- Taskbar Hide для Windows
- Отзывы о программе Taskbar Hide
- How to Hide the Taskbar in Windows 10
- How to Hide the Taskbar in Windows 10
- Hide the Taskbar on Some Screens, But Not Others
- Moving the Taskbar
- How do I hide taskbar windows 10 without auto-hide
- Replies (8)
- Hide Taskbar in Windows 10 with a hotkey
- Hide Taskbar with a hotkey
- Hide Taskbar Free Download
- Related Posts
- How to create multiple taskbars on Windows 10 with Linkbar
- Apps keep pinning themselves on startup to the taskbar
- How to show Taskbar in Full-Screen mode on Windows 10
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Taskbar Hide для Windows
Оценка: |
4.20 /5 голосов — 5 |
Лицензия: | Бесплатная |
Версия: | 3.0 | Сообщить о новой версии |
Обновлено: | 25.11.2019 |
ОС: | Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, XP |
Интерфейс: | Английский |
Разработчик: | Eusing Software |
Категория: | Десктоп менеджеры |
Загрузок (сегодня/всего): | 0 / 3 037 | Статистика |
Размер: | 883 Кб |
Taskbar Hide — небольшая утилита, которая позволяет мгновенно (в одно нажатие) скрыть любое открытое приложение на компьютере. Бывает, что на работе или дома Вы открыли какую-то программу или игру, о чем не следует знать окружающим. Если в это время шеф или кто-то из членов семьи неожиданно появится и захочет узнать чем же Вы занимаетесь, то не всегда удается быстро закрыть такое приложение, а сворачивание в панель задач не скроет запущенную программу. В этом случае как нельзя кстати будет данная утилита.
Используя набор горячих комбинаций клавиш, Вы сможете в один клик мгновенно скрыть (или закрыть) любую запущенную программу от посторонних глаз, как будто она никогда и не открывалось на Вашем ПК. При этом само приложение может оставаться работающим, и Вы так же быстро восстановите его.
Программа позволяет скрывать (или закрывать) панель задач (полностью или частично), системный трей и даже кнопку «Пуск». Это, кстати, еще и предотвратит несанкционированный доступ к программам в Ваше отсутствие. В общем, Taskbar Hide весьма полезная и удобная утилита, которая особенно пригодится офисным работникам.
WizMouse — простая и полезная утилита для прокрутки любых открытых окон на экране монитора при помощи колесика мышки.
Carroll — простенький инструмент для управления разрешением экрана монитора.
Winaero Tweaker — портативная системная утилита для настройки внешнего вида и дополнительной.
Простая в работе утилита с открытым исходным кодом, которая позволяет автоматически.
Fences — программа с помощью которой пользователь может организовать и привести в порядок.
DisplayFusion — приложение, которое призвано существенно упростить жизнь владельцев.
Отзывы о программе Taskbar Hide
дима про Taskbar Hide 3.0 [13-08-2020]
Game Ranger постоянно показывал всплываюшие надписи в трее это програма помогла решить эту проблему
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kira про Taskbar Hide 3.0 [13-08-2020]
отличный софт может прятать не только в трей, но и сами значки трея
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Дмитрий про Taskbar Hide 3.0 [04-05-2020]
Вообще то прога спрашивает активацию (.
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Admin в ответ Дмитрий про Taskbar Hide 3.0 [05-05-2020]
Программа бесплатная, об этом написано на первом экране при старте. Там же просят активацию. Нажимаете Skip и все. Желающие могут приобрести приложение, тем самым помочь разработчикам в дальнейшем развитии софта.
Taskbar Hide is a freeware product, this means that you can download and use it for free.
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Дмитрий в ответ Admin про Taskbar Hide 3.0 [05-05-2020]
При перезагрузке не помнит настройки (v1.8), что и плохо.
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Admin в ответ Дмитрий про Taskbar Hide 3.0 [05-05-2020]
Да, есть такое дело. Активацию просит при каждом запуске.
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Dante про Taskbar Hide 3.0 [25-03-2020]
Параша, не работает с дерьмом из вин стора.
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Василий про Taskbar Hide 3.0 [12-12-2019]
Здравставуйте! Решил установить программу Taskbar Hide, так как возникла необходимость скрывать «Панель задач». Стандартными средствами Windows 10 настроить не удалось. Хотя да же странно, вообщем потестируем программу.Всего доброго.
| 1 | Ответить
How to Hide the Taskbar in Windows 10
By Ash Puckett 24 February 2020
Looking for autohide?
The taskbar in Windows 10 is extremely flexible. You can move it around, combine windows into one icon, and autohide it from your screen entirely. This is particularly useful if you use full-screen applications and want to hide the taskbar when it’s not in use.
How to Hide the Taskbar in Windows 10
1. Right-click an empty spot on the taskbar. This will open a menu of options.
2. Choose Taskbar settings from the menu. This will open a new window.
3. Toggle on «Automatically hide the taskbar in desktop mode» or «Automatically hide the taskbar in tablet mode» depending on the configuration of your PC.
Hide the Taskbar on Some Screens, But Not Others
If you use multiple monitors, you can opt to show the taskbar on just one or across both displays. This is adjusted from the same Taskbar settings menu.
1. Toggle «Show taskbar on all displays» to On or Off, depending on your preference.
2. Select one or both monitors from the drop-down list to choose where the taskbar buttons will appear.
Moving the Taskbar
If you don’t like the location of the taskbar, you can move it to any side of the screen.
1. Look for a section called Taskbar location on screen.
2. Select an edge of the screen using the drop-down menu. The taskbar can appear on the top, left, right, or bottom of the screen.
How do I hide taskbar windows 10 without auto-hide
On windows XP and Vista there was a function on the taskbar which I loved a lot and disappeared on the next versions. It was the «hide task bar» NOT «auto-hide». The great advantage of it, was that the taskbar only appeared when I pressed the Windows key. With the auto-hide it is completely annoying that every time I’ll go down to press on something on the software that I am using, the REALLY annoying Auto-hide pops-up, in front of the buttons that I want to press! Then I spent a battle of seconds waiting that taskbar disappears, then try again to press that button and again the taskbar appears! Sometimes this drives me crazy!
I moved the task to the sides and currently I have on the top, even so all this options have buttons that I need and not the ### taskbar!
Why Microsoft removed this simple and great option that they had before?
Replies (8)
Thank you for contacting Microsoft Community.
Sorry to inform you that, the only option to hide the taskbar is through “Auto hide” in windows 10, it is by design.
We request you to provided us feedback regarding this issue, so that it will reach our concern team.
Hope this information is helpful and do let us know if you need further assistance. We will be glad to assist.
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Thank you for contacting Microsoft Community.
Sorry to inform you that, the only option to hide the taskbar is through “Auto hide” in windows 10, it is by design.
We request you to provided us feedback regarding this issue, so that it will reach our concern team.
Hope this information is helpful and do let us know if you need further assistance. We will be glad to assist.
I will gladly provide this Feedback.
Where can I do that? Is there any link for it?
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Thank you for your response.
I suggest you to follow the below step to send the feedback and check if it helps.
- In the “Search box” type as “Windows feedback”.
- Click on it and it will prompt to sign in.
- Sign in and follow the onscreen instructions to provide feedback.
You may refer to the below article and check fi it helps.
Hope this information is helpful and do let us know if you need further assistance. We will be glad to assist.
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Is there any other option than completely open the doors of my computer to Microsoft just to give a feedback saying «Please return back the function on XP and Vista of Hide the task bar»?!
I believe that should be some other way, no?
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This drives me nuts too. I try to maximize my screen for Pokerstars to accommodate the maximum number of open poker tables, and every time a table prompts me for my action, the taskbar drops down. and this happens constantly every few seconds! Why do they not have a simple feature such as ‘lock hide mode’. They currently have ‘lock’ taskbar mode to prevent the taskbar from being moved or adjusted accidentally with the mouse, so why do they not have a ‘lock’ mode for when it’s hidden? Is this 2016 or 1983? There is not excuse for this feature to be missing in such advanced times that we live in now.
I will be reporting this to microsoft in the proper suggestion box and any other place it will be read. If you report the same thing, and we get others to report this, they will surely take this more seriously and fix this problem and update our computers one day, hopefully soon!!
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Hide Taskbar in Windows 10 with a hotkey
We are pleased to release Hide Taskbar. While you can always use the Auto hide taskbar feature to hide the taskbar and make it appear only when you take your mouse pointer down to the bottom of the desktop, Hide Taskbar lets you hide only the taskbar, and not the Start Button, with a click.
Hide Taskbar with a hotkey
Simply download and run the app. Use hotkeys Ctrl+Esc to hide or un-hide the taskbar.
And why would you require such a program? The reason could be well, you love a clean desktop and don’t want even a taskbar to mar your wallpaper or maybe you are working on something, and you want to suddenly hide all the other minimized windows or well it could be simply because you think it looks cool to hide and un-hide the taskbar.
You may also find this app of interest if you use a Dock like RocketDock.
This app does not hide the taskbar automatically on running it, but allows you to choose, using the hotkeys when to hide and un-hide! Moreover, Hide Taskbar leaves a very low memory footprint.
To have it run on every start-up, place its shortcut in the following folder:
And what gave us the idea to develop this portable freeware app? Simply because someone at TWC Forums put in a request.
Hide Taskbar Free Download
Hide Taskbar v 1.0 has been developed by Ritesh Kawadkar for Windows Club. It is tested on Windows 7. It should work on Windows 10/8 and Windows Vista too!
If you want to give feedback about Hide Taskbar at TWCF here.
Date: April 16, 2018 Tags: Taskbar, TWC App
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[email protected]
Anand Khanse is the Admin of TheWindowsClub.com, a 10-year Microsoft MVP (2006-16) & a Windows Insider MVP. Please read the entire post & the comments first, create a System Restore Point before making any changes to your system & be careful about any 3rd-party offers while installing freeware.
Reader Interactions
Steve Zussino says
Thank you for this app!
What a great idea.
Like the idea. but, it would be more useful if it can hide the files/shortcuts on desktop too.
I’ve include this app to the switcher in Rainmeter.
This is the code but please
¡Gracias! aplicación fantástica…Thank you great app!
James the Melon says
The .exe seems corrupted. Shame, this seemed like a great little tool.
Maybe it was your download that got corrupted. Please try again.
Where’s the help file?
It does hide the taskbar, but it not resize the windows to fit the whole screen…
For this, you need to Auto-hide the task bar (propierties).
Then, execute this program.
you can do that in windows without a program
It does hide the task bar. But even if you add the programm to the starting programms of windows , u still have to press CTRL+ESC in order to get rid of the bar =./
Or for true auto-hide taskbar hotkey, install the very inexpensive older automation program, KeyText, and assign a keyboard shortcut to the following KeyText script (you can reduce or maybe even remove the Pause commands for faster action):
It works well on my Win7 machine (64-bit), and I like auto-hide better than this Windows Club program because when auto-hide is enabled, my firefox browser, etc will immediately expand to use the additional real estate, and display more of the webpage. Same goes for reversing the auto-hide (which I believe was more problematic in older Windows like XP, etc.
Btw, Keytext works for lots more, including “text triggers” — keyboard macros (maybe mouse too, etc) triggered by typing any preset character(s) you choose. Personally, I use the semi-colon character + additional character(s) + space to trigger my Keytext “text triggers”. (just a tip. can’t help myself.)
One thing that KeyText can no longer be relied upon to do — sadly!! — is to automatically control program menus, based on the menu command names. With most programs, however, you can use ALT+ keyboard shortcuts in keytext as a workaround, and/or mouse coordinates relative to the program window. (This menu-command feature still exists in KeyText, but it’s just not a reliable form of automation anymore in Windows. Keytext hasnt been updated for a while, alas, perhaps due to the popularity of AutoHotKey and the like, or simply due to the waning of the dot-com boom.)
As you might guess from the last paragraph, I have no ties w/ KeyText or the company that makes it, etc. Just a long-time user, and a some-time advocate.
this was perfect for what I wanted 🙂 will it work on windows 8 too?