- How do I find the largest files on my PC in Windows 10?
- How do I search for files by size in Windows 10?
- 1. Use a third-party tool
- Copernic Desktop Search
- 2. Use File Explorer
- Скачать игру Feed and Grow: Fish v0.14.1.3 [Новая Версия] на ПК
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- Трио Кирилла Рихтера выступило на сцене в Салехарде
- Концерт классической музыки «Трио Кирилла Рихтера» прошел в Салехарде
- В школе № 3 в рамках культурно-образовательного проекта «Культура народов Ямала» состоялся урок «Современные танцевальные, хоровые коллективы и вокальные ансамбли в округе»
- Подписка на новости
- The big feed windows
- Here’s why:
- Quick Links:
- The 4 Best Window Bird Feeders
- 7 Tips for Success With Window Feeders
- You think Smartphones are distracting?
- They are even exciting for people that don’t love watching birds!
- Below is a list of the 4 best window bird feeders that are working at our house.
- My 4 Favorite Window Bird Feeders
- #1: Aspects Cafe Window Feeder
- The perching area where the birds eat from is small.
- This plastic body that holds food is simple to remove, clean, and refill!
- The design helps to dissuade larger birds.
- There is no plastic blocking my view of the birds from inside.
- The roof is sloped.
- Strong suction.
- Aspects is well respected.
- #2: CJS Acrylic Window Bird Feeder
- My review and thoughts:
- Secure attachment to my window.
- The inside tray is removable.
- Ability to feed different types of bird food.
- The bird food stays (somewhat) dry.
- Large feeding area.
- #3. Woodlink Window Feeder Hangar
- They don’t leave a mess on my window!
- #4. Aspects Window Hummingbird Feeder
- The red lid unhinges easily.
- The nectar does not leak.
- Strong suction.
- Comfortable for hummingbirds to use.
- Ant moat.
- Aspects is well respected.
- 7 Tips For Success with Window Bird Feeders
- 1. Create a strong suction to the window.
- 2. Use your bird’s favorite foods in your window feeders.
- 3. Deter House Sparrows and European Starlings.
- 4. Don’t place near the most popular room.
- 5. Help birds find your new window feeders.
- 6. Place your window bird feeder over grass or mulch.
- 7. Avoid window collisions.
- Conclusion
- 7 responses to “The 4 Window Bird Feeders Working BEST For Me! [2021]”
How do I find the largest files on my PC in Windows 10?
- Sometimes, you need to free up some space by removing large, unused files.
- The two quick tips listed below will surely be of great help to you.
- If you want to use less storage space, find some inspiration in our File Management Hub.
- For 24-hour professional guidance, don’t hesitate to bookmark this Tech Tutorials Hub.
- Find files on your PC, laptop and other devices
- Locate themin multiple places: local, network or cloud storage
- Get back pretty much everything you lost at a snap
find all the files,
even in cloud and network
Is your laptop’s or desktop’s hard drive more than 75% full? If so, you need to free up some hard drive space.
Erasing temporary files with disk cleaner software tools is one convenient way to free up some storage space.
To do that, you’ll just need to find the largest files on your PC ‘s hard drive first. We’re here to help you out with that.
How do I search for files by size in Windows 10?
1. Use a third-party tool
A dedicated file finder tool such as Copernic Desktop Search will help you with the utmost accuracy to find documents depending on your needs.
The tool comes with a Refine search feature to allow you to dig deep into the computer files and get exactly what you’re looking for.
As a result, you can search a file by:
Copernic comes in several subscription versions, including a free one, that has some limitations, in terms of the file types it retrieves.
However, you can rest assured that the most popular ones ( such as Office files, Outlook emails, and attachments, text documents, archived, and multimedia files ) are covered.
After finding the largest files, in case you need to keep some of them, you can still free up HDD space by moving the files from your hard drive into Google Drive or OneDrive cloud storage.
Copernic Desktop Search
2. Use File Explorer
- Press the File Explorer button on the Windows 10 taskbar.
- Select your C: drive or an alternative drive partition to search for files on. (Alternatively, you can select a specific folder to search for files in.)
- Click inside the Search box to the right of Explorer’s window to open the Search tab.
- Select the All subfolders option.
- Click the Size button to open the drop-down menu shown below.
- Select the Gigantic (>128 MB) option to search for the largest files. (File Explorer will then list all files that eclipse 128 MB within your selected directory or drive.)
- Press the Type button to further modify your search.
- Select to search for a more specific file type, such as image, music, or video.
- Erase files by selecting them and pressing the Delete button.
- Select the Empty Recycle Bin option in the Recycle Bin to erase the deleted files.
Although many users utilize Cortana to search in Windows 10, File Explorer remains the best built-in utility for file searching.
So, if you don’t want to go for a dedicated tool, Explorer is a decent Windows file manager with numerous search options.
You can find your PC’s largest files with the options on Explorer’s Search tab, simply as described in the procedure above.
You might find that some of your desktop’s or laptop’s largest files are system files in subfolders within the Windows folder. Never delete any large file that might be a system file.
If you’re not sure whether a file is a system one or not, do not erase it. Stick to deleting the largest image, video, document, and other files within your user folder.
File Explorer might also find large program (EXE) files. Don’t delete program files from within Explorer as they’ll probably be listed within the Programs and Features Control Panel applet.
The Windows 10 tips detailed in this useful post will also free up more hard drive space.
Let us know if you managed to achieve your goal in the comments area below.
Скачать игру Feed and Grow: Fish v0.14.1.3 [Новая Версия] на ПК
by DEMA · Published 15.03.2021 · Updated 15.03.2021
Feed and Grow: Fish (Фид анд Гров: Фиш) — компьютерная игра, которая отправит тебя в огромный, красочный, но в то же время опасный подводный мир. Тебя ждёт масса эмоций и расслабление. Здесь ты исполнишь роль жителя океана, который будет находить все саособы, чтобы выжить и дорасти до самого бесстрашного обитателя. Бороздить просторы океана в поисках полезной пищи в виде маленьких рыбок, но не забывай, что есть рыбы и побольше, которые также голодны, как и ты. Для того, чтобы увеличиваться в размерах, необходимо очень много кушать. Тебя ждёт масса красочных локаций, а также огромная коллекция рыб самых разных видов и окрасов. Ты можешь стать очень маленькой рыбкой в этом огромном мире, либо принять главенствующую позицию, заняв место грозной и беспощадной акулы. Мир игры огромен и разнообразен, поэтому твоё приключение будет очень забавным и динамичным.
Информация о игре Год выпуска: 2016
Жанр: Экшены, Инди, Симуляторы, Ранний доступ
Разработчик: Old B1ood
Версия: v0.14.1.3 (Последняя)
Язык интерфейса: английский
Таблетка: Присутствует
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Трио Кирилла Рихтера выступило на сцене в Салехарде
Концерт классической музыки «Трио Кирилла Рихтера» прошел в Салехарде
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The big feed windows
About a year ago, I decided to try and hang a few window bird feeders on the back of our house.
When it comes to feeding and enjoying birds, this has easily been one of the BEST decisions that I have made!
Here’s why:
It’s incredible to see our backyard birds this close. If I move slowly, I can easily get right next to the window to see their beautiful plumage, unique beaks, or even the color of their eyes.
Quick Links:
The 4 Best Window Bird Feeders
7 Tips for Success With Window Feeders
You think Smartphones are distracting?
Try getting a bird feeder on your window! My wife regularly snaps me back to reality because I am always staring outside!
And here’s something else I enjoy about window bird feeders:
They are even exciting for people that don’t love watching birds!
For example, my wife (who supports my hobby but otherwise wouldn’t have eight bird feeders in her yard) is always giving me updates on what is happening at the window while I’m at work. I get texts saying the blackbirds are fighting, the goldfinches have eaten all the sunflower, etc. And any visitors immediately want to talk about the bird feeders all over the windows and the entertainment they provide.
And did I mention that window bird feeders make excellent gifts.
Since hanging up window bird feeders has been so much fun, I thought I would share some things that I have learned:
Below is a list of the 4 best window bird feeders that are working at our house.
I tried to give some of the benefits and potential problems with each of these feeders too.
My 4 Favorite Window Bird Feeders
#1: Aspects Cafe Window Feeder
My short review and thoughts:
The perching area where the birds eat from is small.
- Only two birds can feed on the Aspects Window Feeder at a time. But the benefit of this is that birds can’t sit directly on top of their food, which prevents any birds from defecating on it and inside the tray (this is a problem in feeder #2 below.).
This plastic body that holds food is simple to remove, clean, and refill!
- See the picture below. The hopper slides right out while the roof stays suctioned to the window.
Photo Courtesy of AspectsInc.com
The design helps to dissuade larger birds.
- Since the roof hangs over the feeding trays, there is not a lot of vertical area for larger birds to land and feed. European Starlings cause the most problems with my window bird feeders (they eat all the food and scare away the smaller birds), and this Aspects feeder is their least favorite. It’s hard for them to squeeze their body onto the tray and still eat (but trust me, they still visit this one if the others are empty.).
There is no plastic blocking my view of the birds from inside.
- As the birds are feeding, you get a very clear view. For example, look at window feeder #2 below. As the birds feed, you have to see through plastic, so it’s not as great of a view.
The roof is sloped.
- Having a sloped roof prevents birds from perching on top and defecating all over the feeder. Plus, it’s very entertaining watching the goldfinches TRY to land on top only to slide off.

Strong suction.
- The roof easily attaches to windows with the three suction cups. No issues with the feeder falling off the window.
Aspects is well respected.
- It’s made in America by a company that is known for its quality products and customer service. Made with UV stabilized polycarbonate. Backed by their Lifetime Guarantee.
#2: CJS Acrylic Window Bird Feeder
My review and thoughts:
Secure attachment to my window.
- Window bird feeders are notoriously hard to keep attached. I have had no issues with this feeder as the four suction cups do an excellent job.
The inside tray is removable.
- I don’t have to take the entire feeder off the window to clean or refill with food. I just have to take out the tray that sits inside the plastic shelter. If you don’t decide to take the tray out, it’s a bit awkward to refill with seed because of the roof overhang.
Ability to feed different types of bird food.
- The tray insert has a divider in the middle, which makes it easy to offer different types of food without mixing them. Typically, I put sunflower kernels on one side and peanut pieces on the other.
The bird food stays (somewhat) dry.
- First, it has a roof over the bird food which prevents most rain and snow. And just in case any water does hit the food, there are many small drain holes in the bottom for immediate drainage.
Large feeding area.
- I have seen as many as three different species and six individual birds feeding at once!
#3. Woodlink Window Feeder Hangar
By utilizing a hook with suction cups, you can hang almost any small bird feeder from your window. This means you can continuously experiment and change the feeder and food being offered.
Here is something else I love about this window feeder hanger:
They don’t leave a mess on my window!
Since bird feeders that attach directly onto the window with suction cups are so close, bits of seed waste tend to accumulate on the glass. Typically every few weeks I have to clean the window surrounding the feeder.
By using a window hanger, it sets the bird feeder about 6 inches away from the window. Almost all of the waste falls to the ground.
Here are the three bird feeders that I am currently rotating onto my window hangar along with some of the different birds that each one has attracted. For the record, the Woodlink Window Feeder Hangar is advertised as holding up to 4 pounds!
By filling with a mixture of suet nuggets and peanut pieces, it’s common to see Downy Woodpeckers and Carolina Wrens right outside our kitchen window.
Using nyjer seed attracts many goldfinches, which provide endless entertainment as they cling all over the sides.
This small, classic tube feeder works great hanging from a hangar. Filling it with sunflower kernels and peanut pieces attracts many different birds, including Black-capped Chickadees, House Finches, and American Goldfinches.
#4. Aspects Window Hummingbird Feeder
This is one of the best window bird feeders available to see hummingbirds up close!
Here’s my quick review:
The red lid unhinges easily.
- It’s easy to take the top off (it’s attached via a hinge), clean, and then refill with nectar.
Photo Courtesy of AspectsInc.com
The nectar does not leak.
- Because of its simple dish design, the nectar stays inside the tray and does not make your window sticky and gross. For the record, it holds 8 oz.
Strong suction.
- This past summer I had no issues with the feeder sticking to my window with the two suction cups. I think it helps that it’s so small and light.
Comfortable for hummingbirds to use.
- It includes a perch around the three feeding ports for the hummingbirds to land on while they eat.
Ant moat.
- If ants are a problem, it includes a moat that insects can’t cross when filled with water! This can be detached if desired.
Aspects is well respected.
- Their bird feeders are made in America and are known for their excellent product quality and customer service. Made with sturdy poly-carbonate and backed by their Lifetime Guarantee.

7 Tips For Success with Window Bird Feeders
1. Create a strong suction to the window.
Nothing can ruin the joyful experience of a window feeder than having it constantly fall off the window.
To help prevent this from happening, make sure that you clean the window. Nothing sticks to dirt so wipe the window down with water only. Don’t use soap as this can mess with the suction.
Next, apply a little oil to the suction cups. Typically, I just use the natural oil from my face. I take my finger and wipe on the side of my nose or my forehead. Don’t use water because once it evaporates your suction cups will lose their grip and fall.
Also, make sure that the suction cups are warm when you attach them because they will stick much better. During winter, I will bring the feeder inside to let it warm up before trying to connect to the window.
2. Use your bird’s favorite foods in your window feeders.
This is especially true if you have other bird feeders scattered in your backyard.
Imagine for a second that you are a bird deciding on where to eat your next meal. It’s much easier to just eat from the bird feeders near the woods. It takes a lot of courage to fly up next to a window to feed.
You need to get them some incentive!
My window bird feeders are full of high-quality sunflower kernels . They love the stuff! And my window feeders are the only place they can get it.
There is good bird food available in my other backyard feeders (like Black-oil Sunflower), but everything else has a shell.
If my backyard birds want the easiest and best meal, they HAVE to come to my window.
3. Deter House Sparrows and European Starlings.
At first, it’s exciting to see any bird coming to your window to use your new feeders. You’re excited that they are attracting birds!
But then the House Sparrows and European Starlings quickly become a nuisance.
I have come to realize that these two invasive species can easily dominate your window bird feeders by eating the majority of the food and keeping the birds you want to see away.
Here is an excellent strategy to help deter them:
Both House Sparrows and starlings love cracked corn, so I feed them as much and as far away as possible.
At the back of my yard and away from other bird feeders, I set up a large tube feeder filled with cracked corn (holds up to 12 pounds of food! ) . This lets these birds fill up on cheap corn and seems to help keep them away from my windows!
4. Don’t place near the most popular room.
As you can imagine, if birds see a lot of activity happening on the inside of your house they are going to be skittish and scared.
If possible, try to put your bird feeder on a window that you don’t have to walk past often.
5. Help birds find your new window feeders.
A big issue with window feeders is that birds never find them and don’t use them.
Don’t worry; this is a common problem and one that I had to overcome! Most birds are not familiar feeding on a window feeder, so you have to help train them.
Here is what worked for me:
I took my blue metal tube feeder and filled it with sunflower kernels. Then I placed it among my other bird feeders in my backyard feeding station.
This taught the birds that the bright blue feeder offered delicious food! From there, I moved it to hang from my back kitchen window. Almost immediately, the birds recognized the blue tube by sight and followed. And from there they easily found my other window bird feeders.
Another tip is to scatter lots of bird food on the ground beneath the window feeders. Once this food is gone, the hope is they search the surrounding area for more food.
And most of all, please be patient! It may take birds a few weeks to find and start using the feeders on your windows.
6. Place your window bird feeder over grass or mulch.
This may not be possible, but it sure helps to avoid a mess!
Birds naturally are going to spill some of the food and leave droppings behind. If your window feeder is over a deck or patio, then you are going to have to clean up underneath periodically.
7. Avoid window collisions.
Many people recommend purchasing and applying stickers around the feeders on your windows to help prevent any bird-glass collisions.
Personally, I have never once had a bird collide with the windows that hang my bird feeders.
I think having window bird feeders actually prevents window collisions. This is because all the local birds are familiar with the window and know that it is there.
Typically birds run into windows when they are spooked or startled by predators and trying to make a quick getaway. These reasons tend not to be an issue with window bird feeders.
Regardless, putting stickers on your windows is not a bad thing. If in doubt, try these from Window Alert .
Placing a few bird feeders directly on your windows will bring a lot of joy and fun into your home.
And I hope you didn’t skip over the 7 tips for window feeder success . There are a few lessons in there that I had to learn the hard way.
Thanks for reading. Please share your success stories below.
7 responses to “The 4 Window Bird Feeders Working BEST For Me! [2021]”
Hi, I live in the Netherlands and just bought a window feeder for my apartment building window. I live 2 high, across from a tiny street park with grass and trees, and behind the flat there are grassy area’s and backyards. A cute couple of magpies nest in the small park and some jackdaws come over to forage there periodically as well as pigeons. Behind the flat there are some small birds as well, so they are around. A flock of ring-necked parakeet flies over every now and then.
What types of food would be best to offer to lure specific species? The smaller ones would be nice. I know nothing about birds, but since my chronic illness it would be nice to see some up close. I breed my own mealworms so there is always a fresh supply of those, can I offer those as well?
I get treated to a complete view of a beautiful finch pecking on my window through this transparent window feeder by Nature’s hangout. It does not only provide many hours of enjoyment watching the birds up close but also provides a space for birds to eat freely without the worry of competing with bees or squirrels in the garden.
This has been so unbelievably helpful thank you so much! Looking to get 2 or 3 window feeders for my son’s birthday (he’s obsessed with birds!) and I didn’t know where to start. Thanks so much for taking the time to share your experiences.
I recommend Bird House Window of Nature’s Hangout. I’ve tried many advertised “squirrel proof” feeders over the years, and this is the only one that actually keeps them out! I have it about 4 feet off the ground on my doors, and they can’t get near it! Meanwhile we have a steady stream of all types of birds, from cardinals to blue jays to woodpeckers to finches. I love that I can see them up close. Really great!
How many bird feeders would you put on one window?
Thank you for your time and work making all this good info available to anyone–I’m really grateful.
I’m home-bound, elderly, a lover of birds and have 3 windows on 4th floor( in a great senior housing ap’t bldg overlooking our communal garden, the Merrimack River basin, Plum Island (Mass.), and—OH JOY THE GORGEOUS WILD BLUE ATLANTIC as my horizon! I can actually sit up in bed, look out my window AND SEE THE SUN RISE OVER THE OCEAN. —-and because I ended up completely broke, I get this for a mo. rent of $183 HEATED.
And I want to find a way to feed different species with window feeders BUT I DON’T TRUST SUCTION CUPS. The hooks look promising—but THEY also seem to use suction cups!
My ledge is 3.33″ and extends the full width of the metal 1/1 large window, Any suggestions, my new bird-friend? Love, Mary
Hello Mary! Thank you for the kind comments. Sounds like you have a beautiful view! Unfortunately, other than suction cups I don’t know how you could hang a bird feeder from a window. I’m not very handy when it comes to these things. Maybe drill a pole permanently above the window that you could hang feeders from? good luck!