Windows 10 pride wallpaper

Standing up for justice through brave dialogue

Listening to people different from us has the power to change us. Hear from LGBTQI+ people at Microsoft, who decided to embrace the uncomfortable and invite all to the open conversation about systemic racism, sexism, fears, and misconceptions.

Say it loud

Take a visible action with limited-edition Pride products for Surface and Xbox Gear. To recognize the launch of this product, we’re donating a total of $250,000 to nonprofits to advance LGBTQI+ and racial equity.

Addressing misconceptions through dialogue

To move forward we need to talk, and we need to listen. Global issues including the coronavirus pandemic, systemic racism, and targeted violence have exacerbated the inequities the LGBTQI+ community already faces, making it all the more important to have a candid conversation. When we speak, people react. Often with messages of support, and sometimes with labels and words of discouragement. The latter was the case for our last year’s campaign. That’s why LGBTQI+ people at Microsoft are embracing the uncomfortable and inviting all to a dialogue. Because a dialogue can lead to understanding, and understanding can lead to change.

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How does being LGBTQI+ relate to racism?

“Being a Black man of the trans experience I face double discrimination.”

Why do you need to come out?

“Coming out is about being true to yourself, and sometimes that helps others, too.”

Why do you feel the need to protest?

“Protests happen when there’s no justice. Stonewall uprising sparked a revolution.”

If you were born one way – be that way.

“We are defined by who we are, not who we’re born as.”

Are you a man or a woman?

“Gender encompasses a whole spectrum of things. I don’t want to be confined to a binary.”

It’s Pride, why do you talk about racism?

“None of the limited freedoms we enjoy would be possible without the Black and Latinx trans people who started Stonewall.”

Let’s talk

What to do when you face detractors and hurtful comments?

LGBTQI+ employees at Microsoft sat down with Dylan Marron of “Conversation with People who Hate Me” to explore how communication can further understanding and lead to change, even when people disagree with you.

Saying and doing

In 1989, Microsoft introduced sexual orientation in our non-discrimination policies. We’ve attained a 100 score on HRC Corporate Equality Index for 15 years. Most of the countries we operate in today still don’t provide legal protections for LGBTQI+ individuals. While we have a lot of success behind, our journey is just starting. This year we’re taking an action by donating to nonprofits around the world to advance the fight for LGBTQI+ and racial equity. Plus, we’re releasing limited-edition products that are designed with and by the community to give visibility to the groups that have often been overlooked and neglected.

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Say it loud

Show your Pride with the limited-edition Pride Skin, inspired by the many flags of the LGBTQI+ community. To recognize the launch of this one-of-a-kind product, we’re donating to nonprofits to advance LGBTQI+ and racial equity.

Say it proud

Make a more colorful impact with the limited-edition Surface Pro Pride Type Cover. We’re donating to nonprofits to advance LGBTQI+ and racial equity to recognize this one-of-a-kind product.

Show and tell

Show your true colors with the limited-edition collection of Xbox Gear, inspired by the rich tapestry the LGBTQI+ community. To recognize the launch of these one-of-a-kind products, we’re donating to nonprofits to advance LGBTQI+ and racial equity.

Взглянуть на Windows 10 под другими красками (Pride 2020 Flags) — новая тема

Pride 2020 Flags — неоднознаяная тема тема с, казалось бы, традиционными заставками на рабочий стол, но расскрашены совсем по другому. Вот как сама Microsoft описывает данныую тему:

The more we talk, the more we understand. Kick-off conversations about Pride with this special-edition theme for Windows, inspired by the many flags of the LGBTQI+ community. Learn more at

Кстати, данная тема присутствовалал на «презентации» нового меню Пуск для Windows 10, которое Microsoft представила в свежей сборке для инсайдеров. Подробнее о мею и других нововведениях здесь.

Для установки темы необходимо перейти: Правый щелчок > Персонализация Экрана > Темы и применить одну из установленных тем.

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