Windows 10 still free

Can You Still Get Windows 10 for Free? Yes! Here’s How (Updated)

Microsoft Ended support for Windows 7 on January 14th, 2020. And while there is not an official channel to upgrade to Windows 10, there is a trick to get it. And this is not illegal. Microsoft is allowing users to do this. Here’s how.

Important: Before attempting any major upgrade, make sure all of your important data is backed up first. If something goes wrong (and it certainly could with this type of upgrade) you’re not going to be able to recover it.

Upgrade from Windows 7 to 10 for Free

Before trying the upgrade make sure to update all hardware drivers and the BIOS or firmware on your PC. Also, remember you’re current Windows 7 PC needs to have a valid and activated license.

To try it, head to the Windows 10 download page. Under the Media Creation section download the Download tool now button and run it.

Accept the EULA. Then when it asks you what to do select “Upgrade this PC Now” and continue with the wizard’s on-screen instructions.

Important Notes:

There are several caveats here that might make your upgrade attempt error out. There might be hardware block — especially on machines built before 2015. Microsoft added system compatibility blocks with Windows 10 1903. So, make sure your BIOS or firmware and all hardware drivers are up-to-date before trying the upgrade.

And just note that Microsoft can just turn this “trick” off at any time. So, depending on your system or when you try this, your mileage may vary.

Editor Note 1/15/2020: This article was originally written in 2017. It has been updated to reflect the end of support for Windows 7. You can read the original text below:

Windows 10 was first introduced to the market with a one-year free upgrade offer. From July 29th, 2015 to July 29th, 2016, users could upgrade-eligible Windows 7 and Windows 8 devices to Microsoft’s new desktop OS for free. Many users did take advantage of it, but for one reason or another, many others skipped the offer. No surprise, a day after Microsoft’s free offer ended, procrastinating users popped up all over the Internet, including our Windows 10 forums asking for information about how they could still get Windows 10 for free.

Last August, I noticed the free upgrade offer seemed to still be available and I wrote a short blog post about it. Throughout the month of August, some users were still getting notifications to upgrade for free, while others saw them disappear altogether. Eleven months have passed since the free upgrade ended; in fact, we are approaching the second anniversary of the Windows 10 upgrade.

To those of you who are coming late to the party and still want a free upgrade: where’ve you been all this time? Anyway, whatever your reasons, let’s see how we can get you a free copy of Windows 10 now that the free upgrade ship has officially sailed.

How You Can Still Get a Free Upgrade to Windows 10

According to some participants on Microsoft’s Community forums, Microsoft might be forgiving to those who skipped on the upgrade. It seems you can get a second chance to upgrade to Windows 10 by simply contacting support. A Microsoft MVP responded to a participant inquiring about getting Windows 10 for free and this is what he said:

Contact MS support to request a free upgrade from Windows 7 to Windows 10. The support agent will provide you with an exception link to allow the free upgrade to Windows 10. Source

Aside from that, you may also still be eligible for a free Windows 10 upgrade if you use Assistive Technologies. Assistive Technologies users could be broadly defined as users with a particular impairment or disability using third party software or hardware. There is no verification process for users who qualify for the Assistive Technologies upgrade. We actually mentioned this in a forum blog post last year; the option remains open and anyone it seems can use it to still snag a free copy. Of course, we urge you not to abuse this offer from Microsoft and to only exercise this option if you rely on Assistive Technologies.

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If you are not interested in going through any support obstacles or loopholes, I discovered that you can upgrade without purchasing a license at all. You are probably wondering, “Well, why didn’t you just say so from the beginning?” Well, I could have, but I just wanted to provide all the options for users who wanted to go through official channels.

So, are there any legal challenges related to this? Microsoft did say the free offer ended in July of 2016. It seems that it was more of a formality or possibly marketing mumbo jumbo to create a sense of urgency.

I decided to test this out by first restoring my HP Elitebooks factory Windows 7 image. I also tried it out on my HP desktop with Windows 8.0 (you read right, Windows 8.0, not 8.1 or 8.1 with Update 1). During this experiment, the first thing I discovered is your Windows 7 or Windows 8/8.1 license must be activated. If it’s not, Windows 10 setup is going to prompt you for a product key.

You can’t use a Windows 7 or Windows 8 key if you are upgrading. What you can do though is activate it using a Windows 7 or Windows 8 key after setup is complete; if you choose to perform a clean install. If it’s activated, then setup doesn’t prompt you. That’s it, you can upgrade without any further hindrance. There you go, my system upgraded from Windows 7 to Windows 10 in 2017 for free. Check out the video below.

Editor’s Note: I’ve also done this a ton of times using my Windows 8 Pro license key that came with my installation DVD. The way I see it: I did take Microsoft up on its offer to upgrade for free when it was available. But every now and then, I like to do a clean Windows install. It makes sense that I should still be able to use the original license key that I paid for to get back to where I was before my reinstall.

What if my system is not activated?

If your Windows 7 or Windows 8 license is not activated and you are not interested in purchasing a license, then your options are limited. You do have some options though. Microsoft offers a 90 day trial of its Windows 10 Enterprise edition. Windows 10 Enterprise is normally distributed under Microsoft’s volume license program for large organizations that deploy Windows 10 in bulk. It’s a full-featured edition of the operating system but in this case, it’s really an evaluation version of the software. Users must register before they can download and install the software. This option is perfect for those users who are running Windows Vista or never had a genuine license, to begin with.

One workaround users can use to extend the usage of the Windows 10 Enterprise trial is to join the Windows Insider Preview Program. Be advised, when you sign up for Windows 10 Insider Previews, you are electing to download, install and use pre-release software still under heavy development. The risk is indeed high as evidenced by a recent unintended delivery of internal rough edge builds not even intended for users interested in bleeding edge.

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Users do have the recovery options like rolling back within 10 days of upgrading – that is if you can boot the system. Regular backups such as creating system images, or storing files on OneDrive should make it safe enough to use Windows 10 Insider builds while getting a free copy of the software. But, again, use it at your own risk.

For users who already have an installed, activated copy of Windows 10, but would like a second copy setup maybe for compatibility purposes on a second drive or partition, there is a loophole available. I discovered that if you already installed and activated Windows 10 with a Digital License, you can do exactly that. Just install a second copy and it will activate without even asking questions. Previously, additional installations even on the same hardware required the purchase of an additional license in order to activate. The End User License Terms still says you do, but apparently, it is not enforced – for now.

The free upgrade situation is a bit ironic, and I mean that the same way Alanis Morisette meant it: not actually ironic, but rather unfortunate for a few individuals. Microsoft has been pushing a deadline for an entire year and I am sure many users with eligible Windows 7 and Windows 8 licenses ended up buying a full Windows 10 license – when technically, they already paid.

Anyway, those are the options still available if you still want to upgrade, let us know what you think. We are also interested to hear from the Windows Vista, 7, or 8 holdouts: what changed your mind after so long?

How To Upgrade To Windows 10 For ‘Free’ In 2020 [Updated]

Windows 10 still has problems but Windows 7 is about to hit the scrap heap (and Windows 8 is a pointless sideways move). As such, millions of users must soon jump to Windows 10 for the safety of their data and Microsoft charges $139 for the standard edition. But what if I told you there’s a legal way you can still upgrade for free?

02/04 Update: Now Windows 7 has now reached end of life it is no longer safe to store your data on the platform because all new vulnerabilities will be left exposed. Consequently. I’ve received a lot of updates asking if this free upgrade hack for Windows 10 still works. I’ve just retested it and it does. I will continue to check this monthly due to high demand.

Free Windows 10 upgrades are still available

Yes, this is no joke. Despite Microsoft ending its free Windows 10 upgrade offer to all users on July 30, 2016, the company has (in my opinion, knowingly) left open a loophole. There’s just one snag: you will need a legal copy of Windows 7 or Windows 8 to do this.

Tip: if you don’t have one, you can buy a legal copy of Windows 7 or Windows 8 at third part retailers for a fraction of the cost of a Windows 10 licence. Home licences update to Windows 10 Home, Pro licences update to Windows 10 Pro, so choose carefully.

With that caveat out the way, here’s how you get your Windows 10 free upgrade:

  1. Click on the Windows 10 download page link here
  2. Click ‘Download Tool now‘ — this downloads the Windows 10 Media Creation Tool.
  3. When finished, open the download and accept the license terms
  4. Choose: ‘Upgrade this PC now‘ then click ‘Next’
  5. Choose ‘Keep personal files and apps
  6. Click ‘Install’ (note this takes some time and involves multiple restarts)
  7. Once installed, open: Settings > Windows Update > Activation to activate your Windows 10 digital license.
  8. OR enter your (genuine) Windows 7 or Windows 8/8.1 product key if you haven’t previously activated your old version of Windows
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How to get the Windows 10 Free upgrade + assistive technologies free upgrade availability after July 29th 2016

Technical Level : Basic

Microsoft will release Windows 10 its next generation operating system on July 29th 2015

Please note that after July 29th 2016 the free upgrade offer ended, however it is still active for users of assistive technologies.

Learn how Windows 10 will be distributed and what you need to do to reserve your free copy.

Windows 10 free upgrade for customers who use assistive technologies

Windows 10 Upgrade Requirements:

Windows 8 users must have Windows 8.1 with Update 1 installed.

Read the following article:

To check if the necessary Windows Updates have been installed:

First verify that you have IE11 installed? If not then download and install IE11:

1) Verify that for Windows 8.1 KB3035583 and KB2976978 are installed.

(KB3035583 and KB2952664 for Windows 7)

Open Windows Update as follows:

Right click on ‘Start’ / Control Panel / Windows Updates and in the bottom left corner click on the ‘Installed Updates’ link.

In the upper right corner there is a ‘Search Installed Update’ box. Enter the appropriate pair of KB numbers (one at a time) for your version of Windows. Example: KB3035583

Note: If these updates were installed within the last week continue on to step #2, otherwise un-install both updates and re-install them and then continue to step #2.

2) Open Windows ‘Task Scheduler’ (Start / Computer / Manage) and navigate to:

Computer Management / System Tools / Task Scheduler / Task Scheduler Library / Microsoft / Windows / Application Experience

3) Right click on ‘Microsoft Compatibility Appraiser’ and select the ‘Run’ option. You may need to wait anywhere between 10 to 30 minutes or more for the task to complete and return to the ‘Ready’ Status. Press the F5 key to refresh the ‘Status’ about every 10 minutes.

4) Open File Explorer in Windows 8.1 and navigate to the C:\Windows\System32\GWX folder. Right click on the GWX.exe file and select the ‘Run as administrator’ option. Click ‘Yes’ when prompted.

5) Let the computer idle, keep your laptop connected to AC power and about 1 hour (take a good movie break), more if you have a slower computer (about 2 hours to play it safe) and if the GWX icon is still not displayed, shut you device totally down (do not hibernate or go into Sleep mode) for the night.

6) The next day power on the computer and wait about 30 minutes, the GWX icon should now be visible.

7) Click on the GWX icon in the taskbar and view the 6 slide presentation. You’re now ready to immediately make your reservation or wait a while as it’s a free upgrade for a year starting on July 29th, 2015

The Get Windows 10 app will provide with a tutorial of how the reservation works.

•Reserve your FREE upgrade to Windows 10 now. It will download* once available, and you can cancel your reservation at any time.

•You’ll get a notification after Windows 10 is downloaded to your device. Install it right away or pick a time that’s good for you.

•After it’s installed, Windows 10 is all yours.

Learn more about the new features:

Windows 10 Faqs:

Additional Wiki articles you may want to read:

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