Stare out your windows

Boston — Stare Out Your Window

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Boston — Stare Out Your Window

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ООО «АдвМьюзик» заключил лицензионные соглашения с крупнейшими российскими правообладателями на использование музыкальных произведений.

to stare out of the window

1 stare

with astonishment широко открыть глаза от удивления;
to make people stare удивлять, поражать людей stare изумленный или пристальный взгляд

смотреть пристально;
таращить или пялить глаза (at, upon — на)

торчать (о волосах и т. п.) ;
stare down смутить взглядом

торчать (о волосах и т. п.) ;
stare down смутить взглядом to

(smb.) in the face быть явным, очевидным to

(smb.) in the face угрожать, надвигаться to

(smb.) out of countenance смутить (кого-л.) пристальным взглядом;
to stare straight before one смотреть в одну точку to

(smb.) out of countenance смутить (кого-л.) пристальным взглядом;
to stare straight before one смотреть в одну точку to

with astonishment широко открыть глаза от удивления;
to make people stare удивлять, поражать людей

2 stare

to stare smb. out of countenance — смутить кого-л. пристальным взглядом

to stare blankly at smb. / smth. — безучастно смотреть на кого-л. / что-л.

Ann stared before her. — Анна смотрела прямо перед собой.

to stare in mute amazement — изумлённо смотреть; разглядывать в молчаливом изумлении

frozen / icy stare — ледяной взгляд

set / stony stare — неподвижный взор

to hold smb.’s stare — выдержать чей-л. пристальный взгляд

3 stare

4 stare

5 child window

6 out of the window

7 owned window

8 owner window

9 sash-window

10 shop window

11 shop-window

12 stare down

13 stare down, stare out

14 window

окно билетной кассы bow

архит. окно с выступом, эркер data

вчт. окно дисассемблирования display

вчт. окно на экране дисплея edit

вчт. окно редактирования to have everything in the shop

, to have all one’s goods in the shop

быть поверхностным человеком to have everything in the shop

, to have all one’s goods in the shop

выставлять все напоказ to have all one’s goods in the (front)

быть поверхностным человеком to have all one’s goods in the (front)

выставлять все напоказ to have everything in the shop

, to have all one’s goods in the shop

быть поверхностным человеком to have everything in the shop

, to have all one’s goods in the shop

выставлять все напоказ human

вчт. информационное окно send

витрина window витрина

кратковременное улучшение рыночной конъюктуры

15 window of opportunity

16 window-case

17 window-dressing

умение показать товар лицом

18 window-oriented

19 window-pane

20 window-shopping

См. также в других словарях:

The King in the Window — is a children s novel written by American author Adam Gopnik. Published in 2005 by Hyperion Books, the novel is about an American boy named Oliver who lives in Paris. Oliver stumbles into an ancient battle waged between Window Wraiths and the… … Wikipedia

stare out of — phr verb Stare out of is used with these nouns as the object: ↑window … Collocations dictionary

The Changeling (play) — The Changeling is a Jacobean tragedy written by Thomas Middleton and William Rowley. Widely regarded as among the best tragedies of the English Renaissance, the play has accumulated a significant body of critical commentary. [Logan and Smith, pp … Wikipedia

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stare — 01. The man [stared] at the woman until she turned away in embarrassment. 02. The unhappy student [stared] at the test; he had studied the wrong material. 03. Their teenage daughter is always afraid that people are [staring] at her, and laughing… … Grammatical examples in English

window — noun 1 in a building, car, etc. ADJECTIVE ▪ big, huge, large, long, tall, wide ▪ narrow, small, tiny … Collocations dictionary

stare — 1 verb (I) 1 to look at something or someone for a long time without moving your eyes (+ out): Stop staring out of the window and do some work! (+ at): What are you staring at? | stare into space (=look for a long time at nothing) see gaze 1 2 be … Longman dictionary of contemporary English

The Miraculous Mandarin — or The Wonderful Mandarin (Hungarian: A csodálatos mandarin; German: Der Wunderbare Mandarin) Op. 19, Sz. 73 (BB 82), is a one act pantomime ballet composed by Béla Bartók between 1918–1924, and based on the story by Melchior Lengyel. Premiered… … Wikipedia

The Last Vampire — Series is a 6 book set written by Christopher Pike and chronicles the 5,000 year life of the last vampire , Sita. The Last Vampire The book opens with a brief narration. A young woman, who appears to be in her late teens named Alisa Perne, is not … Wikipedia

stare — stare1 [ ster ] verb intransitive *** to look at someone or something very directly for a long time: It s rude to stare. stare at: He lifted his head and stared at her. stare into/out of/through etc.: They sat on the balcony, staring out across… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

stare — I UK [steə(r)] / US [ster] verb [intransitive] Word forms stare : present tense I/you/we/they stare he/she/it stares present participle staring past tense stared past participle stared *** a) to look at someone or something very directly for a… … English dictionary

The Care Bears Movie — Infobox Film name = The Care Bears Movie caption = Original theatrical poster director = Arna Selznick producer = Michael Hirsh Patrick Loubert Clive A. Smith Supervising: Lenora Hume Associate: Paul Pressler John Bohach Harvey Levin Executive:… … Wikipedia

to stare out of the window

1 stare

with astonishment широко открыть глаза от удивления;
to make people stare удивлять, поражать людей stare изумленный или пристальный взгляд

смотреть пристально;
таращить или пялить глаза (at, upon — на)

торчать (о волосах и т. п.) ;
stare down смутить взглядом

торчать (о волосах и т. п.) ;
stare down смутить взглядом to

(smb.) in the face быть явным, очевидным to

(smb.) in the face угрожать, надвигаться to

(smb.) out of countenance смутить (кого-л.) пристальным взглядом;
to stare straight before one смотреть в одну точку to

(smb.) out of countenance смутить (кого-л.) пристальным взглядом;
to stare straight before one смотреть в одну точку to

with astonishment широко открыть глаза от удивления;
to make people stare удивлять, поражать людей

2 stare

to stare smb. out of countenance — смутить кого-л. пристальным взглядом

to stare blankly at smb. / smth. — безучастно смотреть на кого-л. / что-л.

Ann stared before her. — Анна смотрела прямо перед собой.

to stare in mute amazement — изумлённо смотреть; разглядывать в молчаливом изумлении

frozen / icy stare — ледяной взгляд

set / stony stare — неподвижный взор

to hold smb.’s stare — выдержать чей-л. пристальный взгляд

3 child window

4 out of the window

5 owned window

6 owner window

7 sash-window

8 shop window

9 shop-window

10 stare down

11 stare down, stare out

12 window

окно билетной кассы bow

архит. окно с выступом, эркер data

вчт. окно дисассемблирования display

вчт. окно на экране дисплея edit

вчт. окно редактирования to have everything in the shop

, to have all one’s goods in the shop

быть поверхностным человеком to have everything in the shop

, to have all one’s goods in the shop

выставлять все напоказ to have all one’s goods in the (front)

быть поверхностным человеком to have all one’s goods in the (front)

выставлять все напоказ to have everything in the shop

, to have all one’s goods in the shop

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быть поверхностным человеком to have everything in the shop

, to have all one’s goods in the shop

выставлять все напоказ human

вчт. информационное окно send

витрина window витрина

кратковременное улучшение рыночной конъюктуры

13 window of opportunity

14 window-case

15 window-dressing

умение показать товар лицом

16 window-oriented

17 window-pane

18 window-shopping

19 window-sill

20 bay window

См. также в других словарях:

The King in the Window — is a children s novel written by American author Adam Gopnik. Published in 2005 by Hyperion Books, the novel is about an American boy named Oliver who lives in Paris. Oliver stumbles into an ancient battle waged between Window Wraiths and the… … Wikipedia

stare out of — phr verb Stare out of is used with these nouns as the object: ↑window … Collocations dictionary

The Changeling (play) — The Changeling is a Jacobean tragedy written by Thomas Middleton and William Rowley. Widely regarded as among the best tragedies of the English Renaissance, the play has accumulated a significant body of critical commentary. [Logan and Smith, pp … Wikipedia

stare — 01. The man [stared] at the woman until she turned away in embarrassment. 02. The unhappy student [stared] at the test; he had studied the wrong material. 03. Their teenage daughter is always afraid that people are [staring] at her, and laughing… … Grammatical examples in English

window — noun 1 in a building, car, etc. ADJECTIVE ▪ big, huge, large, long, tall, wide ▪ narrow, small, tiny … Collocations dictionary

stare — 1 verb (I) 1 to look at something or someone for a long time without moving your eyes (+ out): Stop staring out of the window and do some work! (+ at): What are you staring at? | stare into space (=look for a long time at nothing) see gaze 1 2 be … Longman dictionary of contemporary English

The Miraculous Mandarin — or The Wonderful Mandarin (Hungarian: A csodálatos mandarin; German: Der Wunderbare Mandarin) Op. 19, Sz. 73 (BB 82), is a one act pantomime ballet composed by Béla Bartók between 1918–1924, and based on the story by Melchior Lengyel. Premiered… … Wikipedia

The Last Vampire — Series is a 6 book set written by Christopher Pike and chronicles the 5,000 year life of the last vampire , Sita. The Last Vampire The book opens with a brief narration. A young woman, who appears to be in her late teens named Alisa Perne, is not … Wikipedia

stare — stare1 [ ster ] verb intransitive *** to look at someone or something very directly for a long time: It s rude to stare. stare at: He lifted his head and stared at her. stare into/out of/through etc.: They sat on the balcony, staring out across… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

stare — I UK [steə(r)] / US [ster] verb [intransitive] Word forms stare : present tense I/you/we/they stare he/she/it stares present participle staring past tense stared past participle stared *** a) to look at someone or something very directly for a… … English dictionary

The Care Bears Movie — Infobox Film name = The Care Bears Movie caption = Original theatrical poster director = Arna Selznick producer = Michael Hirsh Patrick Loubert Clive A. Smith Supervising: Lenora Hume Associate: Paul Pressler John Bohach Harvey Levin Executive:… … Wikipedia

to stare out of the window

1 stare

with astonishment широко открыть глаза от удивления;
to make people stare удивлять, поражать людей stare изумленный или пристальный взгляд

смотреть пристально;
таращить или пялить глаза (at, upon — на)

торчать (о волосах и т. п.) ;
stare down смутить взглядом

торчать (о волосах и т. п.) ;
stare down смутить взглядом to

(smb.) in the face быть явным, очевидным to

(smb.) in the face угрожать, надвигаться to

(smb.) out of countenance смутить (кого-л.) пристальным взглядом;
to stare straight before one смотреть в одну точку to

(smb.) out of countenance смутить (кого-л.) пристальным взглядом;
to stare straight before one смотреть в одну точку to

with astonishment широко открыть глаза от удивления;
to make people stare удивлять, поражать людей

2 stare

to stare smb. out of countenance — смутить кого-л. пристальным взглядом

to stare blankly at smb. / smth. — безучастно смотреть на кого-л. / что-л.

Ann stared before her. — Анна смотрела прямо перед собой.

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to stare in mute amazement — изумлённо смотреть; разглядывать в молчаливом изумлении

frozen / icy stare — ледяной взгляд

set / stony stare — неподвижный взор

to hold smb.’s stare — выдержать чей-л. пристальный взгляд

3 child window

4 out of the window

5 owned window

6 owner window

7 sash-window

8 shop window

9 shop-window

10 stare down

11 stare down, stare out

12 window

окно билетной кассы bow

архит. окно с выступом, эркер data

вчт. окно дисассемблирования display

вчт. окно на экране дисплея edit

вчт. окно редактирования to have everything in the shop

, to have all one’s goods in the shop

быть поверхностным человеком to have everything in the shop

, to have all one’s goods in the shop

выставлять все напоказ to have all one’s goods in the (front)

быть поверхностным человеком to have all one’s goods in the (front)

выставлять все напоказ to have everything in the shop

, to have all one’s goods in the shop

быть поверхностным человеком to have everything in the shop

, to have all one’s goods in the shop

выставлять все напоказ human

вчт. информационное окно send

витрина window витрина

кратковременное улучшение рыночной конъюктуры

13 window of opportunity

14 window-case

15 window-dressing

умение показать товар лицом

16 window-oriented

17 window-pane

18 window-shopping

19 window-sill

20 bay window

См. также в других словарях:

The King in the Window — is a children s novel written by American author Adam Gopnik. Published in 2005 by Hyperion Books, the novel is about an American boy named Oliver who lives in Paris. Oliver stumbles into an ancient battle waged between Window Wraiths and the… … Wikipedia

stare out of — phr verb Stare out of is used with these nouns as the object: ↑window … Collocations dictionary

The Changeling (play) — The Changeling is a Jacobean tragedy written by Thomas Middleton and William Rowley. Widely regarded as among the best tragedies of the English Renaissance, the play has accumulated a significant body of critical commentary. [Logan and Smith, pp … Wikipedia

stare — 01. The man [stared] at the woman until she turned away in embarrassment. 02. The unhappy student [stared] at the test; he had studied the wrong material. 03. Their teenage daughter is always afraid that people are [staring] at her, and laughing… … Grammatical examples in English

window — noun 1 in a building, car, etc. ADJECTIVE ▪ big, huge, large, long, tall, wide ▪ narrow, small, tiny … Collocations dictionary

stare — 1 verb (I) 1 to look at something or someone for a long time without moving your eyes (+ out): Stop staring out of the window and do some work! (+ at): What are you staring at? | stare into space (=look for a long time at nothing) see gaze 1 2 be … Longman dictionary of contemporary English

The Miraculous Mandarin — or The Wonderful Mandarin (Hungarian: A csodálatos mandarin; German: Der Wunderbare Mandarin) Op. 19, Sz. 73 (BB 82), is a one act pantomime ballet composed by Béla Bartók between 1918–1924, and based on the story by Melchior Lengyel. Premiered… … Wikipedia

The Last Vampire — Series is a 6 book set written by Christopher Pike and chronicles the 5,000 year life of the last vampire , Sita. The Last Vampire The book opens with a brief narration. A young woman, who appears to be in her late teens named Alisa Perne, is not … Wikipedia

stare — stare1 [ ster ] verb intransitive *** to look at someone or something very directly for a long time: It s rude to stare. stare at: He lifted his head and stared at her. stare into/out of/through etc.: They sat on the balcony, staring out across… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

stare — I UK [steə(r)] / US [ster] verb [intransitive] Word forms stare : present tense I/you/we/they stare he/she/it stares present participle staring past tense stared past participle stared *** a) to look at someone or something very directly for a… … English dictionary

The Care Bears Movie — Infobox Film name = The Care Bears Movie caption = Original theatrical poster director = Arna Selznick producer = Michael Hirsh Patrick Loubert Clive A. Smith Supervising: Lenora Hume Associate: Paul Pressler John Bohach Harvey Levin Executive:… … Wikipedia

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