Windows 10 arm64 raspberry pi

Windows 10 on ARM на Raspberry Pi 4 – хорошее начало

Raspberry Pi 4 выводит Pi на другой уровень, и производительность намного лучше, чем у предыдущей Raspberry Pis. Если вы хотите запустить Windows 10 на вашем Raspberry Pi, вам нужно использовать Windows 10 IoT Core, которая была разработана для гаджетов Интернета вещей (IoT), но версия IoT Core ОС Microsoft не так хороша, как полная версия ОС.

В 2019 году группа независимых разработчиков начала работу над проектом по внедрению Windows 10 на устройства, от которых сама Microsoft, возможно, отказалась. Мы видели Windows 10 на ARM, работающем на телефонах Lumia, и голландский разработчик также представил Windows 10 для Raspberry Pi 3.

Ранее взлом был ограничен моделью Raspberry Pi 3, но теперь, по-видимому, есть возможно запустить Windows 10, опять же версию ARM, на Pi 4. Это достигается с помощью инструмента установки под названием «WoA Deployer», который в основном позволяет любому с базовые технические знания для установки Windows 10 on ARM на поддерживаемое оборудование.

По словам разработчика Marcin, можно запустить Windows 10 на ARM Build 17134 (обновление за апрель 2018) на Raspberry Pi 4 Model B.

Raspberry Pi 4 работает на новом процессоре Broadcom BCM2711B0, а новый чип основан на 28-нм техпроцессе. Raspberry Pi 4 имеет четыре ядра с тактовой частотой 1,5 ГГц и включает в себя Cortex A72 с глубиной конвейера из 15 команд по сравнению с 8 на Raspberry Pi 3B+.

Проект на Pi 4 еще не идеален, и он может быть медленным при открытии определенных приложений. Windows 10 на ARM выполняет эмуляцию x86, поэтому вы сможете запускать настольные приложения, но это будет мучительно медленно.

Если вы хотите опробовать проект, вам необходимо иметь WoA Deployer, Raspberry Pi 4, USB-накопитель, а также образ Windows 10 ARM64.

WoA для Pi 4 все еще в разработке, и вы, вероятно, не захотите его пробовать, поскольку процесс установки сложен.


Windows on Raspberry imager

  • a computer with Windows 10 version 1703 or later. (Wine is not supported)
  • a Raspberry Pi 2, 3 or 4. (boards with less than 1 GB of RAM were not tested, but keep in mind that Windows will quickly run out-of-memory)
  • a drive that has at least 8 GB of available space (it can be a SD card or an USB device)
  • a Windows 10 ARM image: WIM/ESD, ISO or FFU

Raspberry Pi 4 warnings:

  • using winpatch after the installation will break USB support.
  • Ethernet will not work on Windows builds older than 19041.

Getting Windows images

There is currently only one legal way of obtaining Windows 10 ARM64 images: download the UUP files directly from Microsoft servers, and build an ISO from them.

Full desktop builds of Windows 10 ARM32 are not available anywhere (except for a leak, but please read the warning below before going straight to Google).

You can get instead a version of the Windows Preinstallation Environment (WinPE) built for ARM32. A guide can be found here.

What about FFU images?

FFU images can speed up the deployment process significantly, especially on slow devices. They are not available for download due to legal reasons, but you can safely generate them yourself: How to generate FFU images?

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Any other method of downloading images (such as prebuilt images, leaks, etc.) is not supported by us!

Copyright © 2018-2021 Mario Bălănică. All Rights Reserved.

This project is not affiliated with the Raspberry Pi Foundation or Microsoft Corporation.

Как работает Windows 10 на Raspberry Pi 4 и Pi 3

Разработчики наконец установили оптимизированную для ARM версию Windows 10 на Raspberry Pi 4 после того, как некоторым людям удалось запустить ее на Raspberry Pi 3 в первой половине 2019 года.

Raspberry Pi 4 и Pi 3 официально поддерживают версию Windows 10 для IoT Core, которая не совпадает с версией Windows 10, которая работает на настольном компьютере, но является упрощенной версией для маломощных компьютерных плат.

Например, Windows 10 IoT Core не позволяет запускать традиционные приложения Win32 или даже загружаться на рабочий стол. IoT позволяет вам запускать одновременно одно приложение UWP, и реальная цель ОС на Pi – запускать небольшие приложения, предназначенные для миниатюрных компьютерных плат.

К счастью, есть новое руководство, чтобы заставить Windows 10 на ARM работать на Pi 3 B + и Pi 4B, используя неподдерживаемую техническую предварительную сборку. В отличие от IoT, Windows 10 on ARM представляет собой ARM-ориентированную версию ОС, которая поставляется с традиционным десктопом и поддержкой приложений Win32 посредством эмуляции.

Разработчику Marcin удалось установить Windows 10 on ARM на Raspberry Pi 4 Model B, и он также опубликовал подробное руководство.

Как установить Windows 10 на Raspberry Pi 4

– Загрузите прошивку UEFI отсюда и распакуйте ее на карту MicroSD в формате FAT32.
– Загрузите сборку Windows 10 ARM64 отсюда. Только сборка 17134 была протестирована, но любая более новая сборка, которая проходит OOBE, также должна быть совместимой.
– Загрузите ISO-компилятор отсюда. В соответствии с разработкой, это создаст файл ISO, но вам все равно понадобится файл «install.wim» из «sources».
– Загрузите «Windows на Raspberry» отсюда. Оно установит Build 17134 или новее на USB-накопитель, но необходимо выбрать разметку GPT.

После загрузки этих файлов вы должны запустить командную строку и выполнить действия, описанные здесь.

Стоит отметить, что некоторые функции Raspberry Pi 4 могут не работать с Windows 10 на ARM. Например, вы можете использовать только USB-порт Type-C для зарядки и OTG. Windows 10 on ARM также ограничивает использование ОЗУ только в 1 ГБ, а драйвер контроллера Broadcom auxspi не работает.

Разработчики также портируют Windows 10 on ARM на телефоны Android, такие как Galaxy S8, OnePlus 6 и Xiaomi Mi Mix.

Windows 10 arm64 raspberry pi

I’m happy to inform you that WoA is making great progress.

But there are also drivers where we still need help.
e.g. VCHIQ and VC4 GPU.
Does anyone know a good documentation of the VCHIQ?

We are using this UEFI:
64-bit Tiano Core UEFI for the Raspberry Pi 3 (with devices, Linux, NetBSD, FreeBSD and Windows on Arm!)

Re: Windows 10 ARM64 (Dekstop, not IOT)

We now have WHQL signed USB drivers and working Ethernet drivers.

The first one already works on the «Microsoft VC4 graphic render only» driver: . driver/113

Re: Windows 10 ARM64 (Dekstop, not IOT)

One question before I close this thread.

Can you provide any citations that running Windows 10 on Raspberry Pi does NOT contravene any Microsoft Licence agreements? Or what you have to do to ensure that you are running the OS legally?

Please, this question is for the OP, no-one else need respond, UNLESS they have proof this is legal.

Re: Windows 10 ARM64 (Dekstop, not IOT)

Re: Windows 10 ARM64 (Dekstop, not IOT)

Having been involved with M/S beta testing (back to Windows Home Server days) the initial software can be flaky to say the least but its a great community and fun somedays. And yes I am an insider

edit: Apologies — I missed the following off for some reason:

Читайте также:  Сохранение лицензии windows при замене жесткого диска

1) The only build from M/S for the Pi is available at . windowsiot
2) This build currently resides at 17661
3) None of this is legal advice — you can download 17661 as part of the insider program under the IOT part of the program but if its only IOT or ‘full’ desktop I cannot tell (no spare Pi and banned from another this month by the wife).

This is not the agreement this build is built on. The question still resides with the OP.

Re: Windows 10 ARM64 (Dekstop, not IOT)

The question was also clarified by the driver manufacturer before he developed the drivers:

A valid license is required for non-insiders.

So the project is legal.

We also do not sell Microsoft products.
We only offer drivers and a forum.

Project News:
Windows 10 ARM64 can now also be installed on an SSD and booted via USB.

Re: Windows 10 ARM64 (Dekstop, not IOT)

Greetings, fellow Pi-folk!

I am looking here for (step-by-step) instructions of exactly How To Do The Installation onto a Raspberry Pi 3B+.
Let me say that I was a bit excited by this showing up on, and it gave me quite a charge to think that the Little Computer That Could will actually run Windows «natively».

For reference, I have downloaded the «Installer tool», the «core package 1.3.0» and have managed to create a file: 17763.292.190115-1726.RS5_RELEASE_SVC_PROD2_CLIENTPRO_OEMRET_A64FRE_EN-US.ISO
That said, I am now at a loss. Adding to this, the instruction pages have been lost to me. I originally found this on Slashdot, but can’t remember where I went from there to get where I am now.

I blame «sometimers disease».

All things considered, I am not entirely a noob, but am also (apparently) not savvy enough to figure out how to do this for myself.
Mostly, I am looking to try and figure out just how functional (or not) Windows 10 is on such a fixed piece of hardware as the Pi3B+.
Links and an order of operations (with what to expect) would be most helpful. Minimum specs for the MicroSD Card would also be appreciated, too.

Thanks in advance.

Re: Windows 10 ARM64 (Dekstop, not IOT)

Considering this uses Win10 ARM, I assume it does not run any x86 programs? So anyone looking to install this so they can run their favourite x86 program, might be in for some disappointment.

Although it does appear developers can access some tools to make their x86 application into an ARM64 app. . port-arm64

Rose tinted glasses are difficult to see through.

Re: Windows 10 ARM64 (Dekstop, not IOT)

Core Package 1.3 is deprecated.

but generally none is needed anymore. It installs the drivers automatically:

You can emulate x86 programs.But only 32bit.
But not necessary, because the most important programs are already available as ARM64.

Re: Windows 10 ARM64 (Dekstop, not IOT)

The question was also clarified by the driver manufacturer before he developed the drivers:

A valid license is required for non-insiders.

So the project is legal.

We also do not sell Microsoft products.
We only offer drivers and a forum.

Project News:
Windows 10 ARM64 can now also be installed on an SSD and booted via USB.

So you have to either be a member of the Insiders programme or have a valid license key, which, apparently, you can’t enter even if you could purchase one.

As you’re offering more than «drivers and a forum» (a download and build tool) shouldn’t you mention the licensing on your website or at least make it very obvious that the end user is responsible for correctly licensing their windows?

I’m a volunteer. Take me for granted or abuse my support and I will walk away

All advice given is based on my experience. it worked for me, it may not work for you.
Need help:

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Re: Windows 10 ARM64 (Dekstop, not IOT)

The Insider Program will have all the tracking and checking and logging and being sent to Microsoft as per the insider program purpose. So they should know these are being run on a Pi.

Has anyone asked Microsoft yet ?

If they do allow it and eventually bring it out, it paves the way for school to also use more Pi and if the future Pi can run it to an acceptable standard all the better. More sold, more learning, more for the RPF.
I wouldn’t be surprised if Microsoft went for it, they’ve changed a lot over the years.

Anyways, I await a Microsoft confirmation, they shouldn’t be too hard to get a hold of.
What does the Feedback Hub report ?

Re: Windows 10 ARM64 (Dekstop, not IOT)

Why on earth would any school want to run full windows on a Pi? Especially when (based on current desktop license prices) one can buy multiple Pi for the cost of a single windows license.

Windows is needed when teaching windows apps. It isn’t needed when teaching computing.

I’m a volunteer. Take me for granted or abuse my support and I will walk away

All advice given is based on my experience. it worked for me, it may not work for you.
Need help:

Re: Windows 10 ARM64 (Dekstop, not IOT)

It’s not about making people bit

Most schools that I know of use Windows, they already have the licenses, be it individual or Educational and if it is cheap enough then they can roll them out.
It does of course have to be usable as a desktop, hence probably not this generation of Pi.

A lot of teaching is done with Windows, ICT, databases, programming, CAD, Imaging, Video, Office and just general use aside from the teachers.
Software is made for it.
It would ease integration into the network’s (remember few have highly paid IT people in a school, they just cannot pay that much).

You may be surprised how many do not have and do not use RaspberryPi’s but happily teach the National Curriculum.
They don’t need them to teach.

People like Windows, you may not.
It works for them.

My school, had a load of them, does not use them as the Teachers see no benefit and just added complication. And my school is very flexible at getting things done.

My sons Senior school (2000/2500 size) when I asked does not use or see a need for them, it doesn’t aid what they need to teach. It hard enough for them to get what they need in the first place
They do however recommend to anyone doing the Computing or Computer Science GCSE to buy one if they don’t have a desktop computer (i.e. modern Phone/Tablet families) as it cheap and pretty easy to get working again and present everything they need (office and programming) and they can get a feel of a ‘computer’.

Most likely Microsoft could use a similar license to the Tablet, where it is free under a certain sized screen.
A Pi could easily handle a free license for use, it get more people using Windows and the system.
They already give a fair bit of free software out and such like, especially if they can get people use their cloud services. They know it’s a different market now.

May, may not happen.
Some people will use it, some will not.

I have no need to use it.

I’m not stuck with mind of having to use a Linux system because it’s a Linux system or a Windows system because it Windows.
Just use whatever you are comfortable with and does the job you need.
Let schools decide what they need and can afford.

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