- Как сбросить настройки сети в Windows 10 (до «заводских» настроек)
- Сброс настроек сети
- 👉 Способ 1
- 👉 Способ 2
- How to reset network settings in Windows 10? [Simple Guide]
- How do I reset my network settings within Windows 10?
- 1. Reset network via Settings
- 2. Reset TCP/IP and Winsock via the Command Prompt
- 3. Disable and Enable the Network Connection
- How to Reset Network Settings in Windows 10
- As a last resort, resetting network settings may get you back online
- What to Know
- How to Reset Network Settings in Windows 10
- Fixing Any Remaining Settings
- What Does a Windows 10 Network Reset Do?
Как сбросить настройки сети в Windows 10 (до «заводских» настроек)
Всем доброго времени суток.
При настройке сети в Windows 10 нередко приходиться сталкиваться с различными проблемами (у меня на блоге по этим вопросам десятки статей. ) . И должен вам сказать, что одной из эффективных (а главное) быстрых мер исправления многих ошибок — явл. процедура сброса сети .
При ее запуске Windows удаляет все сетевые настройки: переустановит адаптеры, «забудет» о подключениях Wi-Fi и паролях к ним, откл. все VPN и т.д.
Т.е. все сетевые настройки будут возвращены в дефолтное состояние — всё равно что, если бы вы переустановили ОС Windows (можно сказать получим «заводские» предустановки от Microsoft ✌).
Разумеется, операция затрагивает только сетевые параметры (все документы, файлы, папки и пр. — останутся не тронутыми). Собственно, ниже приведу пару способов как провести эту операцию (без «шума и пыли»). 👌
Сброс настроек сети
👉 Способ 1
1) Заходим в меню ПУСК и открываем параметры Windows (также можно воспользоваться сочетанием кнопок Win+i).
ПУСК — параметры (Windows 10)
2) Далее переходим в раздел «Сеть и Интернет / Состояние» . Внизу окна нужно будет нажать по ссылке «Сброс сети» .
3) Затем Windows вас предупредит о том, что это действие удалит все сетевые адаптеры, VPN и т.д.
Просто соглашаемся (компьютер будет перезагружен) . 👇
Примечание: если у вас Windows 10 ниже версии 1607 — то данной опции у вас не будет! Здесь есть два варианта: либо 👉 обновить ОС, либо воспользоваться способом 2 👇 (через командную строку).
👉 Способ 2
1) Сначала нам нужно командную строку запустить от имени администратора.
Для этого следует открыть диспетчер задач (сочетание Ctrl+Alt+Del), перейти в меню «Файл/новая задача» и воспользоваться командой CMD (не забыв поставить соответствующую галочку, см. пример ниже).
CMD от имени администратора
2) Впишите команду netcfg -d и нажмите Enter (см. пример ниже 👇).
В некоторых случаях команда netcfg -d с первого раза не срабатывает. Если появилась ошибка — попробуйте заново запустить командную строку и ввести ее еще раз.
netcfg -d (команда для сброса настроек сети)
Как альтернативный вариант, можно воспользоваться нижеприведенными командами (после каждой нажимать Enter):
- ipconfig /flushdns
- netsh winsock reset
- netsh int ip reset
3) После, необходимо перезагрузить компьютер, и заново задать настройки сети.
На сим пока всё.
Дополнения и комментарии — будут кстати!
How to reset network settings in Windows 10? [Simple Guide]
- You can reset your network settings in Windows 10 to fix a variety of connection issues.
- This guide includes three alternative methods for resetting network settings in Windows 10.
- Check out our extensive Network & Internet Hub for more useful guides on this topic.
- For other troubleshooting guides, check out our detailed Windows 10 section.
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Network connection issues aren’t entirely uncommon for users with Windows 10 and other platforms.
Resetting network settings is among the more common and effective fixes for a range of internet connectivity issues.
A network reset fix will restore Winsock and TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) to their default configurations.
How do I reset my network settings within Windows 10?
1. Reset network via Settings
- Press the Windows key + S hotkey.
- Type the keyword network status within the search box.
- Click Network status to open the window shown directly below.
- Next, click the Network status link at the bottom of the Status tab.
- Press the Reset now button shown directly below.
- Click Yes on the Network reset dialog box that opens.
- After your desktop or laptop restarts, click the network icon on your system tray shown in the shot directly below.
- Then select your required network, and press the Connect button for it.
Note: Some users might also need to re-enter proxy LAN settings via the Internet Properties window after resetting networks. To do this, have a look at our Proxy settings not detected guide.
2. Reset TCP/IP and Winsock via the Command Prompt
- Click the Type here to search button on Windows 10″ href=’https://windowsreport.com/windows-10/’ data-id=»http://data.windowsreport.com/windowsreport/entity/windows_10;https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q18175377;http://dbpedia.org/resource/Windows_10″>Windows 10’s taskbar.
- Next, input the keyword cmd in the search box.
- Right-click the Command Prompt to open a context menu for it.
- Select the Run as administrator option for the Command Prompt.
- Type netsh int ip reset into the Command Prompt and press the Enter keyboard key.
- To reset Winsock, enter the netsh winsock reset command; and press the Enter key.
- Close the Command Prompt after it displays the Winsock reset completed successfully message.
- Restart Windows after closing the Command Prompt.
3. Disable and Enable the Network Connection
- To disable and re-enable a network connection via Control Panel, type network connections in Windows 10’s search box.
- Click View network connections to open the window shown directly below.
- Right-click your network connection to select Disable.
- Wait a minute or so, and then right-click the disabled network connection again to select Enable.
Those are a few alternative ways you can reset network settings in Windows 10 to potentially fix a variety of connectivity issues. If you don’t have Windows 10, you can still reset network settings with the latter two methods.
How to Reset Network Settings in Windows 10
As a last resort, resetting network settings may get you back online
What to Know
- To reset network settings, go to Start menu >Settings >Network and Internet >Status >Network Reset.
- If you have a VPN or a proxy server, it may need to be reconfigured following the reset.
- Resetting network settings removes and reinstalls every network adapter installed on your system.
This article explains how to reset your network settings on Windows 10.
How to Reset Network Settings in Windows 10
Using the network reset utility in Windows 10 is fairly simple.
Go to Start menu > Settings, then select Network and Internet.
In the left navigation pane, select Status to make sure you’re viewing the network status window. Then scroll down until you see the Network Reset link.
Click the Network Reset link and review the Network Reset information message. When you’re prepared to network your reset settings, select Reset now.
Select Yes in the network reset confirmation window. This will initiate the reset process and restart your computer.
You will get a warning when the computer’s about to reboot. You should have plenty of time to save your work and close out all applications.
When the computer restarts, you’ll notice that your network connection isn’t active. This is because your network card reset and released its previous connection. Just select the network icon, pick the network you want to reconnect to, and choose Connect.
If your TCP/IP settings are set to automatically detect, your network connection should detect the appropriate network settings and connect to the internet without any problems.
Fixing Any Remaining Settings
If you configured a VPN client or other network software before the network reset, you may need to reconfigure them to get them working again.
Fixing this software is as simple as opening the VPN software and entering your IP and other settings like you did when you originally installed the software.
If you were connecting to a corporate network using a proxy server, you may need to reconfigure your proxy server settings.
Select the Start menu and type Internet Options. Select Internet Options.
In the Internet Options window, select the Connections tab.
Select the LAN settings button, and in the LAN Settings window, select Use a proxy server for your LAN. In the Address field, type the address for your corporate LAN proxy server. Select OK on both windows to accept the changes.
If you don’t know the correct proxy server settings, contact your IT help desk to ask for the correct network address and port of your proxy server.
You may need to restart your computer for the changes to take effect, and your network card to reconnect to your corporate network.
What Does a Windows 10 Network Reset Do?
Resetting network settings in Windows 10 should be a last resort. When you initiate a network reset, it removes and reinstalls every network adapter currently installed on your system.
The Network Reset Utility was originally introduced by Microsoft after the Windows 10 Anniversary Update build (version 1607) so people could quickly resolve network problems caused by the update. The utility still remains to help people fix network connection issues.
The network reset utility also sets every networking component on your system back to the original factory settings. The components that get reset are as follows:
- Winsock: This is an interface for applications that handles input and output requests to the internet.
- TCP/IP: This stands for Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol, and allows all network devices on your computer to communicate over the internet.
If you’ve customized any of these settings from their defaults, you’ll need to note those settings because performing a network reset will remove any custom settings.
However, most people have all of these components set to automatically detect, so in most cases you won’t see any issues after a network reset.