Windows 10 multiple pcs

Multiple PCs upgraded to WINDOWS 10 have the same CD Key

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Thank you for posting your concern here in Microsoft Community and welcome to the Windows 10 Family. I would be happy to assist you.

From the description of the provided, I understand that you want to know if there can be multiple computers installed with the same product key.

Please be informed that the above scenario will lead to issues wherein you will be prompted with Windows not Genuine errors which is a product activation issue. Product key, therefore will be unique for each of the computers.

The only exception being if you have already made a purchase of Volume key License which will enable you to install Operating system on multiple computers with the same product key.

Hope the above information was helpful. If you need further information, feel free to write to us and we would be glad to help you.

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It has been mentioned elsewhere that the Windows 10 Upgrade will all use the same key. Apparently, Microsoft has changed the activation process to use a different scheme for Windows 10.

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This happened to me as well. I have two separate computers in different locations each with its own retail version of Windows 8/8.1 Pro. As with others the product ID is different. My difference is in the final 4 digits. The computers are not the same brand, nor do they have identical equipment.

I am concerned that when I have to replace the hard drive I will be flagged with a error such as not genuine windows. Unless Microsoft maintains its database with both the key code and the product ID, we all have future problems. So far the Microsoft staff answering our queries do not seem to understand the problem.

I believe that it is caused, in my case, by using the same @live email address on both computers.

Please Microsoft understand our question. We have a number of computers, each has its own legitimate install of Windows 8/8.1 but we ended up receiving identical key codes for each of our computers. Both of my copies of Windows 8/8.1 were purchased from the Microsoft store not from some third party. If we subsequently need to change out the drive and reinstall Windows 10 are we or are we not going to be able to perform the reinstall without getting error messages because Microsoft sees the key code already in use on a different platform?

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Is Windows 10 Pro License Good for Multiple PCs?

I have Windows 10 Pro installed on one machine but have another PC ordered and on the way and am wondering if my current license can be installed on multiple machines (how many, 1, 3, 5. more?)

How do I determine this myself. I went onto my Microsoft account and can’t even find my current license listed, so that didn’t go anywhere.

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Hi Adam. I’m Greg, an installation specialist and 9 year Windows MVP here to help you.

Each retail license can only be installed on one PC at a time, Factory or builder’s OEM licenses are locked to the PC originally installed upon.

You can move the licenses to another PC using Windows 10 new Digital LIcensing, as discussed here:

I hope this helps. Feel free to ask back any questions and keep me posted. If you’ll wait to rate whether my post helped you, I will keep working with you until it’s resolved.

Standard Disclaimer: There are links to non-Microsoft websites. The pages appear to be providing accurate, safe information. Watch out for ads on the sites that may advertise products frequently classified as a PUP (Potentially Unwanted Products). Thoroughly research any product advertised on the sites before you decide to download and install it.

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Windows 10 Multiple desktop with different shortcuts

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On the desktop window, click the Task view icon from the taskbar.

From the displayed bar just above the taskbar, click the + sign to add a new virtual desktop.

After a virtual desktop is added, although all the virtual desktop screens will have the same desktop icons, opened applications on one desktop will not be displayed on the others However, if you have added a few virtual desktops, you can move applications from one virtual desktop to another by following the instructions given below:

  1. Make sure that you are on the desktop screen that has the application that you want to move.
  2. Ensure that the application is opened and you can access its window.
  3. Keeping the application’s interface open, click the Task view icon from the taskbar
  4. Once the mini bar appears and the desktop screen gets dimmed, on the desktop screen, right-click the title bar of the opened application that you wish to move to another virtual desktop.
  5. From the context menu, hover mouse to the Move option.
  6. From the submenu that appears, click the name of the virtual desktop where you want to move the opened application.

Hope this helps.

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I believe the answer to your question is no. I say that from what I have read, and my personal testing of the system. You can test it yourself by sending a shortcut to the desktop. It sends it to all. Delete it from Desktop 3, and all shortcuts are gone from all desktops.

A simple way to demonstrate this is to create a recycle bin shortcut on virtual desktop three. It is now on all three desktops. Go to desktop 2 and delete it there, and it is now gone from all three.

Like you, I wanted to use different desktops for different desktop folder usages. Can’t do it. Multiple desktops is nothing more than a virtualized multiple monitor configuration, without the benefit of isolating desktop icons to a specific monitor.

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That is not what the OP asked.

Can you either let us know how to have «Different Desktop Icons» on multiple virtual desktops or lets us know why this is not a feature

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I am in agreement with the OP. The «idea» behind Windows 10 multiple desktops, and how it has been explained, is like having multiple desks in an office. Well that’s exactly what I need. Presently in our den, we have two desks with two computers. On one desk I have bills and household/school paperwork. On the other desk are all the items related to games, crafts, design, etc. I don’t mix the paperwork between the two and when I am sitting at one desk, I do not have the items from the other desk cluttering my work’s space or view.

Now in Windows 10, I was hoping to use it like they say. multiple deskTOPS. I just upgraded to windows 10 last night. This morning, as I was moving all the icons back the way I had had them organized (before Windows decided to clutter them all to the left of my screen,) I discovered «multiple desktops» with the «task view». Yippie! Now I can move all my shortcuts and icons which «I» use over to new desktops, and leave all my son’s games and programming **** on this one. WRONG.

Unbelievable that I can’t do this. I get that apps «running» on one desktop won’t clutter the other, but all the icons that were on our previous Windows 7 desktop are shortcuts to certain apps or documents/folders we want quick access to right from the desktop and are organized by subject: programming, school, system maintenance, customization and media. Having all of them on just one desktop does NOT help me, and neither does having ALL of them on EVERY desktop help the way JamesSpisiak describes above.

I have no use for a second desktop that doesn’t function like an actual second desk . «TOP.» That is the OP’s original question and concern, and it is mine as well. I can’t figure out why Microsoft didn’t provide this functionality. Logging in under another user’s account might solve this problem, but that is NOT how we want to manage our computers. We do not want entirely separate accounts, we just want our «clutter» to be organized in a logical way. I didn’t like the immensely time-consuming and draining headaches associated with managing «multiple accounts» with MS OSs. We don’t have «privileges» issues in our household and basically it’s a «privileges» nightmare using multiple accounts. As is accessing and installing programs, customization, maintenance, etc. For me, managing ONE account is most efficient for the way our family to use the computer.

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That leaves «personal files and shortcuts» clutter as our only remaining headache. My previous use of 3rd party apps which help with such things also created a maintenance nightmare for me. I’d rather it all be in one system and that’s what I thought «task view» was going to be. Even for just my files and needs, separate from my son’s, I was excited to keep system maintenance activities, shortcuts, and files separate on it’s own desktop view, as well as my other tasks and activities on their own desktop views, as well as my son’s. Right now, it just operates like a browser when you want to open other unrelated searches in another tab or window.


Windows 10 multi-language installation on multiple PCs

I am working at a language center of college. Sometimes, I need to install lots of languages on our labs many PCs. After I installed some PCs, other PCs installation is ‘pending. ‘ a long long time. It is never end. I have to logout or restart those PCs. I'd like to download each language packs that I need, and install them.

Is there language packs download link or site for W10 2020 version (v2004)?

1 Answer

If you have a subscription, we could download language package from Microsoft Next Generation Volume Licensing Site. and add language pack through command line with DISM command or script through GPO on all clients. If you have not subscription for those websites, we need to download language pack from settings which is a little troublesome.
Here is the official description of language pack: Add languages to Windows images

This answer is not for me.
There is only downloadable language pack for Win8.1 not Win 10. I checked already.
I am installing languages every PCs now and when I try to install language over 5PCs, only 5PCs work. The other PCs are pending forever. When I restart the pending PCs, the system language was changed to the new install language. I NEVER CHECKed THE SYSTEM LANGUAGE AS THE NEW INSTALL LANGUAGE!. It is really annoying for me.

The Windows 10 Enterprise language packs are published with a “MultiLanguage” language, which is why people usually struggle to find them. Change the “Language” drop down to “MultiLanguage” in VLSC website and then search to see this:

For another issue, «When I restart the pending PCs, the system language was changed to the new install language.», would you make more description about how did you install language pack? Through Settings panel or download language pack from third party website?
Make sure you not ticked «set as my display language» if you installed through Settings.
Also please do not use any language pack downloaded from third party website. Please download from VLSC website.

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