- Download The Software Toolworks’ Star Wars Chess
- The Software Toolworks’ Star Wars Chess
- Description of The Software Toolworks’ Star Wars Chess
- Star Wars Chess
- Star Wars Chess
- DOS game, 1993
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- Star Wars Chess
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- Star Wars Chess
- Star Wars Chess
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- Contents
- Opening crawl [ edit | edit source ]
- Gameplay [ edit | edit source ]
- Chessmen [ edit | edit source ]
- The Dark Side [ edit | edit source ]
- The Rebel Force [ edit | edit source ]
- Battles [ edit | edit source ]
Download The Software Toolworks’ Star Wars Chess
The Software Toolworks’ Star Wars Chess
Also available on: Windows 3.x
Alt name | Star Wars Chess |
Year | 1993 |
Platform | DOS |
Released in | United States |
Genre | Strategy |
Theme | Board / Party Game, Chess, Licensed Title, Sci-Fi / Futuristic |
Publisher | Software Toolworks, Inc., The |
Developer | Software Toolworks, Inc., The |
Dosbox support | Fully supported on current version |
Description of The Software Toolworks’ Star Wars Chess
Star Wars Chess is a lackluster animated chess game similar to Interplay’s Battle Chess. The SEGA CD version of the game, released a year later, is better known and better-sold than this rare PC version.
Each traditional chess piece (king, rook, pawn, and so on) is represented by a character from the Star Wars movies. In addition, when one piece captures another, the game zooms in to the board, and you are treated to a small battle animation. If you don’t know how to play chess, don’t expect Star Wars Chess to teach you. Not too worry, though— the AI in the game is pretty bad, which more than makes up for the lack of tutorial mode.
The chess pieces are represented as follows:
- Kings — Luke Skywalker and Emperor Palpatine
- Queens — Princess Leia and Darth Vader
- Bishops — C-3PO and Boba Fett (Chewbacca sets Boba Fett on fire)
- Knights — Chewbacca and Tusken raider
- Rooks — Yoda and AT-ST
- Pawns — R2-D2 and stormtrooper
If you get tired of playing with Star Wars characters, you can switch to a 2D mode with traditional pieces. As the review at Videogames.com makes clear: «. [when] it comes down to it, chess is chess, no matter what the pieces look like or what fancy animation accompanies it. But chess fans and Star Wars fans alike will probably be turned off by the awkward perspective of the chess board and the long load times that bog down gameplay. The animations themselves are rather violent and sort of creepy [e.g. R2-D2 gives Darth Vader laser shocks, Chewbacca sets Boba Fett on fire, etc], but if you turn them off, all you are left with is a slow, bare-bones computer chess game. A good alternative is to turn off the game altogether.»
Recommended only to fill up the collection of die-hard Star Wars fans who must own every Star Wars-related game on the planet (I’m looking at you here Sytass ;)).
Star Wars Chess
Европа | США | |
ПК | 1993 год | 1993 год |
SEGA Mega Drive / Genesis / Sega CD | 1994 год | 1994 год |
Star Wars Chess – игра в шахматы, в которой вместо обычных фигур используются персонажи вселенной «Звездных Войн». Когда одна фигура бьет другую, на экране можно видеть анимационные сценки сражений.
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Вы также можете найти прохождение Star Wars Chess, которое поможет сберечь нервы и время в поисках нужного переключателя или запрятанного в недрах локаций ключа. Прохождение также будет полезно тем, кто любит найти все секреты и собрать достижения. Если игра на английском, а вы плохо им владеете, то вам пригодится возможность скачать руссификатор Star Wars Chess бесплатно без регистрации. Руссификаторы к некоторым играм содержат русскую озвучку, но в большей части случаев это просто субтитры. На страницах нашего портала также представлены коды к игре Star Wars Chess, помогающие пройти даже самых сложных боссов.
Если у вас проблемы с запуском или нормальной работой Star Wars Chess на ПК, предлагаем ознакомиться с возможными вариантами решения возникших проблем в специальном гайде.
Star Wars Chess
DOS game, 1993
Star Wars is definitely one the most successful film saga in history, so no wonder it has inspired a number of computer games. The main genre of these games is mainly action, simulation and adventure, but in 1993 Software Toolworks created an unconventional Star Wars game: Star Wars Chess. As the name suggests, this is a chess where the figures are portrayed by a various characters from Star Wars. In total, there are 12 different characters available, that represent individual chess pieces. The rebels formed the white pieces: Luke and Leia, of course, as the King and Queen, C3PO is a bishop, Chewbaca Knight, Yoda is Rook and R2D2 portrays Pawn. Black pieces are characters of the Empire — Darth Vader is a Queen, Palpatine (Darth Sidious) portrays King, Boba Fett is a bishop, Tusken Raider is a Knight, chicken walker (AT-ST) as Rook and the Stormtroopers portray pawns. The game is very similar to the better known Battle Chess, fights are processed very similarly: the characters step away and look at effective combat with nice animation.
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Star Wars Chess
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a game by | The Software Toolworks |
Platforms: | PC, Sega CD |
Editor Rating: | 8 / 10 , based on 1 review |
User Rating: | 6.0 / 10 — 3 votes |
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