Sketchbook приложение для windows

Sketchbook — редактор для графического планшета

Autodesk SketchBook — разработана для создания иллюстраций, имеется большой выбор кистей и утилит, позволяющих превратить компьютер в цифровой холст. Программа изначально «заточена» под работу с планшетом для рисования, но может работать и без него. Для эскизного рисования, широко применяющаяся дизайнерами и художниками.

Программа Autodesk Sketchbook Pro отлично подходит как для рисования на сенсорных мониторах, которые сегодня стало популярно устанавливать даже на ноутбуки, так и при использовании обычной мышки. Интерфейс программы выполнен максимально просто и состоит только из самых необходимых инструментов. По сути Sketchbook идеально подходит для черчения и рисования. Главной особенностью программы является набор кистей, которые, к тому же, можно более детально настроить под себя и сохранить. Хотя интерфейс программы и заточен под сенсорное управление, но от этого работать с мышкой не менее удобно.


  • Возможность эскизного рисования;
  • Масштабирование и поворот картинки;
  • Имеется встроенный редактор кистей;
  • Отправка проектов по электронной почте;
  • Позволяет просматривать изображения и редактировать их;
  • Обмен файлами с Adobe Photoshop, в том числе многослойными;
  • Поддерживает графический планшет и перо (чувствительность к давлению);
  • Большое количество инструментов: лассо, волшебная палочка, градиентная заливка и т.д.

Видеообзор инструментов

Рабочая область Autodesk SketchBook Pro — чистый белый лист и панель необходимых для рисования инструментов, настраиваемая по усмотрению художника. Интерфейс графического редактора прост и понятен на интуитивном уровне, использование шрифтов, кистей и работа со цветом не вызовет затруднений даже у начинающих дизайнеров.

ОС: Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista. Андроид, iOS
Разрядность: 64 бит
Русский язык Да
Версия (2019)
Бесплатная Да

Autodesk SketchBook поддерживает графические форматы PNG, BMP, JPG, TIFF и, что самое важное, PSD. Поддержка последнего позволяет импортировать и экспортировать файлы из Adobe Photoshop с сохранением слоев. Программа переведена на русский язык и имеет относительно «демократичный», как для профессионального программного решения, ценник.

Use the digital drawing and painting app to render ideas and create illustrations


What is SketchBook?

SketchBook overview (video: 1:14 min.)

Use your phone’s camera to digitize on-paper designs.

Quickly iterate your ideas in Sketchbook.

Create precise drawings in an easy-to-use interface.

Add unlimited layers with blending modes and layer grouping.

Develop beautifully rendered drawings.

SketchBook drawing and painting software lets designers, architects, and concept artists sketch ideas quickly and create stunning illustrations.

  • Professional drawing tools with a beautiful interface, ideal for those on the go
  • Designed for both stylus and touch input

There is power in simplicity

Sewing machine sketch by Saharudin Busri

With professional drawing tools and a beautiful interface, SketchBook offers a clean, uncluttered workspace for quick access to your tools whenever you need them.

Turn simple sketches into rich illustrations

Fantasy illustration by Weber Zhang

Get familiar tools in a digital space, including pencils, inks, markers, and over 190 customizable brushes that can incorporate textures and shapes. Professionals rely on SketchBook for its precision and speed, but mostly because it feels right.

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SketchBook + Revit

Import your SketchBook illustrations into Revit. Use your SketchBook file as an underlay, and build your model on top of the sketch.

SketchBook + AutoCAD

Use SketchBook to sketch ideas and iterate quickly. Easily import your sketches into AutoCAD and turn them into engineering drawings.

See SketchBook in action


Finding inspiration in industrial design

Pixar Production Designer Jay Shuster uncovers pieces of industrial design inspiration in an airplane graveyard and captures them with SketchBook.


Drawing digitally enables rapid ideation

ESG designers appreciate digital tools that enable them to quickly produce architectural sketches on mobile devices that look hand-drawn and are easy to refine.

Download free version

SketchBook is now available as a free download.



1 Year


3 Year


Pricing shown for stand-alone single-user license

Product name

$000.00 / 1 Year

Total price text

30-day money back guarantee

Operational notice

Click on the “Continue” button and you will leave the Autodesk website and enter the online store operated by Digital River Trading (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. and its affiliated company Digital River Ireland. Digital River Trading (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. is an authorized dealer of Autodesk Software (China) Co., Ltd.

What’s included in your Standard plan


Product usage reporting

  • See an aggregate summary of how many people are using each product and version, and the overall frequency of use.

Administration & Security:

  • Add another layer of security to user accounts.

Bulk import & assign

  • Upload a .csv file to add and assign a large number of users at once.

Support & Adoption Services:

8×5 live support

  • Contact an Autodesk specialist for help during your local business hours.


  • Securely store, preview, and share design data.
  • Quickly and securely share work with stakeholders.

Click here to see full list of plan features and frequently asked questions.

System requirements

Available languages

Services Marketplace

Need help with training, implementation, and other support to get the most out of your software? Hiring the right qualified professional is as simple as an online search.

Visit the Autodesk Services Marketplace to find Autodesk-approved professionals to help you with:

  • Training and implementation
  • Systems integration
  • Business process and workflow optimization
  • BIM services and much more

Note: Any service contracted with providers is a direct, paid engagement between customers and providers.

Disclosure about prices

The Suggested Retail Price (SRP) shown is Autodesk’s suggested retail price for the specified product and services in the United States. The SRP does not include any allowance or provision for installation or taxes. The SRP is displayed for reference purposes only, as the actual retail price is determined by your reseller. Other terms and conditions may apply. Autodesk reserves the right to alter the SRP, product offerings, and specification of its products and services at any time without notice, and is not responsible for typographical, graphical, or other errors that may appear on this site.

Autodesk makes software and services available on a licensed or subscription basis. Rights to install, access, or otherwise use Autodesk software and services (including free software or services) are limited to license rights and services entitlements expressly granted by Autodesk in the applicable license or service agreement and are subject to acceptance of and compliance with all terms and conditions of that agreement. When you subscribe to a plan, it may renew automatically for a fixed fee on a monthly or annual basis, subject to availability. All benefits and purchase options may not be available for all software or services in all languages and/or geographies. Access to cloud services requires an Internet connection and is subject to any geographical restrictions set forth in the Terms of Service.

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Trade in Perpetual License Offer

Customers can save 25% on the Autodesk Suggested Retail Price (SRP) for industry collections or most individual products when they purchase eligible 1-year or 3-year term subscriptions with single-user access and trade-in qualifying serial numbers and all associated seats of release 1998 through 2021 perpetual licenses not on an active maintenance plan (any attached maintenance plan must have expired on or before April 30, 2020 for the perpetual license to be eligible for this offer). A valid, eligible serial number for each corresponding perpetual license traded in must be submitted for this promotion.

Qualifying LT family products can be traded in for LT one- or three-year term subscriptions to Autodesk software with single-user access.

The customer agrees to discontinue use of these submitted perpetual licenses.

Offer available through July 24, 2020 in the United States, Canada, Latin America and may not be combined with other promotions.

Educational licenses including new, upgrades and migrations, and education-to-commercial transfers do not qualify.


All subscription benefits may not be available for all products or services in all languages and/or geographies. Subscription programs are subject to the applicable Autodesk subscription terms and conditions and/or Autodesk Terms of Service.

Autodesk, the Autodesk logo, AutoCAD, AutoCAD LT, Maya, Maya LT, 3ds Max, Civil 3D, Inventor, Revit and Revit LT are registered trademarks or trademarks of Autodesk, Inc., and/or its subsidiaries and/or affiliates in the USA and/or other countries. All other brand names, product names, or trademarks belong to their respective holders. Autodesk reserves the right to alter product and services offerings, and specifications and pricing at any time without notice, and is not responsible for typographical or graphical errors that may appear in this document. © 2020 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.

Download SketchBook

Download free for desktop only

Download free for mobile only

Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPad and iPod touch are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc.

System requirements

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Download free version

SketchBook is now available as a free download.



1 Year


3 Year


Pricing shown for stand-alone single-user license

Product name

$000.00 / 1 Year

Total price text

30-day money back guarantee

Operational notice

Click on the “Continue” button and you will leave the Autodesk website and enter the online store operated by Digital River Trading (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. and its affiliated company Digital River Ireland. Digital River Trading (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. is an authorized dealer of Autodesk Software (China) Co., Ltd.

What’s included in your Standard plan


Product usage reporting

  • See an aggregate summary of how many people are using each product and version, and the overall frequency of use.

Administration & Security:

  • Add another layer of security to user accounts.

Bulk import & assign

  • Upload a .csv file to add and assign a large number of users at once.

Support & Adoption Services:

8×5 live support

  • Contact an Autodesk specialist for help during your local business hours.


  • Securely store, preview, and share design data.
  • Quickly and securely share work with stakeholders.

Click here to see full list of plan features and frequently asked questions.

System requirements

Available languages

Services Marketplace

Need help with training, implementation, and other support to get the most out of your software? Hiring the right qualified professional is as simple as an online search.

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Visit the Autodesk Services Marketplace to find Autodesk-approved professionals to help you with:

  • Training and implementation
  • Systems integration
  • Business process and workflow optimization
  • BIM services and much more

Note: Any service contracted with providers is a direct, paid engagement between customers and providers.

Disclosure about prices

The Suggested Retail Price (SRP) shown is Autodesk’s suggested retail price for the specified product and services in the United States. The SRP does not include any allowance or provision for installation or taxes. The SRP is displayed for reference purposes only, as the actual retail price is determined by your reseller. Other terms and conditions may apply. Autodesk reserves the right to alter the SRP, product offerings, and specification of its products and services at any time without notice, and is not responsible for typographical, graphical, or other errors that may appear on this site.

Autodesk makes software and services available on a licensed or subscription basis. Rights to install, access, or otherwise use Autodesk software and services (including free software or services) are limited to license rights and services entitlements expressly granted by Autodesk in the applicable license or service agreement and are subject to acceptance of and compliance with all terms and conditions of that agreement. When you subscribe to a plan, it may renew automatically for a fixed fee on a monthly or annual basis, subject to availability. All benefits and purchase options may not be available for all software or services in all languages and/or geographies. Access to cloud services requires an Internet connection and is subject to any geographical restrictions set forth in the Terms of Service.

Trade in Perpetual License Offer

Customers can save 25% on the Autodesk Suggested Retail Price (SRP) for industry collections or most individual products when they purchase eligible 1-year or 3-year term subscriptions with single-user access and trade-in qualifying serial numbers and all associated seats of release 1998 through 2021 perpetual licenses not on an active maintenance plan (any attached maintenance plan must have expired on or before April 30, 2020 for the perpetual license to be eligible for this offer). A valid, eligible serial number for each corresponding perpetual license traded in must be submitted for this promotion.

Qualifying LT family products can be traded in for LT one- or three-year term subscriptions to Autodesk software with single-user access.

The customer agrees to discontinue use of these submitted perpetual licenses.

Offer available through July 24, 2020 in the United States, Canada, Latin America and may not be combined with other promotions.

Educational licenses including new, upgrades and migrations, and education-to-commercial transfers do not qualify.


All subscription benefits may not be available for all products or services in all languages and/or geographies. Subscription programs are subject to the applicable Autodesk subscription terms and conditions and/or Autodesk Terms of Service.

Autodesk, the Autodesk logo, AutoCAD, AutoCAD LT, Maya, Maya LT, 3ds Max, Civil 3D, Inventor, Revit and Revit LT are registered trademarks or trademarks of Autodesk, Inc., and/or its subsidiaries and/or affiliates in the USA and/or other countries. All other brand names, product names, or trademarks belong to their respective holders. Autodesk reserves the right to alter product and services offerings, and specifications and pricing at any time without notice, and is not responsible for typographical or graphical errors that may appear in this document. © 2020 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.

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