Ulysses для mac os

The Ultimate Writing App for Mac, iPad and iPhone

A pleasant, focused writing experience combined with effective document management, fast syncing and flexible export options make Ulysses the first choice for writers of all kinds.

Free trial on all devices.

Do you sometimes struggle with distractions?

Ulysses Helps You Focus on What You Want to Say

Many writers praise the way Ulysses encourages immersion with the text, and testify how using it has considerably increased their productivity. Although it’s a fully-fledged writing tool, Ulysses manages to stay completely out of your way – and can therefore rival any distraction-free writing app.

Are you tired of dealing with files and folders?

Ulysses Organizes All Your Projects in One Place

Ulysses’ unified library holds everything you’ll ever write, and is equipped for managing writing projects of all sizes and ambitions. Be it love letters, simple notes, daily blog posts or the Great American Novel – with Ulysses, your writing is in the best of hands. Thus, you can focus on getting the words down.

Do you get your best ideas while away from your desk?

Ulysses Lets You Work Anywhere, Anytime

On the sofa, at a coffee shop, or while waiting for the bus: Work wherever you are, and whenever inspiration hits. You can use Ulysses on all your Macs, iPads, and iPhones, relying on an identical feature set. With iCloud, your whole library syncs back and forth between all connected devices, and you can always continue where you left off.

Do you want your writing to look great everywhere – not just on paper?

Ulysses’ Export Lets You Create Anything

Ulysses can transform your texts into beautiful PDFs, Word documents and eBooks, properly formatted and styled. It also lets you export to HTML, ready to be used anywhere on the web. You can even publish to WordPress and Medium right from within the app. Everything is just a click away, with on-the-fly switching of styles and a live preview built right in.

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Do you feel disturbed by countless menus?

Ulysses is a Clean and Intuitive Workspace

“Many options” can easily become too many options, and “complex” can get complicated. Ulysses sticks to what is essential for writing, and keeps its advanced features out of the way until you actually need them. It’s a beautiful and focused experience, which turns work hours into fun time.

Do you want all the details?

As seen on

Don’t Take Our Word for It –
Take Theirs

David Hewson Best-Selling Mystery Author

Ulysses is the only app I know that combines a very minimalist writing interface with the backend power to manage and shuffle around the many different parts and scenes that go into a book.

Ashley Warren Content and Research Strategist

My favorite feature is hands-down the word goal. I like seeing how close I am to my target word count without it being an intrusive counter.

Matt Oldfield Startup Founder

Groups, keywords and filters keep my work organised. The rest of the app just lets me write, without getting wrapped up in the mechanics of it all.

Lauren Layne Contemporary Romance Author

I knew from the very second I saw the screenshots that Ulysses was exactly what I was looking for: a way to write my books scene-by-scene, but in an uncluttered environment.

Matt Gemmell Writer of Action-Thriller Novels

I love the focus of it; the lack of superfluous widgets and features. It’s minimalist in presentation, but there’s a great deal of depth there.

Tiffany R. White Web Developer and Tech Blogger

The ability to publish to WordPress and Medium and add categories, tags, featured images, in Ulysses is the best implementation I’ve come across.

Bridgid Gallagher Fiction Writer and Blogger

I love that I can manage all of my writing projects from one place. Ulysses has already changed my workflow and has helped me work more efficiently.

Neil Dixon Developer, Artist, and Writer

My Ulysses content includes everything from one-line ideas and concepts, to sketch notes for new stories, to 50,000-word draft fiction pieces. I love how I can just throw anything in there.

E. Christopher Clark Author and Teacher of Creative Writing

I love that I can type here in Markdown, the simplest of markup languages, and that from there I can export to any number of beautiful looking document types.

Learn how writers from all over the world use Ulysses

Ulysses for Mac

Ulysses for iPad and iPhone

Try Ulysses for Free

Do you want to put Ulysses to the test? Download it right now from the App Store! All subscription plans contain a free trial. It is fully functional and syncs to all your Macs, iPads and iPhones.





Ulysses предоставит вам любой необходимый инструмент, с помощью которого вы превратите слова в образную статью. Это приложение для сочинительства чрезвычайно функционально, и в то же время оно совершенно не помешает вам написать статью. С Ulysses вы легче справитесь с каждым этапом жизненного цикла вашего рассказа: вы можете писать не отвлекаясь, форматировать несколькими нажатиями клавиш и публиковать, не выходя из приложения. И все это в прекрасном лаконичном интерфейсе, который не мешает, а воодушевляет.

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Пишите, не отвлекаясь
Когда вам нужно сконцентрироваться на содержании, Ulysses практически превращается в пустой лист бумаги и не отвлекает вас другими функциями. Записывайте, а до форматирования доберетесь позже.

Легкое форматирование с помощью редактора markdown
Текстовый редактор в Ulysses позволяет вам структурировать и форматировать фрагменты, добавляя пару лишних символов. Он основан на языке разметки, что подразумевает заглавия, примечания, и другие элементы буквально под рукой.

Сохраняйте написанное вместе
Ulysses автоматически сохраняет каждое написанное вами слово, и ваша работа организовывается проще простого. Все, от записок и скетчей до рукописей, сохранено прямо здесь: в объединенной структурированной библиотеке.

Обезопасьте себя, синхронизуясь в iCloud
Творите и не переживайте о потере своего уникального контента. Он надежно сохраняется на вашем диске iCloud. А если у вас есть приложение Ulysses на iOS, можно работать над текстами когда угодно, где бы вы ни были.

Публикуйте в WordPress или Medium
Ulysses интегрирован с WordPress и Medium, чтобы избавить вас от необходимости копировать и вставлять свои новые посты. Вы дописываете новый рассказ, нажимаете “Опубликовать” прямо в приложении, и ваш черновик мгновенно появляется в блоге.

Экспорт красивых электронных книг PDF документов
Закончив писать, от вас требуется всего несколько кликов, чтобы сделать свою работу готовой к прочтению. Выбирайте из множества стилей и экспортируйте свои рассказы в виде красиво оформленных электронных книг, документов PDF, HTML-страниц или старых добрых документов Word.


Explore Ulysses’ Features

Ulysses is packed with tools for a better writing life. Here is a best-of selection – for a comprehensive overview please see the feature table.

Focus & Productivity

Ulysses offers a simple and intuitive workspace you can customize according to your taste.

Clean, Distraction-Free Interface

The interface leverages modern OS X concepts. This beautifully familiar environment will stay out of your way – and help you get around in no time.

Markup-Based Text Editor

Ulysses’ editor is text, and text only. With a few characters you mark headlines, important passages or comments. No need to lift your fingers from the keyboard.

Plain Text Enhanced

Ulysses still offers all the features you’d expect from a traditional word processor. Even images, footnotes and links are handled with ease – and unprecedented style.

Themeable Editor

You decide what your editor looks like – choose from handpicked color palettes, or download user-generated themes from the Ulysses Style Exchange.

Keyboard Navigation

You can operate Ulysses via keyboard only, so no need to reach for the mouse. On iPhone and iPad, you can make full use of external keyboards.

Typewriter Mode

When enabled, the line you’re currently typing remains vertically fixed – top, center, bottom, whatever you prefer. Line highlight is also supported.

Organization & Management

Ulysses offers a full suite of organizational tools, from note taking to novel writing – and everything in between.

A Single Library for All Texts

Ulysses’ library holds everything you’ll ever write. No Save dialogs, no Finder searches. It’s all just there. All the time.

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Hierarchic Groups

Groups let you organize your writings project- or subject wise. You can break them into sub-groups and sub-sub-groups as you see fit.


Additional information that belongs to but not in a text can be attached to it: Images, PDFs, notes, keywords, you name it.


With filters you can narrow down your library’s content according to keywords, text occurrences and even creation or modification date.

Auto-Save & Automatic Backup

Ulysses automatically saves your writings and keeps local backups of your entire text library.

Writing Goals

Pursue a daily writing goal, or set word or character limits to your texts and define deadlines. Goals help you track your progress and let you brag about it on social media.


Ulysses lets you write anywhere, without the need to spend a thought about your setup.

Full iCloud Sync

Synchronization is simple, seamless and neither requires third-party apps, nor any kind of interaction. All content is always available, no matter where you are.

For macOS and iOS

From iPhone to iPad to Mac – Ulysses is available for all your devices, and the apps share an identical feature set. No matter what you are writing on – you get the real Ulysses.

External Folders on Dropbox

Ulysses lets you add Dropbox folders to your text library. So if you prefer to store your texts in plain text files, or collaborate with others, you can.

Export & Sharing

No matter what you write and who your readers are, Ulysses’ versatile export function has you covered.

Various File Formats

Export your writings as plain or rich text, as a Markdown file or HTML code. Create beautiful PDFs, Word documents and eBooks, properly formatted and styled.

Publish to WordPress and Medium

WordPress and Medium users can write their stories with Ulysses and directly schedule or publish them from within the app. At the push of a button.

Live Preview

The built-in live preview shows what your output is going to look like, and you can watch your changes take effect instantly.

Built-In Export Styles

Ulysses ships with a number of export styles for all supported formats and various use cases. ADA-style PDF? Check. That classic manuscript look? Also check.

Styles & Themes

On the Styles & Themes website, you can download plenty of export styles and editor themes for all kinds of purposes, created by the Ulysses community.

Share & Open In

Attach a Word manuscript to an e-mail, or open an ePub file with iBooks: Ulysses lets you conveniently share your texts, or send them directly to third-party apps.

All this, and so much more: For a comprehensive overview visit the feature table.

Ulysses for Mac

Ulysses for iPad and iPhone

Try Ulysses for Free

Do you want to put Ulysses to the test? Download it right now from the App Store! All subscription plans contain a free trial. It is fully functional and syncs to all your Macs, iPads and iPhones.


Оцените статью

Ulysses для mac os

The Ultimate Writing App for Mac, iPad and iPhone

A pleasant, focused writing experience combined with effective document management, fast syncing and flexible export options make Ulysses the first choice for writers of all kinds.

Free trial on all devices.

Do you sometimes struggle with distractions?

Ulysses Helps You Focus on What You Want to Say

Many writers praise the way Ulysses encourages immersion with the text, and testify how using it has considerably increased their productivity. Although it’s a fully-fledged writing tool, Ulysses manages to stay completely out of your way – and can therefore rival any distraction-free writing app.

Are you tired of dealing with files and folders?

Ulysses Organizes All Your Projects in One Place

Ulysses’ unified library holds everything you’ll ever write, and is equipped for managing writing projects of all sizes and ambitions. Be it love letters, simple notes, daily blog posts or the Great American Novel – with Ulysses, your writing is in the best of hands. Thus, you can focus on getting the words down.

Do you get your best ideas while away from your desk?

Ulysses Lets You Work Anywhere, Anytime

On the sofa, at a coffee shop, or while waiting for the bus: Work wherever you are, and whenever inspiration hits. You can use Ulysses on all your Macs, iPads, and iPhones, relying on an identical feature set. With iCloud, your whole library syncs back and forth between all connected devices, and you can always continue where you left off.

Do you want your writing to look great everywhere – not just on paper?

Ulysses’ Export Lets You Create Anything

Ulysses can transform your texts into beautiful PDFs, Word documents and eBooks, properly formatted and styled. It also lets you export to HTML, ready to be used anywhere on the web. You can even publish to WordPress and Medium right from within the app. Everything is just a click away, with on-the-fly switching of styles and a live preview built right in.

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Do you feel disturbed by countless menus?

Ulysses is a Clean and Intuitive Workspace

“Many options” can easily become too many options, and “complex” can get complicated. Ulysses sticks to what is essential for writing, and keeps its advanced features out of the way until you actually need them. It’s a beautiful and focused experience, which turns work hours into fun time.

Do you want all the details?

As seen on

Don’t Take Our Word for It –
Take Theirs

David Hewson Best-Selling Mystery Author

Ulysses is the only app I know that combines a very minimalist writing interface with the backend power to manage and shuffle around the many different parts and scenes that go into a book.

Ashley Warren Content and Research Strategist

My favorite feature is hands-down the word goal. I like seeing how close I am to my target word count without it being an intrusive counter.

Matt Oldfield Startup Founder

Groups, keywords and filters keep my work organised. The rest of the app just lets me write, without getting wrapped up in the mechanics of it all.

Lauren Layne Contemporary Romance Author

I knew from the very second I saw the screenshots that Ulysses was exactly what I was looking for: a way to write my books scene-by-scene, but in an uncluttered environment.

Matt Gemmell Writer of Action-Thriller Novels

I love the focus of it; the lack of superfluous widgets and features. It’s minimalist in presentation, but there’s a great deal of depth there.

Tiffany R. White Web Developer and Tech Blogger

The ability to publish to WordPress and Medium and add categories, tags, featured images, in Ulysses is the best implementation I’ve come across.

Bridgid Gallagher Fiction Writer and Blogger

I love that I can manage all of my writing projects from one place. Ulysses has already changed my workflow and has helped me work more efficiently.

Neil Dixon Developer, Artist, and Writer

My Ulysses content includes everything from one-line ideas and concepts, to sketch notes for new stories, to 50,000-word draft fiction pieces. I love how I can just throw anything in there.

E. Christopher Clark Author and Teacher of Creative Writing

I love that I can type here in Markdown, the simplest of markup languages, and that from there I can export to any number of beautiful looking document types.

Learn how writers from all over the world use Ulysses

Ulysses for Mac

Ulysses for iPad and iPhone

Try Ulysses for Free

Do you want to put Ulysses to the test? Download it right now from the App Store! All subscription plans contain a free trial. It is fully functional and syncs to all your Macs, iPads and iPhones.





Ulysses предоставит вам любой необходимый инструмент, с помощью которого вы превратите слова в образную статью. Это приложение для сочинительства чрезвычайно функционально, и в то же время оно совершенно не помешает вам написать статью. С Ulysses вы легче справитесь с каждым этапом жизненного цикла вашего рассказа: вы можете писать не отвлекаясь, форматировать несколькими нажатиями клавиш и публиковать, не выходя из приложения. И все это в прекрасном лаконичном интерфейсе, который не мешает, а воодушевляет.

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Пишите, не отвлекаясь
Когда вам нужно сконцентрироваться на содержании, Ulysses практически превращается в пустой лист бумаги и не отвлекает вас другими функциями. Записывайте, а до форматирования доберетесь позже.

Легкое форматирование с помощью редактора markdown
Текстовый редактор в Ulysses позволяет вам структурировать и форматировать фрагменты, добавляя пару лишних символов. Он основан на языке разметки, что подразумевает заглавия, примечания, и другие элементы буквально под рукой.

Сохраняйте написанное вместе
Ulysses автоматически сохраняет каждое написанное вами слово, и ваша работа организовывается проще простого. Все, от записок и скетчей до рукописей, сохранено прямо здесь: в объединенной структурированной библиотеке.

Обезопасьте себя, синхронизуясь в iCloud
Творите и не переживайте о потере своего уникального контента. Он надежно сохраняется на вашем диске iCloud. А если у вас есть приложение Ulysses на iOS, можно работать над текстами когда угодно, где бы вы ни были.

Публикуйте в WordPress или Medium
Ulysses интегрирован с WordPress и Medium, чтобы избавить вас от необходимости копировать и вставлять свои новые посты. Вы дописываете новый рассказ, нажимаете “Опубликовать” прямо в приложении, и ваш черновик мгновенно появляется в блоге.

Экспорт красивых электронных книг PDF документов
Закончив писать, от вас требуется всего несколько кликов, чтобы сделать свою работу готовой к прочтению. Выбирайте из множества стилей и экспортируйте свои рассказы в виде красиво оформленных электронных книг, документов PDF, HTML-страниц или старых добрых документов Word.


Explore Ulysses’ Features

Ulysses is packed with tools for a better writing life. Here is a best-of selection – for a comprehensive overview please see the feature table.

Focus & Productivity

Ulysses offers a simple and intuitive workspace you can customize according to your taste.

Clean, Distraction-Free Interface

The interface leverages modern OS X concepts. This beautifully familiar environment will stay out of your way – and help you get around in no time.

Markup-Based Text Editor

Ulysses’ editor is text, and text only. With a few characters you mark headlines, important passages or comments. No need to lift your fingers from the keyboard.

Plain Text Enhanced

Ulysses still offers all the features you’d expect from a traditional word processor. Even images, footnotes and links are handled with ease – and unprecedented style.

Themeable Editor

You decide what your editor looks like – choose from handpicked color palettes, or download user-generated themes from the Ulysses Style Exchange.

Keyboard Navigation

You can operate Ulysses via keyboard only, so no need to reach for the mouse. On iPhone and iPad, you can make full use of external keyboards.

Typewriter Mode

When enabled, the line you’re currently typing remains vertically fixed – top, center, bottom, whatever you prefer. Line highlight is also supported.

Organization & Management

Ulysses offers a full suite of organizational tools, from note taking to novel writing – and everything in between.

A Single Library for All Texts

Ulysses’ library holds everything you’ll ever write. No Save dialogs, no Finder searches. It’s all just there. All the time.

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Hierarchic Groups

Groups let you organize your writings project- or subject wise. You can break them into sub-groups and sub-sub-groups as you see fit.


Additional information that belongs to but not in a text can be attached to it: Images, PDFs, notes, keywords, you name it.


With filters you can narrow down your library’s content according to keywords, text occurrences and even creation or modification date.

Auto-Save & Automatic Backup

Ulysses automatically saves your writings and keeps local backups of your entire text library.

Writing Goals

Pursue a daily writing goal, or set word or character limits to your texts and define deadlines. Goals help you track your progress and let you brag about it on social media.


Ulysses lets you write anywhere, without the need to spend a thought about your setup.

Full iCloud Sync

Synchronization is simple, seamless and neither requires third-party apps, nor any kind of interaction. All content is always available, no matter where you are.

For macOS and iOS

From iPhone to iPad to Mac – Ulysses is available for all your devices, and the apps share an identical feature set. No matter what you are writing on – you get the real Ulysses.

External Folders on Dropbox

Ulysses lets you add Dropbox folders to your text library. So if you prefer to store your texts in plain text files, or collaborate with others, you can.

Export & Sharing

No matter what you write and who your readers are, Ulysses’ versatile export function has you covered.

Various File Formats

Export your writings as plain or rich text, as a Markdown file or HTML code. Create beautiful PDFs, Word documents and eBooks, properly formatted and styled.

Publish to WordPress and Medium

WordPress and Medium users can write their stories with Ulysses and directly schedule or publish them from within the app. At the push of a button.

Live Preview

The built-in live preview shows what your output is going to look like, and you can watch your changes take effect instantly.

Built-In Export Styles

Ulysses ships with a number of export styles for all supported formats and various use cases. ADA-style PDF? Check. That classic manuscript look? Also check.

Styles & Themes

On the Styles & Themes website, you can download plenty of export styles and editor themes for all kinds of purposes, created by the Ulysses community.

Share & Open In

Attach a Word manuscript to an e-mail, or open an ePub file with iBooks: Ulysses lets you conveniently share your texts, or send them directly to third-party apps.

All this, and so much more: For a comprehensive overview visit the feature table.

Ulysses for Mac

Ulysses for iPad and iPhone

Try Ulysses for Free

Do you want to put Ulysses to the test? Download it right now from the App Store! All subscription plans contain a free trial. It is fully functional and syncs to all your Macs, iPads and iPhones.


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