Windows 10 xbox app games

Xbox app for Windows 10 PC

Discover and download new games with Xbox Game Pass, see what your friends are playing and chat with them across PC, mobile and Xbox console.

Requires Windows 10 (latest update) and the Xbox app to play PC games.

Discover your next favourite game

Enjoy access to over 100 high-quality PC games on Windows 10 with Xbox Game Pass for PC.

Explore PC games

Browse by genre, see recommended and featured games, or search for a game if you have something specific in mind.

Not sure what to play next?

Try the “Surprise Me” feature that will suggest a random game from the Xbox Game Pass library that you haven’t downloaded yet.

Quickly access and launch your games

Launch games you’re playing in Xbox Game Pass, or games you’ve added to your collection, with the click of a button.

Connect and chat with friends


Chat with a friend or as a group using voice or text, and share gifs, screenshots or game clips for a visual and interactive chat experience.

Works seamlessly with Xbox Game Bar

Start a conversation in the app, then simply press Win+G to continue the conversation with Xbox Game Bar while playing your favourite game.

App notifications

With app notifications that appear in Windows Action Centre you’ll never miss a message, party invite or friend request.

Shop for PC games

Use the Store tab in the app to browse and buy your favourite digital PC games, DLC or add-ons. Xbox Game Pass members get up to 20% off games and up to 10% off DLC and add-ons for games in the Xbox Game Pass library.

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App system requirements

OS Windows 10 (v. 1903 or higher required for many games)
Processor Intel Core i5; AMD Ryzen 5. Quad-core or higher.
GPU NVIDIA GTX 1050; AMD Radeon RX 560
Memory 8GB RAM, 3GB VRAM
Storage 150GB
DirectX® DirectX 12 API
Monitor 1080p

System requirements vary by game; performance scales with higher-end systems.
Not supported on Windows 10 in S mode.

Xbox app feedback

Here at Xbox, we are a passionate team of gamers who are inspired to continue improving the gaming experience on Windows 10. Help us build the app by providing feedback. In the app, go to Settings > Feedback and share your thoughts, so you can help us build a gaming client you love.

Приложение Xbox для ПК с Windows 10

Находите и скачивайте новые игры с помощью абонемента Xbox Game Pass, узнавайте, во что играют ваши друзья, и общайтесь с ними со своей консоли Xbox, мобильного телефона или компьютера.

Для игры на ПК требуются Windows 10 (последнее обновление) и приложение Xbox.

Отправляйтесь на встречу со своей новой любимой игрой

Воспользуйтесь доступом к более чем 100 высококачественным играм для ПК на Windows 10 с абонементом Xbox Game Pass для ПК.

Найти игры для компьютера

Просматривайте по жанрам, смотрите рекомендуемые и популярные игры или конкретную игру, соответствующую вашим предпочтениям.

Не знаете, во что играть дальше?

Попробуйте функцию «Удиви меня», которая предложит вам в случайном порядке игры из библиотеки Xbox Game Pass, которые вы еще не загрузили.

Быстрый доступ и запуск игр

Запускайте игры, в которые вы играете с Xbox Game Pass, или игры, которые вы добавили в свою коллекцию, одним нажатием кнопки.

Общайтесь и играйте с друзьями


Общайтесь в чате с другом или группой в голосовом режиме, с использованием текстовых сообщений и обменивайтесь GIF-изображениями, снимками экрана или игровыми клипами для визуального и интерактивного общения в чате.

Xbox Game Bar позволяет быстро реагировать

Начните разговор в приложении, а затем просто нажмите сочетание клавиш Win+G, чтобы продолжить разговор в игровой панели Xbox в процессе любимой игры.

Уведомления приложения

Благодаря уведомлениям приложения, которые появляются в центре уведомлений Windows, вы никогда не пропустите ни одного сообщения, приглашения на вечеринку или запроса друга.

Купить компьютерную игру

Перейдите на вкладку «Магазин» приложения, чтобы просматривать и покупать любимые игры для компьютера, DLC или дополнения. Владельцы Xbox Game Pass получают скидку до 20% на игры и до 10% на DLC и дополнения для игр из библиотеки Xbox Game Pass.

Системные требования приложения

ОС Windows 10 (многие игры требуют наличия версии 1903 или старше)
Процессор Intel Core i5; AMD Ryzen 5. Четырехъядерный или выше.
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Память 8ГБ ОЗУ, 3ГБ ВОЗУ
Жесткий диск 150ГБ
DirectX®: DirectX 12 API
Монитор 1080p

Системные требования зависят от игры; производительность повышается при использовании более производительных систем.
Не поддерживается на Windows 10 в S–режиме.

Обратная связь по приложению Xbox

Здесь, в Xbox, мы — страстная команда геймеров, которые вдохновлены идеей дальнейшего улучшения игровых возможностей в Windows 10. Помогите нам создать приложение, предоставив обратную связь. В приложении перейдите в Настойки > Обратная связь и поделитесь своими мыслями, чтобы помочь нам создать любимого игрового клиента, который нравится вам.

Xbox app for Windows 10 PC

Discover and download new games with Xbox Game Pass, see what your friends are playing and chat with them across PC, mobile, and Xbox console.

Requires Windows 10 (latest update) and the Xbox app to play PC games.

Discover your next favorite game

Enjoy access to over 100 high-quality PC games on Windows 10 with Xbox Game Pass for PC.

Explore PC games

Browse by genre, see recommended and featured games, or search for a game if you have something specific in mind.

Not sure what to play next?

Try the “Surprise Me” feature that will suggest a random game from the Xbox Game Pass library that you haven’t downloaded yet.

Quickly access and launch your games

Launch games you’re playing in Xbox Game Pass, or games you’ve added to your collection, with the click of a button.

Connect and chat with friends


Chat with a friend or as a group using voice or text, and share gifs, screenshots, or game clips for a visual and interactive chat experience.

Works seamlessly with Xbox Game Bar

Start a conversation in the app, then simply press Win+G to continue the conversation with Xbox Game Bar while playing your favorite game.

App notifications

With app notifications that appear in Windows Action Center you’ll never miss a message, party invite, or friend request.

Shop for PC games

Use the Store tab in the app to browse and buy your favorite digital PC games, DLC, or add-ons. Xbox Game Pass members get up to 20% off games and up to 10% off DLC and add-ons for games in the Xbox Game Pass library.

App system requirements

OS Windows 10 (v. 1903 or higher required for many games)
Processor Intel Core i5; AMD Ryzen 5. Quad-core or higher.
GPU NVIDIA GTX 1050; AMD Radeon RX 560
Memory 8GB RAM, 3GB VRAM
Storage 150GB
DirectX® DirectX 12 API
Monitor 1080p

System requirements vary by game; performance scales with higher-end systems.
Not supported on Windows 10 in S mode.

Xbox app feedback

Here at Xbox, we are a passionate team of gamers who are inspired to continue improving the gaming experience on Windows 10. Help us build the app by providing feedback. In the app, go to Settings > Feedback and share your thoughts, so you can help us build a gaming client you love.

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Xbox app for Windows 10 PC

Discover and download new games with Xbox Game Pass, see what your friends are playing and chat with them across PC, mobile and Xbox console.

Requires Windows 10 (latest update) and the Xbox app to play PC games.

Discover your next favourite game

Enjoy access to over 100 high-quality PC games on Windows 10 with Xbox Game Pass for PC.

Explore PC games

Browse by genre, see recommended and featured games, or search for a game if you have something specific in mind.

Not sure what to play next?

Try the “Surprise Me” feature that will suggest a random game from the Xbox Game Pass library that you haven’t downloaded yet.

Quickly access and launch your games

Launch games you’re playing in Xbox Game Pass, or games you’ve added to your collection, with the click of a button.

Connect and chat with friends


Chat with a friend or as a group using voice or text, and share gifs, screenshots or game clips for a visual and interactive chat experience.

Works seamlessly with Xbox Game Bar

Start a conversation in the app, then simply press Win+G to continue the conversation with Xbox Game Bar while playing your favourite game.

App notifications

With app notifications that appear in Windows Action Centre you’ll never miss a message, party invite or friend request.

Shop for PC games

Use the Store tab in the app to browse and buy your favourite digital PC games, DLC or add-ons. Xbox Game Pass members get up to 20% off games and up to 10% off DLC and add-ons for games in the Xbox Game Pass library.

App system requirements

OS Windows 10 (v. 1903 or higher required for many games)
Processor Intel Core i5; AMD Ryzen 5. Quad-core or higher.
GPU NVIDIA GTX 1050; AMD Radeon RX 560
Memory 8GB RAM, 3GB VRAM
Storage 150GB
DirectX® DirectX 12 API
Monitor 1080p

System requirements vary by game; performance scales with higher-end systems.
Not supported on Windows 10 in S mode.

Xbox app feedback

Here at Xbox, we are a passionate team of gamers who are inspired to continue improving the gaming experience on Windows 10. Help us build the app by providing feedback. In the app, go to Settings > Feedback and share your thoughts, so you can help us build a gaming client you love.

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