- Urban Terror для Ubuntu
- Установка Urban Terror на Linux
- Urban Terror
- Установка и запуск Urban Terror в Linux (Ubuntu Linux)
- Urban Terror
- Review
- Free Download
- An open source and totally free mod of the Quake III Arena game for GNU/Linux operating systems
- What’s new in Urban Terror 4.2.023:
- Features at a glance
- Supported operating systems and availability
- Includes a dedicated server
- Urban Terror
- A free multiplayer first person shooter developed by FrozenSand
- Details for Urban Terror
- Share this snap
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- Urban Terror
- Welcome to Urban Terror
- Latest news
- Flawless league announcement
- Urban Terror 5 Mapping Plugin
- Urban Terror’s 21st Birthday!
- 🎉 Urban Terror is 21 years old today 🍰
- What do you remember?
- The old UrT
- Urban Terror 4.X
- Wrapping it up.
- Q&A Feedback — Part 4
- Q&A Feedback — Part 3
- Under the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain
Urban Terror для Ubuntu
Качественный шутер Urban Terror (Городской Террор) с трехмерной графикой под ОС Linux приобрел миллионы поклонников во всем мире.
Игре было присвоено звание лучшего мода в 2007 году. Весь игровой процесс, тактика и созданная атмосфера напоминает не менее известную игру Counter Strike, однако отличия все же существуют. Urban Terror состоит из семи режимов, имеет разнообразное оружие и снаряжение. Игра характеризуется большим выбором карт, которые отличаются поверхностями и урбанизацией.
Неоспоримым преимуществом игры является ее мультиплеерность. Для подключения к серверу достаточно воспользоваться опцией Play Online (находится в главном меню) и выбрать необходимый сервер из списка. Следует заметить, что при подключении к определенному серверу, где уже идут ожесточенные бои на карте, отсутствующая в арсенале игрока, она загрузится и установится в автоматическом режиме.
Высокий уровень реалистичности происходящих событий и высокая скорость игры ежедневно увеличивает число ее пользователей. Каждый вид оружия имеет свои характерные особенности: разный уровень отдачи и кучности стрельбы, необходимость периодической перезарядки, постоянная доступность (его не нужно покупать).
Система повреждений разделена на зоны, т.е. при нанесении урона игроку, начинают кровоточить раны и соответственно уменьшается уровень здоровья, которое восстанавливается с помощью аптечки. Акробатические способности главного героя приятно удивят: он с легкостью отталкивается от стен, способен ускоряться и прыгать на внушительные расстояния. Не излеченные раны на ногах будут замедлять движение и не позволят совершать прыжки.
В случае отсутствия патронов в оружии (в том числе и ножей) одержать победу над противником можно будет в рукопашном бое. Также его можно будет пнуть ногой либо прыгнуть на него. Однако один пинок отнимет пятую часть здоровья. Упасть с большой высоты на голову соперника приведет к его гибели, а игрок получит заслуженную победу.
Установка Urban Terror на Linux
Распространяется Urban Terror совершенно бесплатно, однако лицензия запрещает ее модификацию и продажу. Игра не требует установки. Прежде всего, необходимо скачать с официального сайта http://www.urbanterror.info/downloads/ zip архив и распаковать его. Далее устанавливаем права на запуск файлу ioUrbanTerror.i386 и выполняем его соответствующей командой
Для установления права на запуск (подробнее про права на запуск), следует выполнить в терминале команду:
После этого можно наслаждаться увлекательным и захватывающим игровым процессом.
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Urban Terror
Urban Terror (Городской Террор) — качественный мультиплеерный трехмерный шутер от первого лица под Linux. Игру Urban Terror многие сравнивают с Counter Strike и это неслучайно. Игровой процесс, тактика и атмосфера действительно очень похожи на Counter Strike. В игре представлено семь игровых режимов, широкий выбор оружия и снаряжения.
Urban Terror это полностью мультиплеерная игра. Для того, чтобы подключиться к какому-либо серверу, достаточно нажать в меню Play Online и выбрать из списка доступных серверов любой понравившийся. Вы также можете отсортировать сервера по доступности или, например, сделать выборку по режимам игры.
В игре большой выбор карт с разным типом поверхностей и уровнем урбанизации. Причем, если вы, например, хотите подключиться к серверу, на котором в данный момент играют на карте, которой у вас нет, тогда она автоматически скачается и установится на лету.
Urban Terror распространяется бесплатно, но лицензия запрещает модификацию и продажу игры. Движок игры ioQuakeEngine (ioQuake) распространяется бесплатно.
Игра доступна под Linux, Windows и Mac Os.
Установка и запуск Urban Terror в Linux (Ubuntu Linux)
С выходом новых версий игры немного меняются и способы установки. Рассмотрим, как установить Urban Terror 4.2 в Linux. Скачайте с официального сайта архив с игрой (UrbanTerror42.tar). На самом деле это не архив, а утилита инсталляции, которая в процессе установки игры сама скачает компоненты игры. Распакуйте архив. Откройте терминал и перейдите в директорию, в которую вы распаковали архив:
Выполните установочный файл:
Следуйте указаниям установщика (я везде нажимал Next). В процессе установки будет загружено порядка 1Гб информации.
Когда установка завершиться в вашей директории должно появится несколько файлов. В частности, нас интересуют файлы Quake3-UrT.i386 и Quake3-UrT.x86_64 для 32-х и 64-х битных систем, соответственно. Если у вас 32-х битная система, тогда вы должны использовать Quake3-UrT.i386, а если 64-х битная, тогда Quake3-UrT.x86_64. Предположим, что у нас 32-х битная система, тогда для запуска игры мы будем использовать файл Quake3-UrT.i386. Сделаем его исполняемым, в терминале выполните команду:
Теперь можно запустить игру. Выполните в терминале:
Urban Terror
Free Download
An open source and totally free mod of the Quake III Arena game for GNU/Linux operating systems
What’s new in Urban Terror 4.2.023:
- Fixed strat time causing early match termination
- Fixed flag return message colour #176
- Fixed negative team scores #177
- Added s_alttabmute CVAR to control sound when game is in background. Values are: ‘1’ for Mute (default) or ‘0’ to keep sounds playing when game is in background. (Windows only)
Read the full changelog
Urban Terror is a unique, free, addictive, open source, fun and cross-platform FPS (first-person shooter) game developed by FrozenSand and designed to run on any Quake III Arena compatible engine. It features multiplayer capabilities and it’s described by its developers as a “Hollywood tactical shooter.” The game is available for Linux, Windows and Macintosh computers.
Features at a glance
Key features include realism, numerous weapons, Counter-Strike elements, Quake III Arena elements (circle jumping), Unreal Tournament elements, support for mainstream operating systems, a dedicated Linux server for hosting Urban Terror game sessions without interruption, support for maps, weather affects, the ability to perform superhuman feats, and realistic damage system.
In addition, the games comes with classic and extremely popular FPS modes, such as Capture the Flag and Team Deathmatch, as well as Free-for-All (deathmatch), Capture & Hold, Team Survivor, Follow the Leader and Bomb & Defuse. The Jump Mode and Last Man Standing game types are also included in Urban Terror.
Supported operating systems and availability
Urban Terror is available for download for free, as a universal zip archive that contain all the necessary files to run the game in no time. In addition, the developers provide native installers for each of the supported operating systems (see below for details), as well as an update file.
Officially supported operating systems include all GNU/Linux distributions, as well as the commercial Mac OS X and Microsoft Windows OSes. Both 64-bit and 32-bit hardware platforms are supported at this time.
Includes a dedicated server
In addition to the above, the Urban Terror project comes with a dedicated server, which can be downloaded and installed only on GNU/Linux platforms. The server is also free of charge, downloadable from the project’s homepage (see link below for details) and actively maintained by both the community and FrozenSand.
Urban Terror
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A free multiplayer first person shooter developed by FrozenSand
Urban Terror™ can be described as a Hollywood tactical shooter; somewhat realism based, but the motto is «fun over realism». This results in a very unique, enjoyable and addictive game.
Details for Urban Terror
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Urban Terror
Urban Terror
Info & Contact
Help UrT
Welcome to Urban Terror
Urban Terror™ is a free multiplayer first person shooter developed by FrozenSand, that will run on any Quake III Arena compatible engine. It is available for Windows, Linux and Macintosh.
Urban Terror can be described as a Hollywood tactical shooter; somewhat realism based, but the motto is «fun over realism». This results in a very unique, enjoyable and addictive game.
No registration required: Download, install, play!
Latest news
Flawless league announcement
«Flawless» , a new Urban Terror 5v5 competition platform is now live !
This competition is based on discord. The bot Alfred manages everything on the discord server (teams, roster, signups, scheduling, etc…).
What’s the goal ?
This is a brand new competition platform, our goal is to organize seasons periodically, as Clanbase did in the past and as Urban Zone still does today.
However, we wanted to add our perspective to the competitive scene, that’s why our competitions will be TS + CTF.
For us, to be elected as «the best team» you have to be challenged on the game modes that represent this game the most.
Team Survivor and Capture The Flag are the DNA of Urban Terror, and that’s why we want to keep them both, and don’t split them into two different leagues.
Moreover, we will try to stream as many games as we can, so follow us ! (we’re still looking for some streamers to join our staff).
Find us on Twitter, Twitch and Youtube
Urban Terror Championship Series — Fall 2021 is now live !
Sign up now ! [01/09 — 12/09]
Just follow the instructions on our #welcome channel to be registered and create your team on our discord server : discord.gg/DBJjn3erzz
Then you’ll find a channel called «Signup» to be part of the UTCS Fall 2021 (take a look in channel #rules before signing up)
Be sure to be ready!
Urban Terror 5 Mapping Plugin
The Plugin provides the necessary configuration changes to align functionality of the Engine with that of Urban Terror 5, and, a selection of custom Editor Assets (like Entities in Radiant) that provide Urban Terror 5 specific in-game features, such as, Player Spawns and CTF Flags.
A demo Level is also provided, which shows and explains the use of each of the included assets.
For mappers who take the time to start developing maps for Urban Terror 5, to a good initial standard, we will host submissions for our QA Team to test and provide feedback, and subject to approval, membership on the QA Team as a Mapper, to enable offline solo, or online group testing, while the map is being developed.
The full list of assets in this beta release includes: Door, Container, Spline, Activate Trigger, Overlap Trigger, Random Trigger, Shoot Trigger, Media Manager, Material Manager, Animation Manager, Damage Volume, Location Volume, No Drop Volume, Jump Pad, Jump Timer, Teleport, CTF Flag, Player Start, and even an AI template with AI Rat example.
Usage instructions and download link can be found on our Documentation Pages here: Mapping Plugin Documentation
Join us on the official Discord for discussion and support.
Urban Terror’s 21st Birthday!
Today is the 20th of August 2021 and Quakecon 2021 is in progress.
21 years ago the Urban Terror was released on Quakecon 2000. So that means.
🎉 Urban Terror is 21 years old today 🍰
Yay, but what it all means? Can UrT finally drink and drive? YES!
Although, is this the important part?
21 years have passed.
. that is a long time and a lot had happened.
What do you remember?
What is your best memory throughout these past years? How many people you’ve met online? And how many became your friends? What was the map you had the most fun on? (even from the 4.1 days)
Share your memories with us on the forum or on Discord.
It has been a journey too for the FrozenSand team . over 100 hobbyists and enthusiasts contributed to UrT’s development. A lot of creative and unique souls have put their heart into UrT’s DNA.
Though, not just the developers contributed creatively. There are over 1 600 maps and their variants in the widely used map repository UrT.li . And the enormous number is a proof that mappers for sure had been busy as well.
One nearly might forget about all the websites for clans and tournaments. Full of great art, articles and thriving community members on the forums. Or the modified game servers and other tools like B3 or Spunky. Every clan had created something extra just for their players.
And not just creatively, many picked up the server administration related chores. Helped to create a welcoming environment for the new players. That is a very important part as well.
But, when it comes to it. The greatest joy is from seeing a full server of players just enjoying the game. So while mentioning all of the different areas where people have contributed. it is more then fair to mention all of the players which prevailed and play UrT to this day. Since that is the reason why all of the folks above actually do what they do.
Some players might not have been around right from the start. So the next section is for you. Prepare for 4:3 screen ratio!!
The old UrT
To really reflect UrT’s origins and early 2000s we’ve compiled some nice videos that should illustrate what UrT looked like in the past. Since in 2021 we perceive it a bit differently. But more on that later.
Jump through the videos, ignore the 2000s music and look for small changes and details like player skins, weapon models, radio call-outs . etc. Let the nostalgia begin!
Also, it is interesting to listen to the original extended main menu music WHICH HAS LYRICS: reverbnation.com/markklem/song…
(the best part starts around 5:45)
🎵. remember the name . Urban Terror . 🎵
You might think: But the videos look very similar, what exactly is the big change? Keep in mind that the first version didn’t have that complex movement as we have today. The videos are probably from 2.x so it looks more familiar, but not all aspects of the movement are present even there.
Urban Terror 4.X
The videos from the older version show how UrT felt and played.
Noticeably the players on this video have more tendency to move and this reflects how the UrT gameplay is like. The interesting part is that even a «little» features like wall jumping might change the way how players play the game.
Roughly throughout the first 10 years of UrT’s existence, it was enhanced with sprinting, ledge climbing, wall jumping and sliding. These iconic moves weren’t in the game right from the start.
And this trend continues to this day with the upcoming UrT 5 and its new features which enhance the UrT’s movement formula. So to put it into other words. UrT is about adaptation and it always has been.
Wrapping it up.
To summarize this nostalgia rabbit hole, the past 21 years are telling a story about a long sprint rather than a race. It’s a story about the legendary developers and the legendary community.
We are glad to be a part of this 21-year-old journey and we are looking forward to how the future will unveil.
Happy 21 y.o. 🎉 Don’t drink too much.
PS: Check back tomorrow to find a special news post, we got a surprise for all mappers!
Q&A Feedback — Part 4
The forth and final instalment of Q&A feedback, happy reading.
Will maps from previous versions of URT be convertible to the new version?
Maps from previous versions or Urban Terror will not be compatible with Urban Terror 5: Resurgence, however, there is a process that community mappers can use to convert their previous work into Unreal format which can be used as a base to build on; this process requires a lot of work, but does allow for layouts to be converted one to one.
Will we be able to create our own maps and release them?
Members of the community will be able to continue creating their own maps for Urban Terror, a few examples of work-in-progress have been seen on the Discord #urt5-mapping thread, tools for creating maps are freely available, for example Blender and Unreal Engine.
We’ve been working on a Mapping Plugin for Unreal Engine 4 which will provide all of the Urban Terror specific assets and features required for the map to function (spawns, flags, etc.), and it is currently being tested by the private alpha participants. A few of them are already working on custom maps for UrT5!
Will smoke nades work the same as in UrT4.3 with the gun flashes visible?
Smoke nades will work the same as they do in Urban Terror 4.3.
What updates are planned for the game, like innovation / gameplay / game mode?
We are experimenting with innovations in movement, and discussing options for new or altered game modes, but at this stage it is only ideas as we need to prioritize completing the base game first.
Once the game is out, we plan to keep on improving it with regular releases. Thanks to Steam, the update mechanism for both servers and players will be extremely simple and will allow us to push updates frequently.
What is planned for the radio system?
The radio system voices / commands will be the same as those in Urban Terror 4 initially, but we plan on adding new voices in the future; the system is also being reviewed to make it both higher quality and more streamlined.
Do you plan to do competitive things like UZ/NC
As a development team, we will not be organising competitive leagues, though we will continue to support community organisation of leagues and events as we have done for the existing game over the years.
Will we get a stats function when the map ends and on a website?
We do want to implement some stats tracking in the future. We’re currently focusing on the core game mechanisms, but it is definitely in our long-term to-do list.
Will there be a Linux version released at the same time as the Windows version?
The private alpha participants are already play-testing the Linux builds of the game, and we have game servers running on both Windows and Linux dedicated servers, so yes, a Linux version will be released at the same time as the Windows version 😀
How will urt5 stand in terms of server mods, will this still be a thing?
With regard to server mods, the code modifications seen in the current version will not be available, though we might expose more features to server bots that allow some extra modifications.
What is the requirement configuration for playing urt 5?
The hardware requirements have not been finalized, one of the later process is optimizing the game and maps, but for now, if you are able to run Fortnite then you’re good to go.
Will there be bots? Will they have AI with brain?
We do plan to have bots and other AI, although we’re still looking for an AI programmer. If you are among those beats, please reach out to us!
Will there be a permanent ban from the game, and will the old ban-list be continued?
Server admins will be able to ban by Steam ID; it is also likely that the current IP ban list will be carried over.
I would like to buy the rights of this game, for what price are you willing to sell?
The rights to the game are not for sale.
What will differentiate between urt 5 & urt 4, like cvars or sensitivity?
Everything is different by default between UrT 4 & UrT 5, but we strive to implement compatible features and settings wherever it matters most (e.g. mouse sensitivity).
Will there be cosmetic customisation options?
Custom cosmetic things like clan tag, weapons, dance, emote and so on, are absolutely something that we’d like to do eventually, but it is very far down our list of priorities for the game!
Will the new version have new administration features?
For administration, we believe that the rcon system is extremely useful on a day-to-day basis, so we’ve ported it to UrT 5 and we plan to gradually improve it over time. Third party bots will still be able to fetch live information from the game too.
You can find the original question threads here;
> Forums
> Reddit
We hope you have found these questions and answers informative!
Please join us on our Discord
Q&A Feedback — Part 3
The third and penultimate instalment of Q&A feedback, happy reading.
Which maps are planned to be available on release?
The actual list of maps that will be included when the game is officially released is not fixed, and will depend on what we have complete when the core game itself is ready; we currently have several Urban Terror 5 maps that are nearing completion and being tested by the private alpha participants: Algiers, Mykonos, Orbital, Skylines, Tohunga, Turnpike, Uptown and Uranus. There are also other maps being worked on which we will announce in due course!
Both official and third party map development will be an ongoing process and hopefully there will be many new maps over the coming years!
Will there be any new weapons?
New weapons will and are being created in addition to the original set, the final selection for the public release will also depend on community feedback. Names of weapons are ‘made-up’ to avoid copyright issues, if you have ideas for alternative names, feel free to post them on our Discord.
Would it be possible to publish a development roadmap?
We do not have a fixed roadmap for development, as a team we know what we are aiming for, and as volunteers we work on our specific areas at different times, so the various aspects of the project are not always aligned. We are also flexible with features as we try new ideas or take feedback from the community.
When will it be possible to add to the Steam Wishlist?
Steam’s ‘add to wish list’ feature is something we will look at when we are at the right stage in development; a key requirement to kickstart a Steam page for a game is to release a gameplay trailer. We currently think that we need a bit more development and testing time to be able to create a satisfying trailer truly showing the game’s potential. We are getting closer though! In the meantime, if you have some video editing skills or know the phone number of Mr Spielberg, please let us know. 🙂
Will it still be possible to jump with the back against a wall?
It will absolutely still be possible to jump with the players back against a wall without the need to press the back key. You can see it in action in our Jump gameplay video: youtube.com/watch?v=NOMZdfRbsRI
Will there be vocal chat?
We do want to implement voice chat in the future (at least for matchmode / matchmaking), and there are a number of options for it, but we haven’t discussed that subject enough to give you an answer at the moment; we’ll assess the possibilities in the coming months. We do already have working Discord integration to display game activity, that may provide one option for voice chat amongst others.
Will there be a 2v2 mode?
It will be possible to have a 2v2 mode, it will be up to the server admin to specify.
Do you have any plans for reaching new players with UrT5?
Reaching new players and ‘getting the word out’ will happen a lot by word of mouth; «A 20 year old game created by volunteers releases major new version» is quite a story which should have potential to reach many new players. The community can help a great deal by spreading that story 🙂
What about features that are realized with mods at the moment?
Features that are currently realized with mods in UrT 4.3, for example infinite stamina and player count will be available for sure; Zombie mode is a larger special case, that will probably make it eventually but we cannot say for sure at this stage.
Can we still personalize the color of team identification using RGB?
Personalizing the colors of team identification using RGB color will not be possible, but pre-sets similar to the current options will probably be included later in development.
Is the bullet spray pattern the same as urt 4?
The style of recoil and bullet spread will remain almost identical to 4.x, the details and exact values might differ a little.
How will hit detection work, something like tickrate?
How hit detection will work is a complex question, tickrate is only a tiny factor that goes into hit detection in a game like CS:GO. Initially hit detection will be client side with server side verification, and we’ll probably rework the netcode and hit detection entirely at some point after open beta.
Will it have anti-toxicity?
The best way to combat toxicity is to foster a positive environment; beyond that, we’ll certainly aim to provide every possible tool to shield users from toxicity (e.g. muting players, disabling chat, and so on).
Will it have an honour system?
There are no plans for an honour system at the moment, but once we have our own supporting framework in place behind the game itself, features like this will certainly be explored.
Will language translations be available
We’ve not discussed the language translation subject too much internally, but it’d be nice. Our team is quite diversified and we speak quite a few different languages. It’d be a huge task to keep the translations up to date with frequent releases though, but, the Unreal Engine does provide some assistance with localisation.
Will you have different types of grenades?
There are no specific plans regarding things like smoke grenade/vision, nocturne / flash grenade, decoy grenade etc. yet. Urban Terror is not a tactical shooter so this is not likely to be a priority, but we are always open to experiment with new features (and maybe provide them as options for custom servers).
You can find the original question threads here;
> Forums
> Reddit
Stay tuned for the next set of answers in the coming weeks!
Under the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain
FS BladeKiller : It’s been a while since my last blog so I thought I would show you how the first of the Asian characters is coming along. Her name is Jade. She is named for the beautiful snow-capped mountain that stands guard over her home town of Lijiang in Yunnan, China. Lijiang was an economic and transportation hub along the Ancient Tea Horse Road and its intricate system of waterways, as well as its location […]