- Thread: Ошибка при установке
- Ошибка при установке
- Re:ошибка при установке
- Re:ошибка при установке
- Thread: Asking for SPTD 1.60. Help please.
- Asking for SPTD 1.60. Help please.
- Ditto
- Same prob.
- This Program Requires At Least Windows 2000 With SPTD 1.60 Or Higher. Kernel Debugger Must Be Deactivated
- Thread: Initialization error 0
- Initialization error 0
- Thread: Ошибка при установке
- Ошибка при установке
- Re:ошибка при установке
- Re:ошибка при установке
Thread: Ошибка при установке
Thread Tools
Ошибка при установке
После установки Daemon-tools на XP выскакивает
Initialization error 2.
This program pequreis at least Windows 200 with SPTD 1.53 or higer
Kernel debugger must be deactivated
подскажите что делать ибо стваил на разных системах все всремя вылетает это окно
1. Start «regedit.exe» standard system registry editor.
2. Find and delete HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Servic es\sptd key (edit key permissions if it’s necessary).
3. Restart your system.
4. Install DAEMON Tools.
Re:ошибка при установке
при полном удалении данного ключа происходит крах системы с синим экраном скажите есть ли другой способ устранить эту ошибку например переустановка windows или удаление определенных параметров этого ключа
Если происходит bsod при редактировании реестра, то скорее всего, это результат некорректной работы какого-то секьюрного софта на вашей системе. Проверьте его настройки и, при необходимости, отключите на время.
Re:ошибка при установке
После небольшого шаманства и правильного удаления ключа daemon tools ставится с вероятностью примерно 70% но после перезагрузки выскакивает та же ошибка можете что-нибудь посоветовать еще?
Thread: Asking for SPTD 1.60. Help please.
Thread Tools
Asking for SPTD 1.60. Help please.
This program requires at least Windows 2000 with SPTD 1.60 or higher. Kernel debugger must be deactivated.
I just got Windows 7. I’ve unstalled and reinstalled several times. Does anyone know what’s the problem?
Which security software are you running?
Is it clean Win7 installation? Did you try to completely remove SPTD (via Registry Editor)?
I am having same issue just upgraded to windows 7 and redownloaded the new daemons file and now it will not work keeps giving the error This program requires at least windows 2000 with sptd1.60 or higher kernel debugger must be deactivated.
Have turned off anitvirus tryed to allow to run as admin tryed to run compatible with xp, vista, 2000 all to no avail any other ideas?
Any help appreciated
Please answer question in post #3
i have same problem. I tried removing sptd from registry but it didnt worked on winserver 2008.
[Window Title]
Error Deleting Key
Cannot delete sptd: Error while deleting key.
all permission full control except CREATOR OWNER that not allowed me to change to full control even me admin.
I have the same error.
Antivirus: KIS 2010
OS: Windows7 x64 upgraded from windows vista x64
OS upgrade screws SPTD configuration.
Delete Daemon Tools installation folder, disable SPTD in registry, i.e. open regedit, go to
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Servic es\sptd
and change Start to 4, then reboot.
After reboot enable all permissions of sptd/cfg key, then delete entire sptd key, and reboot again.
Now re-install.
winserver doesnt allow me to change permission for creator owner. So i have deletted craetor owner for sptd, so all has full control now. And it still doesnt allow to delete sptd key. winserver 2008 r2
Same prob.
I have the same problem, using windows 7 OEM 64 bit.
Security software I´m using is Threatfire by PCtools, Microsoft Security Essentials, and Eset NOD32 Antivirus v4.0.467.0
I´m reading this topic and I understand that there has to be some modding of the registry, I´m afraid that is a little to complicated for me.
I have strong suspicions that the one or more of my used security software, prevents DT Lite to function properly. It´s very annoying. At some point I had disabled all my security software and then, for a little while, after reinstalling, I could mount images, however not by doubleclicking but just through the right click option on DTLite taskbar Icon and use the menu options. Then without any apparent reason it stopped working, I ain´t got a clue as to what is going on exactly. Any help in simple english is appreciated.
This Program Requires At Least Windows 2000 With SPTD 1.60 Or Higher. Kernel Debugger Must Be Deactivated
During the process of cleaning up a Windows 7 Ultimate x64 computer that is used in a development environment I started receiving an error during boot. The error window was titled as DAEMON Tools Lite and specified a requirement for a version of Windows greater than Windows 2000 and an application called SPTD. I later discovered that SPTD stands for SCSI Pass Through Direct which is actively developed by a company called DuplexSecure and used by numerous applications including DAEMON Tools Lite. Below I describe the pop up error message in more detail and how to resolve it by installing the SCSI Pass Through Direct application.
DAEMON Tools Lite SCSI Pass Through Direct (SPTD) Error:
DAEMON Tools Lite: This program requires at least Windows 2000 with SPTD 1.60 or higher. Kernel debugger must be deactivated.
Install SCSI Pass Through Direct To Resolve DAEMON Tools Lite Error:
I am not sure how I started receiving this error though I assume it was from upgrading some application or by uninstalling an application during the process of cleaning up my Windows 7 development computer. Follow the below directions to resolve the issue.
- Download SPTD: Download the SCSI Pass Through Direct application from the DAEMON Tools web site by clicking here for the latest version. The current version is SPTD v1.77 X86 (32 bit) and the file downloaded is named SPTDinst-v177-x86.exe.
- Install SCSI Pass Through Direct: Double click on the file you downloaded in step one which will launch the below SPTD install window.
Click the Install button to install the SPTD application needed by DAEMON Tools Lite. Once clicked the. installation window below will display.
Once SPTD installation has completed the window in the next step will display.
Reboot PC: Once the installation process has completed the window below will be displayed by the SPTD installer application.
Now reboot your computer to complete the installation of SCSI Pass Through Direct.
You should no longer receive the DAEMON Tools Lite error regarding SPTD.
Thread: Initialization error 0
Thread Tools
Initialization error 0
I got problems with the new DT
It very slow
If i start windows 2000 sp4 in debug mode i get this message :
Initialization error 0
This program requires at least Windows 2000 with sptd 1.37 or higher.
Kernel debugger must be deactivated.
I got no other software on this machine, only Deamon Tools
I got all the windows 2000 software updates on this machine installed
SPTD does not work with debuggers, the message says it all.
What do you mean by «very slow»? Did you try to defragment your hdd yet? Do you use NTFS compression?
Copytrooper :
SPTD does not work with debuggers, the message says it all.
I know it does not work with debuggers.
Im using it to prevent SPTD to load
If i dont the machine «hangs» on the login screen forever.
I reinstalled the old DT version 3.46
I think its a machine percific problem, other machine on this school dont have this problem
Why not disable SPTD then?
Do you use newest SPTD layer v1.42?
«It very slow» vs. «the machine «hangs» on the login screen forever» is a little different problem.
Copytrooper :
Do you use newest SPTD layer v1.42?
No I diddent, I used SPTD1.39 with comes with the installer DT 4.08 X86
I diddent try to install DT 4.08 with SPTD1.42
It was really tricky to get DT 4.08 with SPTD1.39 uninstalled from this machine
I try again later, for now its working.
Thread: Ошибка при установке
Thread Tools
Ошибка при установке
После установки Daemon-tools на XP выскакивает
Initialization error 2.
This program pequreis at least Windows 200 with SPTD 1.53 or higer
Kernel debugger must be deactivated
подскажите что делать ибо стваил на разных системах все всремя вылетает это окно
1. Start «regedit.exe» standard system registry editor.
2. Find and delete HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Servic es\sptd key (edit key permissions if it’s necessary).
3. Restart your system.
4. Install DAEMON Tools.
Re:ошибка при установке
при полном удалении данного ключа происходит крах системы с синим экраном скажите есть ли другой способ устранить эту ошибку например переустановка windows или удаление определенных параметров этого ключа
Если происходит bsod при редактировании реестра, то скорее всего, это результат некорректной работы какого-то секьюрного софта на вашей системе. Проверьте его настройки и, при необходимости, отключите на время.
Re:ошибка при установке
После небольшого шаманства и правильного удаления ключа daemon tools ставится с вероятностью примерно 70% но после перезагрузки выскакивает та же ошибка можете что-нибудь посоветовать еще?