Turn off bluetooth windows

Отключение Bluetooth на ноутбуке с Windows 7

Способ 1: Клавиатура

Наиболее простой и надёжный метод выключения Блютуза – физическое прекращение питания с помощью нажатия выделенной клавиши или их комбинаций на клавиатуре ноутбука. Таковые обычно помечены соответствующим значком.

Для совмещённых с Wi-Fi моделей требуемый элемент в большинстве случаев будет общим, и обозначен символом беспроводной сети.

Отключение Bluetooth происходит по одиночному его нажатию или в сочетании с Fn, если клавиша находится на одной из кнопок F-ряда.

Способ 2: Системный трей

Программное отключение Блютуз проще всего выполнять посредством значка в системном трее. На «Рабочем столе» взгляните на правый нижний угол и нажмите на кнопку со стрелкой вверх. Найдите там элемент Bluetooth и кликните по нему правой кнопкой мыши.

В контекстном меню выберите пункт «Отключить адаптер».

После этого значок станет серым или пропадёт – задача выполнена.

Способ 3: «Диспетчер устройств»

Также Bluetooth можно выключить через «Диспетчер устройств» системы.

    Откройте окно «Выполнить» сочетанием клавиш Win+R, после чего введите в него запрос devmgmt.msc и нажмите «ОК».

Найдите категорию «Bluetooth» в перечне устройств и раскройте её.

Выберите запись, в имени которой присутствует название вашего адаптера. Кликните по ней ПКМ и воспользуйтесь опцией «Отключить устройство».

Подтвердите операцию нажатием кнопки «ОК».

Toggle to turn Bluetooth On or Off is missing in Windows 10

Windows 10 has always included support for Bluetooth hardware. Well, this support has been here for a while now. And with support for the latest version of Bluetooth 5.0 LE, it keeps getting even better. But at times some users have found that when they go on to use Bluetooth, they find that the option to turn on Bluetooth is missing in the Windows 10 Settings app or the Action Center. If you face this issue, then this post will help you fix the problem.

Toggle to turn Bluetooth On or Off is missing

The scenarios could be different:

  • No option to turn on Bluetooth in Windows 10.
  • The device does not have Bluetooth.
  • Bluetooth won’t turn on Windows 10.
  • Bluetooth missing toggle in Windows 10.
  • No Bluetooth toggle in Windows 10.
  • No Bluetooth switch Windows 10.
  • Option to turn Bluetooth on or off is missing.
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In order to fix these issues, you will have to carry out the following fixes:

  1. Update, Rollback or Reinstall the Bluetooth driver.
  2. Enable Bluetooth from Device Manager.
  3. Enable Services for Bluetooth.

1] Update, Rollback or Reinstall the Bluetooth driver

If you recently updated your drivers, maybe you could uninstall or rollback any drivers and see if that helps. If you did not, then you could, via Device Manager, either update or uninstall and fresh install the Bluetooth driver. It could be the Bluetooth Generic Adapter driver, Intel(R) Wireless Bluetooth, etc.

2] Enable Bluetooth from the Device Manager

Start by hitting the WINKEY + R button combination to launch the Run utility. Now type in devmgmt.msc and hit Enter. This will open the Device Manager for you.

Now, click on the entry labeled as Bluetooth and expand it.

Then, right-click on all the Bluetooth driver entry. It could be labeled as Bluetooth USB Module, Intel(R) Wireless Bluetooth, etc. If you see it disabled, then click on Enable device.

Restart your computer to check if the issue is fixed or not.

3] Enable Services for Bluetooth

Press the WINKEY+R button combination and then type in Services.msc and then hit Enter to open the Windows Services Manager.

Locate and right-click on each of the following services and click on Properties to check if the Startup Type is set to Automatic:

  • Bluetooth Handsfree Service.
  • Bluetooth Audio Gateway Service.
  • Bluetooth Support Service.
  • Bluetooth User Support Service.

Right-click on the services listed above and click on Properties.

Make sure that the Startup Type of all is set to Manual. Click on Apply and then click on OK.

If the above services are not running, right-click on the service and click on Start.

How to turn off or disable Bluetooth in Windows 10

Bluetooth allows you to connect your devices wirelessly to each other, as well as to send & receive files. We have already see how to turn on & use Bluetooth in Windows 10. In this post, we will see the various ways to turn off or disable Bluetooth in Windows 10/8/7.

Disable Bluetooth in Windows 10

You can turn off Bluetooth in Windows 10 by using the following methods:

  1. Using Settings
  2. Via Action Center
  3. Using Devices Manager
  4. Using PowerShell.

Let us look at them in detail.

1] Using Settings

Click open the Start Menu. Next open Settings and select Devices to open the Windows 10 Devices Settings. Now in the left panel, you will see Bluetooth. Click on it to open the following settings.

To disable Bluetooth, toggle the Bluetooth slider to the Off position.

A setting to turn it off is also available via Settings > Network & Internet > Airplane mode > Wireless devices > Turn Bluetooth On or Off.

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2] Via Action Center

Windows 10 users can also turn off Bluetooth by clicking on the Action Center icon at the right-side end of Taskbar.

Click on it to turn on or off Bluetooth on your device.

3] Using Devices Manager

If you are using Windows 7, Windows 8.1 or Windows 10 as well, you can make use of the Device Manager. Type ‘device manager‘ in Start Search and hit of the search result to open it.

Expand Bluetooth, select your Bluetooth connection, right-click on it and click on Disable.

If you can’t turn off Bluetooth on Windows 10 via Settings, you should try doing so via the Devices Manager.

4] Using PowerShell

Enterprise administrators who want to disable Bluetooth in order to prevent Bluetooth file transfers or radio transmissions in Windows 10 do not have any Group Policy Object that they can make use of currently. But they can make use of this PowerShell snippet mentioned on TechNet, for SCCM or MDT. Do read the post before you use the script.

How to Turn Bluetooth On or Off in Windows 8.1

Microsoft includes the most recent version of the Bluetooth wireless protocol which allows you to connect to other Bluetooth enabled devices. When it is turned on, it’s constantly checking for new devices, which ends up draining a lot of battery juice in the background even when you’re not using it. Here’s a look at how to turn it off or back on when you need it.

Turn ON or Off Bluetooth Windows 8.1

To turn it off in Windows 8.1 go to PC Settings > PC and Devices > Bluetooth. Or you can hit the Windows key and search for it from the Start screen and select Bluetooth settings from the results.

If you’re on the desktop, click the Bluetooth icon on the Taskbar and then select “Show Bluetooth Devices.”

You will get to the same spot where you need to be where you’ll see the devices that are connected or available to your laptop, Surface, or other devices. Flip the switch to Off to disable it. Keep in mind you won’t be able to connect to any of the listed devices. In fact, when you turn it off, all of the listed devices will disappear. When you need to connect to a device again, just go to the same location and flip the switch to On again.

More About Bluetooth

If you’re new to Bluetooth, make sure to check out our article on how to pair your Windows 8.1 system to other Bluetooth devices.

You might also be interested in checking out these other articles about it too:

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How to turn off Bluetooth ? Windows 10

I’ve tried to look for an answer, but I haven’t found anything helpful. So, i’m asking this myself.

I want to turn off the bluetooth on my pc, which is not a laptop btw. And I’ve tried -> win + R + services.msc & devmgmt.msc to look for bluetooth options.

1st = bluetooth wasn’t even running. I run it & closed it. no change. 2nd = no bluetooth option. end of story.

Any other tips? Oh and as u see in the pic. which is in finnish but don’t let that bother u. no bluetooth option there either.

So WHY is it on? And how to turn it off?

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Why do you want to turn it off and on?

These can help monitor Bluetooth :

BluetoothView is a small utility that runs in the background, and monitor the activity of Bluetooth devices around you. For each detected Bluetooth device, it displays the following information: Device Name, Bluetooth Address, Major Device Type, Minor Device Type, First Detection Time, Last Detection Time, and more. BluetoothView can also notify you when a new Bluetooth device is detected, by displaying a balloon in your taskbar or by playing a small beep sound. — FREE

BluetoothCL is a small console application that dumps all current detected bluetooth devices into the standard output. For each Bluetooth device, the following information is displayed: MAC Address, Name, Major Device Type, Minor Device Type, and optionally the company name of the device (if external file of MAC addresses — oui.txt is provided) — FREE

BluetoothLogView is a small utility that monitors the activity of Bluetooth devices around you, and displays a log of Bluetooth devices on the main window. Every time that a new Bluetooth device arrives to your area and when the device leaves your area, a new log line is added with the following information: Device Name, Device Address, Event Time, Event Type (‘Device Arrival’ or ‘Device Left’), Device Type, and the company that created the device.

BluetoothLogView also allows you to specify a description for every device (according to its MAC address) that will appear under the ‘Description’ column. — FREE

Sorry this didn’t help.

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