Temp folder in linux

Где временный каталог в Linux?

Есть ли в Linux стандартный временный каталог для общего пользования, например, C:\Temp папка Windows ? Если да, где он находится? Я нашел SO вопрос о программном поиске tmp каталога , но я хочу заранее установить временное местоположение в XML-файле конфигурации.

/ tmp: временные файлы

/tmp Каталог должен быть доступен для программ , которые требуют временных файлов.

Программы не должны предполагать, что какие-либо файлы или каталоги в /tmp них сохраняются между вызовами программы.


Стандарт IEEE POSIX.1-2008 перечисляет требования, аналогичные приведенному выше разделу. Хотя данные, хранящиеся в, /tmp могут быть удалены в зависимости от сайта, рекомендуется, чтобы файлы и каталоги, расположенные в /tmp них, удалялись при каждой загрузке системы.

FHS добавил эту рекомендацию на основе исторического прецедента и общепринятой практики, но не сделал ее обязательным требованием, поскольку системное администрирование не входит в сферу применения этого стандарта.

/ var / tmp: временные файлы сохраняются между перезагрузками системы

/var/tmp Каталог доступен для программ , которым требуется временные файлы или каталоги , которые должны сохраняться между перезагрузками системы. Поэтому данные, хранящиеся в, /var/tmp являются более постоянными, чем данные в /tmp .

Файлы и каталоги, расположенные в, /var/tmp не должны быть удалены при загрузке системы. Несмотря на то, что данные, хранящиеся в, /var/tmp как правило, удаляются в зависимости от сайта, рекомендуется, чтобы удаление происходило с меньшей частотой, чем /tmp .

TMPDIR Эта переменная должна представлять путь к каталогу, доступному для программ, которым требуется место для создания временных файлов.

Это старый вопрос, поэтому сегодня есть еще один вариант. Дистрибутивы Linux, на systemd которые полагается (а это 90%), теперь могут использовать $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR каталог ( спецификация XDG Base Directory ) для хранения определенных типов временных файлов. Обычно он находится по адресу /run/user/$uid . Это каталог для пользователя с 700 разрешениями, которые обеспечивают лучшую безопасность. Это tmpfs крепление, которое обеспечивает производительность. Недостатком tmpfs является то, что он должен использоваться только для хранения небольших файлов и сокетов.

Я смотрю на это как на брак /tmp и /var/run .

Да / TMP для общего пользования. Смотрите здесь и здесь О стандарте иерархии файловой системы.

/ tmp / Временные файлы (см. также / var / tmp). Часто не сохраняется между перезагрузками системы.

С некоторыми подробностями, перечисленными в PDF.

Вы не можете заранее выбрать одно временное имя каталога, которое будет работать для любой системы Linux. На самом деле, вы не можете сделать это и в Windows. Согласно статье Википедии о временных папках , временный каталог в Windows определяется переменной среды TEMP. Если бы вы просто использовали c:\Temp в качестве временного каталога в системе Windows, в котором для TEMP установлено другое значение, любая программа, использующая ваш XML-файл для выбора временного каталога, потерпит неудачу.

Короче говоря, системный временный каталог определяется средой во всех известных мне современных операционных системах, включая как Windows, так и любую UNIX-подобную систему. Установка одного статического пути в качестве временного каталога будет работать только до тех пор, пока значения по умолчанию не будут изменены.

Во всяком случае, стандартный временный каталог в типичной системе Linux есть /tmp . Это эквивалент C:\Temp в том смысле, что это только временный каталог по умолчанию, а не универсальный. Даже если /tmp доступно, если пользователь (или система) установил переменную среды TEMP, вместо нее следует использовать значение этой переменной.

Вы можете попробовать выбрать временный каталог относительно домашнего каталога пользователя, который вы можете создать.


Create temporary directory on Linux with Bash using mktemp

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When writing a test or whenn running a build job it is usually a good practice to use a temporary directory and then clean up after the process is done.

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It is also a good practice to make sure the temporary directoy is unique so if two processes run at the same time they won’t interfere.

In Linux one usually has a directory called /tmp to store temporary files. In most of the programming languages there is some tool to create temporary directories. Sometimes these also handle the removal of these directories once they are not needed any more.

In Unix/Linux shell we can use the mktemp commmand to create a temporary directory inside the /tmp directory.

The -d flag instructs the command to create the directory.

The -t flag allows us to provide a template. Each X character will be replaced by a random character. The more such characters the better your chances of having a unique directory. The rest of the template can and should be use to make it clear what is the purpose of the directory. In the above example this directory was created for and by the CI system.

The command will print the directory to the screen, but you can capture it to a variable and you can use it to create your files in this temporary directory.

At the end of the process you will probably want to remove the directory.

Here is a full example:

It will print the name of the directory that will look like this:

Date based directory

It can be also a good idea to include the date in the name of the directory. Especially if we might keep it for later observation. In any case here is an example on how to generate a temporary directory that has a fixed part, a date-based part, and a random part:

The directory name will look like this:

Other root directory

By default the temporary directory will be created inside the /tmp directory. Sometimes we might want it to be in some other directory. For example I’ve created a tmp directory in my home directory and wanted to place the temporary directories inside that directory:

The path to the new directory will look like this:

For further options you might want to check out the documentation of mktemp.


Where is the temporary directory in Linux?

Does Linux have a standard temporary directory for general use, like Windows’s C:\Temp folder? If so, where is it located? I found an SO question about finding a tmp directory programmatically, but I want to set a temp location in an XML config file ahead of time.

5 Answers 5

/tmp : Temporary files

The /tmp directory must be made available for programs that require temporary files.

Programs must not assume that any files or directories in /tmp are preserved between invocations of the program.


IEEE standard POSIX.1-2008 lists requirements similar to the above section. Although data stored in /tmp may be deleted in a site-specific manner, it is recommended that files and directories located in /tmp be deleted whenever the system is booted.

FHS added this recommendation on the basis of historical precedent and common practice, but did not make it a requirement because system administration is not within the scope of this standard.

/var/tmp : Temporary files preserved between system reboots

The /var/tmp directory is made available for programs that require temporary files or directories that are preserved between system reboots. Therefore, data stored in /var/tmp is more persistent than data in /tmp .

Files and directories located in /var/tmp must not be deleted when the system is booted. Although data stored in /var/tmp is typically deleted in a site-specific manner, it is recommended that deletions occur at a less frequent interval than /tmp .

TMPDIR This variable shall represent a pathname of a directory made available for programs that need a place to create temporary files.

This is an old question so today there is another option available. Linux distributions relying on systemd (which is 90% of them) can now use $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR directory (XDG Base Directory Specification) to store certain types of temporary files. It is generally located at /run/user/$uid . This is a per-user directory with 700 permissions which provides better security. This is a tmpfs mount which provides performance. The downside of tmpfs is that it should only be used to keep small files and sockets.

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I look at it as a marriage of /tmp and /var/run .

Yes /tmp is for general use. See here and here On the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard.

/tmp/ Temporary files (see also /var/tmp). Often not preserved between system reboots.

With some more details listed in the PDF.

You cannot choose a single temporary directory name ahead of time that will work for any Linux system. In fact, you can’t do that on Windows either. According to Wikipedia’s article on temporary folders, the temporary directory on Windows is determined by the environment variable TEMP. If you were simply using c:\Temp as a temporary directory on a Windows system that set TEMP to something else, then any program using your XML file to choose a temporary directory would fail.

In short, the system temporary directory is determined by the environment on all modern operating systems that I know of, including both Windows and any UNIX-like system. Setting a single static path as your temporary directory will only work as long as the defaults have not been changed.

Anyway, the standard temporary directory in a typical Linux system is /tmp . It is the equivalent of C:\Temp in the sense that it is only the default temporary directory, not universal. Even if /tmp is available, if a user (or the system) has set the TEMP environment variable, the value of that variable should be used instead.

You could try choosing a temporary directory relative to the user’s home directory, which you can create.


Where can I find the correspondent of «temp» folder in Firefox?

If I’m right, if I play a video on Youtube, when I’m using Firefox on a Windows machine, the browser stores the video file in the temp folder. So, theoretically, I should find that video already downloaded in the temp. But I don’t know how to find in Linux the correspondent of the «temp» folder. I have tried in the «etc» folder but got nothing useful. Do you have any ideas how to sort this out?

Yesterday I have been playing a video on Youtube all day long, and now I see it’s gone «for copyright infringement, blah-blah», but I think the played file should be «hiding» somewhere on my system, only if I could get to it somehow. Can you help me with this?

4 Answers 4

You can put about:cache in the location bar, it should display where it keeps the «temp» folder.

I think you mean firefox cache folder not ubuntu temp folder.

Firefox cache folder is located in

Simply, go to your home folder and press cntr + h to view hidden files. Then go to the .cache/mozilla/firefox/xxxxxxxx.default/cache/ folder and search for your videos.

xxxxxxxx is a random string of characters.

A better approach is to install gnome-search-tool via terminal using this command sudo apt-get install gnome-search-tool .

Launch it via the dash, its called search for files , choose the firefox cache folder for the look in folder option.

Choose select more options and in available options choose size at least and set it at about 5Mb, thats about 5120Kb and search. Leave the name contains blank.

In the search results you will find all your videos and all you have to do is copy-paste them to another folder.

The temp folder on linux is /tmp/ . Most of the linux softwares use it for storing temporary files, firefox does so too. For example when you say Open with . for a file instead of downloading it firefox stores that file in /tmp/ . But this folder is emptied on every reboot (since these are temporary files which shouldn’t be kept across reboots) so you won’t find the files there after a reboot.

A few years ago youtube video caches were also saved here, like it is mentioned in this question, but things have changed. You can see what happened in the two most upvoted answers to that question: There was a time when the cached videos were simply moved to another folder, but later they moved it back to /tmp/ but now they unlink the file so the file is not present in the file system but is still accessible with that trcik mentioned in the second most upvoted answer there. This latter method (from the second answer) is still working for most of the flash video websites, but it doesn’t work anymore with youtube. Youtube have changed to not cache at all the video (or they cache in RAM, I don’t know).

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To sum up: That file is not on your drive, no need to search for it.


How to automatically clean up /tmp directory contents in Linux?

Every Linux system has a directory called /tmp which has mounted with separate file system.

It has special filesystem called tmpfs. It’s a virtual filesystem and operating system will automatically mount /tmp mount point while system booting.

If you want to mount /tmp directory separately as per the application requirement.

Yes, you can mount it and it should be added to the /etc/fstab file.

/tmp directory is a directory used to hold temporary files (or session files) when application is running.

Those temporary files will be deleted automatically by application once their process is got completed.

By default /tmp directory is cleaned up only at the time of system startup or reboot.

By default applications are automatically delete their contents from this directory once their process is got completed. But some of the applications won’t do.

Hence, we need to remove those files manually but if we delete some of the live files from this directory which leads to disconnect the current session that has established.

However, if /tmp directory got filled up and we need to remove unused files or old session files or dead files to free up some disk space on it.

Otherwise the applications which are running on the server doesn’t work and you will be getting some error message when they are trying to write session files on /tmp directory.

In this scenario, what would be the best approach to remove /tmp directory contents.

Use the df command to check the /tmp directory has mounted as separately. Yes as per the below output the /tmp has mounted separately.

You can navigate to “/tmp” mount point to see what kind of files were occupied by the /tmp.

It can be achieved by using the below three options.

  • atime: File Last Access Time – The last time the file (or directory) data was accessed
  • ctime: The last time the inode status was changed.
  • mtime: The last time the file (or directory) data was modified.

Method-1 : How To Delete /tmp Files Older Than “X” Days In Linux Using mtime

These commands will help you to remove files older than “X” Days. It’s up to you, how do you want to perform this. You can use the options based on your requirements.

To delete /tmp files oldern than 2 days on /tmp directory using mtime, run the following command.

Method-2 : How To Delete /tmp Files Older Than “X” Days In Linux Using atime

These commands will help you to remove files older than “X” Days. It’s up to you, how do you want to perform this. You can use the options based on your requirements.

To delete /tmp files oldern than 2 days on /tmp directory using atime, run the following command.

Method-3 : How To Delete /tmp Files Older Than “X” Hours In Linux Using ctime

To delete /tmp files oldern than 5 hours on /tmp directory using ctime, run the following command.

Method-4 : How To Delete /tmp Files Older Than “X” Hours In Linux Using Shell Script

The above methods are requires human interaction to perform the task.

However, we can’t keep eye on this by 24/7. If you have 1000+ servers, what will be the solution?

It should be automated via script. To clean up the /tmp directory, we can write a small shell script.

The script will delete /tmp files older than 5 hours.

Finally add a cronjob to automate this. It will run every five hours.


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