Tor Browser (Тор Браузер) для Mac OS – приложение, позволяющее при работе в сети маскировать свое местонахождение. Обеспечивает свободу посещений сайтов и безопасность веб-серфинга, делает невозможными контроль над действиями пользователя и доступ к его персональной информации.
Возможности Tor
Браузер обеспечивает полную анонимность и предназначен для людей, желающих сохранить свободу своих действий в сети и обезопасить личные данные. Браузер наиболее актуален в регионах с ограничением доступа к интернету, где информация активно фильтруется.
1. Привычный дизайн Tor является модификацией браузера Firefox и обладает сходством с них по внешнему виду и функциональности.
2. Обход запретов и блокировок Браузер способен обходить любые препятствия при доступе к ресурсам, с его помощью можно просматривать сайты, запрещенные в стране, по какой-либо причине заблокированные провайдером и те, на которых сам пользователь попал в бан по ай-пи.
3. Защита от слежки Тройное шифрование пакетов и последовательная их передача через три сервера, выбранных случайным образом, делает отслеживание практически невозможным.
4. Безопасность личных данных Предохраняется от утечки любая информации личного характера – ай-пи, реальное местонахождение пользователя, логин-пароли, история посещений, список загрузок и пр.
При использовании браузера следует учитывать его особенности:
— более медленная работа по сравнению с другими браузерами, что компенсируется полной безопасностью в сети;
— производится подмена не только ай-пи адреса, но и версии ОС;
— обеспечивает анонимность трафика, который проходит через него, остальные приложения в сети используют настоящий адрес IP;
— скачанные через браузер файлы следует открывать только после отключения от сети, поскольку некоторые из них могут взаимодействовать с сервером и раскрывать реальный ай-пи адрес;
— нежелательность установка сторонних плагинов, поскольку они могут привести к нарушению конфиденциальности.
Приложение пригодно для установки на любые версии ОС, включая модификации OS X. Браузер постоянно совершенствуется и обновляется с учетом текущих реалий и новых сетевых опасностей.
Tor Browser для Mac для Mac OS
Mac OS
Обновлено: 2021-10-06 14:50:20
Разрядность: 64 бит
Совместимость: Mac OS X
Tor Browser — это веб-браузер, который предоставляет возможность пользоваться всеми преимуществами сети Tor, не вникая в тонкости настроек, быстро, просто и удобно. С его помощью можно сохранить свою анонимность в сети, а также предотвратить отслеживание по IP-адресу, и получить доступ к сайтам, недоступным обычным способом.
В качестве основы использован другой популярный веб-браузер — Mozilla Firefox, поэтому интерфейс многим окажется знаком и понятен. Настраивать практически ничего не нужно, достаточно при первом запуске браузера просто подключиться в сети Tor и можно приступать к работе. Однако, возможность ручной настройки параметров подключения все же присутствует.
Используя Tor Browser можно быть уверенным, что ваша личная информация (IP-адрес, передаваемые данные и пр.) останется в тайне ото всех. В специальном меню настроек, можно настроить параметры прокси, и ряд других, связанных с безопасностью (запретить установку плагинов, заблокировать сторонние cookies-файлы и пр.).
Тор браузер поддерживает все доступные для Firefox плагины. По умолчанию в нем предустановлен HTTPS everywhere, NoScript и Torbutton. Последний позволяет менять настройки безопасности просто двигая слайдер. В общем и целом это удобный и несложный в настройке браузер, который позволяет посещать Интернет без ограничений.
Tor Browser для Mac
Обзор Softonic
Защитите свою конфиденциальность при серфинге
Сохранение конфиденциальности в сети — непростая задача в настоящее время с таким количеством угроз безопасности и потенциальными прогулками.
Безопасный просмотр
Tor Browser — это набор инструментов, предназначенный для тех, кто хочет улучшить свою безопасность и безопасность в Интернете . Это может помочь вам анонимизировать просмотр и публикацию веб-страниц, обмен мгновенными сообщениями и другие приложения, использующие протокол TCP. Для бизнес-пользователей это означает, что конфиденциальный обмен информацией может храниться от посторонних глаз и для более общих пользователей, это означает, что интернет-провайдеры, кейлогеры и другие типы вредоносных программ не могут легко отслеживать ваши действия.
Как это работает?
Он работает, отрываясь от трафика вокруг распределенной сети серверов, которую он называет «луковыми маршрутизаторами» (отсюда и логотип). Интерфейс Tor Browser позволяет легко включать и выключать его на основе того, когда вам нужно анонимно выходить в сети — нет необходимости перезагружать компьютер, когда вы это делаете. Если вы хотите, вы также можете выбрать из разных прокси-туннелей на основе карты мира, которая отображает, где именно находится каждый.
Чтобы проверить, что он работает, вы можете использовать онлайн- детектор Tor, чтобы узнать, серфинг ли вы анонимно или нет. Соединение может занять некоторое время в зависимости от того, сколько пользователей заносится в сеть в любой момент времени, но, как правило, очень быстро. Логотип Tor onion поворачивается от желтого до зеленого на панели задач при успешном соединении.
Общая анонимность
Tor — это простой, хорошо организованный и эффективный инструмент для тех, кто обеспокоен безопасностью или вторжением в личную жизнь в Интернете .
New Tor Browser Bundles for Mac OS X
We recently switched our build machine to Lion (OS X 10.7) which had some unintended effects on the Firefox/TorBrowser build. After consulting with Mozilla developers, Sebastian Hahn was able to nail down the problem and provide a fix. The Mac OS X Tor Browser Bundles have been updated so they should stop crashing for everyone now. Thanks for your patience!
Tor Browser Bundle (2.2.35-10)
Make TorBrowser stop crashing on random websites by building with clang instead of llvm-gcc. (closes: #5697)
Anonymous (not verified) said:
Version 10 is utterly
Version 10 is utterly unuseble.
To quote another user comment for previous (-9.1) version:
«Meh do you guys test your releases at all!? Mac torbundle 2.2.35-9.1: if you right-click the firefox toolbar and click ‘customize’ results in immediate crash of the browser. ADDENDUM: actually no it’s way worse than that. you can’t click on the noscript button on the toolbar or it crashes. You can’t even HOVER over the noscript button or it crashes. Come on guys.»
All these critical bugs are still there in the new version. I can add that the previous page button also crashes the browser. All this must mean that the problem hasn’t even been recognized let alone adressed! (The reply to the above comment was that you were aware of the problem and then refer to a ticket which seems to have nothing to do with these problems!) Is it a Mac-only problem? Snow Leopard (which I use) only? I fully realize that you are a small team with limited resources but this lack of organization is seriously worrisome. Don’t you test new versions across platforms at all before release. I know you’re looking for a manager to tidy up this mess at the moment and that’s a good start. When you have to read about critical bugs in blog comments and these comments are generally ignored/misunderstood you are doing yourself no favors. Many pointed out (a long time ago) that TBB versions (even those that work) install with a default setting of Javascript «globally allowed» via the NoScript extension. As a bundled security solution aimed at people who are not experts but need security, this is a disaster. Yet nothing has been done about it. Instead of this geeky non-user friendly «ticket» system why don’t you set up a simple bug list (that non-programmer users actually can find)? Keep it TBB only and identify if bugs are platform/os dependent or universal.
Anonymous (not verified) said:
In reply to Version 10 is utterly by Anonymous (not verified)
While I agree with most of
While I agree with most of what you wrote, especially your point about how the devs seems to *NOT* test all releases on all OSes, your point about NoScript and global scripts is ignorant. The Tor devs, specifically Mike Perry, have addressed this point MANY times. TBB (via patches and TorButton) prevents malicious JavaScript code, so it’s safe to use TBB with NoScript globally allowing all scripts.
That said, I for one disallow global scripts because I don’t like ads and other junk on web pages; and for obscure/new JS attacks TBB can’t prevent/mitigate. However, for non-English speakers and non-tech computer users, there would much confusion if TBB shipped NoScript to block all scripts, and the users may then decide «Tor’s broken», and not try to figure out what’s going on. and recent comments by Andrew wrt to his unofficial user testing recently bears out that point.
Anonymous (not verified) said:
In reply to While I agree with most of by Anonymous (not verified)
With Tor enabled javascript
With Tor enabled javascript may be less of an issue. But I have never understood the purpose of Tor button in TBB. It would be a lot more safe if TBB forced users to use Tor, i.e. no switch to turn Tor off as non-Tor mode and javascript on is dangerous. Make it clear that this browser is configured to use Tor and if the pre-configured settings/preferences are untampered with you are surfing safely and anonymously. I never ever use TBB with the proxy off. Much better to use a separate browser for non-Tor browsing rather than mixing them up. Not as smooth perhaps but it does lessen the risk of users who are non-technical doing something wrong. And security trumps smooth in any security solution.
Anonymous (not verified) said:
In reply to Version 10 is utterly by Anonymous (not verified)
> default setting of
> default setting of Javascript «globally allowed» via the NoScript extension
«We configure NoScript to allow JavaScript by default in the Tor Browser Bundle because many websites will not work with JavaScript disabled. Most users would give up on Tor entirely if a website they want to use requires JavaScript, because they would not know how to allow a website to use JavaScript (or that enabling JavaScript might make a website work). «
And allow JavaScript allows the user to blend with the crowd. The goal of Tor is to provide anonymity which loves company. Since the crowd uses JavaScript, allowing it makes you part of the crowd of normal users.
Anonymous (not verified) said:
In reply to Version 10 is utterly by Anonymous (not verified)
Tor browser is TOTALLY
Anonymous (not verified) said:
snow lion eh? that’s an
snow lion eh? that’s an animal i’d like to see.
Anonymous (not verified) said:
My browser still crashes
My browser still crashes regularly. I’m using Mac OS X 10.7.3
I find it crashes whenever I attempt to go back to a page viewed previously.
Anonymous (not verified) said:
Ouch! My faith in an end
Ouch! My faith in an end product is not enhanced by the presence of a simple error in a technical announcement: it’s either 10.6 «Snow Leopard» or 10.7 «Lion» — there is no «Snow Lion». 🙁 On the other hand: thanks for the swift update. 🙂
Anonymous (not verified) said:
Crashing randomly here
Crashing randomly here 🙁 TBB 2.2.35-10 on Lion 10.7.3
Anonymous (not verified) said:
still keeps crashing for me,
still keeps crashing for me, whats up?
am running on 10.5.8 mac
Anonymous (not verified) said:
Nope it’s still crashing on
Nope it’s still crashing on lion
Anonymous (not verified) said:
YAY thanks so much for this
YAY thanks so much for this update!
Anonymous (not verified) said:
In reply to YAY thanks so much for this by Anonymous (not verified)
i wouldn’t be happy that
i wouldn’t be happy that much as it crashes constantly infact u can’t even have it running for 3 minutes :))
Tor Browser Bundle for Mac OS X
Tor Browser Bundle for Mac OS X is now available for the i386 architecture in 11 languages. Snow Leopard users: please read about the known bugs at the bottom of the post.
The Tor Browser Bundle lets you use Tor without needing to install any software. It can run off a USB flash drive, comes with a pre-configured web browser and is self-contained.
You can download it from the Tor Browser page which also has instructions about how to extract and use it.
The bundle comes with the following software:
Vidalia 0.2.10 — cross-platform controller GUI for the Tor software
Polipo — caching web proxy
Firefox/Namoroka 3.6.9 — web browser
Torbutton 1.2.5 — Firefox extension to enable or disable the browser’s use of Tor
NoScript — Firefox extension to only allow scripts from trusted sites
HTTPS-Everywhere 0.2.2 — Firefox extension to provide encryption to a major number of websites
This is a beta version which has primarily been tested on an i386 Leopard machine.
Early testers on Snow Leopard report that Firefox does not launch the first time they launch the Tor Browser Bundle app. The workaround for this is currently to stop Tor with Vidalia and then restart it. They also say that the Torbutton status bar on the bottom of the Firefox window does not show up, but Torbutton functions properly. Please give us feedback and file bugs.
Anonymous (not verified) said:
September 27, 2010
For some reason, when I load
For some reason, when I load it on to a usb, it quickly quits after launching or trying to connect with Tor. The onion icon appears and then quickly disappears before anything happens. Using Snow Leopard, but the warning above doesn’t indicate that that’s what happens, so perhaps its something else?
Anonymous (not verified) said:
December 07, 2010
In reply to For some reason, when I load by Anonymous (not verified)
Same. Runs fine on my
Same. Runs fine on my regular disk, but not on a usb drive.
Anonymous (not verified) said:
September 29, 2010
When I use Firefox and Tor
When I use Firefox and Tor is on and Torbutton is enabled and I want to download a file, say .rar file, and I redirect download with FlashGot add-on to SpeedDownload manager — is this download goes via TOR and is really anonymous? Or only «save as» via Firefox downloader is anonymous?
Or another way — is there a right way to use SpeedDownload manager via TOR fully anonymously for ISP too.
Anonymous (not verified) said:
October 05, 2010
Could anybody PLEASE respond
Could anybody PLEASE respond to my question: I tried to setup TOR on my MacOSx Snow Leopard for hours and I could not manage. It was so easy on a Windows PC. All the bundles provided here don’t even contain all the software. Everytime I set Vidalia up I get the message «Could not connect to TOR». I changed the path — did not work. Polipo does not work either. It is all a big mess ! Could anybody please provide detailed instructions how to set TOR up on my MAC? The Docs on this website are of no great help to be honest. Thanks
October 07, 2010
In reply to Could anybody PLEASE respond by Anonymous (not verified)
What are you trying to
What are you trying to setup? It sounds like you need to remove all the tor, vidalia, polipo software and start over because your config is in some unknown state.
Anonymous (not verified) said:
October 08, 2010
In reply to What are you trying to by phobos
that’s probably right. i did
that’s probably right. i did it a few times. removed everything, tried to install it again. never worked. the install bundle for mac does not even contain tor nor polipo just vidalia. i find it all very confusing and don’t understand why cause running it on a windows pc needs a two minutes setup. by the way — could not install it under openSUSE too. So probably i’m just a total computer fool.
Anonymous (not verified) said:
In reply to Could anybody PLEASE respond by Anonymous (not verified)
Not sure what I did
Not sure what I did differently, other than print out and follow the install instructions to the letter on my Mac Mini running Mac OSX 10.6.8, but I was using TOR and verifying annonymous surfing right away. I followed the instructions here: And here, using the stable version:
Worked without a hitch. Good luck!
Anonymous (not verified) said:
October 06, 2010
To get it working in OSX,
To get it working in OSX, you have to make sure your USB stick is named something without spaces, like, for instance, ‘Tor.’
I found this after some messing around as my original ‘NO NAME’ USB stick was resulting in a no-launch scenario.
Anonymous (not verified) said:
October 06, 2010
In reply to To get it working in OSX, by Anonymous (not verified)
ok but how can i make it
ok but how can i make it work without using a usb stick?
Anonymous (not verified) said:
October 19, 2010
Says i have an update to
Says i have an update to 3.6.11 should i or wait for you to put out update here?
October 27, 2010
In reply to Says i have an update to by Anonymous (not verified)
I just put out new bundles
Anonymous (not verified) said:
October 25, 2010
There is no torbutton on
There is no torbutton on 1.0.1. nor 1.0.2. Should i install it manually?
October 27, 2010
In reply to There is no torbutton on by Anonymous (not verified)
Torbutton is installed and
Torbutton is installed and working, but because of some Firefox bizarreness, it doesn’t look like it’s installed.
The short version is that the weirdness is fixed and won’t appear in the 1.0.4 version, though it is still present in the 1.0.3 version.
Anonymous (not verified) said:
November 18, 2010
I can confirm that the tor
I can confirm that the tor browser bundle for OSX does not start Firefox at first invocation on a x86 Mac with OSX10.6.5 At second invocation, it works.
Anonymous (not verified) said:
January 17, 2011
I’m on a MacBook running OSX
I’m on a MacBook running OSX 10.6.6. I’ve have been using Vidalia regularly for the past few months with no problems, but past few weeks Tor seems to be running really really slow. I been getting 404s and all that crap, taking sevreal minutes to load a page (probably not a problem on my end — I dunno) but I noticed when I look at the network map no locations of the servers are displayed, the map shows no lines, no country flags appear and it seems I been getting the same two or three servers that pop up all the time. I used to get dozens. Anyway I decided to reinstall/update Tor. I removed every piece of Tor per the instructions on the page, then downloaded the latest stable release and installed it — simple drag and drop. Well now Tor will not open. It pops up and says it detected and «unexpected quit» and check the log for the problem. Well nothing comes up in the log — it’s completely blank. I again deleted every bit of Tor from my system (per the instructions) thinking there must be some setting that’s a problem. Reinstalled the same version again — it won’t start up. I even tried installing the unstable version — same problem. What the hell is going on?
Anonymous (not verified) said:
January 17, 2011
I’m on an Intel Mac, I
I’m on an Intel Mac, I recently installed the latest Tor Bundle stable release, but after starting Vidalia it says «Vidalia was unable to start Tor. Check your settings to ensure the correct name and location of your Tor executable is specified.» Under settings where it says «Start the Tor software when Vidalia starts» it just says «tor» and there is no directory listed. Where did the bundle install Tor and how do I link to it?
Anonymous (not verified) said:
January 30, 2011
I’m also on an Intel Mac,
I’m also on an Intel Mac, running OSX 10.6.4, and after deleting the, it will not let me empty the Trash. It just states that the app is busy.
It worked the very first time I tried it. The second time, however, it gave me an unexpected error and would crash every time afterwords. It is completely uninstalled and sitting in my trash can. I just can’t empty my trash!
January 30, 2011
In reply to I’m also on an Intel Mac, by Anonymous (not verified)
sounds like you have some
sounds like you have some part of tor still running. If you go into activity monitor, you can look for processes like tor and firefox that may still be running in the background.