- Скачать VAIO Control Center
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- vaio control center missing after clean windows 10 install
- Replies (33)
- Vaio control center windows 10
- VAIO Control Center
- VAIO Care
- Sony Notebook Setup
- VAIO Presentation Support
- Similar choice
- Programs for query ″vaio control center windows 10″
- VAIO Media Server Settings
- VAIO Camera Capture Utility
- BSR Screen Recorder
- DVD X Player
- Sony Vaio Drivers Download Utility
- VAIO — Remote Keyboard with PlayStation3
- DVgate Plus
- VAIO Edit Components
- PMB VAIO Edition Plug-in
- VAIO 3D Portal
Скачать VAIO Control Center
VAIO Control Center — программное обеспечение, которое по умолчанию устанавливается на ноутбуки соответствующей премиальной серии от Sony. Как несложно догадаться из названия, программа представляет собой некий центр управления разными параметрами работы лаптопа. Она предлагает пользователю возможность в несколько кликов переключать планы энергопотребления, управлять сетевыми подключениями, изменять разрешение экрана и так далее. Сразу отметим, что работать VAIO Control Center будет только на относительно новых версиях Windows, начиная с 7 (то есть Windows 10 и 8 также поддерживаются).
Возможности и интерфейс
Интерфейс центра выполнен в довольно минималистичном стиле. Его главное окно состоит из двух основных панелей: селектора категорий и панели с самими параметрами. Также, в новых версиях программы появились подразделы. Для удобства навигации все доступные в VAIO Control Center настройки разбиты на следующие категории: «Управление электропитанием», «Клавиатура и мышь», «Сетевые подключения», «Информация о системе», «Экран», «Устройства воспроизведения», «Безопасность» и «Специальные клавиши». Последний раздел, правда, доступен далеко не для всех моделей ноутбуков. Графическая оболочка полностью переведена на русский язык.
Названия категорий параметров говорят сами за себя, так что останавливаться на их рассмотрение мы не будет. Отметим лишь самые интересные функции.
Из необычных возможностей, предоставляемых VAIO Control Center, стоит выделить управление цветовыми профилями, изменения назначения функциональных клавиш, управление параметрами позиционирования курсора, включение/отключение режима быстрой зарядки, а также настройку биометрических устройств (вроде сенсора отпечатка пальца).
vaio control center missing after clean windows 10 install
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I have clean installed windows 10 on my Sony Vaio Model#SVE15125CXS, I have full formatted my pc. and now lost vaio control center along with vaio care apps and i can’t install them from e support page of Sony. When I am going to install Vaio Control Center, it says a newer version is already installed and it exit from here. But I cann’t found the Control center on my pc, Please help !!
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I had the same issue on my Sony Vaio SVP1321DCXS after Windows 10 Pro clean installation.
The installation packages from Sony official page for my model didn’t work, but the Vaio Control Center from http://esupport.sony.com/US/p/swu-download.pl?mdl=VPCZ21CGX&upd_id=7862&os_group_id=24 works though it doesn’t match to my model.
And after installation I see that everything is ok and it shows my model version(looks like the software is a generic and can determine the model. ).
Try it out , it could work for you also.
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I have installed Vaio control center as per your suggested link, I see my layout is not same as per your layout. There is many option missing. My control center is look like bellow, here power & battery option has only power plan option, here totally Mouse & Keyboard and Hardware option are missing. But I need those option to customize my keyboard backlit light, now backlit light go off within 2 second . Please help to solve this issue .
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I didn’t face this (less options) problem. Maybe the reason is that some other packages that I already installed before installing Sony Vaio Control Center Software. So I would suggest to try finding missing packages/software that would solve your problem.
For example you may install Sony® Shared Library ( The Sony Shared Library is required to install VAIO applications .) if you didn’t install it already. And how about the Vaio Care — have you installed it successfully?
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After installed all driver ( like vaio care, vaio control center, vaio gate & vaio update) the problem is solved, Thanks for your advice .
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I have installed Vaio control center as per your suggested link, I see my layout is not same as per your layout. There is many option missing. My control center is look like bellow, here power & battery option has only power plan option, here totally Mouse & Keyboard and Hardware option are missing. But I need those option to customize my keyboard backlit light, now backlit light go off within 2 second . Please help to solve this issue .
I have same trouble like habib.bgl. Can anyone please helps to slve this issue.
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Vaio control center windows 10
Most people looking for Vaio control center windows 10 downloaded:
VAIO Control Center
VAIO Control Center lets you manage all the hardware settings of your VAIO laptop.
The VAIO Care program features, along with its tools and reports, are intended to supplement regular care and maintenance of your computer.
Sony Notebook Setup
The Sony Notebook Setup Utility allows you to confirm system information, specify preferences for system behavior .
VAIO Presentation Support
VAIO Presentation Support heightens the convenience and flexibility of business presentations.
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Programs for query ″vaio control center windows 10″
VAIO Media Server Settings
This program allows you to manage the settings of VAIO Media Server.
. of VAIO Media Server. VAIO Media .
VAIO Camera Capture Utility
VAIO Camera Capture Utility is a free program that allows you to configure your Sony webcam.
VAIO Camera Capture .
BSR Screen Recorder
Captures anything you see on the screen as video (with audio) and pictures.
. . Full desktop, a window, a user specified .
DVD X Player
Through this DVD player software you can play all regions’ DVD on all DVD drives (except the Matshita DVD-RAM serials .
. serials, Sony VAIO serials and . , smoothly under Windows 98\98SE . \Vista system\Windows 7.
Sony Vaio Drivers Download Utility
Sony Vaio Drivers Download Utility is essential part of your computer.
. of the windows problems can . drivers, Sony Vaio Drivers Download .
VAIO — Remote Keyboard with PlayStation3
Remote Keyboard with PlayStation 3 allows you to establish a BLUETOOTH connection between your VAIO computer .
. between your VAIO computer and . you can control it.
DVgate Plus
DVgate Plus software allows high-precision digital video editing without graphic deterioration.
. DVD» (on VAIO models with .
VAIO Edit Components
VAIO Edit Components is a plug-in that adds a variety of editing functions with the Sony original technology to Adobe .
VAIO Edit Components . , and various VAIO original video .
PMB VAIO Edition Plug-in
This utility installs an updated version of the PlayMemories Home / PMB VAIO Edition Plug-in to provide various .
. Home / PMB VAIO Edition Plug . using the VAIO 3D panel .
VAIO 3D Portal
VAIO 3D Portal allows you to play content specially made for 3D playback (such as Blu-ray 3D Disc media).