Sing out windows перевод

sing out


2 (sing) амер. негрит. сл. сексуальное желание

3 (sing) презерватив

4 (быть , оставаться) под большим вопросом (only sing.)

5 (относиться , делать , пр.) с открытой душой (only sing.)

6 (относиться , делать , пр.) с открытым сердцем (only sing.)

7 (чего) непочатый край (used as pred .; only sing.) (usu . of work, business)

8 Come Rejoice And Sing Hallelujah

9 Sing Loud And Pray

10 We Sing Your Mercies

11 procedure sing

12 битый час (only sing.)

13 брать слово назад (only sing.)

14 водопроводная станция может использоваться как sing

15 давать голову на отсечение (imp .; not used with neg.; usu. 1st pers. sing. in obj. clause)

16 драматическое искусство употребляется и как sing и как pl

17 зелёная улица (only sing.)

18 зелёная улица (only sing.) (to give)

19 золотая середина (only sing.)

20 между делом (only sing.)

См. также в других словарях:

sing out — 1. To call out distinctly, to shout 2. To inform, peach (informal) • • • Main Entry: ↑sing * * * sing out [phrasal verb] sing out or sing out (something) or sing ( … Useful english dictionary

Sing-out — auch: Sing|out 〈[sı̣ŋaʊt] n. 15; Mus.〉 lautes Singen von Protestliedern [zu engl. sing out „aus voller Kehle singen“] * * * Sing out [ sɪŋ|aut, , ], das; [s], s [zu engl. to sing out = singen]: (von protestierenden Gruppen veranstaltetes) Singen… … Universal-Lexikon

Sing Out! — ist eine vierteljährlich erscheinende US amerikanische Zeitschrift für Folkmusik. Sie wird von der gleichnamigen gemeinnützigen Organisation herausgegeben. Folk wird in einem weiten Sinn interpretiert in dem z. B. Kinderlieder, Arbeiterlieder,… … Deutsch Wikipedia

Sing-out — auch: Sing|out 〈[sı̣ŋaʊt] n.; Gen.: s, Pl.: s; Musik〉 lautes Singen von Protestliedern [Etym.: <engl. sing out »aus voller Kehle singen«] … Lexikalische Deutsches Wörterbuch

Sing-out — [ siŋ|aut, siŋ aut, siŋ aut] das; [s], s <aus gleichbed. engl. sing out zu to sing out »(laut) singen«> (von protestierenden Gruppen veranstaltetes) öffentliches Singen von Protestliedern … Das große Fremdwörterbuch

sing out — index proclaim Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary

Sing Out! — Infobox Magazine title = Sing Out! image size = 144 image caption = Sing Out! Volume 50 #2 (Summer 2006), cover, featuring Dar Williams editor = Mark Moss editor title = previous editor = staff writer = frequency = quarterly circulation = 20,000… … Wikipedia

sing out — phrasal verb Word forms sing out : present tense I/you/we/they sing out he/she/it sings out present participle singing out past tense sang out past participle sung out 1) [intransitive/transitive] to call out loudly Uncle Charlie, Jo sang out. 2) … English dictionary

sing out — verb a) To cry out in pain. “But I have known men sing out dreadfully when punished; if they had got enough of rum, it would have supported them, and they would not have sung out.” “Not one drop for me, Charley Hunter; I shall not sing out, I… … Wiktionary

sing out — PHRASAL VERB: no cont If someone sings out something, they say it in a loud, cheerful voice. [V P with quote] See you, Geoff sang out. [Also V P n] … English dictionary

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sing out — scream, sing loudly … English contemporary dictionary


1 sing out

2 sing out

A voice at the back sang out that there were not enough members present for a vote.

When you are ready to leave, just sing out.

3 sing\ out

4 sing out

sing out if you want anything — крикни, если тебе что-нибудь понадобится

5 sing out

sing out if you want anything — крикни, если тебе что-нибудь понадобится

6 sing out

7 sing out

If you hadn’t sung out a warning in time, there might have been a nasty accident. — Если бы вы вовремя не крикнули, могло бы случиться ужасное происшествие.

8 sing out

9 sing out

10 sing out

11 Sing out!

12 sing the Old Year out

См. также в других словарях:

sing out — 1. To call out distinctly, to shout 2. To inform, peach (informal) • • • Main Entry: ↑sing * * * sing out [phrasal verb] sing out or sing out (something) or sing ( … Useful english dictionary

Sing-out — auch: Sing|out 〈[sı̣ŋaʊt] n. 15; Mus.〉 lautes Singen von Protestliedern [zu engl. sing out „aus voller Kehle singen“] * * * Sing out [ sɪŋ|aut, , ], das; [s], s [zu engl. to sing out = singen]: (von protestierenden Gruppen veranstaltetes) Singen… … Universal-Lexikon

Sing Out! — ist eine vierteljährlich erscheinende US amerikanische Zeitschrift für Folkmusik. Sie wird von der gleichnamigen gemeinnützigen Organisation herausgegeben. Folk wird in einem weiten Sinn interpretiert in dem z. B. Kinderlieder, Arbeiterlieder,… … Deutsch Wikipedia

Sing-out — auch: Sing|out 〈[sı̣ŋaʊt] n.; Gen.: s, Pl.: s; Musik〉 lautes Singen von Protestliedern [Etym.: <engl. sing out »aus voller Kehle singen«] … Lexikalische Deutsches Wörterbuch

Sing-out — [ siŋ|aut, siŋ aut, siŋ aut] das; [s], s <aus gleichbed. engl. sing out zu to sing out »(laut) singen«> (von protestierenden Gruppen veranstaltetes) öffentliches Singen von Protestliedern … Das große Fremdwörterbuch

sing out — index proclaim Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary

Sing Out! — Infobox Magazine title = Sing Out! image size = 144 image caption = Sing Out! Volume 50 #2 (Summer 2006), cover, featuring Dar Williams editor = Mark Moss editor title = previous editor = staff writer = frequency = quarterly circulation = 20,000… … Wikipedia

sing out — phrasal verb Word forms sing out : present tense I/you/we/they sing out he/she/it sings out present participle singing out past tense sang out past participle sung out 1) [intransitive/transitive] to call out loudly Uncle Charlie, Jo sang out. 2) … English dictionary

sing out — verb a) To cry out in pain. “But I have known men sing out dreadfully when punished; if they had got enough of rum, it would have supported them, and they would not have sung out.” “Not one drop for me, Charley Hunter; I shall not sing out, I… … Wiktionary

sing out — PHRASAL VERB: no cont If someone sings out something, they say it in a loud, cheerful voice. [V P with quote] See you, Geoff sang out. [Also V P n] … English dictionary

sing out — scream, sing loudly … English contemporary dictionary

sing out

1 sing out

2 ■ sing out

3 sing out

4 sing-out

5 sing out

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6 sing out

A voice at the back sang out that there were not enough members present for a vote.

When you are ready to leave, just sing out.

7 sing out

sing out for somebody/something — nach jemandem/etwas rufen

come on, sing out, let’s hear you — na los, singt mal tüchtig, wir wollen was hören

sing out for somebody/something — nach jemandem/etwas rufen

8 sing\ out

9 sing out

if you want anything, just sing out — si quieres algo no tienes más que pegarme un grito *

«hello! I’m back,» he sang out cheerfully — -¡hola! estoy de vuelta -voceó alegre

10 sing out

11 sing out

12 sing out

sing out if you want anything — крикни, если тебе что-нибудь понадобится

13 sing out

14 sing out

15 sing out

16 sing out

17 sing out

18 sing out

19 sing out

20 sing out

См. также в других словарях:

sing out — 1. To call out distinctly, to shout 2. To inform, peach (informal) • • • Main Entry: ↑sing * * * sing out [phrasal verb] sing out or sing out (something) or sing ( … Useful english dictionary

Sing-out — auch: Sing|out 〈[sı̣ŋaʊt] n. 15; Mus.〉 lautes Singen von Protestliedern [zu engl. sing out „aus voller Kehle singen“] * * * Sing out [ sɪŋ|aut, , ], das; [s], s [zu engl. to sing out = singen]: (von protestierenden Gruppen veranstaltetes) Singen… … Universal-Lexikon

Sing Out! — ist eine vierteljährlich erscheinende US amerikanische Zeitschrift für Folkmusik. Sie wird von der gleichnamigen gemeinnützigen Organisation herausgegeben. Folk wird in einem weiten Sinn interpretiert in dem z. B. Kinderlieder, Arbeiterlieder,… … Deutsch Wikipedia

Sing-out — auch: Sing|out 〈[sı̣ŋaʊt] n.; Gen.: s, Pl.: s; Musik〉 lautes Singen von Protestliedern [Etym.: <engl. sing out »aus voller Kehle singen«] … Lexikalische Deutsches Wörterbuch

Sing-out — [ siŋ|aut, siŋ aut, siŋ aut] das; [s], s <aus gleichbed. engl. sing out zu to sing out »(laut) singen«> (von protestierenden Gruppen veranstaltetes) öffentliches Singen von Protestliedern … Das große Fremdwörterbuch

sing out — index proclaim Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary

Sing Out! — Infobox Magazine title = Sing Out! image size = 144 image caption = Sing Out! Volume 50 #2 (Summer 2006), cover, featuring Dar Williams editor = Mark Moss editor title = previous editor = staff writer = frequency = quarterly circulation = 20,000… … Wikipedia

sing out — phrasal verb Word forms sing out : present tense I/you/we/they sing out he/she/it sings out present participle singing out past tense sang out past participle sung out 1) [intransitive/transitive] to call out loudly Uncle Charlie, Jo sang out. 2) … English dictionary

sing out — verb a) To cry out in pain. “But I have known men sing out dreadfully when punished; if they had got enough of rum, it would have supported them, and they would not have sung out.” “Not one drop for me, Charley Hunter; I shall not sing out, I… … Wiktionary

sing out — PHRASAL VERB: no cont If someone sings out something, they say it in a loud, cheerful voice. [V P with quote] See you, Geoff sang out. [Also V P n] … English dictionary

sing out — scream, sing loudly … English contemporary dictionary

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sing out


2 (sing) амер. негрит. сл. сексуальное желание

3 (sing) презерватив

4 (быть , оставаться) под большим вопросом (only sing.)

5 (относиться , делать , пр.) с открытой душой (only sing.)

6 (относиться , делать , пр.) с открытым сердцем (only sing.)

7 (чего) непочатый край (used as pred .; only sing.) (usu . of work, business)

8 Come Rejoice And Sing Hallelujah

9 Sing Loud And Pray

10 We Sing Your Mercies

11 procedure sing

12 битый час (only sing.)

13 брать слово назад (only sing.)

14 водопроводная станция может использоваться как sing

15 давать голову на отсечение (imp .; not used with neg.; usu. 1st pers. sing. in obj. clause)

16 драматическое искусство употребляется и как sing и как pl

17 зелёная улица (only sing.)

18 зелёная улица (only sing.) (to give)

19 золотая середина (only sing.)

20 между делом (only sing.)

См. также в других словарях:

sing out — 1. To call out distinctly, to shout 2. To inform, peach (informal) • • • Main Entry: ↑sing * * * sing out [phrasal verb] sing out or sing out (something) or sing ( … Useful english dictionary

Sing-out — auch: Sing|out 〈[sı̣ŋaʊt] n. 15; Mus.〉 lautes Singen von Protestliedern [zu engl. sing out „aus voller Kehle singen“] * * * Sing out [ sɪŋ|aut, , ], das; [s], s [zu engl. to sing out = singen]: (von protestierenden Gruppen veranstaltetes) Singen… … Universal-Lexikon

Sing Out! — ist eine vierteljährlich erscheinende US amerikanische Zeitschrift für Folkmusik. Sie wird von der gleichnamigen gemeinnützigen Organisation herausgegeben. Folk wird in einem weiten Sinn interpretiert in dem z. B. Kinderlieder, Arbeiterlieder,… … Deutsch Wikipedia

Sing-out — auch: Sing|out 〈[sı̣ŋaʊt] n.; Gen.: s, Pl.: s; Musik〉 lautes Singen von Protestliedern [Etym.: <engl. sing out »aus voller Kehle singen«] … Lexikalische Deutsches Wörterbuch

Sing-out — [ siŋ|aut, siŋ aut, siŋ aut] das; [s], s <aus gleichbed. engl. sing out zu to sing out »(laut) singen«> (von protestierenden Gruppen veranstaltetes) öffentliches Singen von Protestliedern … Das große Fremdwörterbuch

sing out — index proclaim Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary

Sing Out! — Infobox Magazine title = Sing Out! image size = 144 image caption = Sing Out! Volume 50 #2 (Summer 2006), cover, featuring Dar Williams editor = Mark Moss editor title = previous editor = staff writer = frequency = quarterly circulation = 20,000… … Wikipedia

sing out — phrasal verb Word forms sing out : present tense I/you/we/they sing out he/she/it sings out present participle singing out past tense sang out past participle sung out 1) [intransitive/transitive] to call out loudly Uncle Charlie, Jo sang out. 2) … English dictionary

sing out — verb a) To cry out in pain. “But I have known men sing out dreadfully when punished; if they had got enough of rum, it would have supported them, and they would not have sung out.” “Not one drop for me, Charley Hunter; I shall not sing out, I… … Wiktionary

sing out — PHRASAL VERB: no cont If someone sings out something, they say it in a loud, cheerful voice. [V P with quote] See you, Geoff sang out. [Also V P n] … English dictionary

sing out — scream, sing loudly … English contemporary dictionary

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