Ubuntu linux core version

3 Ways to Check Linux Kernel Version in Command Line

Last updated October 29, 2020 By Abhishek Prakash 25 Comments

Brief: Wondering which Linux kernel version your system uses? Here are several ways to check your kernel version in the Linux terminal.

You may find yourself in a situation where you need to know the exact Linux kernel version being used on your system. Thanks to the powerful Linux command line, you can easily find that out.

Quick way to check Linux kernel version

You can use the following command to get the Linux kernel version:

uname -r

There are other ways to get even more detailed information about kernel. Read the rest of the article to learn it in detail.

In this article, I’ll show you various methods for finding out your kernel version and tell you what those numbers actually mean. If you prefer videos, here’s a quick one. Don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel for more Linux tips.

How to find Linux kernel version

I am using Ubuntu while writing this article. But these commands are generic and can be used on Fedora, Debian, CentOS, SUSE Linux or any other Linux distribution.

1. Find Linux kernel using uname command

uname is the Linux command for getting system information. You can also use it to find out whether you’re using a 32-bit or 64-bit system.

Open a terminal and type in the following command:

The output will be something similar to this:

This means that you’re running Linux kernel 4.4.0-97, or in more generic terms, you are running Linux kernel version 4.4.

But what do the other digits mean here? Let me explain:

  • 4 – Kernel version
  • 4 – Major revision
  • 0 – Minor revision
  • 97 – Bug fix
  • generic – Distribution-specific string. For Ubuntu, it means I’m using the desktop version. For Ubuntu server edition, it would be ‘server’.

You can also use the uname command with the option -a. This will provide more system information if you need it.

The output of the command should like this:

Let me explain the output and what it means:

  • Linux – Kernel name. If you run the same command on BSD or macOS, the result will be different.
  • itsfoss – Hostname.
  • 4.4.0-97-generic – Kernel release (as we saw above).
  • #120-Ubuntu SMP Tue Sep 19 17:28:18 UTC 2017 – This means that Ubuntu has compiled 4.4.0-97-generic 120 times. A timestamp for the last compilation is also there.
  • x86_64 – Machine architecture.
  • x86_64 – Processor architecture.
  • x86_64 – Operating system architecture (you can run a 32-bit OS on a 64-bit processor).
  • GNU/Linux – Operating system (and no, it won’t show the distribution name).

But I’ll save you from information overload. Let’s see some other commands to find your Linux kernel version.

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2. Find Linux kernel using /proc/version file

In Linux, you can also find the kernel information in the file /proc/version. Just look at the contents of this file:

You’ll see an output similar to what you saw with uname.

You can see the kernel version 4.4.0-97-generic here.

3. Find Linux kernel version using dmesg commad

dmesg is a powerful command used for writing kernel messages. It’s also very useful for getting system information.

Since dmesg provides an awful lot of information, you should normally use a command like less to read it. But since we’re here just to check the Linux kernel version, grepping on ‘Linux’ should give the desired output.

The output will have a few lines but you should be able to identify the Linux kernel version there easily.

How do you check your Linux kernel version and other information?

Of the three ways discussed here, I use uname all the time. It’s the most convenient.

What about you? Which command do you prefer for getting Linux kernel information?

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Installing Ubuntu Core 20

Ubuntu Core runs on a large range of hardware, and pre-built images are available for amd64 and Raspberry Pi reference platforms.

Installation on a reference platform is easy and a great way to quickly get started with Ubuntu Core, or to explore Ubuntu Core’s features and evaluate its potential.

Below, we cover installing a reference image of the latest version of Ubuntu Core, UC20:

Ubuntu Core 20 on other platforms:
Installation is very similar across each supported Ubuntu Core 20 device. See Supported platforms for a list of which images are available for which platforms.


Alongside enough storage to hold the Ubuntu Core image, installation on a Raspberry Pi also requires a screen and keyboard to navigate a few installation prompts. These aren’t needed post-installation.

Additionally, you will need an Ubuntu SSO account, with associated SSH keys. This setup is required because, after Ubuntu Core has been installed, Ubuntu SSO is used to login to your device. For help importing SSH keys, see the Ubuntu community wiki.

When Ubuntu Core is up and running, if you want to access your device remotely, you’ll need an SSH client for your operating system. Linux and macOS both have clients built-in, whereas Windows users could use Ubuntu on WSL.

Installation steps

The typical installation procedure for UC20 as follows:

  1. Download the preferred Ubuntu Core image for your device
    See Supported platforms for links to device support and images.
    By default, images are compressed with xz and can be expanded with:
    xz -d .
  2. Write the image to your device’s storage medium (eg. SD card for Raspberry Pi)
    We recommend using Raspberry Pi imager for Windows, macOS and Linux.
  3. Boot the device from the flashed storage and follow the on-screen prompts
    This step is version-specific, but the installation typically asks only two questions.

After installation, see Using Ubuntu Core for a quick overview of how to work within the Ubuntu Core environment.

Testing Ubuntu Core with QEMU

You can test Ubuntu Core without specific hardware from within a virtual machine.

To test Ubuntu Core with QEMU (https://www.qemu.org/), on Ubuntu, first install the qemu-kvm package and test it with kvm-ok:

To ensure compatibility with the required UEFI features in Ubuntu Core 20, also install the OVMF package:

The exact command to run will depend on your host hardware capabilities, such as available memory and CPU cores, but the following should work in the majority of cases:

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Ubuntu kernels from Canonical

At the core of the Ubuntu operating system is the Linux kernel, which manages and controls the hardware resources like I/O (networking, storage, graphics and various user interface devices, etc.), memory and CPU for your device or computer. It is one of the first software programs a booting device loads and runs on the central processing unit (CPU). The Linux kernel manages the system’s hardware environment so other programs like the operating system’s user space programs and application software programs can run well without modification on a variety of different platforms and without needing to know very much about that underlying system.

Identifying a kernel

The easiest way to determine the kernel you’re running is to type cat /proc/version_signature on the terminal. For example:

Ubuntu 5.4.0-12.15-generic 5.4.8

This output provides important information about the kernel:

  • Canonical adds » Ubuntu «
  • Ubuntu kernel-release = 5.4.0-12.15-generic
    • kernel version is 5.4 , which is identical to upstream stable kernel version
    • .0 is an obsolete parameter left over from older upstream kernel version naming practices
    • -12 application binary interface (ABI) bump for this kernel
    • .15 upload number for this kernel
    • -generic is kernel flavour parameter, where -generic is the default Ubuntu kernel flavour
  • Mainline kernel-version = 5.4.8

Kernel and OS releases

Canonical provides long-term support (LTS) kernels for Ubuntu LTS releases. Canonical also provides interim operating system releases with updated kernels every 6 months.

For customers and business partners that don’t have specialised bleeding-edge workloads or latest hardware needs, the latest LTS release «-generic» kernel is the best option for them such as the 4.15 default kernel in Ubuntu 18.04 LTS. Customers who need the latest hardware support capability can install the latest HWE kernel such as the ones contained in interim releases, keeping in mind the shorter support lifespan associated with these kernels (9 months). HWE kernel customers are recommended to upgrade to a newer LTS release that supports their hardware and/or software needs as soon as it is available. Another option for customers is to use point releases. For example, there is an 18.04.4 point release as of February 2020, which includes an updated 5.3.x kernel but is also considered LTS, exactly like the original GA 4.15 kernel in 18.04.

Kernel security

The Canonical Kernel Team’s primary focus is the careful maintenance of kernels and their variants for regular delivery via the Ubuntu SRU process and the Canonical livepatch service. This includes rigorous management of all Linux kernel Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) lists (with a focus on patching all high and critical CVEs) review and application of all relevant patches for all critical and serious kernel defects in the mailing lists and then rigorously testing newly updated kernels end-to-end each SRU cycle.

General Availability (GA) and variant Ubuntu kernels

The complete functionality of any given kernel is determined by the included modules and the kernel configuration for both hardware and the expected workloads that are run on it.

Kernel modules are binary programs that extend a kernel’s ability to control the computing system’s hardware or add additional system capabilities like high-performance networking or non-standard graphics, etc. The GA kernel that is shipped by default, with the Canonical Ubuntu Long Term Support (LTS) and Hardware Enablement (HWE) releases, are tuned for stable, reliable, secure, high-performance operation over a wide variety of hardware platforms and workloads.

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A kernel variant is a kernel that deviates from the generic GA kernel by changes to its configuration, and/or by having modules added and/or removed.

Custom kernels

Canonical advocates for customers to use the GA kernel shipped with Ubuntu as the best and most cost-effective option in their business environment. We also offer the option for customers to customize their own Ubuntu kernels. Several of our enterprise, Telco and cloud provider customers have systems and workload needs, which justify both the time investment to optimise their kernels and the pay to develop and maintain those custom kernels over time.

© 2021 Canonical Ltd. Ubuntu and Canonical are registered trademarks of Canonical Ltd.


List of Ubuntu Versions with Corresponding Linux Kernel Version

Is there a list of Ubuntu versions with default corresponding Linux kernel versions somewhere?

I would specifically like to know the most recent version of Ubuntu that still used Linux Kernel 2.x.

6 Answers 6

  • 16.04, 18.04, and 20.04 are the only currently supported releases (as of Aug 18, 2020).
  • This lists the kernel version that ships with Ubuntu, but new minor versions may be installed during the Ubuntu installation if updates have been released since.

You can get the list of the Ubuntu versions and their corresponding kernels from Wikipedia:

kernel/info/kernel-version-map.html and this: launchpad.net/ubuntu/trusty/+package/… At the same time I have a laptop with Trusty Tahr whose kernel version is 3.19 (still receiving updates).

Take a look at this version table or this directory listing. I think that is what you are interested in.

The Ubuntu release cycle page keeps an up-to-date graph of the recent releases:

Image manifest

You can see which packages are pre-installed as mentioned at: How to get a list of preinstalled packages?

Then, since I know that my kernel is located at: /boot/vmlinuz-4.4.0-141-generic, to find the package name I did:

So I just search for linux-image- in the .manifest and it gives:

so I conclude that Ubuntu 18.04 comes with Linux kernel 4.15.


If you search for the package name on Google: linux-image-4.15.0-29-generic , it also leads us to the packages.ubuntu.com page: https://packages.ubuntu.com/bionic/linux-image-4.15.0-29-generic

Then, on the breadcrumb navigation in that page, there is a link to the «kernels» section: https://packages.ubuntu.com/bionic/kernel/

And by searching for linux-image- in that page, we find several kernels that can be installed in the system.


How do I find the kernel version, Ubuntu release and disk partition information from the terminal?

Which commands will give me information about following using Terminal?

  1. Kernel Version
  2. Distribution version no.
  3. All partition size of the HDD

7 Answers 7

uname -a for all information regarding the kernel version,

uname -r for the exact kernel version

lsb_release -a for all information related to the Ubuntu version,

lsb_release -r for the exact version

sudo fdisk -l for partition information with all details.

For more understandable information regarding paritions, please use commands given in other answers.

Kernel Version

Distribution Version

Partition Sizes


Distribution version number:

All partition sizes of the HDD in Terminal:


Kernel version is:

Ubuntu release version is:

All partition size of the HDD in Terminal

replace ext4 with your FS type if it’s not so

With respect to the marked as answer post:

Not correct uname -a return all not just kernel version also lsb_release -a return all not only Ubuntu version moreover sudo fdisk -l return the block numbers and size and not human readable information


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