Windows 10 activation bat

The easy way to activate Windows 10 for free using CMD

Hey, do you want to activate Windows 10 for free?

I had been using Windows 10 for a year now but I had the annoying activation watermark. However, I found a super quick way to activate Windows 10 using CMD and no activation key is required.

Anyone can do that as it’s nothing more than some baby-steps. I no longer have to see the watermark and most importantly, I can customize my Windows more! 😀

In this guide, I will show you one simple trick to activate any Windows 10 versions. Remember, I installed the latest Windows 10 Professional from Microsoft’s Download Tool which is considered the safest.

I recommend you not to download Windows from third party sites or torrent sites. They are not safe and why would you do that? You’re getting it for free from Microsoft.

I spotted some major differences between the pirated Windows 10 and the original which I downloaded from Microsoft. Anyway, let’s talk about how you can activate your Windows 10 PC.

How to activate Windows 10 for free?

You can do this in a number of ways. I found the batch file technique really fast. You just create a .bat file and run it as administrator. You then restart your computer and bim-bada-boom. 😉

I’m telling you the fastest way to install and activate your Windows 10 without any activation key. However, it’s so simple that even a kindergarten kid could do this.

  1. Open Notepad.
  2. Paste the code provided below.
  3. Save the file as a .bat file.
  4. Run the file as administrator.
  5. Restart your PC.

Here’s the step-by-step tutorial

Now you need to follow the steps elaborately. You don’t need to worry, it’s dead simple! 😉

Open Notepad and paste the code.

I have provided the code you need to paste in Notepad. It will take you no longer than 30 seconds to copy-paste this code.

Save the file as a .BAT life.

The most crucial step is saving the file as a .bat file. Make sure you choose Save as type as All Files and also type .bat after your desired name.

I choose TechiePaw.bat and you can choose anything you wish to. 😉

Run the .bat file as administrator.

Another most important step is running the file as admin. If you don’t do this, you’re likely to see errors when the Command Prompt processes the codes. So, make sure you have run this as administrator.

Restart your computer.

You need to wait for about 10-15 seconds. Once you see the message which asks to restart your PC, you know it’s done. Simply type Y and press Enter.

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Once you have restarted your computer, you no longer have to see that annoying activate Windows watermark. This is how you can activate Windows 10 without a key. 😀


One of the biggest benefits of activating your Windows 10 is that you can start customizing your desktop. I just hated that one Windows 10 theme so I follow these steps and just got the official activated Windows.

You also get rid of the watermark which is quite an annoyance, especially if you’re in-game. I am able to use all the Windows 10 features along with all the updates which is dope!

If you have a slow internet connection, you probably cannot download Windows 10 again, but there’s nothing to worry about. This will work on any version of Windows which is the best part. 😀

However, I strongly recommend downloading the official Windows 10 ISO from Microsoft which is absolutely free. You can try improving WiFi speed and I wrote a guide on that a few weeks ago.

Found this post helpful? Share this on Facebook and Twitter, and don’t forget to comment if you got any questions or problems. You can subscribe to post updates for free! 😛

Как быстро активировать Windows 10. САМЫЙ ЛЕГКИЙ СПОСОБ

Большинство пользователей при обновлении или установке Windows 10 в дальнейшем сталкиваются с проблемой лицензирования.

Выражается это в постоянном уведомлении об использовании пиратской копии, либо предупреждении об истечении лицензии и в отсутствии доступа к разделу персонализации, и дополнительным настройкам ОС ( нет возможности сменить фон или применить тему ). Так же на экране в правом нижнем углу появляется надпись (водяной знак):

Как это исправить и убрать все предупреждения описано ниже.

Способ активации не займет много времени:

KMSAuto Net — Активатор для Windows 10, который проводит регистрацию продукта с помощью специальной службы активации без изменения системных файлов, и по истечению срока ключа, лицензия автоматически продлевается.
Результат «лечения»:

Это происходит в фоновом режиме и не требует стороннего вмешательства от пользователя.

Как активировать Windows 10?

1. Первым делом нужно скачать и распаковать архив в любое удобное место (например, Рабочий стол).

Если встроенный архиватор в системы отсутствует, то Вы можете воспользоваться этим .

Кликните правой кнопкой мыши ( ПКМ ) по архиву, выберите пункт Extractto (извлечь в). После недолгого процесса деархивации на рабочем столе появится папка, в которую нужно будет зайти.

2. В папке найдите файл KMSAuto.exe . Нажмите по нему ПКМ и запустите от имени администратора. Программа получит необходимые права для обхода системной защиты. Откроется небольшое окно, в котором будут красоваться три кнопки. Одной из них мы воспользуемся.

3. Далее предстоит выбрать пункт Activate Windows . Для этого достаточно щелкнуть левой кнопки мыши один раз. Теперь утилита сделает все сама.

Вам остается лишь дождаться завершения процесса. Это может занять некоторое время.

4. Надпись Activation Successful подскажет об окончании работы и успешной активации ОС. Для закрепления результата перезагрузите компьютер.

Внимание. Если процедура не дошла до конца, зависнув на записи Activating… , перезапустите ПК и начните с пункта 2.

Поздравляю! Ваша копия активирована, теперь вы можете пользоваться всеми возможностями без приобретения лицензии.

Внимание! Настоятельно не рекомендуется скачивать готовые сборки системы с торрент-трекеров. Они могут стать причиной нестабильной работы системы. Помимо этого, существует вероятность наличия вирусов в образах с непроверенных сайтов.

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Данная авто активация через kms auto подходит на все версии Windows и Office!

У кого не сработало — пробуем этот

Если у кого остались вопросы, пишите, на все отвечу!

Activate windows 10 using Batch File CMD method

Hello readers, Are you also troubled by the Windows Activation Watermark? want to activate your windows 10 without any software or don’t want to use a pirated version of windows ? because there are many websites that provide pre-activated windows ISO but they all contains malware and viruses. now we have windows 10 batch script to activate windows 10 without any software.

So the major issue is how to get official windows ISO file and how to activate windows free of cost! Here I’m going to get you the best way to activate your windows 10 without using any key or software, only you need is a batch file. that’s it.

After activation you can get rid of annoying activation watermark and now you can customized your windows.!

For download Clean copy of windows ISO file from Microsoft servers read my another article :

Table of Contents

After getting fresh copy of windows 10 ISO lets get started:

In this method there is nothing like malware and viruses so without any fear you guys enjoy this method.

  • Open Notepad
  • Copy the below code
  • Paste into notepad
  • Save as activation.bat file
  • Run activation.bat file as admin
  • Done

Code for activate windows 10:

If you have difficulty reading copying this code then goto bottom of this page and click on “view non amp version” and you will be redirected to standard version of this website then you can easily get your code.

Now i will explain step by step:

First open notepad and copy the above code and paste it like this

Please click on images for view images in full resolution.

How to Permanently Activate Windows 10 Free with CMD [MiniTool News]

By Alisa | Follow | Last Updated December 31, 2020

Summary :

This post provides step-by-step guide to help you activate Windows 10 by using CMD. Check how to activate Windows 10 with CMD but not with Windows 10 activation tool. If you need to recover lost data from Windows 10 computer, MiniTool data recovery software is a good choice.

After you install or reinstall Windows 10, it will ask you to activate Windows 10. If your Windows 10 system has not been activated, it will appear a watermark at the lower-right screen saying “Activate Windows. Go to Settings to activate Windows”. It would be annoying to have the watermark on screen.

Besides, if you don’t activate Windows 10, you can’t change the Windows Personalization settings like lock screen, wallpaper, theme, etc.

Before we learn how to activate Windows 10 with CMD, you can firstly check the edition of your installed Windows 10 system.

You can press Windows logo key and Pause/Break key on the keyboard at the same time to quickly check the Windows 10 edition of your computer.

How to Permanently Activate Windows 10 with CMD

Without third-party Windows 10 activation tools, you can activate Windows 10 with CMD for free. Here we’ll introduce how to activate Windows Enterprise edition with CMD.

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Step 1. You can press Windows + R key on the keyboard to open Windows Run box. Type cmd, and press Ctrl + Shift + Enter to open and run Windows Command Prompt as administrator.

Best 2 ways to boot to Command Prompt Windows 10. Check how to open Command Prompt at boot in Windows 10, how to repair Windows 10 using Command Prompt.

Step 2. After you enter into Windows 10 Command Prompt, you can copy and paste this command line: slmgr.vbs /upk, in the Command Prompt window. Hit Enter to execute the command.

Step 3. Next you can copy and paste this command line and hit Enter to install the Windows 10 product key: slmgr /ipk . Replace «Windows 10 activiation key» with the real license key that you buy or find online for Windows 10 OS.

Note: It’s advised that you support and buy the original Windows 10 license key from Microsoft and use this way to permanently activate Windows 10. You may find some free available Windows 10 product keys online and use them to activate Windows 10 permanently, but be careful since it may violate Microsoft copyright policies.

Step 4. Then you can type slmgr /skms command line and hit Enter.

Step 5. At last, copy and paste slmgr /ato and hit Enter to activate Windows 10 for free with CMD.

How to Activate Windows 10 Pro with CMD

Step 1. Click Start and type cmd, right-click Command Prompt app and choose Run as administrator.

Step 2. Copy and paste the following command line in Command Prompt window and hit Enter. If you buy or find the activiation key for Windows 10 Pro, you can replace «Windows 10 license key» in the command line after slmgr /ipk.

slmgr /ipk

Step 3. Type the following command lines and remember to hit Enter after you type each line.

slmgr /skms

slmgr /ato

How to Check If Your Windows 10 Is Activated or Not

If you want to check whether your Windows 10 computer is activated or not, you can press Windows + R keys on the keyboard to open Run box, type slmgr.vbs -xpr in Run box and hit Enter.

Bottom Line

By following the steps above, you can easily activate Windows 10 for free with CMD.

If your Windows 10 computer has other problems, you can repair Windows 10 with 6 ways. If you lost some data in your Windows 10 computer, you can use MiniTool Power Data Recovery to easily recover lost data or mistakenly deleted files in 3 simple steps.

Learn how to use the 10 best free Windows 10 backup and recovery tools to backup and restore Windows 10, and recover lost/deleted data from Windows 10 PC.

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Position: Columnist

Alisa is a professional English editor with 4-year experience. She loves writing and focuses on sharing detailed solutions and thoughts for computer problems, data recovery & backup, digital gadgets, tech news, etc. Through her articles, users can always easily get related problems solved and find what they want. In spare time, she likes basketball, badminton, tennis, cycling, running, and singing. She is very funny and energetic in life, and always brings friends lots of laughs.

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