Smcfancontrol ��� mac os

smcFanControl 2.6 released

[Download] smcFanControl 2.6 adds the following features/bugfixes: New: Added french localization New: Updated sparkle updater New: smcFanControl now requires macOS 10.7 or higher Fixed: Crash on Macbook 12″ Fixed: Invisible text on macOS Sierra “Dark mode” Note: smcFanControl 2.6 requires OS X 10.7 or higher. Support for 32Bit machines has been deprecated. Tweet This Post […]

smcFanControl 2.4 Released

[Download] smcFanControl 2.4 adds the following features/bugfixes: Support for OS X Mountain Lion / Gatekeeper Support for Retina Macbook Pro smcFanControl is now a 64 Bit application AutoStart works now without AppleScript Support for OS X 10.4 is deprecated The source code for smcFanControl is now available at Github Tweet This Post Send Gmail Ping […]

smcFanControl 2.3 released

[Download] smcFanControl 2.3 adds the following features/bugfixes: Support for OS X Lion Now displays the temperature on new iMacs added Dutch localization fixes a crash that occurred on startup on some macs Tweet This Post Send Gmail Ping This Post Post to Reddit Post to Technorati

smcFanControl 2.2.2 is Snow Leopard compatible

smcFanControl 2.2.2 should be fully compatible with the final release of OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard). There are no known issues. Tweet This Post Send Gmail Ping This Post Post to Reddit Post to Technorati

smcFanControl 2.2.2 released

[Download] smcFanControl 2.2.2 adds the following features/bugfixes: Offical support for every so far released Macbook, Macbook Pro, Macbook Air, mac mini included Fans of iMacs, MacPro’s are read out on first startup. For official support of iMac/MacPro in a future release please send me your ModelName and min/max speed for every fan. The fan to […]


smcFanControl: настройка, использование, эффективность в охлаждении MacBook

В этой заметке я рассказал про утилиту smcFanControl, которая помогает вручную регулировать скорость вращения вентиляторов.

Влад Гороховский

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Влад Гороховский

В Apple считают, что тишина важнее перегрева и производительности. Поэтому практически все MacBook и iMac быстро перегреваются и начинают тротлить — сбрасывать частоту процессора, чтобы не перегреваться.

Причин перегрева две: плохой термоинтерфейс между процессором и радиатором, а также агрессивные пресет скорости вращения вентиляторов, которые до последнего держат минимальные обороты.

В статье про замену термопасты я рассказывал, как можно снизить температуру процессора и тротлинг поменяв стоковую термопасту на качественную. А в этой заметке расскажу про утилиту smcFanControl, которая помогает вручную регулировать скорость вращения вентиляторов.

Настройки утилиты крайне просты. Создаем необходимые профили с нужной температурой, а затем «привязываем» их к определенным действиям (ноутбук заражается, работает от сети или от батареи).

При работе от сети и батарее вентиляторы крутятся на 3000 оборотах

Пресет со скоростью вращения вентиляторов можно выбрать прямо из верхнего меню. Там же видно текущие скорость вращения и температуру процессора.

На моем MacBook Air настроено три профиля:

  1. Default — стандартный профиль, скорость вращения вентиляторов регулирует macOS;
  2. 3000 — частота вращения вентиляторов 3000 оборотов. Этот пресет включен постоянно. Оптимальное соотношение между шумом и температурой процессора;
  3. 4000 — чуть шумнее. Использую, когда MacBook подключен к внешнему монитору и стоит далеко от меня.

Забавно, что когда скорость контролирует macOS, то вентилятор набирает 3000 оборотов только когда температура процессора приближается к 99°С.

Для определения температуры при максимальной загрузке я использовал iStat Menus и Blender Benchmark. Вот какие получились результаты:

Когда я зафиксировать обороты вентилятора на отметке 3000, максимальная температура упала на 10°С

Если говорить о моем MacBook, то после замены термопасты я выиграл 15°С, а после повышения оборотов еще 10°С. Отмечу также, что с новыми настройками повышение температуры процессора происходило ощутимо медленнее. Неплохо.

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smcFanControl lets you manage the built-in fans to make your Mac run cooler

A free macOS app called smcFanControl lets you individually control the fans built into every Mac desktop or notebook in order to make your computer run cooler.

Keeping your Mac cool can be challenging

I blog from the beaches during the summer so my notebook quickly becomes unbearably hot due to the heat from direct sunlight. In order to protect the internal components, the built-in fans kick into overdrive to bring the overall temperature of the CPU/GPU/HDD down. macOS will also lower the clock frequency to give the processor a chance to run slower and cool off.

Your Mac may also suffer from overheating when running heavy apps and GPU-intensive games, or due to background processes such as Spotlight and Photos indexing. Worse, I’ve even had cases when the fans in my MacBook Pro would intermittently start spinning like crazy, without any app running whatsoever, due to some old process stuck from prior updates.

The said, I’ve always wanted some control over my Mac’s fan speed but I understand why Apple is reluctant to provide such an option as it could easily lead to CPU failures every time someone who doesn’t know what they’re doing reduces the fan speed below the minimum.

With smcFanControl, you have total control of the computer’s fans, all the time.

Use it to safely set the minimum speed of the left and right fans individually. I especially liked three customizable presets for when my computer is connected to AC power, running off its battery or charging, which allow smcFanControl to set different speeds for each fan automatically, as soon as the power source changes.

The app sits in the menu bar, with the icon reflecting the current CPU/GPU/HDD temperature and individual fan speeds. Click the icon to open the menu and display more information, switch between your default presets, bring up the settings interface and access other options.

When you quit smcFanControl, the computer goes back to macOS’s default fan control.

Is smcFanControl safe to use?

smcFanControl manages your Mac’s fans responsibly to avoid damaging it. The app ensures that whatever value you set is within acceptable tolerances. You cannot set a minimum/maximum speed to a value below/above Apple’s defaults.

For those wondering, the minimum default fan speed is 1,000 rpm for the 15-inch MacBook Pro, 1,500rpm for its 13-inch counterpart, 2,000rpm for older MacBook Pros with Intel’s Core 2 Duo chip and 1,800rpm for the older Core 2 Duo MacBook models.

According to the FAQ, if you use smcFanControl to set a new minimum speed, your fan speed will still get a boost when the CPU load gets higher. “smcFanControl lets the fans stay in automatic mode and just sets the minimum fan speed,” reads the FAQ. “However, the higher you set the minimum fan speed, the longer it will take for the fan speed to increase.”

Why would I want to use smcFanControl?

smcFanControl has other use cases, including troubleshooting. Speaking of troubleshooting, if your Mac is experiencing fan speed issues, resetting the System Management Controller (SMC) may solve the problem because one of the functions of the SMC is controlling your Mac’s fans.

I’ve even seen cases of people using this nifty little piece of software to boost their fan speed and keep the temperature down versus having to clean dirt that’s clogging up the fans. The app is particularly useful to creative professionals such as designers, musicians and video editors who work long hours on their computer and want it to stay cool throughout their work. For instance, a video editor may use smcFanControl to set their own default fan speed high only when they’re exporting a video.

You don’t need to be a pro to find uses for smcFanControl, you could simply be a person who has avoided setting a Mac notebook on their bare legs because the bottom is just too hot (suggestion: maybe use a notebook stand instead of your lap?). Others may simply require some way of controlling the fan speed in order to fit their various workflows.

A word of warning

Keep in mind that iDownloadBlog does not condone using special software to alter the way macOS handles fan speed because Apple’s software does this right most of the time. But if you’re a power users or happen to be in one of the niches I mentioned above, you’ll probably want to use this app to set the fan speed however you want.

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To install smcFanControl, drag its icon to your Applications folder after unzipping the download. To uninstall, drag the icon into the Trash (smcFanControl installs no permanent background processes or daemons). As mentioned earlier, the app stops controlling the fans when your Mac shuts down, restarts or enters standby mode, in which case minimum fan speed falls back to the system values.

Before signing off, you’ll be asked to enter your admin password when using the app because smcFanControl needs administrative privileges to be able to change the fan speed.

Pricing and availability

smcFanControl is a free app, but you can make a donation to the developer for their hard work. It requires an Intel-based Mac with a 64-bit chip and Mac OS X Snow Leopard 10.6 or later.


Smcfancontrol ��� mac os

hholtmann released this Aug 11, 2018

  • Added dark mode support on macOS Mojave
  • Added support for setting fan speed on MBP 2018
    Note: The target speed is set on MBP 2018 on these machines. To switch back to automatic fan control, please quit smcFanControl

hholtmann released this Oct 16, 2016

  • New: Added french localization
  • New: Updated sparkle updater
  • New: smcFanControl now requires macOS 10.7 or higher
  • Fixed: Crash on Macbook 12″
  • Fixed: Invisible text on macOS Sierra «Dark mode»

hholtmann released this Oct 30, 2014

  • New: Reset-Feature to reset fans back to factory defaults, delete settings and favorites
  • Fixed: Wrong temperature display on some Mac Pro
  • Fixed: Fan speed did not change on some Macs

hholtmann released this Oct 22, 2014

  • Fixes a crash issue on OS X 10.6
  • Fixes the temperature readout being stuck at 129°C on some iMacs
  • Change temperature readout for MacPro to old readout

hholtmann released this Oct 21, 2014

  • New: Reduced energy usage on OS X 10.9 and OS X 10.10
  • New: Support for Yosemite Dark Mode
  • Fixed: Crash on OS X 10.9, when deleting Favorites
  • Fixed: Various smaller fixes, improvements and code optimizations
  • Support for OS X 10.5 and 32bit machines is deprecated

hholtmann released this Feb 28, 2014

  • New: Mavericks support
  • New: Lower energy usage
  • New: Temperature sensors are determined using a different method
  • Fixed: When deleting a favorite, the app crashed on Mavericks
  • Fixed: Recurring SMC error messages in console.log, when the temperature sensor can’t be found

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You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.


smcFanControl for Mac

Softonic review

Solve your Mac’s overheating issues

smcFanControl is a free utility tool that increases the minimum speed of the in-built fan of your MacBook. You can download and use the software to check the temperature of your device and control the speed of both available fans using sliders. Not only will this software stop your Mac from overheating, but it will also prevent it from crashing when using resource-intensive apps. The GPL-licensed tool is easy to use and integrated with a few essential features.

What is SMC Fan Control?

smcFanControl keeps your MacBook from overheating by letting you control the speed of its fans. The software works on Intel computers and makes them run cooler. You can use the tool to keep a check on your PC’s temperature—in Celsius or Fahrenheit—and use it to change the minimum fan speed of both available fans separately.

Why do you need to control the fans of your Macbook?

If you tend to run heavy applications or system-intensive games on your computer, you may have noticed the heat that your MacBook gives out. It can even happen when your device is trying to complete old processes or running apps in the background. To bring down the overall temperature, the device lowers the clock frequency and spins the fans so the processor gets a chance to cool down.

However, Apple doesn’t provide any software that lets you take manual control. It’s reluctant, mostly because this could lead to CPU failure if someone reduces the speed limit below the required minimum. smcFanControl takes care of this problem by setting a limit below which users can’t go. This functionality allows you to gain full control of your device’s fans without worrying about system failure.

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You can download smcFanControl for Mac and use it to manage the temperature of your PC. The software comes with three presets that are easy to customize. One setting is for when your computer is charging, another is for battery usage, and the last for when it is connected to an AC power source. You can use the settings to individually maintain the minimum speed of the left and the right fans.

Easy-to-use software

smcFanControl is quite lightweight and runs on all machines with a Mac operating system of 10.7 and above. Once downloaded, you can find the application in the menu bar displaying the current temperature of the CPU, GPU, and HDD. It also shows the speeds of both fans.

On clicking this icon, you can access more information, switch between different presets, change settings, and do much more. You can use the dashboard to monitor and control your system’s fans. When you quit the software, your device goes back to the default minimum fan settings of your Mac OS.

Customizable controls

Upon opening the application, you get a separate window to set preferences. You can use it to create a cooling preset, with minimum speed assigned to both fans separately. Other options include configuring the items in your menu bar, switching between different temperature units, and assigning certain default functions. The Preference window lets you set whether or not you want the app to start when your system boots and change settings based on different power sources.

Features and controls

smcFanControl is free to download and comes with a few essential features. It lets you control the minimum fan speed of both laptop and desktop Macs with Intel CPUs. You can easily integrate the software into the system bar and create multiple modes for different cooling requirements. For instance, you may want to set a specific value for your fans when playing high-intensity games. The tool also comes with automatic presets that get activated the moment a change in power is detected.

Useful for creative and professional tasks

A lot of people spend hours on their computers. However, spending too much time on your device can cause it to heat up. Most professionals like designers, video editors, musicians, and developers, have no choice but to dedicate continuous hours to complete their work. In such cases, smcFanControl for Mac can be quite handy. It can keep your MacBook cool throughout the day, even when you use high-intensity apps. It’ll not only keep the device from heating up but it will also prevent unnecessary system crashes.

How hot is too hot for MacBook Pro?

When using a MacBook or MacBook Pro, the usual temperature when the system is under high-load is 194°F. While your system will begin to cool down the moment it detects too much heat, anything beyond 203°F is considered too much.

Is smcFanControl safe to use?

Yes, smcFanControl is safe to use as it always remains within Apple’s permissible speed limits. The only thing it does is it lets you set a higher minimum fan speed, such that your system doesn’t heat up even when you use high-intensity apps.

Are there any specific system requirements?

The application is free to download and works on 64-bit, Intel-based Mac OS 0.7 and above. The recent version of smcFanControl supports all current devices including, MacBook Air, Mini, MacBook, and MacBook Pro.

Are there any alternatives?

Although smcFanControl is simple to use and does the work, it does require users to log in numerous times. In case you want to check out alternatives, you should explore Fan Control, Temperature Monitor, and CoolBook.

Should I download smcFanControl?

If you’re looking for a tool to help cool down your Mac laptop or desktop, you should download smcFanControl. It’s quite an efficient application and provides essential features to control the minimum fan speed of your computer. Considering that it complies with Apple’s optimal fan settings, it’s safe to use and keeps you from damaging the computer’s CPU. The application lets you control both fans individually and also offers an option to customize presets and change different settings. It also clearly displays your PC’s CPU temperature, so you can change the speed of the fans as and when required.


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