Steam �� ����������� linux manjaro
В Steam не могу запустить игру через Proton всех версий, включая кастомные версии из
Пробовал запустить «NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM 4» и «ONE PIECE: PIRATE WARRIORS 4»
После выбора версии Proton, запускаю игру, игра сразу закрывается (Индикатор кнопки Steam, окна не запускались), либо бесконечная подготовка к запуску. На самых старых версиях протона, открывается окно, и сразу захлопывается. Та же ситуация на Ubuntu.
Проблемы в Wine/PortProton
Так же, не могу запустить игру «Warcraft 3» через команду:
При запуске, меняет разрешение экрана, и ничего не происходит. В Ubuntu все хорошо запускалось. Вот логи консоли:
Warcraft 3 смог запустить через программу «PortProton», но она не позволяет запускать несколько сеансов.
Мне необходимо запустить еще один file.exe, для игры по сети. «PortProton» сразу закрывает сеанс, при попытке запустить еще одну программу.
В Ubuntu Wine мог поддерживать несколько сеансов
Информация о системе
Операционная система: Manjaro Linux
Версия KDE Plasma: 5.22.5
Версия KDE Frameworks: 5.86.0
Версия Qt: 5.15.2
Версия ядра: 5.14.7-2-MANJARO (64-бита)
Графическая платформа: X11
Процессоры: 4 × Intel® Core™ i5-2500K CPU @ 3.30GHz
Память: 7,7 ГиБ ОЗУ
Графический процессор: GeForce GTX 560 Ti/PCIe/SSE2
Графический драйвер:
Это не точно, но я предполагаю, что видеокарта использует только OpenGL, а Steam в протоне пытается запускать игры через Vulkan
Проблемы divinity original sin 2 definitive edition
[РЕШЕНО] Проблемы steam proton
проблема с steam
при запуске любой не кросплатформенной игры игра запускается а потом ничего даже окно не повляется
вот логи:
ERROR: object ‘/home/nikita/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/’ from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32): ignored.
>>> Adding process 72471 for game ID 238960
ERROR: object ‘/home/nikita/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/’ from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32): ignored.
>>> Adding process 72472 for game ID 238960
Traceback (most recent call last):
File «/home/nikita/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Proton — Experimental/proton», line 999, in g_session.init_session(sys.argv[1] != «runinprefix»)
File «/home/nikita/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Proton — Experimental/proton», line 828, in init_session
File «/home/nikita/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Proton — Experimental/proton», line 584, in setup_prefix
self.prefix_dir + «drive_c/windows/system32/» + f + «.dll»)
File «/home/nikita/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Proton — Experimental/proton», line 81, in try_copy
shutil.copy(src, dst)
File «/usr/lib/python3.7/», line 245, in copy
copyfile(src, dst, follow_symlinks=follow_symlinks)
File «/usr/lib/python3.7/», line 120, in copyfile
with open(src, ‘rb’) as fsrc:
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ‘/home/nikita/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Proton — Experimental/files/share/default_pfx/drive_c/windows/system32/dxgi.dll’
Game removed: AppID 238960 «», ProcID 72021
Uploaded AppInterfaceStats to Steam
Exiting app 238960
No cached sticky mapping in ActivateActionSet.
протон удалят и переустанавливал не помогло
Steam �� ����������� linux manjaro
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This guide is only for Arch and Ubuntu. Any derivatives like Manjaro, Mint, PopOS, etc should also work.
If your Distro is not here, you run into any problems or have any more additions to this guide, Leave a comment and I will add it. Any help is more than welcome 🙂
If you are not a Linux user, check out my other guide on How to choose the right Distro Install it and then come back to optimize it for gaming 🙂
Multilib is required by Steam, So if you are running Steam you can skip this step, If you can not find Steam in your repositories this is your issue.
Having the right GPU drivers is imporant, else games won’t run properly.
If you have a GTX9xx or newer you need driver version 430. If you have a GTX 8xx or lower you need driver version 418 and if you have a GTX5xx or lower you need driver version 390. Pick the right driver version. If you even have an older card, manually check which driver you need:
If you have an AMD card you just need the newest version.
If you use Gnome or GDM you might need to disable Wayland, This is not always the case, But I include it here just in case, If your System won’t reboot you can try this
Installing the newest kernel is generally the easiest kernel switch, There are other kernels available, I will include them later.
To install the newest kernel
This is the default in Arch, no need to do anything, the newest kernel will be present.
Now ukuu is installed, in this program you can select the newest stable kernel click install and when you reboot the new kernel is used. Do not remove your old kernel. If anything goes wrong you can select which kernel to boot in the grub screen at startup and remove the kernel that gives you trouble.
Gamemode [] puts all your hardware in performance mode, it fixes some common problems and it just sounds cool 😛
Nvidia users might want to enable all options listed here to improve performance in games
Force Full Composition Pipeline avoids screen tearing by letting the GPU do all the scaling.
Triple Buffer avoids stuttering gameplay It allows for a stream of data instead of chunks of data.
IndirectGLXProtocol forces the game to directly communicate with the Nvidia drivers.
Coolbits enables your card to be overclocked which gamemode will make use of.
Try this one with risk, It will be sure to crash GNOME, I am not sure about other DEs
just add it to the end of the file
If you run into any problems, just hit CTRL ALT F3 to switch to a different tty login, run the command to edit the file again and put a # in front of the options that are giving you trouble and reboot
Alternatively you can just completely remove the file with the following command and reboot
Try this one with risk, It will be sure to crash GNOME, I am not sure about other DEs
just add it to the end of the file
If you run into any problems, just hit CTRL ALT F3 to switch to a different tty login, run the command to edit the file again and put a # in front of the options that are giving you trouble, Most likely the last one
Alternatively you can just completely remove the file with the following command
Libstrangle [] is a tool that helps you control framerates but also vsync settings. This is especially handy for games that do not support these features, You would like to half your framerate to make it run better save some power or just give your hardware a break.
If you run Arch it will be in the AUR, for other distros you have to run the following commands
Libstrangle can be used in multiple ways depending on what you want to achieve.
To use libstrangle you can simply type strangle and then the amount of frames you want to run. There are some examples below, But the features you will probably use are Vsync which you use by using the -v option, the rules for OpenGL and Vulkan are different, Here is what each number does for the different apis.
OpenGL 0 Force off, 1 Force on, n — Sync to refresh rate
Vulkan 0 Force off, 1 Mailbox mode, 2 Traditional vsync, 3 Adaptive vsync
You can also limit the game depending on the power state of your device, Set it to 60 while charging and on 30 while discharging for example. You do this by adding a second number right after a colon. in example, strangle 60:30. There are more features but they are not that commonly used, you can check the gitlab link above or simply type strangle -h for more information.
To limit the framerate of supertuxkart to 30 simply run
To Force enable vsync on 60 fps for an OpenGL Steam game set the launch option to
To set the framerate of a vulkan game on Steam to 120 fps but 60 on battery power with adaptive vsync set this as your launch command
Mangohud [] is a monitoring tool for Vulkan and OpenGL applications. It can show CPU and GPU usage, temps, But also framerates, frametimes and a lot more.
If you are on Arch you can find it in the AUR, If you are on Fedora you can find it in your repos.
For other distros execute the following commands.
To configure it with a GUI you can check out GOverlay below. For a manual configuration you can edit
If you want exactly my configuration you can just copy this into it without the need for GOverlay.
You can tweak all the little things you want here. You can also create different configurations per game by adding a MangoHud.conf file to the game directory.
To use it for any game change its launch option to
To use it with non Steam games use the following command
Some games might need the 32 bit version, try this if the normal command fails.
VKBasalt [] is a post processing layer for Vulkan which enables you to enhance graphics further. It only works with Vulkan, This includes all Proton games.
If you are on Arch, it will be in the AUR, Just look for Basalt using your package manager.
If you are on a different distro you need to manually build it.
/.config/vkBasalt && cp /usr/share/vkBasalt/vkBasalt.conf.example
You can tweak all the little things you want here. You can also create different configurations per game by adding a vkBasalt.conf file to the game directory.
To use VKBasalt for any particular game enter this as a launch option.
You can also start non Steam games this way by typing the following command
GOverlay [] is a Graphical User Interface for managing MangoHud and VKBasalt
If you are on a Arch based distro you can find it in the AUR, just install it with your favorite package manager. You can also find it in your repos if you are on Fedora.
If you are on a different Linux distro you can install it manually.
First install Lazarus and git with your package manager, it should be in your repositories, and maybe it is already installed. I will list the installation method for Debian based systems, change the first command if you are on a different distro.
xpad works great, is the default on modern Linux distros and supports a wide range of controllers, But if you are like me and you only Xbox One controllers then using xpadneo is much better.
For Bluetooth to work with xpad and the Xbox One controllers you need to disable ertm (This is not needed for xpadneo)
create the config file
Add the following line to the document and save and exit with CTRL + X.
xpadneo [] supports Xbox One controllers wired and over bluetooth, It enables Force Feedback even the vibration inside the triggers, It supports battery level indication, It also fixes the mapping in many many games that where previously unplayable with a Xbox One controller on Linux.
Your Linux distribution should now be optimized for gaming, Have fun 🙂
If you have run into any problems, Have any suggestions or additions or you are missing your favorite distro, Please let me know, and i will do my best make this guide complete.