PSP VintageWarmer 2 (плагин AudioUnit, VST, RTAS для Mac OSX (Universal Binary); VST и RTAS для Windows; VST, RTAS и MAS для Mac OS Classic) является высококачественным цифровым одно — или многополосным компрессором / лимитером аналогового стиля. Он сочетает в себе богатую и удобную аналоговую обработку с простым пользовательским интерфейсом, и поставляется с обширной библиотекой пресетов. Процессор плагина является очень гибким и может быть использован как для сжатия, так и для ограничения. Это делает его важным инструментом для сведения и мастеринга музыкантов.
Особое внимание было уделено характеристики PSP Vintage Warmer в перегрузки с процессора, способные генерировать эффекты насыщения типичных аналоговых магнитофонов. PSP Vintage Warmer также включает в себя профессиональные VU и PPM настройки вместе с точным показателем перегрузки, тем самым обеспечивая профессиональное качество.
— Высокое качество алгоритмов обработки сигналов — Один или несколько группа обработки сигналов — FAT (частота технология аутентификации) двойной обработки проб в PSP — 64-разрядные вычисления с плавающей запятой — Срок фильтры низких и высоких частот в одном диапазоне режим обработки — Контроль за низких и высоких частот компонентов сигнала в многодиапазонным режим обработки — Точно калиброванные VU и PPM метров с перегрузкой показателей — Disengagable кирпичной стены предельных — Два выпуска Mutliplier диапазоны для быстрой обработки или смягчены — Полу Автоматизированная выпуска режиме. — До 192 кГц частотой дискретизации поддержку — Библиотека пресетов
— Оптимизация плотности и среднего уровня записи сигнала во время микширования, настройка — Формирование динамики записей во время микширования — Добавление warm отдельных треков или полного микса — Добавление стиля аналогового магнитофона компрессии отдельных треков или полного микса.
VST — Windows x32 или x64 (XP Service Pack 2, Vista или 7) * — VST 2.4 совместимое приложение RTAS — Windows x32 или x64 (XP Service Pack 2, Vista или 7) * — ProTools LE 8.0.0 или ProTools TDM 8.0.0 (или выше)
Дата Выпуска: 12.2017 Версия: 2.7.3 Разработчик: PSPaudioware Сайт разработчика: Формат: VST, VST3, RTAS, AAX Разрядность: 32bit, 64bit Таблэтка: вылечено Системные требования: Windows x32 or x64 (7, 8 or 10) Размер: 22.3 MB
PSPaudioware — PSP Vintage Warmer2 (Компрессор/лимитер) — высококачественное цифровое моделирование аналогового стиля, многополосный компрессор/лимитер. Он комбинирует богатую, теплую аналоговую обработку с простым и удобным пользовательским интерфейсом и идет со всесторонней библиотекой заводских пресетов. Плагин очень гибок. Это делает его незаменимым инструментом для смешивания и мастеринга. Особое внимание было обращено на характеристики перегрузки. Плагин способен к генерированию эффектов насыщения, типичных для аналоговых магнитофонов. PSP Vintage Warmer имеет точные индикаторы перегрузки, гарантируя результаты профессионального качества.
PSP StereoPack is collection of 4 plug-ins (VST and RTAS format for Windows; AudioUnit, VST and RTAS for Mac OSX UniversalBinary and VST and MAS for OS 9). The set consists of: PSP PseudoStereo , PSP StereoEnhancer , PSP StereoController , PSP StereoAnalyser . These plug-ins are applied for creating, expanding, improving, controlling and analysing the image and quality of the stereo signal in single tracks or mixes thereof.
The PSP StereoPack can add real dimension to sounds and mixes that seemed fine already, as well as lifting weak material up to unexpectedly high level. Analysis and correction become simple tasks which can help confirm your stereo image or show any problems that your hearing may not pick up. Computer Music
Estrada i Studio editors’ choice! The PSP StereoPack is a very attractive tool for sound engineers who are involved in mastering and for owners of home recording studios who want to achieve interesting spatial effects and to make preliminary mixes of their own compositions. Estrada i Studio
PSP StereoPack: a useful collection of stereo plug-ins that’ll help you get your mixes sounding wider than ever. The Mix
Description: PSP PseudoStereo plug-in enables the conversion of the mono signal into a stereo one. Due to processor operation the mono signal gains features resembling a record performed by the use of a pair of microphones. This appliance proves particularly valuable when mixing MIDI material, when for instance percussion tracks need some depth and natural spatial effect. This plug-in enables the user to create the impression of «vigorous drums» based on mono samples. It can also be used for the purpose of re-mastering mono tracks.
Applications: pseudo-stereo encoding while recording, mixing and re- mastering mono tracks.
Features: wide range of effects, visualization of stereo to mono ratio, emphasis of transients in processor chain, sample rates up to 192kHz supported, presets library.
Description: PSP StereoEnhancer plug-in allows for the improvement of the stereo track spatial effect. Due to three processor operation modes optimal settings can be applied to any audio material. With the use of PSP StereoEnhancer the stereo sound of acoustic instruments as well as poor stereo archive tracks can be improved. This plug-in can also applied for the purpose of new music material mastering.
Applications: enhancing stereophonic space while recording, mixing, mastering and re-mastering single or multiple stereo tracks and mixes.
Features: wide range of effects from subtle to extreme, visualization of mono compatibility, sample rates up to 192kHz supported, enclosed presets library.
Description: PSP StereoController is used for correcting stereophonic errors. This plug-in allows for removing basic errors such as: reverse signal phase or change of channels. It can also be used for effecting subtle changes into the stereo image. PSP StereoController is particularly helpful whilst mastering tracks performed in poor monitoring conditions.
Applications: eliminating stereo errors during mastering and re-mastering stereo tracks.
Features: independent control of differential signal level, traditional channel balance, changing stability of left and right without moving center channel position, adjusting center position without changing entire stereo image, swapping and changing phase of channels. Visualizing of left / right balance and stereo / mono balance. This processor does not break tonal balance and mono compability. Sample rates up to 192kHz supported.
Description: PSP StereoAnalyser is used for measuring and estimating the correctness of the stereo signal. Apart from mean and peak measurement of L R or M S signal levels it allows for oscilloscope observation of stereo sound which reveals phase errors and lack of channel balance.
Applications: analyzing of stereo image properties while recording, mixing, mastering and re-mastering of stereo tracks.
Features: stereo oscilloscope with hold option and manually or automatically adjusted operating level, L R or S M level meters with mean/peak/peak hold features and held peak level text output, sample rates up to 192kHz supported.
Windows x32 or x64 (XP Service Pack 2, Vista or 7)* VST 2.4 compatible application
Windows x32 or x64 (XP Service Pack 2, Vista or 7)* ProTools LE 8.0.0 or ProTools TDM 8.0.0 (or later)
Mac OSX 10.5 or later* 32 or 64-bit host application capable of running AudioUnit plug-ins with Cocoa view
Mac OSX 10.5 or later* VST 2.4 compatible application
Mac OSX 10.4 or later* ProTools LE 8.0.0 or ProTools TDM 8.0.0 (or later)
*If you are using an older operating system please contact us to get access to previous versions of the product compatible with earlier systems.
Product homepage:
PSP VintageWarmer2
PSP VintageWarmer2 (plug-in AudioUnit, VST, VST3, RTAS for Mac OSX (Universal Binary); VST3, VST and RTAS for Windows; VST, RTAS and MAS for Mac OS Classic) is a high-quality digital simulation of an analog-style, a single- or multi-band compressor/limiter. It combines rich, warm analog processing with a straightforward user interface, and comes with a comprehensive library of presets. The plug-in processor is highly flexible and can be used for both softknee compression and brick-wall limiting. This makes it an essential tool for mixing and mastering engineers. Careful attention has been paid to PSP Vintage Warmer’s overload characteristics with the processor being capable of generating saturation effects typical of analog tape recorders. PSP Vintage Warmer also incorporates professional VU and PPM metering together with accurate overload indicators thereby assuring professional quality results.
PSP VintageWarmer2 version installer contains 3 versions of the plug-in:
PSP MicroWarmer which provides the same sound quality as it’s big siblings, but with a simplified single-band interface and low latency performance optimized for use on individual tracks;
PSP VintageWarmer (LE) which is a direct descendant of the original PSP VintageWarmer with its all strengths such as low resource usage and latency;
PSP VintageWarmer2, the main addition being the FAT double sampling mode for even more analog sounding processing.
We strongly recommend that you use the PSP VintageWarmer (LE) or the PSP MicroWarmer in all multitracking applications except situations where FAT mode is important. The PSP VintageWarmer2 is recommended for mastering purposes and groups or master busses only.
In order to run a plug-in in 30 day demo mode or activate the plug-in, you need an iLok user ID which you can create for free at , and you need to install the free iLok License Manager application. A hardware USB iLok dongle is NOT required, however it is optional.
I was very impressed by the range of treatments on offer, and by the high quality of the results. This is a plug-in that you can use to completely mangle individual tracks, but also to add warmth and detail to complete songs without worrying about undesirable side-effects. Martin Walker, Sound on Sound Magazine read more.
PSP VintageWarmer is effective and easy to use. I was always able to find a factory preset that came close to the sound I was reaching for, and it was easy to tweak the rest of the way. I quickly became addicted to it for punching up tracks and finalizing a mix. Len Sasso, Electronic Musician read more.
PSP Vintage Warmer’s overload characteristics go someway, if not all the way, to emulate the saturation type effects that one would expect when recording to analogue tape. Kevin Morgan, Music Mart Magazine
I reach for [PSP VintageWarmer] a lot these days when I need to give a track some extra «wow» factor. Craig Anderton, EQ Magazine
Shelf filters for bass and treble frequencies in single-band processing mode
Control of bass and treble signal components in multi-band processing mode
Accurately calibrated VU and PPM meters with the overload indicators
Disengagable brick-wall limiting
Two Release Mutliplier ranges for fast or relaxed processing
Semi Automated Release mode.
Up to 192kHz sample rates supported
Library of presets
Optimising the density and average signal levels of recordings during mixing or mastering
Shaping the dynamics of recordings during mixing
Adding warmth to individual tracks or complete mixes
Adding analog tape-style compression to individual tracks or complete mixes
Windows x32 or x64 (7, 8 or 10)
VST3 compatible application
Up to date (at least version 3.1.7) iLok License Manager application installed
Windows 7, 8 or 10
VST 2.4 compatible application
Up to date (at least version 3.1.7) iLok License Manager application installed
Windows 7, 8 or 10
ProTools LE 8.0.0 or ProTools TDM 8.0.0 (or later)
Up to date (at least version 3.1.7) iLok License Manager application installed
Windows 7, 8 or 10
Pro Tools 10, 11, 12 (or later)
Up to date (at least version 3.1.7) iLok License Manager application installed
Mac (intel)
Mac OSX 10.8 — 10.12 or later
32 or 64-bit host application capable of running AudioUnit plug-ins with Cocoa view
Up to date (at least version 3.1.7) iLok License Manager application installed
Mac OSX 10.8 — 10.12 or later
32 or 64-bit VST 2.4 compatible host application
Up to date (at least version 3.1.7) iLok License Manager application installed
Mac OSX 10.8 — 10.12 or later
32 or 64-bit VST3 compatible host application
Up to date (at least version 3.1.7) iLok License Manager application installed
Mac OSX 10.8 — 10.12 or later
ProTools LE 8.0.0 or ProTools TDM 8.0.0 (or later)
Up to date (at least version 3.1.7) iLok License Manager application installed
Mac OSX 10.8 — 10.12 or later
Pro Tools 10,11,12 or later
Up to date (at least version 3.1.7) iLok License Manager application installed
VST is a trademark and software of Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH. AAX, Pro Tools, and RTAS are trademarks or registered trademarks of Avid Technology, Inc. AudioUnit, OSX are trademarks of Apple Inc.