theming experience!
Check out also my other themes which I bet you’ll like it as well:
Simplify 10 Light Themes Pack for Windows 10
Simplify 10 Dark — Windows 10 Theme Pack
Simplify 10 Vanilla — Windows 10 Theme
Badge Awards
Yes, this is a paid theme because themes aren’t magically created out of nothing; they take a lot of time and effort and I would really appreciate your support
Anyway, you get an awesome pack of Windows Themes for only $2.99 here which is less than a slice of pizza; or you can ask for a free download link in the comments section.
Thank you for your understanding!
A minimalist set of Windows themes expressing my vision of the (almost) perfect default Windows Theme. Either you’re a light or dark mode lover, Simplify 10 Vanilla won’t get in the way of your productivity and will make you enjoy using your PC once again.
• Windows 10 v.20H2 (October 2020 Update)
• Windows 10 v.2004 (May 2020 Update)
• Windows 10 v.1909 (November 2019 Update)
• Windows 10 v.1903 (May 2019 Update)
• 4 awesome Windows themes + Squared Corners variations (to remove the top window line for apps like Steam) • HiDPi ready up to 250% scaling • free updates • unlimited support!
• detailed instructions including my email address in case you need any help with the installation process.
• Wallpapers • Firefox Theme • PotPlayer Skins • Windows Cursors • Curtains Styles
• please follow the HOW-TO GUIDE so you can enjoy the full theming experience!
Simplify 10 Dark — Windows 10 Theme Pack (50 in 1)
A pack of elegant, minimalistic and Dark Mode compatible Windows 10 Themes that don’t get in the way of your productivity and will also make your desktop cool again!
• Windows 10 v.20H2 (October 2020 Update)
• Windows 10 v.2004 (May 2020 Update)
• Windows 10 v.1909 (November 2019 Update)
• Windows 10 v.1903 (May 2019 Update)
• 50 awesome Windows themes (6 core themes + multiple variations) • HiDPi ready up to 250% scaling • free updates • unlimited support!
• detailed instructions including my email address in case you need any help with the installation process.
• Wallpapers • Firefox Themes • PotPlayer Skins • Windows Cursors • Curtains Styles
Here are full screenshots of all the themes in action:
Enjoy and thank you for your support!
Simplify 10 Light – Windows 10 Theme Pack
A pack of 5 elegant and minimalistic Windows 10 Themes that don’t get in the way of your productivity and will also make your desktop cool again!
• 5 awesome Windows themes: folder Theme
• matching windows cursors: folder Resources\Cursors
• 2 amazing wallpapers: folder Resources\Wallpapers
• one cool matching PotPlayer skin: folder Resources\Skins
• unlimited support!
• Windows 10 v.1709 (Fall Creators Update)
• Windows 10 v.1703 (Creators Update)
Here’s are full screenshots of all the themes in action:
Simplify 10 Light Blue:
Simplify 10 Light Micro:
Simplify 10 Light Lines:
Simplify 10 Light Circles:
Simplify 10 Light Classic:
Inside the package you’ll find all the instructions needed to install the themes. Of course, if you need help, just send me a message and I’ll assist you with pleasure.