Steam games windows and linux

How to Play Windows-only Games on Linux with Steam Play

Last updated September 18, 2020 By Abhishek Prakash 56 Comments

The new experimental feature of Steam allows you to play Windows-only games on Linux. Here’s how to use this feature in Steam right now.

What is Steam Play?

Game distribution platform Steam has implemented a fork of WINE, it’s called – “Steam Play”. With Steam Play, Linux users can play games that are available on Windows only. It was in beta phase for a while but you can now directly try it out without opting in for Steam beta updates.

Play Windows-only games in Linux with Steam Play

You need to install Steam first. Steam is available for all major Linux distributions. I have written in detail about installing Steam on Ubuntu and you may refer to that article if you don’t have Steam installed yet.

Once you have Steam installed and you have logged into your Steam account, it’s time to see how to enable Windows games in Steam Linux client.

Step 1: Go to Account Settings

Run Steam client. On the top left, click on Steam and then on Settings.

Step 3: Enable Steam Play beta

Now, you’ll see an option Steam Play in the left side panel. Click on it and check the boxes:

  • Enable Steam Play for supported titles (You can play the whitelisted Windows-only games)
  • Enable Steam Play for all titles (You can tryto play all Windows-only games)

Steam Play New

You can also opt to change the version of the compatibility layer (Proton) if you need it. Once, you are done selecting the options, hit “OK” and proceed to restart steam in order for the changes to take effect.

Here’s how it will work:

For example, I have Age of Empires in my Steam library which is not available on Linux normally. But after I enabled Steam Play beta for all Windows titles, it now gives me the option for installing Age of Empires on Linux.

Windows-only games can now be installed on Linux

Things to know about Steam Play feature

There are a few things you should know and keep in mind about using Windows-only games on Linux with Steam Play:

  • Only 27 Windows-games were whitelisted for Steam Play initially. These whitelisted games work seamlessly on Linux. However, now the number of games supported has increased significantly.
  • You can try any Windows game with Steam Play beta but it might not work all the time. Some games will crash sometimes while some games might not run at all.
  • You won’t see the Windows-only games available for Linux in the Steam store. You’ll have to either try the game on your own or refer to this community maintained list or a better-looking web version of the same to see the compatibility status of the said Windows game. You can also contribute to the list by filling this form.
  • If you have games downloaded on Windows via Steam, you can save some download data by sharing Steam game files between Linux and Windows.

How Do You Identify Games That Work On Steam Play?

I’m sure that you don’t have a lot of free time to download games one by one and test it with Steam Play.

In that case, you can visit ProtonDB to check reports/stats contributed by gamers who test the games.

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You can use that as a reference to decide whether you should download/purchase a certain game.

I hope this tutorial helped you in running Windows-only games on Linux. Which game(s) are you looking forward to play on Linux?

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Steam games windows and linux

Steam for Linux

I’m using Ubuntu Linux and Windows 10. I installed the Steam Client on Windows, afterwards I downloaded and installed all the games using the Windows Steam Client. Now I installed the Steam Client on Linux to start games via Steam Play. So I imported the existing library from Windows in the Linux Steam Client. After that, the Linux Steam Client wanted to update *all* the games in this library! Which led to these games not working on Windows any more. And vice versa.
As far as I know, Steam Play is some sort of Wine, which is an emulator for running Windows games. So why do I have to use different game libraries, one for Windows, one for Linux, although Steam Play could just start compatible Windows games on Ubuntu? I just want to share the same library on both OSes. Does anyone of you know how this works?
Thanks, Kriz

The thing does work, but you have to be aware of a few things:

1. You get those tiny updates every time the steam client is started, on both platforms. No way around it at the moment.

2. In the proton folder, wine DOS device files are created with : in the file name, which is not supported on windows file systems and will be considered as file system corruption. Chkdsk will fail, file operations on them will fail, and unexpected behavior may occur on Windows when doing anything with that part of the file system. This may include background stuff, like automatic defragmentation, indexing and such things.

3. NTFS has to be mounted with uid=1000,gid=1000, otherwise games won’t work. This is a workaround, not a recommended procedure.

3. NTFS has to be mounted with uid=1000,gid=1000, otherwise games won’t work. This is a workaround, not a recommended procedure.

2003) when sharing games on Windows and Linux (pre-Steam, mind you) with vFAT rather than NTFS, but the same general principle should work here.

@ruineka: Yes, my Steam library is on drive G:\ which I use only for games. I tried to install Trine on Windows and on Linux, and both are different versions. The Steam Clients both list just one installation of Trine, but the Windows one starts the Windows installation of Trine and the Linux one the Linux version — just like you described.
But why don’t they share the game files that are not OS-specific?
E.g. I installed Vampire: Bloodlines on Windows drive G:\ (not the steam version), and it’s possible to use the linux loader script someone wrote to start the game with wine on Linux. This works like a charme, sharing even the savegames 🙂
With Trine saves, it should be possible over the Steam cloud, but that doesn’t work. Both versions do not share save games.

@Dusk: Thank you for the explanation! It was updating *everything* on Linux, and when I started the client on Windows, every game that was updated under Linux was corrupt. Now I repaired everything with the Windows Steam client, and now when I start the Linux steam client, there are no more updates.
My games drive on G:\ is mounted via GVFS (it’s ubuntu mate), I always click on it in caja to mount it dynamically before I start the steam client. Since I deactivated Windows quick start, everything works fine.

Why does Proton use colons in file names when this leads to file corruption on Windows? Or is this an issue that Steam is still working on? This whole thing is a new feature after all, and I’m glad Steam implements this 🙂

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Steam games windows and linux

Some Mac and Linux ported games already use the commercial version of Wine called CrossOver [] to run Windows versions of the games, System Shock 2 is an example of one such game. CrossOver is maintained by CodeWeavers [] , a team that funds the Open Source Wine [] project.

Wine is a free way of getting most of Windows versions of games running natively on several POSIX-compliant operating systems, such as Linux, Mac OSX, & BSD. This guide will show you how to install the Windows version of Steam and where to look if you are having trouble running it or running games on it.

909 уникальных посетителей
4 добавили в избранное

Wine (originally an acronym for «Wine Is Not an Emulator») is a compatibility layer capable of running Windows applications on several POSIX-compliant operating systems, such as Linux, Mac OSX, & BSD. Instead of simulating internal Windows logic like a virtual machine or emulator, Wine translates Windows API calls into POSIX calls on-the-fly, eliminating the performance and memory penalties of other methods and allowing you to cleanly integrate Windows applications into your desktop.

winetricks [] is a helper script to download and install various redistributable runtime libraries needed to run some programs in Wine. These may include replacements for components of Wine using closed source libraries.

There is a winetricks script that downloads, installs and works around bugs that you may face in Steam.

If you chose to install the latest version of Wine, then it has the winetricks script already included in the base installation. If it is not or you would also like to use the latest version of winetricks, check the Wiki on WineHQ on how to get the latest version [] .

Open a terminal window. Wine related commands should be accessible from the terminal window. Winetricks also has a GUI, so executing:

Should open a winetricks window.

Choose «Install an App» option and click ok.

The next window shows available scripts within winetricks. check the checkbox of «steam» only and click ok and the execution of the script will commence.

Unless the script has changed, the install directory(wineprefix*) will be under

/.local/share/winetricks/steam in case of Ubuntu OS. The «wine prefix» shown in the titlebar of the window is ignored by the «steam» script.

The script may even create a shortcut on your Desktop.

A few notes:
* There is a term for Wine called «wineprefix», it is a directory containing the registry and the mimicked Windows directories and files. Every wineprefix is independent and it can be moved and renamed. The win. For more information about wineprefix see the WineHQ FAQ:

The winetricks script should have created a shortcut on your Desktop. Launch Steam by clicking on the shortcut. Then Steam should be updating. If updates seem to freeze, close Steam and relaunch it. Steam will see this installation as being on another machine, you may choose to name it «wine».

Here is a screenshot of native Linux version of Steam(on the left) and the Windows version of Steam launched with Wine(on the right) on Ubuntu OS.

Installing should go without a hitch.

But if playing results in bugs or crashes, it is best to check out if your specific game has a page on AppDB [] .

If the pages mention installing components. You may be able to install them using winetricks, but you have to have the directory path of wineprefix to be the correct one. In a terminal:


Запуск Windows игр в Linux через Steam Play

Компания Valve продолжает работать, чтобы улучшить поддержку игр в операционных системах Linux. Раньше была выпущена версия клиента Steam для Linux, потом для этой платформы было адаптировано множество отличных игр, среди которых есть и очень популярные.

И вот разработчики сделали ещё один шаг, чтобы улучшить совместимость Windows-игр с платформой Linux. В клиент Steam добавили возможность запускать их через Wine. Здесь эта возможность называется Steam Play. В этой статье мы поговорим о том, как запускать Windows-игры в Linux через Steam Play.

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Запуск Windows игр в Linux через Steam

Надо сказать, что ничего нового разработчики из Valve не изобрели. Как они сообщили в своём анонсе, Steam Play работает с помощью форка Wine, который они назвали Proton. Кроме кода Wine, в пакет входят библиотеки для трансляции вызовов DirectX 11 и 12 в VulkanAPI, улучшена поддержка контроллеров Steam и полноэкранных приложений, а также увеличена производительность Wine с помощью патчей esync.

Сейчас разработчики гарантируют полноценную работу через Steam Play таких игр:

  • Beat Saber;
  • Bejeweled 2 Deluxe;
  • Doki Doki Literature Club;
  • DOOM, Hell on Earth, VFR;
  • Fallout Shelter;
  • FATE;
  • Geometry Dash;
  • Google Earth VR;
  • Into The Breach;
  • Magic: The Gathering — Duels of the Planeswalkers 2012, Duels of the Planeswalkers 2013;
  • Mount & Blade, With Fire & Sword;
  • NieR: Automata;
  • PAYDAY: The Heist;
  • QUAKE;
  • S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl;
  • Star Wars: Battlefront 2;
  • Tekken 7;
  • The Last Remnant;
  • Tropico 4;
  • Ultimate Doom;
  • Warhammer® 40,000: Dawn of War® — Dark Crusade, Soulstorm.

Кто-то может сказать, что мы могли и раньше запускать эти и многие другие игры через Wine. Это действительно так в большинстве случаев, но чтобы запустить игру в Wine, надо её скачать, установить шрифты, установить DirectX, установить Visual C++, и ещё кучу библиотек, а здесь программа сама выполняет за нас все эти операции. Для новичков это очень удобно и полезно — вы нажимаете одну кнопку, потом ещё одну и игра запущена. Вам не надо думать, что происходит внутри. А теперь давайте поговорим о запуске.

1. Установка драйверов

В анонсе сказано, что для нормальной работы Steam Play надо установить самую свежую версию драйверов NVIDIA версии не ниже 396 или драйвера AMD/Intel для Mesa не ниже 18.0. Но это не обязательно, SteamPlay будет работать и с более старыми версиями проприетарных драйверов. Я тестировал запуск с NVIDIA 304 на Ubuntu 17.04, и несколько игр из списка нормально запустились.

Но чтобы получить полную поддержку возможностей драйвера лучше установить. Чтобы добавить репозиторий с драйверами NVIDIA, выполните:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa
sudo apt-get update

Затем установите драйвера:

sudo apt install nvidia-graphics-drivers-396

После установки драйвера необходимо перезапустить компьютер.

2. Установка Steam

Установить Steam можно из официальных репозиториев Ubuntu:

sudo apt install steam

Затем дождитесь, пока клиент обновится. Если у вас уже есть установленная версия Steam, то этот шаг можно пропустить. Далее вам необходимо войти в аккаунт:

3. Настройка Steam Play

По умолчанию для запуска через Steam Play доступны только проверенные игры, приведённые в списке выше. Если вы хотите запускать также и другие игры, то откройте Настройки -> Steam Play, а затем отметьте галочку Enable Steam Play for all titles:

Далее можно переходить к запуску игр.

4. Запуск игры в Linux

Попробовать работу Steam Play можно на игре Fallout Shelter. Игра доступна бесплатно для всех. Сначала откройте вкладку Магазин и наберите в поиске название игры. Далее перейдите на страницу самой игры и нажмите кнопку Играть:

Эта игра занимает около 700 мегабайт, поэтому придётся подождать, пока она загрузится. На это уйдёт несколько минут в зависимости от скорости интернета. Далее можно запускать игру. Для этого в окне загрузки нажмите Играть:

Перед запуском система предупредит, что игра запускается через эмулятор, а не нативно:

Через несколько секунд можно играть:

Также я попытался запустить демо-версию Trochlight, игра открывается в полноэкранном режиме и тоже отлично работает:

Что касается FPS, то в более лёгком Fallout Shelter на моей NVIDIA GTX 780 Steam Play выдаёт 50 FPS, а в более тяжёлом Torchlight — около 100 FPS. Правда, эти данные не очень объективны, потому что я использовал старый видеодрайвер для теста.


Ещё несколько лет назад с играми в Linux всё было очень сложно, но благодаря стараниям сообщества, разработчиков игр и компании Valve, ситуация улучшается, и это не может не радовать. А какие игры у вас получилось запустить через Steam Play, напишите в комментариях!


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