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Monthly News – August 2021

Many thanks to all of you for your support and for your donations.

New website

The new website which design was presented last month is now 75% finished. The vast majority of pages were written. Work continues on the logos, the font contrast and addressing the remaining issues.

We’ll deploy it on our server this month and transition our current website towards it.


The team is also currently focused on reviewing Linux Mint’s look and feel. Many little changes are being discussed and implemented to improve the desktop’s look.

Mint-X received styling for in-app notifications and a better looking Nemo toolbar:

Mint-Y is being streamlined to provide less complexity and work better in a variety of cases:

  • Instead of providing two separate titlebar themes (one light and one dark) it will provide just one which will dynamically adjust its colors to the selected control theme.
  • The “darker” variants which mixed dark toolbars with light windows and had poor compatibility with mono icon themes will be discontinued.
  • The Mint-Y Cinnamon theme will provide a light panel (though we’ll still ship with Mint-Y-Dark by default).
  • The theme will support dark applications.

That last point consists in letting certain applications look dark even in the light theme. In Linux Mint 20.3 we will take advantage of this to ship some of the apps in dark:

Each of these applications will have a setting in its preference window to disable/enable dark mode. Note that support for dark apps will work with Cinnamon, Marco (MATE’s window manager) and Metacity, but not with Xfwm (which is used by default in Xfce).

The Mint-Y icon theme received new emblems.

Titlebars are being redesigned. Ubuntu’s default titlebar is very similar to ours but with a more intuitive maximize/unmaximize icon and larger buttons. We’re bringing this in Mint-Y. The hover zone around the icon will also be larger to make it easier to click these buttons and the shadows will look more consistent between CSD and non-CSD windows. Last but not least we’re currently testing the idea of removing the circle around the close button icon in unfocused windows, to give the focused window a more distinct look and reduce the amount of highlight in the rest of the desktop.

Many other aspects are being reviewed, such as emblems, GTK4 support, color variations, the nemo sidebar, symbolic icons and desktop sound events.

Das Keyboard

We’re happy to announce that Das Keyboard is now a Linux Mint Silver Sponsor.

Das Keyboard is an American company which specializes in TKL and full-size mechanical keyboards. They provide a range of keyboards with macros, RGB lighting, double-shot ABS or PBT keycaps, aluminum top panel and cherry MX switches.

Their “smart” boards come with a unique feature. They let you configure shortcuts and events which affect the RGB lighting on your keyboard. How about making your M key blink in red when you get an email? How about your num keys illuminating themselves based on your RAM usage?

Das Keyboard even provides an API so you can create your own applets.

With a contribution of $500/month Das Keyboard actively helps our project. If you’re in the market for a new keyboard check them out!


Linux Mint is proudly sponsored by:

Gold Sponsors:

Silver Sponsors:

Bronze Sponsors:

Community Sponsors:

  • VPS España
  • 123Viajando
  • A2 Hosting
  • Acadiana Tree Removal
  • Alan
  • Alan B.
  • Alan McMahon
  • Anagram Solver
  • Andris Z.
  • Anton Zlov
  • Baumgartner New Media GmbH
  • Bernhard Johannessen
  • Better Wood Heat: DIY Rocket Mass Heaters
  • Bitcoin Mining Software
  • Bluehost Coupon
  • Brian
  • Brian Harrison
  • Buffy Foster
  • Carlos Soutullo
  • Celtis Ltd
  • Charles B.
  • Chris Mospaw
  • Christopher Todd
  • Clare Florist
  • Colin F.
  • Compriso ApS
  • Cristian Stancu
  • David Rosenthal
  • David S.
  • Des Moines Deck Builder
  • Diarmuid O’Briain
  • Diarmuid O. B.
  • Directory
  • Divorce Attorney Charles M. Green
  • Dominik V. Salonen
  • Dylan Grafmyre
  • Ecole de Surf Biarritz
  • Eddie F.
  • Ehline Law Firm PC – Long Beach
  • Eric G.
  • Evan W.
  • Fabio
  • Falcon I.T. Services
  • Findhorn Foundation
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  • Greenville Tree Service Pros
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  • inSolus – Agence de Développement Web et Logiciel à Genève
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  • Jared E.
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  • Jeff Taffuri aka JayBird707
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  • John M.
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  • Jose Fco AP
  • Juan Luis Cano Rodríguez
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  • KoDDoS
  • Leon R.
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  • LiraNuna
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  • user manuals
  • Uwe Klosa
  • Vander Host
  • VPN University
  • Wayne C.
  • Web Design Long Island
  • William A.
  • Wong Acupuncture Center
  • Wong S.
  • World Directory

Donations in July:

A total of $12,054 were raised thanks to the generous contributions of 516 donors:

$647, Hans Vermeulen
$500, Mary R.
$300, Robb D.
$216 (9th donation), Sten L.
$216 (6th donation), Philippe L.
$110 (4th donation), Paul R.
$108, Birgit S.
$108, Tove S.
$108, Arno G.
$100 (6th donation), Thomas H.
$100 (6th donation), Andrew Gouw
$100 (5th donation), Markus S.
$100 (4th donation), Robin S.
$100 (4th donation), TM
$100 (2nd donation), John L.
$100 (2nd donation), Peter E.
$100 (2nd donation), Gilbert B.
$100 (2nd donation), Don Jr.
$100, Philippe D.
$100, Brian C.
$100, Kristoffer H.
$60, Susan S.
$59 (4th donation), Markus G.
$54 (7th donation), Torsten P.
$54 (6th donation), Timo M.
$54 (6th donation), Michael J.
$54 (3rd donation), Guy B.
$54 (3rd donation), Maurizio M.
$54, Rainer Werner B.
$54, FerrerJPB
$54, Dieter T.
$54, Gilles C.
$54, Peter P.
$54, Thomas K.
$54, Eckart H.
$51, Stephen G.
$50 (51th donation), Anthony C. aka “ciak”
$50 (26th donation), Thomas T. aka “FullTimer1489”
$50 (10th donation), An L.
$50 (10th donation), Vladimir Litvinenko
$50 (6th donation), Paul R.
$50 (5th donation), The W.
$50 (4th donation), Dave K.
$50 (3rd donation), Lynn G.
$50 (3rd donation), Rent A Handyman aka “Cardoso”
$50 (3rd donation), Philip S.
$50 (2nd donation), Alan R.
$50 (2nd donation), Daniel B.
$50 (2nd donation), John Wiersba
$50 (2nd donation), Michael S.
$50 (2nd donation), Tom M.
$50 (2nd donation), Thomas B.
$50 (2nd donation), Stephanie S.
$50, Rajesh K.
$50, James S.
$50, Richard O.
$50, Walter S.
$50, Mario A.
$50, John D H.
$50, Zeke B.
$50, John S.
$50, Mark W.
$50, Paul M.
$50, Edward W.
$50, Paul A.
$50, Dave B.
$50, Micheal B.
$50, Todd S.
$50, Christopher E.
$50, Hendrik W.
$43 (136th donation), Olli K.
$40 (6th donation), Anthony L.
$40 (2nd donation), Larry T.
$40, Michel B.
$40, Charles W.
$38, Zuzana M.
$35 (15th donation), Ted S.
$35, Raymond F. aka “Electrotechie”
$32 (3rd donation), Rafael S. A.
$32 (2nd donation), Henry T.
$32, Scot C.
$32, Jordi aka ““
$32, Tim K.
$30, Robert W.
$27 (18th donation), Joachim M.
$27 (3rd donation), Thomas G. aka “thg14”
$27, Arminas A.
$27, Fabian S.
$27, Abel C.
$27, Eduardo C.
$25 (12th donation), Scott O.
$25 (5th donation), Richard N.
$25 (3rd donation), Keith M.
$25, Paul R.
$25, Shawn B.
$25, Reuben N.
$22 (16th donation), Peter E.
$22 (15th donation), Nigel B.
$22 (8th donation), Frank J.
$22 (7th donation), Johannes F.
$22 (6th donation), Francis N.
$22 (3rd donation), William H.
$22 (3rd donation), Karlheinz R.
$22 (3rd donation), Divoto
$22 (3rd donation), Francois B.
$22 (2nd donation), Siegfried W.
$22 (2nd donation), Thomas E.
$22 (2nd donation), Christophe A.
$22 (2nd donation), Cezary Z.
$22 (2nd donation), Daniel J.
$22 (2nd donation), Giovanni D. S. aka “ChibiOS“
$22, Matthias B.
$22, Alexander L.
$22, Thomas P.
$22, Abilio R.
$22, Gregor S.
$22, Rainer F.
$22, Lars F.
$22, Graham B.
$22, Martin S.
$22, Tobias A.
$22, John E.
$22, Matthieu B.
$22, Ezequiel O.
$22, Matthias B.
$22, Anthony B.
$22, RedFox
$22, Mr N M.
$22, Jan M.
$22, Peter D.
$22, Flavio B. aka “2stroke engines 4ever”
$22, Simon G.
$22, Lars W.
$22, Olivier L.
$22, Guillaume P.
$22, Pauli K.
$22, Waldemar O.
$20 (56th donation), Curt Vaughan aka “curtvaughan “
$20 (36th donation), Bryan F.
$20 (36th donation), Jim A.
$20 (10th donation), Jon G.
$20 (9th donation), Robert L.
$20 (8th donation), V. Mark Lehky aka “SiKing“
$20 (6th donation), Matthew L. A. aka “Matt”
$20 (5th donation), Henrik Hemrin
$20 (5th donation), Robert A.
$20 (4th donation), Mr G. J. A.
$20 (4th donation), J. B. .
$20 (4th donation), Andrei Sinkevich
$20 (3rd donation), Daniel G.
$20 (3rd donation), Robert G.
$20 (3rd donation), Edward F.
$20 (3rd donation), Barry D.
$20 (3rd donation), Nate P. aka “cog_nate”
$20 (3rd donation), Joseph J.
$20 (3rd donation), Philippe S.
$20 (2nd donation), Claude M.
$20 (2nd donation), G.M.
$20 (2nd donation), John S.
$20 (2nd donation), Erick Peebles
$20 (2nd donation), Neil F.
$20, Christophe I.
$20, Chad Swahnberg
$20, Jan V.
$20, John H.
$20, Andy P.
$20, Michael W.
$20, Scott M.
$20, Raymond F.
$20, Corey L.
$20, Jens A.
$20, Mark S.
$20, Daniel W.
$20, Frank H.
$20, Anthony B.
$20, Alexander M.
$20, Aaron K.
$20, Artur
$20, Fred A.
$20, Emanuel O.
$20, Uttenweiler’s
$20, Noel M.
$20, Gary M.
$20, Aliaksei Y.
$20, Michael S.
$20, John H.
$20, Alan J A.
$18 (33rd donation), Michael R.
$16 (54th donation), Andreas S.
$16 (4th donation), M. J. .
$16 (2nd donation), Reidar S.
$15 (9th donation), Limo Rental Methuen MA
$15 (5th donation), Douglas S.
$15 (2nd donation), Painting Company Fort Lauderdale
$14 (2nd donation), Victor H.
$14, Dimitar S.
$12 (60th donation), Johann J.
$12 (23rd donation), Lance A.
$11 (16th donation), Daniel S.
$11 (11th donation), José G. aka “picaso”
$11 (10th donation), Rene Schwietzke aka “Rene S.“
$11 (7th donation), Laurent M aka “lolomeis”
$11 (6th donation), Marko U.
$11 (6th donation), Caspar F.
$11 (6th donation), Enrico C.
$11 (4th donation), Christophe C.
$11 (4th donation), Ernie H.
$11 (3rd donation), Ralf M.
$11 (3rd donation), William Bill T. aka “Sailorashore”
$11 (2nd donation), Lazo L.
$11 (2nd donation), Gerald H.
$11 (2nd donation), Owen R. aka “Owweeee”
$11 (2nd donation), António S.
$11 (2nd donation), Stefan E.
$11 (2nd donation), Richard W.
$11 (2nd donation), Joseph M.
$11 (2nd donation), Rafaz C.
$11 (2nd donation), Pavlo Pyshkin aka “”
$11 (2nd donation), Franz Z.
$11, Rafael Jose M.
$11, Mr. Anthony A.
$11, Ole E.
$11, Martin O.
$11, Sebastian C.
$11, Marcin .
$11, Giorgio V.
$11, Harald T.
$11, Olaf S.
$11, Flo
$11, Niclas O.
$11, Samuel B.
$11, Francisco Javier M.
$11, Johannes P.
$11, Eduardo B.
$11, Petri L.
$11, Antonio L.
$11, Alex A. aka “cambiatealinux“
$11, Michael Z.
$11, Brah Rah
$11, Andrea O.
$11, Paolo F.
$11, Elie’s Freehand Pipes
$11, Giovanni O.
$11, Giorgio C.
$11, François J.
$11, Eugen H.
$11, Joerg B.
$11, Kay E.
$11, Pablo R.
$11, Lois O.
$11, Martina P.
$11, Petr A.
$11, Kostantinos C.
$11, Maurizio C.
$11, Jens
$11, Matt B.
$10 (87th donation), Tree Service Kansas City
$10 (81th donation), Tree Removal Raleigh NC
$10 (65th donation), Thomas C.
$10 (59th donation), Fence Baton Rouge
$10 (31st donation), LJNL aka “lauranl”
$10 (26th donation), Francois-R L.
$10 (24th donation), Serhii B. aka “sinpavla“
$10 (15th donation), Carpet Cleaning Winnipeg
$10 (12th donation), Fence Company Raleigh
$10 (12th donation), Tree Removal Kelowna
$10 (11th donation), Dylan B.
$10 (11th donation), Abdulkadir H.
$10 (10th donation), Solar Panels Saskatoon
$10 (10th donation), Randy D.
$10 (9th donation), Concrete Contractors Raleigh
$10 (8th donation), Kenton B.
$10 (8th donation), Roy D.
$10 (6th donation), Minneapolis Commercial Cleaners
$10 (6th donation), Team Clean llc
$10 (5th donation), Minneapolis Towing
$10 (3rd donation), Matthew C.
$10 (3rd donation), ezday computers
$10 (2nd donation), Andres U.
$10 (2nd donation), Stephen C.
$10 (2nd donation), Javier M.
$10 (2nd donation), Mila G.
$10 (2nd donation), Samuel S.
$10 (2nd donation), Marcelo Matos
$10 (2nd donation), Robert Z.
$10 (2nd donation), Andrew G.
$10 (2nd donation), Guillaume B.
$10 (2nd donation), Mario M.
$10, Daphne P.
$10, Buzz
$10, Angela B.
$10, John T.
$10, Norm M.
$10, Antonio C.
$10, Garry S.
$10, Gunnar P.
$10, Dmitrii’ U.
$10, Eric B.
$10, Lukas Z.
$10, Mark R.
$10, landscaping st catharines
$10, Rafal K.
$10, Edmundas B.
$10, Pool Safety Inspections Brisbane
$10, Alan T.
$10, Marek N.
$10, Carleton G.
$10, Christian M.
$10, Alexander H.
$10, Alexis K.
$10, ARF
$10, Carpet Cleaning Edina
$10, Jeffrey S.
$10, Matthew G.
$10, David F.
$10, Andrew M.
$10, Dmytro K.
$8 (7th donation), Ric D.
$6 (3rd donation), Markus S.
$6 (2nd donation), Bruno Y.
$5 (62th donation), Eugene T.
$5 (52th donation), Bhavinder Jassar
$5 (26th donation), Hristo Gatsinski
$5 (21st donation), Thomas R.
$5 (15th donation), Kirill
$5 (13th donation), Sérgio D. S. S. aka “sersantos”
$5 (9th donation), Timo K.
$5 (8th donation), Joshua O.
$5 (5th donation), Jeffery G.
$5 (4th donation), Daniel P. J.
$5 (4th donation), Tom N.
$5 (3rd donation), Alan Nunn
$5 (2nd donation), Sergio G. P.
$5 (2nd donation), Mateusz G.
$5 (2nd donation), Colin H.
$5, Andre L.
$5, Camilo Jose F.
$5, Moss B.
$5, Robert M.
$5, Blake F.
$5, Emil Shteinberg aka “WorriedLemon”
$5, Hamm S.
$5, Sigurd Sverdrup-Thygeson
$5, Carl G.
$4, Andrea Gertrud V.
$4, Götz G.
$3 (11th donation), Szilard S.
$3 (9th donation), Yinguang Z.
$3 (3rd donation), Farria Law Group aka “Litigation Attorney Fort Worth”
$3 (2nd donation), Fergus T.
$3 (2nd donation), Andrey Mozjuhin aka “Restavr”
$3 (2nd donation), Louis M.
$3, zzzzzzz .
$29 from 20 smaller donations

If you want to help Linux Mint with a donation, please visit


Linux Mint is proudly supported by 572 patrons, for a sum of $2,460 per month.

To become a Linux Mint patron, please visit


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