windows application
1 Windows application
2 Windows application
3 Windows application
4 Windows application
5 Windows application
6 Windows application
7 Windows-приложение
8 Windows NT-based application
9 Windows NT-based application
10 приложение для Windows
11 приложение Windows NT
См. также в других словарях:
Windows application — program which is intended to work only on the Windows operating system … English contemporary dictionary
Windows Application Programming Interface — Das Windows Application Programming Interface (kurz: WinAPI; Englisch für: Windows Anwendungs Programmierschnittstelle) ist eine Programmierschnittstelle und Laufzeitumgebung, welche Programmierern bereitsteht, um Anwendungsprogramme für… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Windows Application Programming Interface — Windows API (application programming interfaces) общее наименование целого набора базовых функций интерфейсов программирования приложений операционных систем семейств Windows и Windows NT корпорации «Майкрософт». Является самым прямым способом… … Википедия
Windows Application Binary Interface — Abbreviated WABI. A specification developed by Sun Microsystems that defines how Microsoft Windows applications run on Unix workstations. The WABI interface translates the system calls made by the application into system calls that the… … Dictionary of networking
List of Microsoft Windows application programming interfaces and frameworks — The following is a list of Microsoft APIs and frameworks. Contents 1 APIs 1.1 Current 1.2 Deprecated 2 Frameworks 2.1 … Wikipedia
Feedreader (Windows Application) — Infobox Software name = Feedreader caption = Feedreader Feed Window collapsible = Yes developer = i Systems Inc. latest release version = 3.13 latest release date = January 29, 2008 [] operating… … Wikipedia
Windows 95 — Part of the Microsoft Windows family … Wikipedia
Windows 3.0 — Windows 3.x Bildschirmfoto … Deutsch Wikipedia
Windows 3.1 — Windows 3.x Bildschirmfoto … Deutsch Wikipedia
Windows 3.11 — Windows 3.x Bildschirmfoto … Deutsch Wikipedia
standard Windows functionality
1 встроенная функциональность Windows
2 Gosudarstvennye standard
3 (=) Lloyd’s standard form of salvage agreement
4 (Microsoft Windows) Compact Edition Driver Repository
5 (Windows) NT Directory Services
6 (Windows) NT LAN Manager
7 (Windows) NT Server / Enterprise edition
8 (Windows) New Technology
9 (Windows) Terminal Server Edition
10 (Windows) eXPerience
11 (как вариант) система сетевой защиты Windows
12 (электронная криминалистическая) экспертиза данных под операционной системой Windows
13 CSMA/CD lan specification IEEE 803.2 standard
14 DVD-студия Windows
15 Hazard Communication Standard
16 Lloyd’s standard form of salvage agreement
17 Microsoft Windows
18 U.S. Public Health Service Drinking Water Standard
19 WINdows Hardware Engineering Conference
20 Windows / Win32 Driver Model
См. также в других словарях:
Windows Mobile — 6.5.3 Today Screen Company / developer Microsoft … Wikipedia
Windows NT 4.0 — Part of the Microsoft Windows family … Wikipedia
Windows 6.0 — Windows Vista Вид рабочего стола Windows Vista Разработчик Семейство ОС Windows NT Исходный код Закрытый Первый выпуск … Википедия
Windows Longhorn — Windows Vista Вид рабочего стола Windows Vista Разработчик Семейство ОС Windows NT Исходный код Закрытый Первый выпуск … Википедия
Windows Presentation Foundation — This subsystem is a part of .NET Framework 3.0 Developed by Microsoft, the Windows Presentation Foundation (or WPF) is a computer software graphical subsystem for rendering user interfaces in Windows based applications. WPF, previously known as… … Wikipedia
Windows Mail — This article is about the Outlook Express replacement. For the newer Microsoft mail client, see Windows Live Mail. For the pre Exchange Microsoft email product, see Windows for Workgroups Mail. Windows Mail A component of Microsoft Windows … Wikipedia
Windows Vista — Для термина «Vista» см. другие значения. Windows Vista … Википедия
Windows key — The Windows key or Windows logo key (in short WinKey, Start key, or rarely Flag key, Go To Key (Canada), or Menu Key) is a keyboard key originally introduced for the Windows 95 operating system. On keyboards lacking a Windows key, Ctrl+Esc can… … Wikipedia
Windows library files — Like most modern operating systems, Microsoft Windows supports shared libraries, collections of code which can be used by multiple processes while only being loaded once into memory. Windows terms its shared libraries Dynamic link libraries (DLL… … Wikipedia
Windows Server 2003 — Part of the Microsoft Windows family … Wikipedia
Windows Server 2008 — Part of the Microsoft Windows family … Wikipedia
standard Windows functionality
1 встроенная функциональность Windows
2 Gosudarstvennye standard
3 (=) Lloyd’s standard form of salvage agreement
4 (Microsoft Windows) Compact Edition Driver Repository
5 (Windows) NT Directory Services
6 (Windows) NT LAN Manager
7 (Windows) NT Server / Enterprise edition
8 (Windows) New Technology
9 (Windows) Terminal Server Edition
10 (Windows) eXPerience
11 (как вариант) система сетевой защиты Windows
12 (электронная криминалистическая) экспертиза данных под операционной системой Windows
13 CSMA/CD lan specification IEEE 803.2 standard
14 DVD-студия Windows
15 Hazard Communication Standard
16 Lloyd’s standard form of salvage agreement
17 Microsoft Windows
18 U.S. Public Health Service Drinking Water Standard
19 WINdows Hardware Engineering Conference
20 Windows / Win32 Driver Model
См. также в других словарях:
Windows Mobile — 6.5.3 Today Screen Company / developer Microsoft … Wikipedia
Windows NT 4.0 — Part of the Microsoft Windows family … Wikipedia
Windows 6.0 — Windows Vista Вид рабочего стола Windows Vista Разработчик Семейство ОС Windows NT Исходный код Закрытый Первый выпуск … Википедия
Windows Longhorn — Windows Vista Вид рабочего стола Windows Vista Разработчик Семейство ОС Windows NT Исходный код Закрытый Первый выпуск … Википедия
Windows Presentation Foundation — This subsystem is a part of .NET Framework 3.0 Developed by Microsoft, the Windows Presentation Foundation (or WPF) is a computer software graphical subsystem for rendering user interfaces in Windows based applications. WPF, previously known as… … Wikipedia
Windows Mail — This article is about the Outlook Express replacement. For the newer Microsoft mail client, see Windows Live Mail. For the pre Exchange Microsoft email product, see Windows for Workgroups Mail. Windows Mail A component of Microsoft Windows … Wikipedia
Windows Vista — Для термина «Vista» см. другие значения. Windows Vista … Википедия
Windows key — The Windows key or Windows logo key (in short WinKey, Start key, or rarely Flag key, Go To Key (Canada), or Menu Key) is a keyboard key originally introduced for the Windows 95 operating system. On keyboards lacking a Windows key, Ctrl+Esc can… … Wikipedia
Windows library files — Like most modern operating systems, Microsoft Windows supports shared libraries, collections of code which can be used by multiple processes while only being loaded once into memory. Windows terms its shared libraries Dynamic link libraries (DLL… … Wikipedia
Windows Server 2003 — Part of the Microsoft Windows family … Wikipedia
Windows Server 2008 — Part of the Microsoft Windows family … Wikipedia
Windows Application Programming Interface
1 Windows Application Programming Interface
2 Windows Application Programming Interface
3 Windows Internet application programming interface
4 Windows 32-bit application programming interface
5 Windows sockets application programming interface
См. также в других словарях:
Windows Application Programming Interface — Das Windows Application Programming Interface (kurz: WinAPI; Englisch für: Windows Anwendungs Programmierschnittstelle) ist eine Programmierschnittstelle und Laufzeitumgebung, welche Programmierern bereitsteht, um Anwendungsprogramme für… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Windows Application Programming Interface — Windows API (application programming interfaces) общее наименование целого набора базовых функций интерфейсов программирования приложений операционных систем семейств Windows и Windows NT корпорации «Майкрософт». Является самым прямым способом… … Википедия
Application programming interface — API redirects here. For other uses, see API (disambiguation). An application programming interface (API) is a source code based specification intended to be used as an interface by software components to communicate with each other. An API may… … Wikipedia
application programming interface — programų sąsaja statusas T sritis informatika apibrėžtis Susitarimų ir procedūrų rinkinys ryšiams tarp atskirų programų ir ↑operacinės sistemos realizuoti. Yra komponentinių ir modulinių sistemų projektavimo ir veikimo pagrindas. Operacinės… … Enciklopedinis kompiuterijos žodynas
Application Programming Interface — Eine Programmierschnittstelle ist eine Schnittstelle, die von einem Softwaresystem anderen Programmen zur Anbindung an das System zur Verfügung gestellt wird. Oft wird dafür die Abkürzung API (für engl. application programming interface, deutsch … Deutsch Wikipedia
Application programming interface — Eine Programmierschnittstelle ist eine Schnittstelle, die von einem Softwaresystem anderen Programmen zur Anbindung an das System zur Verfügung gestellt wird. Oft wird dafür die Abkürzung API (für engl. application programming interface, deutsch … Deutsch Wikipedia
application programming interface — Abbreviated API. The complete set of all operating system functions that an application can use to perform such tasks as managing files and displaying information. An API provides a standard way to write an application, and it also describes… … Dictionary of networking
Speech Application Programming Interface — The Speech Application Programming Interface or SAPI is an API developed by Microsoft to allow the use of speech recognition and speech synthesis within Windows applications. To date a number of versions of the API have been released, which have… … Wikipedia
Telephony Application Programming Interface — The Telephony Application Programming Interface (TAPI) is a Microsoft Windows API, which provides computer telephony integration and enables PCs running Microsoft Windows to use telephone services. Different versions of TAPI are available on… … Wikipedia
Messaging Application Programming Interface — (MAPI) is a messaging architecture and a Component Object Model based API for Microsoft Windows. MAPI allows client programmes to become (e mail) messaging enabled, aware, or based by calling MAPI subsystem routines that interface with certain… … Wikipedia
Windows Application Binary Interface
1 Windows Application Binary Interface
2 Windows Application Binary Interface
3 Windows application binary interface
4 Windows Application Binary Interface
5 Windows Windows Application Binary Interface
См. также в других словарях:
Windows Application Binary Interface — Abbreviated WABI. A specification developed by Sun Microsystems that defines how Microsoft Windows applications run on Unix workstations. The WABI interface translates the system calls made by the application into system calls that the… … Dictionary of networking
Windows Application Programming Interface — Das Windows Application Programming Interface (kurz: WinAPI; Englisch für: Windows Anwendungs Programmierschnittstelle) ist eine Programmierschnittstelle und Laufzeitumgebung, welche Programmierern bereitsteht, um Anwendungsprogramme für… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Application binary interface — In computer software, an application binary interface (ABI) describes the low level interface between an application program and the operating system, or the interface between an application and its libraries, or that between component parts of… … Wikipedia
Application programming interface — API redirects here. For other uses, see API (disambiguation). An application programming interface (API) is a source code based specification intended to be used as an interface by software components to communicate with each other. An API may… … Wikipedia
Netscape Plugin Application Programming Interface — (NPAPI) is a cross platform plugin architecture used by many web browsers.It was first developed for the Netscape family of browsers starting with Netscape Navigator 2.0 but has subsequently been implemented in other browsers including Mozilla… … Wikipedia
Generic Security Services Application Program Interface — The Generic Security Services Application Program Interface (GSSAPI, also GSS API) is an application programming interface for programs to access security services.The GSSAPI is an IETF standard that addresses the problem of many similar but… … Wikipedia
Windows.h — Das Windows Application Programming Interface (kurz: WinAPI; zu dt. etwa: Windows Anwendungs Programmierungs Schnittstelle) ist eine Programmierschnittstelle und Laufzeitumgebung, welche Programmierern bereitsteht, um Anwendungsprogramme für… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Windows API — Das Windows Application Programming Interface (kurz: WinAPI; zu dt. etwa: Windows Anwendungs Programmierungs Schnittstelle) ist eine Programmierschnittstelle und Laufzeitumgebung, welche Programmierern bereitsteht, um Anwendungsprogramme für… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Binary-compatibility — In computing, a computer that can run the same binary code intended to be run on another computer is said to be binary compatible. This is different from Source code compatibility where it s required to compile the source code.Binary… … Wikipedia
Windows NT 3.1 — Part of the Microsoft Windows family … Wikipedia
Windows Server 2008 — Part of the Microsoft Windows family … Wikipedia