Soulseek ��� mac os


Soulseek — (от англ. soul — душа и seek — поиск, искать) — P2P-сеть, созданная для решения задач файлообмена, в том числе, для обмена музыкальными файлами.

Описание, информация

Сеть достаточно богата по содержанию, минусами можно назвать длину очередей на скачивание и невысокую скорость, так как файлы скачиваются только с одного пользователя, а не по принципам торрентов или DC++.

20 апреля 2011 года разработчиками проекта был анонсирован новый клиент — SoulseekQT, с полностью именным интерфейсом и новыми функциями.

Сеть работает по проприетарному протоколу. Весь поиск происходит через центральный сервер, на котором есть бесплатная регистрация и платная подписка. Помимо официального, существуют альтернативные клиенты:

  • PySoulSeek или Pyslsk — GNU/Linux клиент
  • MuSeek — GNU/Linux клиент
  • Nicotine — GNU/Linux клиент, написанный на Python.
  • Nicotine+ — Развивающаяся ветка Nicotine, использующая последние библиотеки.
  • OctoFind
  • SoulseeX — клиент для PC Macintosh.


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Wikimedia Foundation . 2010 .


Смотреть что такое «Soulseek» в других словарях:

Soulseek — Screenshot of the older Soulseek 156c version on Microsoft Windows Developer(s) Nir Arbel Initial release 2002 (version 139) Written … Wikipedia

Soulseek — Desarrollador Nir Arbel Información general Última versión estable 157 NS (estable) … Wikipedia Español

Soulseek — Entwickler Nir Arbel Aktuelle Version 157 NS 13e Betriebssystem Linux, Microsoft Windows Kategorie Peer to Peer Lizenz … Deutsch Wikipedia

Soulseek — est un logiciel sous Windows (il existe cependant des implémentations Linux (Nicotine, Museek) ou Mac OS (SolarSeek)) de partage de fichiers, de type peer to peer (P2P) mono source, au contraire de Kazaa ou eMule qui sont multi sources. Soulseek … Wikipédia en Français

SoulSeek — est un logiciel sous Windows (il existe cependant des implémentations Linux (Nicotine, Museek) ou Mac OS (SolarSeek)) de partage de fichiers, de type peer to peer (P2P) mono source, au contraire de Kazaa ou eMule qui sont multi sources. Soulseek … Wikipédia en Français

Soulseek Records — (or slskrex) is a community oriented netlabel founded in 2002 by users of the peer to peer file sharing network Soulseek. Like many netlabels, Soulseek Records operation is not for profit and advocates the ideals of the Creative Commons by… … Wikipedia

SLSK — Soulseek Entwickler: Nir Arbel Aktuelle Version: 157 NS 13c Betriebssystem: Linux, Microsoft Windows Kategorie: Peer to Peer … Deutsch Wikipedia

Nir Arbel — SoulSeek Soulseek est un logiciel sous Windows (il existe cependant des implémentations Linux (Nicotine, Museek) ou Mac OS (SolarSeek)) de partage de fichiers, de type peer to peer (P2P) mono source, au contraire de Kazaa ou eMule qui sont multi… … Wikipédia en Français

Clientes P2P — Anexo:Clientes P2P Saltar a navegación, búsqueda La siguiente tabla compara la información general y técnica de un número de programas para el intercambio de ficheros, para mayor información, por favor consulta los artículos individuales de cada… … Wikipedia Español

Anexo:Clientes P2P — La siguiente tabla compara la información general y técnica de un número de programas para el intercambio de ficheros, para mayor información, por favor consulta los artículos individuales de cada programa. Los campos marcados con un signo de… … Wikipedia Español


SoulseekQt for Mac

SoulseekQt 2021.02.06 LATEST

Mac OS X 10.9 or later

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SoulseekQt for Mac 2021 full offline installer setup for Mac

SoulseekQt for Mac is an ad-free, spyware free, just plain free file sharing network for macOS, Windows and Linux. Rooms, search engine and search correlation system make it easy for you to find people with similar interests, and make new discoveries!

Soulseek for macOS is a free file-sharing software for Mac dedicated predominantly to the free trade of electronic music and the promotion of unsigned artists. Search for and share all kinds of files, including MP3s. It also includes chat rooms, and it features a buddy list for your favorite users. Soulseek for Mac, with its built-in people matching system, is a great way to make new friends and expand your mind!

Download SoulseekQt for Mac Latest Version

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Each software is released under license type that can be found on program pages as well as on search or category pages. Here are the most common license types:


Freeware programs can be downloaded used free of charge and without any time limitations. Freeware products can be used free of charge for both personal and professional (commercial use).

Open Source

Open Source software is software with source code that anyone can inspect, modify or enhance. Programs released under this license can be used at no cost for both personal and commercial purposes. There are many different open source licenses but they all must comply with the Open Source Definition — in brief: the software can be freely used, modified and shared.

Free to Play

This license is commonly used for video games and it allows users to download and play the game for free. Basically, a product is offered Free to Play (Freemium) and the user can decide if he wants to pay the money (Premium) for additional features, services, virtual or physical goods that expand the functionality of the game. In some cases, ads may be show to the users.

Demo programs have a limited functionality for free, but charge for an advanced set of features or for the removal of advertisements from the program’s interfaces. In some cases, all the functionality is disabled until the license is purchased. Demos are usually not time-limited (like Trial software) but the functionality is limited.


Trial software allows the user to evaluate the software for a limited amount of time. After that trial period (usually 15 to 90 days) the user can decide whether to buy the software or not. Even though, most trial software products are only time-limited some also have feature limitations.

Usually commercial software or games are produced for sale or to serve a commercial purpose.


ҳ̸Ҳ̸ҳ Soulseek ҳ̸Ҳ̸ҳ

Soulseek — это P2P-сеть, удобная для обмена музыкой. Довольно богата по содержанию.

Коротко для чего нужна данная программа: Скачав её и установив, вы включаетесь в сеть, из которой можно скачать всё, что угодно, при условии, что если у кого-то из участников сети есть на компьютере то, что вам нужно. Сотни тысяч людей ежедневно пользуются подобными программами. Установив её и открыв (расшарив — от слова share — «делиться») определённые папки, из которых можно скачать что-то полезное (музыку, фильмы и прочее), вы становитесь полноправным членом сети, с которой работает данная программа.

Системные требования:

  • Необходимо зарегистрироваться на
  • Mac OS Lion или новее (64-bit) >=10.7
  • Пользователи Windows 8! Антивирус AVG провоцирует SoulseekQt к периодическим зависаниям. Пока единственное что можно сделать, это удалить AVG полностью.

Сменить язык на русский: Options->UI->Language
Русский язык в комнатах: Параметры-Общее (Options-General) там поменяйте кодировку на UTF-8 или Windows-1251
Установить папку для скачивания и поделиться папкой: Параметы->Доступ к файлам

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Некоторые артисты забанены для поиска, например Beyonce и Beatles. Чтобы найти их в сети забивайте в строку поиска название альбома или композиции.

Android — . Если у вас есть возможность проверить работоспособность напишите в группу.

Вы сможете качать без очереди и получите возможность «прямого быстрого поиска«.

Система привилегий календарная:

  • Пожертвование между $5 и $14: 7 дней за каждый доллар.
  • Пожертвование между $15 и $29: 8 дней за каждый доллар.
  • Пожертвование между $30 и $59: 9 дней за каждый доллар.
  • Пожертвование 60 или более: 10 дней за каждый доллар.

Но есть пара моментов:

1 Вы не всегда будете первее тех у кого тоже есть привилегии.
(таких людей очень мало)
2 Вы не будете первее друзей пользователя.

Внутри программы кнопка «Поддержите Soulseek!» в правом углу.
Или по ссылке нужно ввести свой ник и оплатить через Paypal (поддерживается только он).
Поддержите Soulseek!

Также, если вы нашли ошибку или хотите увидеть новые функции в программе — оставьте на сайте разработчиков свои пожелания либо проголосуйте за предложения других пользователей:
Поддержка и предложения.


SoulseeX for Mac

Softonic review

Get music via P2P

Three, four years ago Soulseek was THE online network to find and exchange music. Looking for some obscure, independent title, you name it, you’d find it on Soulseek. Now, with the likes of, Deezer or Pandora, there’s many more ways to find and listen to music online. Yet Soulseek remains an excellent P2P network to download tunes. While the Soulseek client is easy to download and run on PC, Mac users have it a bit tougher. You’ll have to use an alternative client such as this one, SoulseeX.

The application allows you to view and manage your transfers, see other users that are connected and even chat about latest tunes or suggestions on what to download. SoulseeX is organized in a multi-windowed interface, which some users hate. I’d prefer everything to fit into one window, but still believe that the multi-window feel gives you more freedom to organize it on your screen.

In terms of performance, SoulseeX is known to be a big buggy and can crash every now and then. It does connect quickly to the Soulseek network though and is easy to install. The really worry with SoulseeX though is that it hasn’t been updated since April 2006, meaning any bugs you have with your current version will remain.

Although a bit buggy and fitted with an awkward interface, this remains the best Soulseek client for Mac.

Author’s review

SoulseekX is a client for the Soulseek peer-to-peer filesharing network, written in Java (at least 1.3) with Swing-GUI designed for MacOS X.

Soulseek(tm) is a unique ad-free, spyware free, and just plain free file sharing application. One of the things that makes Soulseek(tm) unique is its community and community-related features. Based on peer-to-peer technology, virtual rooms allow you to meet people with the same interests, share information, and chat freely using real-time messages in public or private.

Soulseek(tm), with its built-in people matching system, is a great way to make new friends and expand your mind! Soulseek(tm) does not endorse nor condone the sharing of copyrighted materials. You should only share and download files which you are legally allowed to or have otherwise received permission to share. By using this network you agree to this and the other rules which are linked to from this page.

The intention of Soulseek(tm) is to help unsigned and/or independent artists find a place in the ever-growing music industry, in a place where discussion and the creation of music can take place. Use of this network for what may be deemed illegal in nature may see users prosecuted by law, and the owners and/or operators of the Soulseek(tm) network do not offer protection from said incidents.

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macOS Big Sur 4+




macOS Big Sur elevates the world’s most advanced desktop operating system to a new level of power and beauty. Experience Mac to the fullest with a refined new design. Enjoy the biggest Safari update ever. Discover new features for Maps and Messages. And get even more transparency around your privacy.

• New design for apps makes it easier to focus on your content and take action with space efficient toolbars and full height sidebars
• Updated menu bar features wider spacing and a new translucent material that becomes more vibrant when you interact with it
• Refreshed system sounds include the boot chime and sounds for transferring files, moving items to the trash, locking files, and more

Control Center
• Control Center puts your favorite menus and controls in one handy place in the menu bar so you can quickly adjust settings as you work
• Additional controls appear when you click to expand Control Center menus
• Support for pinning favorite menus from Control Center to the menu bar

Notification Center
• Updated Notification Center brings notifications and widgets together in one view
• Interactive notifications display additional actions you can take with a deep press
• Beautiful, new data-rich widgets for Calendar, Clock, Notes, Photos, Podcasts, Reminders, Screen Time, Stocks, and Weather
• Edit view lets you to add new widgets and customize their size
• Support for widgets from third-party apps

• World’s fastest desktop browser with industry-leading performance and energy efficiency*
• Customizable new start page lets you set a background image and decide what appears, including Reading List, iCloud Tabs, Privacy Report and more
• Expanded extensions support and new dedicated category in the App Store for discovering new extensions
• New tab design featuring favicons in tabs, and website previews that appear when you hover over a tab
• Translation (beta) for English, Spanish, Simplified Chinese, French, German, Russian or Brazilian Portuguese
• Privacy Report gives you visibility into how Safari keeps your browsing your business, with an overview of trackers blocked by Intelligent Tracking Prevention
• Safari password monitoring securely screens saved passwords for any that may have been involved in a data breach
• Safari privacy prompts for extensions let you choose when a website can work with an extension

• Pinned conversations keep up to nine of your favorite threads at the top of the list
• Mentions let you direct a message to an individual in a group conversation
• Inline replies let you reply to a specific message earlier in the conversation
• Message effects for balloons, confetti, lasers and more
• #images helps you find and add trending GIFs to messages
• Memoji makes it simple to create a personalized character and send stickers that match your mood and personality

• Guides offer recommendations for places to go and things to do, curated by a selection of trusted brands
• Look Around to explore cities in a high-resolution, interactive 3D experience
• Indoor maps for major airports and shopping centers
• Cycling directions helps you find bike-friendly routes to your destination
• Electric vehicle routing helps you plan trips for supported vehicles that you add on iPhone

Some features may not be available for all regions, or on all Apple devices.
* Performance will vary based on system configuration, network connection, and other factors.


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