Uninstall steam mac os

Как эффективно удалить Steam на Mac

Написано Памела Гарсия Последнее обновление: сентябрь 18, 2021

Технический эксперт по написанию текстов, который умеет писать сообщения об устранении неполадок в любой проблеме Mac и помог многим читателям спасти свои компьютеры Mac.

Вы установили Steam на свой Mac? На каждой платформе есть тысячи игр, в которые любит играть каждый пользователь. Однако некоторые пользователи захотят удалить игры и учетную запись Steam, если некоторые пользователи могут отказаться от использования платформы. В этой статье мы хотим показать вам как удалить Steam на Mac эффективно.


Часть 1. Зачем удалять Steam Game на Mac?

Steam, программное обеспечение, созданное компанией Valve Software, представляет собой систему, позволяющую пользователям доставлять контент через Интернет. Первоначально он был разработан компанией для распространения своих игр. На сегодняшний день платформа открыта, и каждый разработчик может добавлять свои игры. Большинство из популярные игры являются DOTA и Counter-Strike и многие другие, и пользователи могут загрузить их последние версии / модификации. Кроме того, хорошая социальная опция Steam позволяет геймерам общаться друг с другом, создавать группы, делиться скриншотами и т. Д.

Вот некоторые причины, по которым пользователи решили удалить игры Steam:

  • Хватит тратить время / деньги
  • Сократите расходы на внутриигровые покупки
  • Освободите больше места на диске на компьютере
  • Создание нового профиля / аккаунта

Какой бы ни была причина, если вы не можете или ищете самый простой и удобный способ полностью удалить программное обеспечение, we are here to tell you some ways on how to uninstall Steam on Mac completely.

Part 2. How to Remove Steam Games from Your Library?

It is recommended that you need to uninstall the games on Steam first. To do so, follow the steps below but please note, that these steps will remove the game from your Library.

  1. Open the Steam app → Library → select the game you want to remove.
  2. Click “Support” on the right part.
  3. Click “I want to permanently remove this game from my account.”
  4. Select “Ok, remove the listed games from my account permanently.”

You can also remove special games from Steam:

  1. Launch Steam then choose LIBRARY .
  2. Choose the game you want to remove from FAVORITES .
  3. Нажмите кнопку Настройки.
  4. Choose Manage then Uninstall.

Следуя описанному выше процессу, давайте продолжим удалять аккаунт Steam.

Как удалить свой аккаунт Steam?

Прежде чем вы захотите удалить свой Счет в Steam, вам необходимо написать в службу технической поддержки Steam, что вы хотите удалить свой аккаунт.

  1. Clean up your payment information.
  2. Unsubscribe from all sorts of mailing from Steam coming to your mailbox.
  3. Submit Proof of Ownership → receive an answer by email → account got blocked for a while →completely removed from the system.

Часть 3. Как полностью удалить Steam с моего Mac?

Для пользователей Mac нет никаких сомнений в том, что большинству пользователей может быть легко удалить программное обеспечение по сравнению с системой Windows. Но как насчет тех новичков Mac, чтобы вручную удалить программное обеспечение, чтобы очистить все файлы? Это займет дни! Почему бы не попробовать более простой, быстрый и простой способ сделать это?

iMyMac PowerMyMac, a professional third-party uninstaller is recommended for you to accomplish the uninstallation process without headache, only with some simple steps to resolve troubles. And by the way, PowerMyMac is a simple-lite but powerful uninstaller utility that helps you clean all the unwanted files until the root!

Kindly follow the steps below on how to uninstall Steam on Mac with PowerMyMac’s Uninstaller.

  1. Open the PowerMyMac app on your Mac then select the Uninstaller.
  2. Click Scan to scan the applications on Mac.
  3. Click View to see all your apps/software in the left column.
  4. Select Steam in the List of Applications
  5. Если вы хотите удалить все файлы Steam, выберите «Выбрать все». Вы также можете упорядочить файлы, нажав кнопку «Сортировать по».
  6. Then, click the Clean button at the bottom of the page. Wait for the cleaning time to finish.
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Это оно! Вы закончили удаление Steam. После этого вы можете установить новые драйверы или обновить Mac OS

Часть 4. Как удалить Steam на Mac вручную?

Вот как удалить его подпапки и остатки. Пожалуйста, следуйте инструкциям ниже:

1. Выйти из Steam.

2. Перейдите в Finder → Папка приложений → Переместите Steam в корзину.

3. Перейдите в папку «Библиотека» → «Поддержка приложений» → удалите подпапку Steam.

4. Это где файлы поддержки Steam могут храниться, пожалуйста, удалите его:

  • /Users/jary/Library/Application\ Support/Steam
  • /Users/jary/Library/LaunchAgents/com.valvesoftware.steamclean.plist
  • /Users/jary/Library/Saved\ Application\ State/com.valvesoftware.steam.savedState
  • /Users/jary/Library/Preferences/com.valvesoftware.steam.helper.plist

5. После этого не забудьте очистить корзину, чтобы полностью избавиться от Steam.

Часть 5. Вывод

С помощью PowerMyMac вы можете быстро и легко удалить Steam на вашем устройстве. Просто установите приложение и внимательно следуйте инструкциям. С помощью всего лишь нескольких щелчков мыши, ваше устройство свободно от iLok License Manager вместе со связанными файлами и компонентами.

Прекрасно Спасибо за ваш рейтинг.


How to uninstall Steam on your Mac

There are thousands of games on the Steam platform and each user can find at least one game he would like to play. However, some users may wish to abandon the use of the platform. In this article, you will learn how to uninstall the Steam games, the Steam account and the Steam app on your Mac.

What is Steam?

Steam is a system for delivering content to a user’s computer via the Internet. Steam was created by the Valve Software company and was originally designed to distribute its games. Today this platform is open, and each developer can add his own games. The subscribers can download the most popular games, including the Half-Life series, Counter-Strike and many others as well as download the latest updates and modifications to them.

Also, Steam has a good social option. Gamers can communicate with each other, add friends, share their games library and screenshots, create groups and so on.

Well, as you can see, Steam is a popular and convenient platform for game lovers. However, you may have some reason to delete steam games, for example, to stop wasting your time on games or spending too much money on them. Or, you may want to free up more disk space on your computer and optimize its performance, or remove your profile from the service to create a new one, or clear the history of your account, and so on. Whatever your reason, if you cannot uninstall Steam or are just looking for the easiest and best way to get rid of the software, this article is for you. Below, we will tell you two ways of uninstalling Steam games.

How to uninstall Steam games from your account

Some users complain that, after removing the Steam app on their computers, the games downloaded from Steam still remain on their disks, and then they have trouble removing them. To avoid such a situation, we recommend that you first uninstall the games on Steam. Follow the steps below but please note, that these steps will uninstall the game completely from your account.

  1. Open the Steam app → go to your Library → select the game you want to remove.
  2. Click “Support” from the right section.

  1. Then click “I want to permanently remove this game from my account.”

  1. You will see two options, one with a confirmation requirement and the other to cancel the operation. Select “Ok, remove the listed games from my account permanently.”

We’ve told you how to uninstall a game from Steam. Now, let’s move on to guide you to remove the Steam account.

How to delete your Steam account

To delete your Steam account, you need to write to the Steam technical support team that you want to remove your account.

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If you are completely sure that you no more need Steam, clean up your bank card numbers and other payment information. Also, you should unsubscribe from all sorts of mailing from Steam coming to your mailbox.

Please note, you will be asked to provide the Proof of Ownership to complete your request. Later, you will receive an answer by email asking whether you are sure you want to delete it. Usually, the account removal is done in stages. First, it is blocked for a while, and then, after a certain period of time, it is completely removed from the system.

How to uninstall Steam on Mac manually

The procedure for uninstalling Steam is the same as for any application on Mac. First, you should delete the app executable item and then remove its leftovers. Here is how to do it:

  1. Quit Steam.
  2. Go to the Finder → Applications folder.
  3. Move Steam to the Trash.

  • Go to the Library folder → Application Support → remove the Steam subfolder.
  • Also, you should check other subfolders in the Library, where the Steam support files may be stored, and remove them from there:

  • After that, don’t forget to empty Trash to get rid of Steam completely.
  • How to remove Steam on Mac with one click

    Another way to remove Steam from Mac permanently is to use a special tool App Cleaner & Uninstaller . App Cleaner & Uninstaller is designed to uninstall apps on Mac completely so that you don’t need to look for the app’s support files manually. The program does this task instead of you.

    1. Download App Cleaner & Uninstaller .
    2. Launch the program and find Steam in the left section.
    3. Select Steam and click the Remove button. Then you will just need to confirm the task.


    That’s all! As you can see, the Steam removal procedure is easy, especially if you use App Cleaner & Uninstaller. We hope you’ve got all the answers you want about deleting your Steam account as well as the games and platform software tool.

    App Cleaner & Uninstaller

    Uninstall any Mac application in 2 minutes.


    How to Uninstall Steam on Your Mac

    Steam is a digital paradise for many gamers across the globe. Not only does it offer thousands of titles and lavish discounts, but it’s also a great way to download and play games on Mac.

    One of the main drawbacks of having Steam on your device is that it takes up 1GB of disk space, meaning your important apps will have to compete for the remaining space.

    Uninstalling Steam from your Mac will help you reclaim your precious space. You should also uninstall the app if it’s not working or if Steam won’t open. Your Mac has limited storage so removing Steam will also ensure that the operating system doesn’t struggle if you’ve run out of space.

    We’ll walk you through the options you have by covering the following key areas:

    Steps to uninstalling Steam from your Mac

    To completely delete Steam and downloaded games from your Mac, follow these steps:

    1. Click Steam and select Quit Steam from the top of your Mac’s screen to close the app

    2. Next, click Finder and select the Applications folder to open it

    3. Look for Steam in the Applications folder, right-click and select Move to Bin

    4. Next, remove any leftover files by opening a new Finder window and selecting Go > Go to Folder

    5. In the box that appears on your screen, enter the following:

    /Library/Application Support and press Enter

    6, Find the Steam folder, right-click and select Move to Bin. Open the Trash and select Empty Trash to remove Steam and its associated files from your Mac forever

    You’ve successfully deleted all Steam files and downloaded games from your Mac!

    Note: If you’d like to keep your games, select everything else you want to delete from the Steam folder like cloud files, game data, cache, and history, but keep the SteamApps folder as it contains all the games you’ve downloaded. When you delete the Steam library folder from your Mac now, your games will remain on the hard drive.

    How to delete a game from Steam

    If you’re done playing certain games on your Mac and don’t need them anymore, you can permanently delete Steam games without uninstalling Steam altogether.

    This way, you can free up the space that game was taking up and make room for other apps and games instead. All the Steam data for that game will also be erased along with the game.

    Here’s how to delete a game from Steam:

    1. Open Steam on your Mac and sign in to your Steam account

    2. Next, click the Library option

    3. Click All to view all your games and select the game you’d like to uninstall

    4. Click the Settings icon on the right side of the screen

    5. Next, click Manage and select Uninstall. Alternatively, right-click on the game title and select Manage > Uninstall

    6. A prompt will appear asking you to confirm the deletion of the game. If you’re sure you want to delete the game completely, select Uninstall to confirm your action. Steam will uninstall the game, but you’ll still see it in your Library in case you want to download it in the future

    How to remove Steam from your Mac with MacKeeper

    Another way of removing Steam from your Mac is by using an app. One of the available options is MacKeeper, which is free to download and reliable to use. On top of that, MacKeeper offers privacy, security, and tune-up features designed to keep your Mac healthy.

    Here’s how to remove Steam from your Mac and fully uninstall Steam games using MacKeeper:

    1. Download and install MacKeeper, launch the app on your Mac and then select Smart Uninstaller in the Cleaning section

    2. Next, click the blue Start Scan button. MacKeeper will begin to scan your Mac for any leftover files, apps, and more

    3. Click Applications in the scan results page and then select the checkbox next to Steam to select it

    4. Next, click the blue Remove Selected button to completely uninstall Steam

    5. A prompt will appear asking you to confirm your action. Click Remove. This will remove the Steam library folder plus the app and all its files from your Mac for good

    How to reinstall Steam on your Mac

    Steam allows you to uninstall and reinstall your games anytime you want the same way you installed them the first time. To reinstall Steam on Mac, sign in as an administrator on your Mac and then download and run the Steam Installer.

    Does uninstalling Steam delete my games?

    Yes, uninstalling Steam deletes the app and all the games you downloaded, plus any other associated files saved on your Mac and downloadable content. According to Steam’s developers, uninstalling Steam deletes the entire folder containing the app and all the games with it.

    Can I uninstall Steam and keep my games?

    If you want to reinstall Steam and your games in the future, move the SteamApps folder away from the Steam directory so you can uninstall Steam without losing games. You can also make backups of all your game content and safely uninstall the app on your Mac without losing saves.

    Still, even if you keep your games after uninstalling Steam, that doesn’t mean you’ll be able to play them without installing Steam on your Mac.

    Wrapping Up

    Whether you find your Steam game collection distracting, you’re trying to reclaim storage space on your Mac, or you just want to move on from Steam altogether, uninstalling Steam will help you get rid of the app for good.

    We hope this guide was helpful and you were able to uninstall Steam from your Mac for good.

    With over 5 years of supporting Mac users, Ruslana lives and breathes everything Mac. Tech expert, Apple lover, and well, a cutie. Say hi on LinkedIn!

    With over 5 years of supporting Mac users, Ruslana lives and breathes everything Mac. Tech expert, Apple lover, and well, a cutie. Say hi on LinkedIn!


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