Webdav owncloud windows 10

  1. WebDAV: Подключаем сетевой диск облачного хранилища в Windows 10 и Linux
  2. Содержание
  3. Подключение сетевого диска по протоколу WebDAV в Windows 10
  4. Как повысить максимальный размер загружаемых файлов до 4 ГБ
  5. Что делать, если не удается подключиться к каталогу WebDAV
  6. Подключение сетевого диска по протоколу WebDAV в Linux
  7. Первый способ. Подключение из файлового менеджера
  8. Второй способ. Монтирование сетевого диска по протоколу WebDav
  9. Accessing ownCloud Files Using WebDAV
  10. Introduction
  11. ownCloud Desktop and Mobile Clients
  12. WebDAV Configuration
  13. Accessing Files Using Linux
  14. Nautilus File Manager
  15. Accessing Files with KDE and Dolphin File Manager
  16. Creating WebDAV Mounts on the Linux Command Line
  17. Known Issues
  18. Problem: Resource Temporarily Unavailable
  19. Solution
  20. Problem: Certificate Warnings
  21. Solution
  22. Accessing Files Using Mac OS X
  23. Accessing Files Using Microsoft Windows
  24. Mapping Drives With the Command Line
  25. Mapping Drives With Windows Explorer
  26. Accessing Files Using Cyberduck
  27. Accessing public link shares over WebDAV
  28. Known Problems
  29. Problem: Windows Does Not Connect Using HTTPS.
  30. Solution 1
  31. Solution 2
  32. Problem: The File Size Exceeds the Limit Allowed and Cannot be Saved
  33. Solution
  34. Problem: Accessing your files from Microsoft Office via WebDAV fails
  35. Solution
  36. Problem: WebDAV Drive in Windows Using Self-Signed Certificate
  37. Solution
  38. Problem: Upload Large Files or Upload Takes Long
  39. Solution
  40. Problem: The Network Name Cannot be Found
  41. Solution

WebDAV: Подключаем сетевой диск облачного хранилища в Windows 10 и Linux

Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) – это расширение HTTP, которое обеспечивает совместный способ редактирования и управления вашими файлами на удаленном веб-сервере. В этой статье вы узнаете, как подключить диск WebDAV в Windows 10 и Linux, для того чтобы получить доступ файлам облачного хранилища непосредственно в файловом менеджере.


Подключение сетевого диска по протоколу WebDAV в Windows 10

Чтобы подключиться к каталогу WebDAV в Windows 10, вам понадобится URL-адрес облачного хранилища по протоколу WebDAV, данные для авторизации в вашу учетную запись.

  • Откройте Проводник на своем компьютере и нажмите правой кнопкой мыши по значку «Этот компьютер».
  • В открывшемся контекстном меню нажмите на «Подключить сетевой диск. »
  • В новом диалоговом окне введите букву диска, которую вы хотите сопоставить и в опции «Папка» укажите URL-ссылку сетевого хранилища, которая работает по протоколу WebDav. Поставьте галочку на опции «Использовать другие учетные данные».

Например, для облачного хранилища NextCloud ваша персональная ссылка доступна в левом нижнем углу веб-интерфейса облака, в окне Настройки.

Для облачного хранилища OneDrive ссылка на подключение должна содержать идентификатор.

Ссылка выглядит следующим образом:

Где xxxxxxxx – это идентификатор. Скопировать свой идентификатор можно в URL-адресе OneDrive. Авторизуйте в OneDrive , затем в адресной строке браузера скопируйте данные после знака равно.

  • В следующем окне ведите учетные данные авторизации облачного хранилища.

Будет произведена авторизация и затем подключение к облачному хранилищу.

  • Нажмите правой кнопкой мыши по значку «Быстрый доступ» , в появившемся меню выберите «Закрепить текущую папку на панели быстрого доступа».

Как повысить максимальный размер загружаемых файлов до 4 ГБ

По умолчанию в Windows максимальный размер файлов, которые можно пересылать по WebDAV, около 50 МБ. Чтобы повысить до 4 ГБ, выполните следующие действия:

  • Редактор реестра. Откройте меню Пуск и с помощью поиска в нем откройте приложение regedit от имени Администратора.
  • В редакторе реестра Regedit перейдите в каталог
  • Найдите значение FileSizeLimitInBytes. Нажмите правой кнопкой мыши и выберите «Изменить», а затем измените значение на ffffffff.

Что делать, если не удается подключиться к каталогу WebDAV

Если вы не можете подключиться к каталогу WebDAV, обновите базовый уровень проверки подлинности в реестре Windows.

  • Редактор реестра. Откройте меню Пуск и с помощью поиска в нем откройте приложение regedit от имени Администратора.
  • В редакторе реестра Regedit перейдите в каталог
  • Найдите значение BasicAuthLevel. Нажмите правой кнопкой мыши и выберите «Изменить», а затем измените значение на 2.

Подключение сетевого диска по протоколу WebDAV в Linux

Рассмотрим два способа подключения WebDav в Linux.

Первый способ. Подключение из файлового менеджера

  • Откройте файловый менеджер. В зависимости от файлового менеджера расположение опции для подключения может отличаться. Затем, например в файловом менеджере Nemo нажмите на Файл > Подключение к серверу.
  • В следующем окне выберите протокол WebDav (если поддерживает облако, то WebDav c шифрованием https).
  • Введите данные для авторизации на облачном хранилище. Ссылка на подключение должна быть по типу:

В зависимости от облачного хранилища ссылка может отличаться, но в любом случае в ссылке ввместо http (https) должен быть указан протокол davs.

Второй способ. Монтирование сетевого диска по протоколу WebDav

Во время установки вас спросят, хотите ли вы, чтобы непривилегированным пользователям было разрешено монтировать ресурсы WebDAV. Выберите Да.

  • Создаем папку в которую будем монтировать сетевой диск и папку для хранения конфигурации:
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Вместо папки nextcloud можно указать свое название.

  • Продолжаем:
  • Ограничиваем права доступа к папке для только владельца:
  • Редактируем файл secrets:

В конце файла нужно вставить ссылку на подключение и данные для авторизации. Пример для подключения облака NextCloud:

  • Редактируем таблицу файловой системы:

В конце файла добавляем ссылку на подключения с именем и паролем и конфигурацией монтирования. Пример для подключения к NextCloud:

  • Добавляем себя в группу davs2:
  • Команда монтирования диска:
  • Команда для размонтирования:

Где nextcloud – это ваша папка названия сетевого диска (этап 2 в данной инструкции).

Accessing ownCloud Files Using WebDAV


ownCloud fully supports the WebDAV protocol, and you can connect and synchronize with your ownCloud files over WebDAV. In this chapter you will learn how to connect Linux, Mac OS X, Windows, and mobile devices to your ownCloud server via WebDAV. Before we get into configuring WebDAV, let’s take a quick look at the recommended way of connecting client devices to your ownCloud servers.

ownCloud Desktop and Mobile Clients

The recommended method for keeping your desktop PC synchronized with your ownCloud server is by using the ownCloud Desktop Client. You can configure the ownCloud client to save files in any local directory you want, and you choose which directories on the ownCloud server to sync with. The client displays the current connection status and logs all activity, so you always know which remote files have been downloaded to your PC, and you can verify that files created and updated on your local PC are properly synchronized with the server.

The recommended method for syncing your ownCloud server with Android and Apple iOS devices is by using the ownCloud mobile apps.

To connect to your ownCloud server with the ownCloud mobile apps, use the base URL and folder only:

In addition to the mobile apps provided by ownCloud, you can use other apps to connect to ownCloud from your mobile device using WebDAV. WebDAV Navigator is a good (proprietary) app for Android devices, iPhones, and BlackBerry devices. The URL to use on these is:

WebDAV Configuration

If you prefer, you may also connect your desktop PC to your ownCloud server by using the WebDAV protocol rather than using a special client application. Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) is a Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) extension that makes it easy to create, read, and edit files on Web servers. With WebDAV you can access your ownCloud shares on Linux, Mac OS X and Windows in the same way as any remote network share, and stay synchronized.

In the following examples, You must adjust example.com/ to the URL of your ownCloud server installation.

Accessing Files Using Linux

You can access files in Linux operating systems using the following methods.

Nautilus File Manager

Use the davs:// protocol to connect the Nautilus file manager to your ownCloud share:

If your server connection is not HTTPS-secured, use dav:// instead of davs:// .

Accessing Files with KDE and Dolphin File Manager

To access your ownCloud files using the Dolphin file manager in KDE, use the webdav:// protocol:

You can create a permanent link to your ownCloud server:

Open Dolphin and click Network in the left hand column.

Click on the icon labeled Add a Network Folder.
The resulting dialog should appear with WebDAV already selected.

If WebDAV is not selected, select it.

Enter the following settings:

Name: The name you want to see in the Places bookmark, for example ownCloud.

User: The ownCloud username you used to log in, for example admin.

Server: The ownCloud domain name, for example example.com (without https:// or http://).

Folder: Enter the path owncloud/remote.php/webdav .

(Optional) Check the create icon checkbox for a bookmark to appear in the Places column.

(Optional) Provide any special settings or an SSL certificate in the Port & Encrypted checkbox.

Creating WebDAV Mounts on the Linux Command Line

You can create WebDAV mounts from the Linux command line. This is useful if you prefer to access ownCloud the same way as any other remote filesystem mount. The following example shows how to create a personal mount and have it mounted automatically every time you log in to your Linux computer.

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Install the davfs2 WebDAV filesystem driver, which allows you to mount WebDAV shares just like any other remote filesystem. Use this command to install it on Debian/Ubuntu:

Use this command to install it on CentOS, Fedora, and openSUSE:

Add yourself to the davfs2 group (this will be effective after the next login):

Then create an owncloud directory in your home directory for the mountpoint, and .davfs2/ for your personal configuration file:

Copy /etc/davfs2/secrets to

Make the permissions read-write owner only:

Add your ownCloud login credentials to the end of the secrets file, using your ownCloud server URL and your ownCloud username and password:

Add the mount information to /etc/fstab :

Then test that it mounts and authenticates by running the following command. If you set it up correctly you won’t need root permissions:

You should also be able to unmount it:

Now every time you login to your Linux system your ownCloud share should automatically mount via WebDAV in your

/owncloud directory. If you prefer to mount it manually, change auto to noauto in /etc/fstab .

Known Issues

Problem: Resource Temporarily Unavailable


If you experience trouble when you create a file in the directory, edit /etc/davfs2/davfs2.conf and add:

Problem: Certificate Warnings


If you use a self-signed certificate, you will get a warning. To change this, you need to configure davfs2 to recognize your certificate. Copy mycertificate.pem to /etc/davfs2/certs/ . Then edit /etc/davfs2/davfs2.conf and uncomment the line servercert . Now add the path of your certificate as in this example:

Accessing Files Using Mac OS X

The Mac OS X Finder suffers from a series of implementation problems and should only be used if the ownCloud server runs on Apache and mod_php. You can use a tool like ocsmount to mount without those issues.

To access files through the Mac OS X Finder:

Choose Go Connect to Server .
The «Connect to Server» window opens.

Specify the address of the server in the Server Address field.

For example, the URL used to connect to the ownCloud server from the Mac OS X Finder is:

Click Connect.
The device connects to the server.

For added details about how to connect to an external server using Mac OS X, check the wikihow documentation

Accessing Files Using Microsoft Windows

It is best to use a suitable WebDAV client from the WebDAV Project page .

If you must use the native Windows implementation, you can map ownCloud to a new drive. Mapping to a drive enables you to browse files stored on an ownCloud server the way you would files stored in a mapped network drive.

Using this feature requires network connectivity. If you want to store your files offline, use the ownCloud Desktop Client to sync all files on your ownCloud to one or more directories of your local hard drive.

Prior to mapping your drive, you must permit the use of Basic Authentication in the Windows Registry. The procedure is documented in KB841215 and differs between Windows XP/Server 2003 and Windows Vista/7. Please follow the Knowledge Base article before proceeding, and follow the Vista instructions if you run Windows 7.

Mapping Drives With the Command Line

The following example shows how to map a drive using the command line. To map the drive:

Open a command prompt in Windows.

Enter the following line in the command prompt to map to the computer Z drive, where is the URL to your ownCloud server:


net use Z: https://example.com/owncloud/remote.php/webdav /user:youruser yourpassword

The computer maps the files of your ownCloud account to the drive letter Z.

Though not recommended, you can also mount the ownCloud server using HTTP, leaving the connection unencrypted. If you plan to use HTTP connections on devices while in a public place, we strongly recommend using a VPN tunnel to provide the necessary security.

An alternative command syntax is:

Mapping Drives With Windows Explorer

To map a drive using the Microsoft Windows Explorer:

Migrate to your computer in Windows Explorer.

Right-click on Computer entry and select Map network drive… from the drop-down menu.

Choose a local network drive to which you want to map ownCloud.

Specify the address to your ownCloud instance, followed by /remote.php/webdav.

For SSL protected servers, check Reconnect at logon to ensure that the mapping is persistent upon subsequent reboots. If you want to connect to the ownCloud server as a different user, check Connect using different credentials.
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Click the Finish button.
Windows Explorer maps the network drive, making your ownCloud instance available.

Accessing Files Using Cyberduck

Cyberduck is an open source FTP and SFTP, WebDAV, and Amazon S3 browser designed for file transfers on Mac OS X and Windows.

This example uses Cyberduck version 4.2.1.

To use Cyberduck:

Specify a server without any leading protocol information. For example:

Specify the appropriate port. The port you choose depends on whether or not your ownCloud server supports SSL. Cyberduck requires that you select a different connection type if you plan to use SSL. For example:

Use the More Options drop-down menu to add the rest of your WebDAV URL into the `Path’ field. For example:

Now Cyberduck enables file access to the ownCloud server.

ownCloud provides the possibility to access public link shares over WebDAV.

To access the public link share, open:

in a WebDAV client, use the share token as username and the (optional) share password as password.

Settings Administration Sharing Allow users on this server to send shares to other servers needs to be enabled in order to make this feature work.

Known Problems

Problem: Windows Does Not Connect Using HTTPS.

Solution 1

The Windows WebDAV Client might not support Server Name Indication (SNI) on encrypted connections. If you encounter an error mounting an SSL-encrypted ownCloud instance, contact your provider about assigning a dedicated IP address for your SSL-based server.

Solution 2

The Windows WebDAV Client might not support TSLv1.1 / TSLv1.2 connections. If you have restricted your server config to only provide TLSv1.1 and above the connection to your server might fail. Please refer to the WinHTTP documentation for further information.

Problem: The File Size Exceeds the Limit Allowed and Cannot be Saved

You receive the following error message:
Error 0x800700DF: The file size exceeds the limit allowed and cannot be saved.


Windows limits the maximum size a file transferred from or to a WebDAV share may have. You can increase the value FileSizeLimitInBytes in HKEY_LOCAL_MacHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\WebClient\Parameters by clicking on Modify.

To increase the limit to the maximum value of 4GB, select Decimal, enter a value of 4294967295, and reboot Windows or restart the WebClient service.

Problem: Accessing your files from Microsoft Office via WebDAV fails


Known problems and their solutions are documented in the KB2123563 article.

Problem: WebDAV Drive in Windows Using Self-Signed Certificate

Cannot map ownCloud as a WebDAV drive in Windows using self-signed certificate.


Go to the your ownCloud instance via your favorite Web browser.

Click through until you get to the certificate error in the browser status line.

View the cert, then from the Details tab, select Copy to File.

Save to the desktop with an arbitrary name, for example myOwnCloud.cer .

File Add/Remove Snap-In .

Select Certificates Add My User Account Finish OK .

Dig down to Trust Root Certification Authorities, Certificates.

Right-Click Certificate Select All Tasks Import .

Select Save Cert from the Desktop.

Select Place all Certificates in the following Store, click Browse,

Check the Box that says Show Physical Stores.
Expand out Trusted Root Certification Authorities.
select Local Computer, click OK to complete the Import.

Check the list to make sure it shows up.
You will probably need to Refresh before you see it.
Exit MMC.

Open Browser, select Tools, Delete Browsing History.

Select all but In Private Filtering Data, complete.

Go to Internet Options, Content Tab, Clear SSL State.

Close browser, then re-open and test.

Problem: Upload Large Files or Upload Takes Long

You cannot download more than 50 MB or upload large Files when the upload takes longer than 30 minutes using Web Client in Windows 7.


Workarounds are documented in the KB2668751 article.

Problem: The Network Name Cannot be Found

Error 0x80070043 «The network name cannot be found.» while adding a network drive.


Make Windows service WebClient start automatically:

Open Control Panel Administrative Tools Services .

Find WebClient service.

Right-click on it and choose Properties.

Select Startup type: Automatic.

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