Web api windows application

Quickstart: Configure a client application to access a web API

In this quickstart, you provide a client app registered with the Microsoft identity platform with scoped, permissions-based access to your own web API. You also provide the client app access to Microsoft Graph.

By specifying a web API’s scopes in your client app’s registration, the client app can obtain an access token containing those scopes from the Microsoft identity platform. Within its code, the web API can then provide permission-based access to its resources based on the scopes found in the access token.


  • An Azure account with an active subscription — create an account for free
  • Completion of Quickstart: Register an application
  • Completion of Quickstart: Configure an application to expose a web API

Add permissions to access your web API

In the first scenario, you grant a client app access to your own web API, both of which you should have registered as part of the prerequisites. If you don’t yet have both a client app and a web API registered, complete the steps in the two Prerequisites articles.

This diagram shows how the two app registrations relate to one another. In this section, you add permissions to the client app’s registration.

Once you’ve registered both your client app and web API and you’ve exposed the API by creating scopes, you can configure the client’s permissions to the API by following these steps:

If you have access to multiple tenants, use the Directory + subscription filter in the top menu to select the tenant containing your client app’s registration.

Select Azure Active Directory > App registrations, and then select your client application (not your web API).

Select API permissions > Add a permission > My APIs.

Select the web API you registered as part of the prerequisites.

Delegated permissions is selected by default. Delegated permissions are appropriate for client apps that access a web API as the signed-in user, and whose access should be restricted to the permissions you select in the next step. Leave Delegated permissions selected for this example.

Application permissions are for service- or daemon-type applications that need to access a web API as themselves, without user interaction for sign-in or consent. Unless you’ve defined application roles for your web API, this option is disabled.

Under Select permissions, expand the resource whose scopes you defined for your web API, and select the permissions the client app should have on behalf of the signed-in user.

If you used the example scope names specified in the previous quickstart, you should see Employees.Read.All and Employees.Write.All. Select Employees.Read.All or another permission you might have created when completing the prerequisites.

Select Add permissions to complete the process.

After adding permissions to your API, you should see the selected permissions under Configured permissions. The following image shows the example Employees.Read.All delegated permission added to the client app’s registration.

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You might also notice the User.Read permission for the Microsoft Graph API. This permission is added automatically when you register an app in the Azure portal.

Add permissions to access Microsoft Graph

In addition to accessing your own web API on behalf of the signed-in user, your application might also need to access or modify the user’s (or other) data stored in Microsoft Graph. Or you might have service or daemon app that needs to access Microsoft Graph as itself, performing operations without any user interaction.

Delegated permission to Microsoft Graph

Configure delegated permission to Microsoft Graph to enable your client application to perform operations on behalf of the logged-in user, for example reading their email or modifying their profile. By default, users of your client app are asked when they sign in to consent to the delegated permissions you’ve configured for it.

If you have access to multiple tenants, use the Directory + subscription filter in the top menu to select the tenant containing your client app’s registration.

Select Azure Active Directory > App registrations, and then select your client application.

Select API permissions > Add a permission > Microsoft Graph

Select Delegated permissions. Microsoft Graph exposes many permissions, with the most commonly used shown at the top of the list.

Under Select permissions, select the following permissions:

Permission Description
email View users’ email address
offline_access Maintain access to data you have given it access to
openid Sign users in
profile View users’ basic profile

Select Add permissions to complete the process.

Whenever you configure permissions, users of your app are asked at sign-in for their consent to allow your app to access the resource API on their behalf.

As an admin, you can also grant consent on behalf of all users so they’re not prompted to do so. Admin consent is discussed later in the More on API permissions and admin consent section of this article.

Application permission to Microsoft Graph

Configure application permissions for an application that needs to authenticate as itself without user interaction or consent. Application permissions are typically used by background services or daemon apps that access an API in a «headless» manner, and by web APIs that access another (downstream) API.

In the following steps, you grant permission to Microsoft Graph’s Files.Read.All permission as an example.

If you have access to multiple tenants, use the Directory + subscription filter in the top menu to select the tenant containing your client app’s registration.

Select Azure Active Directory > App registrations, and then select your client application.

Select API permissions > Add a permission > Microsoft Graph > Application permissions.

All permissions exposed by Microsoft Graph are shown under Select permissions.

Select the permission or permissions you want to grant your application. As an example, you might have a daemon app that scans files in your organization, alerting on a specific file type or name.

Under Select permissions, expand Files, and then select the Files.Read.All permission.

Select Add permissions.

Some permissions, like Microsoft Graph’s Files.Read.All permission, require admin consent. You grant admin consent by selecting the Grant admin consent button, discussed later in the Admin consent button section.

Configure client credentials

Apps that use application permissions authenticate as themselves by using their own credentials, without requiring any user interaction. Before your application (or API) can access Microsoft Graph, your own web API, or another API by using application permissions, you must configure that client app’s credentials.

For more information about configuring an app’s credentials, see the Add credentials section of Quickstart: Register an application with the Microsoft identity platform.

The API permissions pane of an app registration contains a Configured permissions table, and might also contain an Other permissions granted table. Both tables and the Admin consent button are described in the following sections.

Configured permissions

The Configured permissions table on the API permissions pane shows the list of permissions that your application requires for basic operation — the required resource access (RRA) list. Users, or their admins, will need to consent to these permissions before using your app. Other, optional permissions can be requested later at runtime (using dynamic consent).

This is the minimum list of permissions people will have to consent to for your app. There could be more, but these will always be required. For security and to help users and admins feel more comfortable using your app, never ask for anything you don’t need.

You can add or remove the permissions that appear in this table by using the steps outlined above or from Other permissions granted (described in the next section). As an admin, you can grant admin consent for the full set of an API’s permissions that appear in the table, and revoke consent for individual permissions.

Other permissions granted

You might also see a table entitled Other permissions granted for on the API permissions pane. The Other permissions granted for table shows permissions granted for the tenant that haven’t been explicitly configured on the application object. These permissions were dynamically requested and consented to. This section appears only if there is at least one permission that applies.

You can add the full set of an API’s permissions or individual permissions appearing this table to the Configured permissions table. As an admin, you can revoke admin consent for APIs or individual permissions in this section.

The Grant admin consent for button allows an admin to grant admin consent to the permissions configured for the application. When you select the button, a dialog is shown requesting that you confirm the consent action.

After granting consent, the permissions that required admin consent are shown as having consent granted:

The Grant admin consent button is disabled if you aren’t an admin or if no permissions have been configured for the application. If you have permissions that have been granted but not yet configured, the admin consent button prompts you to handle these permissions. You can add them to configured permissions or remove them.

Next steps

Advance to the next quickstart in the series to learn how to configure which account types can access your application. For example, you might want to limit access only to those users in your organization (single-tenant) or allow users in other Azure AD tenants (multi-tenant) and those with personal Microsoft accounts (MSA).

Using Web API with ASP.NET Web Forms

This tutorial walks you through the steps to add Web API to a traditional ASP.NET Web Forms application in ASP.NET 4.x.


Although ASP.NET Web API is packaged with ASP.NET MVC, it is easy to add Web API to a traditional ASP.NET Web Forms application.

To use Web API in a Web Forms application, there are two main steps:

  • Add a Web API controller that derives from the ApiController class.
  • Add a route table to the Application_Start method.

Create a Web Forms Project

Start Visual Studio and select New Project from the Start page. Or, from the File menu, select New and then Project.

In the Templates pane, select Installed Templates and expand the Visual C# node. Under Visual C#, select Web. In the list of project templates, select ASP.NET Web Forms Application. Enter a name for the project and click OK.

Create the Model and Controller

This tutorial uses the same model and controller classes as the Getting Started tutorial.

First, add a model class. In Solution Explorer, right-click the project and select Add Class. Name the class Product, and add the following implementation:

Next, add a Web API controller to the project., A controller is the object that handles HTTP requests for Web API.

In Solution Explorer, right-click the project. Select Add New Item.

Under Installed Templates, expand Visual C# and select Web. Then, from the list of templates, select Web API Controller Class. Name the controller «ProductsController» and click Add.

The Add New Item wizard will create a file named ProductsController.cs. Delete the methods that the wizard included and add the following methods:

For more information about the code in this controller, see the Getting Started tutorial.

Add Routing Information

Next, we’ll add a URI route so that URIs of the form «/api/products/» are routed to the controller.

In Solution Explorer, double-click Global.asax to open the code-behind file Global.asax.cs. Add the following using statement.

Then add the following code to the Application_Start method:

For more information about routing tables, see Routing in ASP.NET Web API.

Add Client-Side AJAX

That’s all you need to create a web API that clients can access. Now let’s add an HTML page that uses jQuery to call the API.

Make sure your master page (for example, Site.Master) includes a ContentPlaceHolder with ID=»HeadContent» :

Open the file Default.aspx. Replace the boilerplate text that is in the main content section, as shown:

Next, add a reference to the jQuery source file in the HeaderContent section:

Note: You can easily add the script reference by dragging and dropping the file from Solution Explorer into the code editor window.

Below the jQuery script tag, add the following script block:

When the document loads, this script makes an AJAX request to «api/products». The request returns a list of products in JSON format. The script adds the product information to the HTML table.

When you run the application, it should look like this:

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